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Moonlight Drive


Episode 2
Hammerstein Ballroom
New York City, New York
December 22, 2008

‘Priceless’ plays over the loud speaker as Ted DiBiase Jr. makes his way down to the ring to major heat.

Suddenly, the stream begins to flash black and red, before it ends with a black screen, crackling noises being heard. Once again words begin to fade in:

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

The stream returns back to normal as Ted DiBiase is standing in the ring, the online viewers catching him mid-sentence.

-to Randy last week right here in the Hammerstein Ballroom, that was priceless. Orton can come out and run his mouth about how he’s better than everyone else, but at the end of the day, I, the Million Dollar Nightmare, Ted DiBiase, am smarter, better looking, more talented and just plain better looking than Randy Orton, last week I proved that. Everybody has a price Randy, even The Brian Kendrick. Money makes the world go round, and I’ve got so much of it, I can do whatever I want.

Ted: But that being said Randy, we can’t dispute your ability, even if it is not on the level of myself. Randy, I have a proposition for you. You join me, and we can rule this promotion! Join me and you’ll have all the money you can imagine, all the success and achievement you desire! Randy, you could ride my coattails and together, we’d be unstoppable!

‘Voices’ plays to a big ovation as Randy Orton makes his way down to the ring angrily.

Me? You? God Ted, there is no price that would make me sink so slow as to lower myself down to the level of your mediocrity. You think you’re better than me, but the only way you can even get near me without me kicking your ass is by sneak attacks, double teams and paying other people to do it? Ted, that is just plain sad. If I were you, I’d take all of that money, buy a pistol and just end my pathetic life right now!

No price? Randy, EVERYBODY has a price. And m-

Hold it, I’m not done. You and your little buddy Kendrick can’t take me one-on-one, so I say tonight you step into that ring with me without him around and see how long it takes before your head is punted into oblivion. What do you say Ted?

No, not tonight, you see-

Orton: Alright, I guess I’ll just have to do it right now then!

Randy swings his fist and nails DiBiase right in the jaw. The Legend Killer begins to perform his trademark stomp around the appendages of Ted, before leaping up in the air and sending his knee into the facial features of the Million Dollar Nightmare. The fans begin to chant ‘RKO’ as Randy starts preparing to drop Ted with his trademark finisher. DiBiase however rolls under the bottom rope before Orton gets a chance, and scrambles up the ramp to escape further beating.

‘Purple Haze’ plays as Pat Michaels steps out onto the ramp with a microphone, DiBiase mid-way through the ramp as Orton stands salivating in the ring.

It seems the animosity on this show has already begun, and it cannot be contained! Randy, I understand where your coming from, and in tonight’s Main Event you’re going to get your chance to get revenge, when Ted DiBiase and The Brian Kendrick team up to take on Randy Orton and his partner, the man who Kendrick shall face at Rage in the Cage for the Extreme Championship, Jeff Hardy!

The crowd pop big time as Randy smiles sadistically, Ted angrily going into the backstage area.

--A video is played featuring the first three Rage in the Cage qualifying matches--

Rage in the Cage Qualifying Match
Bryan Danielson vs. William Regal

The bell rings as the match begins, this being the American Dragon’s first match in NOW. The two men move into the ring and lock-up, neither getting a clear advantage at first as they try to over-power the other. Regal manages to put Danielson into a side headlock, but he counters and grabs Regal from behind, taking him down with a dragon suplex which he bridges into a pin for a quick one count.

Both men spring back up to their feet quickly and Regal charges at AmDrag. Danielson is prepared however and ducks under a clothesline attempt, before nailing a tiger suplex. William crashes into the mat and the momentum sends him sliding under the bottom rope to the outside floor. Danielson gets up a plays to the crowd a little before sliding under the bottom rope over towards Regal, who is up onto one knee. As Bryan approaches, the brawling Brit slams his forearm into the gut of the American Dragon, bending him over, before charging forward and giving him a vicious knee lift. Danielson falls to the floor clutching his jaw as Regal tosses him into the ring.

