Wow you guys really pushed Smark to a breakdown for LEVEL UP holy shit.
I don't think the thread needed to be closed, we'll start there, especially in hindsight since it became a problem for months. There's also 0 vendetta by Dale, but I know some of you will never believe that as you're human and have made up your minds so who gives a fuck what Chris says.
But since clarification needs to be made for
@Y2Jayne. Dale asked in November if it was time to do away with this thread and consolidate into one NXT general. I didn't see, I rarely check the staff from but I went back and found it, and there was not one single post responding to him with an opinion on it, yes.or no.
A few weeks later, probably after you first started bringing it up ALL THE TIME, Smark asked why it was closed. Dale said he didn't see the point in having both pinned when either were all that active as general threads and the only Level up post a week was you doing results sometimes. A couple people then said that the thread coulda just stayed open for the first time but Smark was like eh who cares it's just Level Up (lol of he only knew how important it was)
Again, I disagree that it needed closing, I would have left the thread and I'm opening it back up now. You can celebrate your weirdo victory because I know nothing I can say will convince you that Dale doesn't have this vendetta against you.
I had to go back and read the fucking staff room for LEVEL UP bc wrestling fans are children. No one should have given a fuck when the thread was closed, it's fucking LEVEL UP. Likewise, no one should have given a fuck when Smark reopened it because ITS FUCKING LEVEL UP. But because of everyone's "principles" here we are. Let's get some riveting Level Up discussion going now.