Wednesday Night BTW
Hammerstein Ballroom
New York, New York
Pyro sets on all the stage, Styles and JBL enter the arena with JBL’s entrance song.
Styles: How you doing everyone and welcome to the second ever show of BTW.
JBL: Good evening to all. Wow. I just can believe our first PPV is in only 3 weeks.
Styles: Yes, and we already have ourselves an impressive main event.
Video recap of Monday Night’s 6man Tag Match is shown.
“Just close your eyes” starts to play in all the Hammerstein Ballroom. Crowd boos loudly as Christian enters the arena. He has a bandage in his forehead and has purple eyes. Does full entrance, using lots of pyro.
JBL: Look at that. What a superstar! He is in no condition to come out here but here he is.
Christian: On Monday Night, I was supposed to help a friend. But one sumbitch, prevented me from doing it. So, as any superstar would do, specially one with as much charisma as I have. I know that man is here tonight, so I’m challenging the asshole that beated me down to a match in tonight’s main event.
JBL: You see Styles, that’s how a real man is supposed to act. You could learn some tips from that man.
Styles: Whatever, but there’s something I don’t get. Wasn’t Cage in no condition to be here tonight.
JBL: He isn’t, but he is a real man, Joey. That’s how a man acts, of course you’re not getting it.
Styles: I can’t deal with you. And I thought Tazz was the jackass. But one more time, whatever. Up next is the tag form by RVD and Sabu.
JBL: I can’t believe this guy. He ruined the debut of Thrilling Stevie and his opportunity of showing us his hardcoreness.
1st Match: RVD and Sabu vs Mistico and Ricky Banderas.
RVD and Sabu enter through the crowd with “Let the Bodies hit the floor” playing in the back. Both get enormous applause, especially when Sabu does the “Magician of Arabia” taunt. Both Mistico and Ricky Banderas are already in the ring.
Styles: I can’t wait. Mistico is going to debut, and practically you can say the same thing about Banderas.
Sabu and Banderas start for their respective teams. Sabu immediately goes for a dropkick to the knee. Banderas avoids it and goes for the reverse DDT, which connects. Goes for the count: 1…. kicks out. Ricky hits a leg drop and locks a reverse chin lock. Mistico can’t wait to get in, and RVD cheers for BTW Evil Knievel.
JBL: He’s done, he’s going to tap.
RVD has seen enough and hits a Rolling Thunder to break the pin, followed by a sidekick to Banderas, he then taunts to the pleasure of the attendants( R…V…D). Both legal man are down. They start dragging themselves to their corners looking for the tag. Both get it. Mistico and RVD enter quickly and try to increase the match velocity. RVD stops Mistico and you can hear him say: “You know who I am, I’m the Whole Damn Show”.
Styles: That’s called adding insult to injury.
You can see Mistico is offended and takes advantage of Van Dam’s cockiness and hits a Tiger Feint Kick. He then mocks RVD hitting his own version of the Rolling Thunder. He covers him: 1…2…., Van Dam kicks out.
Suddenly, Thrilling Stevie song plays. It doesn’t take long for us to see him. He starts to provoke Sabu, causing to grab a chair and start running behind Stevie leaving the ring.
RVD is on his own. He gets up in a HBK way, avoid a Lou Thesz Press from Mistico, and then hit a Calf Kick. He goes to the top rope.
Styles: He’s feeling froggy.
JBL: But he misses, ha, what a loser.
Mistico takes advantage and hits La Mistica, then tags Banderas that hits his Frog Splash and pins RVD 1….2….3.
Result: Mistico and Ricky Banderas defeat RVD and Sabu
Then we hear Test entrance song and we watch the new Continental Title coming to the ring.
Test: I bet you want an explanation about what happened with your beloved Rhino.
Crowd chants “You suck, you suck”
Test: I’ve never been the type of person that likes to talk much, so let’s just start this match already.
2nd Match: BTW Continental Champion Test vs Rhino (Non Title Match)
Rhino’s music plays, but it is Rikishi who comes out dragging a bloodied Rhino, he throws him to the ring, where he receives a Test Driver and gets pinned: 1…2…3.
Crushing C comes out.
Crushing C: Apparently Test, you like being in the ring with Rikishi, so next Monday Night BTW, you will defend your title against him, in a No DQ match.