Regal covers, but Danielson kicks out at one. William though continues the offence, putting the American Dragon into a one legged boston crab. Danielson manages to flip Regal over and return to his back, but William uses Danielson’s own momentum to flip him round into the crab yet again. Bryan though pulls himself across the ring and gets to the bottom rope, forcing Regal to release the hold. American Dragon uses the ropes to pull himself up as Regal moves towards him, only to be caught off guard with a ferocious European Uppercut. Regal stumbles backwards as Danielson moves forward and nails his opponent with another uppercut, which sends him to the mat. Danielson doesn’t let up as he moves over and locks Regal into the Triangle Choke!

Regal tries to escape by Bryan does not loosen his grip, before beginning to land elbow after elbow into the top of the head of Regal. Danielson stops with the elbows, which gives Regal an opening. He manages to roll over a bit and battle to his feet, Bryan still in firm control of the head and arm. William though then counters and gets Bryan into a jack-knife cover. One, Two-No! Danielson kicked out. Both men climb up as Bryan swings his fist at Regal, who ducks and takes down the American Dragon with a Regal-Plex! Carlito’s music plays though as Carribean Cool comes down to the ring chewing an apple, to a big pop. William immediately turns away from Danielson and walks over to the ropes as Carlito moves down the ramp to ringside, smiling as he chews his apple. Regal yells some words which we can’t quite pick up at Carlito before he turns around, when Bryan catches him in a small package! One, Two, Three!!

Bryan Danielson wins by pinfall
Qualifies for Rage in the Cage: Bryan Danielson

Danielson promptly rolls out of the rings with his arms in the air as Regal chucks a hissy fit in the ring. Regal slides under the bottom rope and begins to berate Carribean Cool, Carlito, still smiling and chewing his apple.

Once again the screen turns to black and begins to flash with red, before settling with a black background as the crackling noise once again ensues. Words fade onto the screen

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "otherwise you wouldn't have come here."

The screen returns to normal as the NOW Intercontinental Champion, Joe Hennig makes his way down to the ring, proudly wearing the championship belt over his shoulder.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the PERFECT champion, Joe Hennig! As I’m sure all of you idiots you know, many years ago my father Curt was known as Mr. Perfect. But, no matter how could my father was, he is now second best! The standard of perfection has been raised to unprecedented level, the level of the new NOW Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Perfect, Joe Hennig! William Regal, Carlito and of course, CM Punk, are just the first to fall to the new Mr. Perfect and they will not be the last. This petty little company will soon realise Mr. Perfect is simply better than anybody in this company.

Suddenly, CM Punk slides into the ring behind Hennig as the crowd pop big time. Joe tries to speak again when Punk slams a forearm into the back of the champions head. Hennig staggers over to the ropes as Punk continues the assault, nailing a roundhouse kick to the temple of Perfect. The force sends him flying back into the turnbuckle, CM charging towards his enemy and drilling him with a running knee, transitioning into a bulldog. Joe slowly begins to climb back to his feet when Punk grabs him and puts him onto his shoulders, nailing the Intercontinental Champion with the Go To Sleep! Perfect collapses onto the mat and lies completely prone. Punk walks over to the championship belt and picks it up, looking at it with a sinister smile. He drops the belt across the stomach of Joe before climbing up onto the turnbuckle and signalling he will become champion.


We head backstage as we see the Legend Killer, Randy Orton, taping up his wrists and warming up for his tag team match later tonight. Jeff Hardy walks into screen to a nice pop.

Randy, look, I just need to-

You know what Jeff? All you just need to do is stay out of my way tonight, or your future doesn’t look so bright! You got it?

Randy moves in close to Jeff’s face and begins to stare him down, Jeff nodding quizzically and moving back out the door


Rage in the Cage Qualifying Match
Umaga w/Armando Estrada vs. Rey Mysterio

The bell rings and the Samoan Bulldozer immediately charges at Rey, but he moves out of the way and Umaga crashes into the turnbuckle. Mysterio tries to knot up the knees of his adversary, but Umaga promptly shoves him away. Rey however bounces back up as the Samoan Bulldozer sprints towards him and leap frogs over the top of him, getting him into a sunset flip! Umaga kicks out with authority at one as both men rise to their feet. Mysterio dropkicks Umaga in the knee, then bounces off the ropes and tries to cross body him down to the mat. Umaga however catches him and tries to perform a Black Hole Slam, which Rey counters into a tornado DDT! Umaga collapses to the mat as Mysterio ascends to the top rope, attempting a splash. His Samoan opponent though manages to stick up his knees as Rey crunches into them and tumbles off.

Umaga gets to his feet and begins to stomp at the broken body of Rey. He moves up onto the second rope before flying off and hitting Mysterio with a head butt to his rib cage. Mysterio winces in pain as he tries to roll away from the monster, but Umaga roughly grips Rey by the wrist and drags him over to the turnbuckle. Rey groggily sits in the bottom turnbuckle as the Samoan Bulldozer wanders over to the opposite side of the ring then sprints across to deliver the Samoan Wrecking Ball. Mysterio though miraculously moves out of the way and Umaga goes straight into the turnbuckle. Rey moves to the apron and waits for his opponent to face in his direction. Umaga groggily turns around as Rey springboards off the top rope trying to hit the West Coast Pop. However, the Samoan Bulldozer counters and holds Rey into a seated position, until Mysterio can jump down the back of Umaga and bounce off the ropes. Rey’s adversary then turns around as Mysterio runs towards him, throwing him up and catching him onto his shoulders, delivering a bone shattering Samoan Drop! One, Two-No! Mysterio somehow throws a shoulder up.

Umaga angrily gets to his feet and climbs up to the top rope. He screams in Samoan before leaping off, only to have Rey roll out of the way and crash into the canvas! Mysterio awaits his adversary as he gradually climbs to his feet, running towards him and giving him a hurracanrana which sends Umaga through the second rope and down to the floor.

Rey sees the opportunity as he steps onto the apron and springboards off the second rope trying to connect with a moonsault. Umaga gets his wits about him though and manages to just move out of the way, Mysterio crashing and burning onto the outside floor. Rey starts climbing back to his feet and Umaga grabs the luchadore, lifting him up and dropping him gut-first onto the barricade. Mysterio clutches at his weakened mid-section as the Samoan Bulldozer goes into some sort of frenzy, leaning Rey up against the barricade and beginning to stomp a mudhole into him. The referee is up to 6 as Estrada tries to tell Umaga he has to get back into the ring, the bulldozer apparently paying no attention. Umaga quits with the stomping and lifts Rey up, hitting a vicious Samoan Spike! The referee though has already got to 9 in his count and then reaches 10, counting out both Rey and Umaga.

Double Countout

Umaga salivates and screams in Samoan as Mysterio winces on the floor. Estrada manages to get Umaga to calm down as he leads his monster back up the ramp, EMT’s coming to check on Rey.

The stream, for the third time tonight, begins to flash red and black before settling with black. Words fade onto the screen as crackling is heard in the background

"To begin with," said the Cat, "a dog's not mad. You grant that?"
"I suppose so," said Alice
"Well, then, " the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."

The stream returns to normal as we see the Canadian Bulldog, DH Smith standing in the ring with a microphone as the crowd begin a ‘Bulldog’ chant.

Last week here on NOW, we saw the debut of Teddy Hart. Not only did he disrespect you fans, me and even our own family, he brutally assaulted me backstage afterwards. Never before in my life did I expect somebody sharing my own flesh and blood would have the contempt to perform such an action, but Teddy proved me wrong. I don’t want to have to hurt you Ted, but it looks like talking isn’t going to get me anywhere, so the only way to get you to show some respect is to beat it into you. Teddy Hart one-on-one with the Canadian Bulldog, DH Smith at Rage in the Cage, and we really we will see who is the better of the family!

Teddy Hart’s music plays as he comes out onto the ramp to huge heat from the crowd

(laughs) You actually think you’ve got a chance against me Harry? You’re still as headstrong and stupid as you were when we were kids. But you know what, what the hell, it’ll be great to see the look on the face of the rest of the family when they see you left in a bloody heap in the centre of the ring thanks to the Best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be, Teddy Hart! You’re on!