We go backstage CM Punk talking to his long time friend Colt Cabana.
Cabana: CM, you need to be careful. Goldberg is telling everyone what he plans to do to you.
CM Punk: And exactly what would that be?
Cabana: Nobody knows, he just keep saying “Cm Punk is next”
CM Punk: Really! Well, I say Goldberg will find out first tonight against you, and then at the Hell in a Cell at Busted Open, why straightedge is better than you.
Styles: You heard it. CM Punk and Colt Cabana will try to give Goldberg a lesson.
JBL: Would you shut up. This isn’t important right know. Can’t you see CMS vs Elijah Burke is next.
3rd Match: CMS vs Elijah Burke
They were supposed to make their entrances, but they went running from the ramp to the ring. They just wanna fight each other badly. They start trading blows. Crowd “yays” for CMS and boos for Elijah Burke.
Styles: I can’t believe people are so into this match.
JBL: What were you expecting girl pants, these are BTW athletes, they are the toughest men in the world.
Burke gets the advantage as he pokes CMS’s eyes. He then hits a floating DDT, goes for the count: 1…2, kicks out closely.
Elijah gets CMS up and goes for a dropkick, but CMS ducks it and hits a stepping Enziguri. He then poses for the crowd, as he announces the Bomb to Facebuster. Elijah gets up but as soon as his opponent grabs him he low blows him and goes for the small package. The referee counts 1...2.., CMS kicks out. The Experienced One looks frustrated know as he Irish Whips his rookie contender to the turnbuckle. He gains heel heat posing for the crowd as he goes for the Elijah Express. When on the air CMS grabs or stops Burke by his knees, throws him up and hits the Bomb to Facebuster. He covers Burke and 1…2…, Burke kicks out. CMS can’t believe it. Soon his frustration converts in anger and in cockiness as he goes for the Elijah Experience, stealing a page from Burke’s book, he tries to connect it , but Burke reverses it to a small package with bridge to pick up the 1…2…3 count.
Result: Elijah Burke defeats CMS
We go backstage with Jeff Hardy talking to Crushing C
Crushing C: You know, you are absolutely right.
Jeff: I knew it, now who is it going to be?
Crushing C: That’s, that’s what we are determining next Monday, when we will held a very special match.
Jeff: Oh I can’t wait?
Crushing C: I bet, and when all of our fans here about this, they are going to be as excited as you are. We will have a Hardcore Battle Royal, in which you Jeff Hardy, Muhammed Hassan, DDP, Mistico and RVD for the BTW Extreme Championship.
JBL: You heard it! Next week we will determine our first ever Extreme Champion.
Styles: I just have to say; Oh my god!!!
Video highlights are shown of Big Show chokeslamming Edge and Samoa Joe and then Kennedy doing the Kenton Bomb.
4th Match: Edge vs Ken Kennedy vs Samoa Joe vs Big Show
Ken Kennedy enters first, getting a mixed reaction. It comes to attention that Earl Hebner is refereeing this match.
Kennedy: You’re about to see another chapter, another chapter in the road the world championship to the already legend Mr. Kennedy. Tonight, tonight you will see a victor… (crowd interrupts him “what’s your name, what’s your name”) wait, I’m introducing myself in a few seconds, you will see a victory from… MISTAAAAA KENEDDYYY…
JBL: Wait for it Joey, wait for it.
Metalingus start playing and the Rated R superstar comes out. Mr. Kennedy runs out and attacks Edge in the ramp which forces Big Show and Samoa Joe to come out quickly and join the action. Big Show trades blows with Samoa Joe and Edge with Mr. Kennedy. They take their brawl inside the ring where the ref finally hits the bell. Edge tries the early upset hitting the Impaler, but Big Show and Samoa Joe double teams him and throws him out the ring. Big Show then points to Kennedy like saying Samoa Joe to take care of him. Samoa Joe lifts him up and prepares the Powerbomb, but he throws Kennedy to the Big Show. He goes for the cover, 1…2…, Kennedy kicks out. He goes to the outside of the ring to catch his breath, but there is Edge that throws him to the steel steps. Big Show enters the ring and hit a running big boot to Samoa Joe. He announces the Showstopper. Edge enters also the ring and goes for the Impaler on the Show, connects and then locks the Edgecator, but Big Show reverses it and hits a clothesline.