The crowd pop as Teddy accepts the challenge of the Bulldog.

But before then, your definitely going to need a warm-up before you even think of getting in the ring with Teddy Hart! I’ve been talking to some folks backstage and I’ve got just the man to get you ready for your match at Rage in the Cage.

‘Ain’t No Make Believe’ plays as The Shaman of Sexy, The Guru of Greatness, John Morrison, makes his way down to the ring to face the Canadian Bulldog.

John Morrison vs. DH Smith

The bell rings and the two circle around the ring as Teddy makes his way to ringside. Smith briefly turns his attention to his PPV opponent which gives Morrison a vital opening, as he rushes over and begins to club the back of Smith. Bulldog uses his power to push him away with authority, Morrison though rolling back and rushing again, only to be met by a slobber knocker of a clothesline. John falls to the mat as DH grabs his arm and twists it, Morrison beginning to battle back to his feet. John rolls forward then backward, then forward again and manages to reverse it and twist Smith’s arm. Harry however does the same and they’re back to the original position, with Smith in power. Morrison moves over to the ropes and using them flip himself over, before he uses his free arm to rake the eyes of Bulldog. Smith releases the arm and stumbles away groggily as the Shaman of Sexy takes the opportunity dirty tactics have given him, spring boarding off the second rope and nailing Smith with a roundhouse kick. One, Two-No! DH powers out of the pin.

Smith fights back to his feet as Morrison tries to throw him into the turnbuckle. Bulldog counters and sends John towards the turnbuckle, the Guru of Greatness however grabbing onto the ropes before he hits and pushing himself up to avoid what he suspects is an approaching Smith. DH though uses this to his advantage, getting Morrison into position for his usual match-ending power slam. Smith moves over to the middle of the ring and prepares to slam Morrison, as Hart climbs onto the apron and begins to talk trash. DH drops The Shaman of Sexy onto the mat and moves over to where Teddy stands, before he begins to run away around the ring. Smith goes under the rope and starts to chase Teddy as the referee begins to count. At 5, as Smith rounds a corner, Morrison sits in wait and gives Harry a sickening clothesline as he charges around the corner. The Guru of Greatness rolls the Canadian Bulldog into the ring. One, Two-No! Smith kicks out!

John gets to his feet angrily and mounts Harry, unleashing with ferocious forearm after forearm until the referee forces him to get off. Morrison now cockily sneers as he ascends to the top rope and yells ‘You’re done!’ to Smith. He soars off for a Corkscrew Moonsault, but Smith rolls out of the way and Morrison crashes hard into the canvas! Then the Canadian Bulldog roughly grabs Morrison by the hair and puts him up onto his shoulders, preparing him for a power slam. Hart once again gets involved climbing onto the apron. Smith walks over to the ring apron and swings Morrison around, sending his opponents legs into the head of Teddy, who falls to the outside floor. As Harry moves back into the middle of the ring though it proves to be the hesitation that could cost him as Morrison wriggles off the back of the Bulldog. DH turns around as Morrison drills him with a tooth shattering super kick! One, Two, Three!

John Morrison wins by pinfall

Morrison celebrates in the ring as Teddy slides in also, looking with disdain upon the body of DH Smith. Hart now goes up to the top rope and adds insult to injury, hitting his fallen enemy with the Open Hart Surgery. Teddy climbs back up to his feet and leaves the ring laughing, once again getting one up on the Canadian Bulldog.


We head backstage as we see Pat Michaels sitting at his desk writing some papers, when Armando Estrada walks into the ring.

Excuse me Mr. Michaels, my name is Armandooooo Alejand-

I know your name. What is it Armando?

Estrada: I’m sure chu saw what happened a little earlier tonight with my Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga and that Rey Mysterio, so Mr. Michaels sir, who is going to enter the Rage in the Cage match?

Ahh, well I’m in a good mood today, so rather than see them as both losing, I see them as both winning. That means Rey Mysterio and Umaga are going to fill up the final two spots in the Rage in the Cage match!

Thank you sir, chu are a good man.

Estrada leaves with a sinister smile on his face, while MVP storms into the room

Can I help you Montel?

Yeah Pat, yeah you can. What the hell is wrong, what’s up in your head man? Last week you don’t book me on the card, fair enough y’know I let it slip, just an oversight. But two weeks in a row? C’mon man, you want this company to succeed then you need to be putting Half Man, Half Amazing, Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP, wrestling each and every night! What about this upcoming Pay-Per-View Pat, I still haven’t gotten a match there, are you gonna let me do what I do best or what?

Firstly, you better get some respect before you come in here and speak to me again. And you know what Montel? I think that’s a good idea. There’s one superstar who’s performance last week I thought was rather spectacular even though they came up short, so you’ve got your match at Rage in the Cage, MVP one-on-one with Shelton Benjamin! Now get out of my office before I change my mind.

MVP leaves as Pat returns to writing up his papers


Main Event
Randy Orton & Jeff Hardy vs. The Brian Kendrick & Ted DiBiase

The bell rings, Randy Orton starting off the match with The Brian Kendrick. Orton rushes quickly towards Kendrick and tries to grab him, but Kendrick dodges out of the way. Orton spins around and tries it again, Brian yet again moving out of the way and running towards the ropes. As Randy turns around for a third time he is met by a beautiful heel kick from The, which he follows up with a pin, which garners a one count. Kendrick rolls up to his feet and once again uses the ropes to gain momentum as he charges at Orton, who is on one knee climbing to his feet. Brian gets a big surprise though, as he is met by a vicious clothesline from the Legend Killer. Randy smiles sadistically as he slowly begins his methodical stomp around the body of Kendrick, stopping at his skull and stomping on it multiple times before going for a cover. One-No. Brian kicks out.

Orton drags The over to his corner and tags in Jeff Hardy. Kendrick is moving up to his feet by now and his on his hands and knees as Jeff moves towards him. The Charismatic Enigma tries to toss The into the turnbuckle, but he gets countered and thrown towards the turnbuckle instead. Jeff though is prepared and runs up it, performing the Whisper in the Wind, only to have Kendrick roll out of the way and Jeff deliver the move to nothing but mat. Brian moves over to his corner and tags in Ted DiBiase, who gets a lot of heat.

Ted walks over to the body of Hardy before looking over to Orton and sneering, as he begins to perform Randy’s trademark stomp around the body of Jeff. DiBiase moves around the body of Hardy before bouncing of the ropes, then dropping his fist into the facial features of his adversary for a quick one count. DiBiase grabs Hardy by the arm and drags him to his corner before slamming him into the turnbuckle and tagging in Kendrick. The two team mates grab Hardy and take him into the middle of the ring, whipping him into the ropes. They go for a double clothesline, but Jeff ducks and bounces off the opposite side of the ring, taking both men down with clotheslines as they turn around.

Jeff moves over to his corner and tags in Randy, who begins to salivate and becomes wild, preparing to deliver the RKO to Ted DiBiase. Ted gets to his feet and Orton leaps up, nailing the Million Dollar Man with the RKO! Randy gets up and smiles sadistically as he walks over to the turnbuckle, waiting for Ted to climb onto his hands and knees so he can punt him in the head. Orton charges forward, but Kendrick charges through and saves his partner, taking the Legend Killer down with a jumping heel kick. Brian grabs Randy by the skull and pulls him to his feet and running towards the turnbuckle attempting The Kendrick. Randy counters though and throws Brian chest-first into the turnbuckle, then hitting his inverted backbreaker as The stumbles away groggily.