We return to the action with Kennedy the only man standing. He lifts Edge, irish whips him to the turnbuckle and goes to the Green Bay Plunge, but edge avoids it, dashes to the ropes and hits Kennedy with the spear. He taunts as much as he can gaining tons of heat. He dashes again but this time goes for the spinning kick on Samoa Joe, that catches him on the air and connects the S.T.Joe. He turns around only to get chokeslammed by Big Show, which quickly goes for the pin. 1…2…, Joe kicks out as close as the three can be.
Kennedy makes the Big Show turn and hits a headlock. Edge goes to the corner and announces the spear. Big Show showing enormous strength, throws Kennedy to the air well above his body, letting Edge hit an amazing spear. Big Show grabs Edge and throws him out of the ring, but Samoa Joe grabs Big Show and locks a small package. 1…2…3
Result: Samoa Joe beats Big Show to win the Fatal Four Way.
Maven cuts a promo about his new stable with Albert, and that they will be debuting in Monday Night BTW.
5th match: Goldberg vs Colt Cabana
Colt Cabana is in the ring. Goldberg starts his entrance, with he leaving his locker room. But suddenly, in the middle of the path, Goldberg is attacked by a masked man, that hits him with a bat, knocking him out. CM Punk sees from his locker room what just happen and tries to do the save, but suffers the same faith as Goldberg. The man then removes his mask revealing his identity. Paul Heyman.
Styles: I can’t believe Heyman just did that, which were their motives?
JBL: I don’t know, maybe he’s opening the path for a new superstar.
Styles: Well, up next is our main event, Christian Cage against his secret attacker.
Flashback is shown about Christian being attacked.
“Just close your eyes” plays throughout the arena. Christian does his entrance and grabs a mic.
Christian: Expectation is truly on the air. But I have a very important message as for all my peeps. No mattering who I am fighting tonight, at Busted Open, I am fighting him again, in a “Sadistic madness” match. Now who ever you are come right now.
“Time to play the game”
Styles: Oh my god, it, it is Triple H!
JBL: I love it. Here in BTW, here, now we have The Game.
Styles: Look, he has a contract of BTW, and he is signing it,
JBL: And now, we are going to see Captain Charisma and The Cerebral Assassin go at it.
6th Match: Triple H vs Christian Cage
People chant “Triple H” big time. Christian gets angry and starts his offense. Triple H quickly controls it and compares forces, with Triple H gaining the advantage. The Cerebral Assassin intimidates Cage, who dashes himself toward the Game only to be hit by a clothesline. Triple H starts to connect his punches to the already bruised face of Captain Charisma. The ref and the audience count 10 punches. Triple H is completely dominating the match now, and connects a rotating neck breaker for the 2 count. He then goes for a running knee drop, but Cage avoids it and reverse it into a Russian leg sweep. Christian now tries to put his rhythm to the match, hitting combinations of diverse kicks and elbow smashes.
Referee attends the Game and gets distracted, so Christian removes the turnbuckle protector leaving the steel revealed.
He goes for Triple H and tries the Irish Whip, but the Game blocks it and hits a nasty snake eyes that leave Cage busted open. That move is followed by an earth shattering spine buster. Triple H covers him:1...2...3..Triple H won. But the referee has just realized Christian had his foot on the rope, so he announces the match is still going. Triple H argues with Mike Chioda about the decision, time that Cage uses to recover and then hit the Unprettier on a distracted Triple H. Christian in a show of cockiness goes to the top rope and attempts a splash, but the Game put his knee when Christian falling hitting his lower section. Hunter then raises and hits a knee smash, followed by an uncommon in Triple H moveset Full Nelson Face Buster. The game then connects five blows to Cage face to make him bleed even more. You can here JBL and Joey Styles talking about Christian’s crimson mask. After the blows, the game does his DX taunt and lifts Cage for the Pedigree, but Christian reverses it again into the Unpretttier, only to get caught again in the Pedigree only this time connecting. Chioda counts 1....2....3.
Result: Triple H defeated Christian Cage.
Signal fades out with The Game and the announce team reviewing next Monday’s show.