Randy moves over to his corner and tags in Jeff, who quickly climbs up onto the top rope for a Swanton Bomb to finish the match off. DiBiase however re-enters the pictures and shakes the top rope, Hardy crunching nuts first onto the top turnbuckle and then tumbling down to the mat. Randy tries to get into the ring but the referee stops him as Ted drags Brian over to the corner and steps back onto the apron, tagging himself in. DiBiase swiftly moves over to Hardy and gets him ready for the Million Dollar Nightmare. Hardy counters with a jawbreaker and both men fall to the mat. Hardy slowly begins to crawl towards his partner Orton as Ted uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. As DiBiase gets up, Hardy uses the remainder of his energy to dive across the ring and tag in Randy Orton! Orton charges into the ring and begins to unleash a hail of right hands onto DiBiase, before throwing him across the ring and drilling him with a high back drop. The Brian Kendrick enters the ring and runs at Orton, but is taken down with a dropkick to the skull. Brian gets up to his feet using the ropes, as Randy rushes forward and clotheslines Kendrick out of the ring. Ted though returns to the picture and gets Randy into a Million Dollar Dream before dragging him into the centre of the ring to deliver the Million Dollar Nightmare. Orton counters and sends his elbow into the head of Ted which makes him release his grip and briefly turn around. As he spins around to face his opponent, Randy leaps up and hit’s the RKO! One, Two, Three!

Randy Orton & Jeff Hardy win by pinfall

Hardy comes into the ring as the two celebrate their victory. DiBiase rolls under the bottom rope while Kendrick joins him in limping up the ramp, Ted angrily staring at Orton, who returns the favour.

For the fourth time tonight the screen flashes red and black. It finishes with a black background as words fade in

“Can you crack the code?â€




Rage in the Cage
Hammerstein Ballroom
New York City, New York
January 11, 2009

NOW Championship
Rage in the Cage
Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. vs. John Morrison vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Umaga

Extreme Championship
Extreme Rules
Jeff Hardy vs. The Brian Kendrick

Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP

Teddy Hart vs. DH Smith


First of all, I doubt Ted is already getting major heat, but whatever. That stream thing was pretty weird, I am intrigued. Million dollar nightmare? Cool! Better-looking? They look the same lol. I don't see Orton getting a big ovation, even after last week, him as a tweener is wrong, imo. Ted was a good heel imo, but I am really hating Orton as a face here. Please for the main event, which sounds good btw, let Orton attack Jeff and end this face-ness. Also, no Ted-Randy alignment, as they seem to be your two best heels, they should be kept apart.

Danielson beat Regal in what was the right decision. The Carlito interference was going to happen, and you did it well I guess. The action was good here, and you seem to get both these wrestlers' movesets pretty spot on. Some more MadCat, and I am scared lol. Hennig delivered an alright promo, that seemed a little bit off with grammar and wording, but was good. Punk interference sets up what could be an alright feud, but I am still pissed that a no name like Hennig won the title in the first place. We then see Orton acting heelish on Hardy, maybe my rediction was right, about Randy turning.

Umaga and Rey, I liked this match but I feel that Rey got too much offense. The finish put Umaga over as a monster who listens to nobody. The double countout could mean either a 5 man or 7 man Rage in a Cage, or it could be solved otherwise. Good match though, probably the best in 2 weeks so far. Hart and Smith promo was done very well, and was as good as it could be really. When Hart said he had an opponent, he should have brought a monster as he wants Smith to be dominated. Another good match here, and you have improved. The right man won, to give him momentum, and because you masturbate to his pics at night.

Ah, so there will be a 6 Man RIAC match, and it looks like a damn good one tbh. MVp getting a match this easily against Shelton should not have happenned, and I don't like how it came out of nowhere. There should have at least been some hints to it last week, or interaction last night. I don't like impromptu matches like this. The main event was a good match, and the right team won, no turning on Hardy sucked for Randy though.

This show definately improved from last week, here are the positives and negatives:

Pros- Good match length, in charachter promos, great main event for PPV set up.

Cons- Orton playing face and having his charachter ruined, no names too far up card and further up than actual upper mid carders, PPV matches coming out of nowhere.

Pros outweigh cons, which are mostly small things. Nevertheless, you still need to focus on these things.

WWE 2009- Fast Forward to Future. Raw will be posted in about 10 minutes, make sure to review, homie!

The Rated R CMStar

You have to many cocky heels. You have to do something to change the gimmicks for your heels, because as of righ now Teddy, Ted and Randy are all the same, their lines are practically the same. I also doubt Ted is getting major heel, and I dont like him in such a prominent role this fast. You are jumping the boat in this one. Orton as a face out of a sudden was also wrong.

Morrison gets the win. No, really?

Regal and Carlito continues and Danielson qualifies. Good booking decision. Yeah, but please somebody explain me how Danielson main events and TBK, MVP and Shelton are in midcard matches. Hell, CM Punk also deserves more than Danielson. By any means he should main event.

The Hennig promo absolutely sucked. CM PUnk, the face, sneaked behind Joe, the heel, and attacked him. No sense whatsoever. Besides, what Hennig was saying was truth. He beat CM Punk, so technically he is better. It wasn't as if he was giving a burial on the mic to Punk.

Umaga vs rey goes to double count out. Not to kin with it, but the match was failry written and both men looked good in this one.

Lol, Pat Michaels is officially "THe promo killer". MVP, Orton and DiBiase have seen their promos taken down a notch when Pat walks in.

The main event was a hell of a match. Good work in this one, however I would have prefered TBK taking the pinfall in this one.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
NOW Episode 2 Review (Review Bomb Day 2: Day's Last Drop)

Orton/Ted promo- This is a great feud. Promo of the Night.

Danielson vs. Regal- This is a match that I've wanted to see in real life for awhile now. This lived up to my expectations up until Carlito showed up. Hopefully we see a rematch sometime down the road.

Hennig promo- The promo was great, but the attack by Punk made your champion; who isn't very established, look like crap.

Umaga vs. Rey- This was more of a brawl than I expected it to be. Not a bad match at all.

Smith/Hart promo- Good mic work from these two. This was just your way to work Morrison into the show wasn't it?

Smith vs. Morrison- Morrison really dominated this match, which doesn't do anything for the credibility of Smith. To me this came off as a glorified squash.

Estrada/Michaels promo- IMO this was a cheap way to fill up the match.

Main Event- I found it funny that you refer to Kendrick as "The". Orton may be the face in his feud, but he wrestles so much like a heel, even more so than Ted. This was a great match. Match of the Night.

AC- This mystery person storyline is interesting. The clues reallly don't help at all, but once the wrestler debuts it will all make sence. I have an idea as to who it is, but I doubt that I'm right. Overall this was a good show. If you get the chance drop a review for POI Episode 41 this sunday.

Moonlight Drive


OOC: Thank you to everybody who reviewed my last show. I know I've promised many of you reviews, and not many have seen those come to fruition. I've been a lot busier lately than I anticipated and unless you get them tonight, you probably won't get them till after Christmas. But they will come :eek:

News & Rumours

-The mysterious messages which have been popping up on NOW have continued this week, leading many smarks to believe this may be a ploy by Ted & Pat. Both have denied it and have promised that the interferences are over.

-Viewings & downloads of NOW have increased since Episode 1, receiving 212 more hits (up to 3007 from last weeks 2795) and downloads have gone up by 283 (up to 3500 from last weeks 3217). Attendance stayed virtually static with a slight increase, 204 people attending NOW Episode One and 209 attending NOW Episode 2. NOW are said to be pleased with these numbers and expect significant increases after Rage in the Cage

-Negotiations with superstars continue, with Ted promising he has high profile stars from the indys, TNA, WWE and Mexico all in talks about jumping to NOW. No news of who yet, Ted preferring to keep it a surprise who he will sign until they debut.

-NOW are expected to debut a Tag Team Division in the new future. Expect some high tier talent in NOW to join the tag division. Some fans may see this as a step down, but Ted & Pat have promised it will be a step up, as they plan to make the NOW Division the best in the world.

-Joe Hennig is now going to be referred to 'Mr. Perfect' as to go with his changing gimmick

-Two new matches have been added to Rage in the Cage, William Regal vs Carlito and Mr. Perfect vs CM Punk for the NOW Intercontinental Championship

Television Ratings
RAW - 3.0
SD - 2.7

Episode 3 Preview

Last week on NOW, the final spots for Rage in the Cage were filled up by Umaga & Rey Mysterio. This week, all 6 men will be in the ring together just a little under 2 weeks away from their historic encounter. The team of Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio & Bryan Danielson will go head-to-head with the team of Ted DiBiase, John Morrison & Umaga. The emotions should be set to explode in this match, can the teams co-exist with each other when they know to become NOW Champion they will have to go through each other? Will there be any mind games or surprise tactics coming into play?

Episode 3 is going to be a special tag team night for NOW, all the matches consisting of 2-on-2 match-ups. Rage in the Cage is about to get a whole lot hotter as the opponents lock-up in the ring. The team of Carlito & CM Punk take on the NOW Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Perfect and William Regal, as Teddy Hart & Jeff Hardy go up against The Brian Kendrick & DH Smith. Which teams will get the momentum heading into Rage in the Cage?

Finally, MVP will host his first ever NOW VIP Lounge, with his Rage in the Cage opponent, Shelton Benjamin. What will MVP have to say, and how will Shelton respond in kind? Find out on this Episode of NOW!

Known Card

Randy Orton & Bryan Danielson & Rey Mysterio vs Ted DiBiase & John Morrison & Umaga

Teddy Hart & The Brian Kendrick vs Jeff Hardy & DH Smith

CM Punk & Carlito vs NOW Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Perfect & William Regal

MVP's VIP Lounge w/Shelton Benjamin

Feel free to leave predictions or drop a review for Episode 2


Randy Orton & Bryan Danielson & Rey Mysterio vs Ted DiBiase & John Morrison & Umaga

I refuse to pick a face Orton. Plus, both Umaga and Morrison pwn all.

Teddy Hart & The Brian Kendrick vs Jeff Hardy & DH Smith

Smith has been buried thus far so I expect him to get the win.

CM Punk & Carlito vs NOW Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Perfect & William Regal

Beat the shit out of the jobbers imo.

MVP's VIP Lounge w/Shelton Benjamin


I may review, but you still owe me one. Raw is up, check it out already.


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May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Randy Orton & Bryan Danielson & Rey Mysterio vs Ted DiBiase & John Morrison & Umaga

Teddy Hart & The Brian Kendrick vs Jeff Hardy & DH Smith

CM Punk & Carlito vs NOW Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Perfect & William Regal

I'll drop a review when you post this.


NOW! Episode 2, December 22, 2008!

Another opening promo. GREAT! :D

Ted is blatantly calling out Randy. He is in character, but sometimes that is not a good thing. Why? In this case, it is his character being exactly the same as Orton's. Two Main Eventers who act the exactly the same, :nonono: Just try and curve he character slightly. If you can't, wait a while, and change the alignment of one of them.

Lulz! Love how he is acting like his father. Nice little fight. Orton owns Dibiase. Pat comes out. Hooray! Tag Team Match! Looks good man, very good. Bryan Danielson vs. William Regal. Bryan Danielson wins, good choice. However I am pissed off. The amount of wrestlers, you could have had in this match, and win it are amazing. Why Danielson? You have Jeff Hardy, CM Punk and MVP!

Anyhoo. Hennig promo, ugh! He was in character, but must you make him seem so weak. Just have him dodge an attack, or have him attack, to make the crowd feel sorry for the face. Never have a sneak attack from a face, unless it is part of a match, and not totally uncalled for. Oh wait, hooray. A match! Right then, good match. Classic David vs. Goliath match up. A double count out, what will come of this, I wonder.

Smith comes out. He is a pretty good face, for the moment. An innocent face. He is generally in character, too. Oh god. Teddy Hart, another Randy Orton! Lul. There is a pattern here. Next, Morrison and Smith! Morrison is sure fire to win. At least I hope so. Yes, he won. Thank you for not making him look weak, by having the interference of Teddy.

Next, very in character promo, with a good ending. Having Mysterio and Umaga both enter the cage is great, but surely Jeff Hardy could replace one of them, and then you could have the other face Kendrick. MVP walks in. VERY, VERY in character. Wow! Helluva promo. Best of the night, for the simle fact that I thought MVP was there in the room with me.

MAIN EVENT! Great match man. One of the best I have seen from you. Orton turn? That's a change, and it may work. So to all the people who said it will fail straight away, give him a chance, Pat is a great promo writer. Anyhoo, thought I would leave my "Crack the Code!" thought until the end. Basically, I can't do it. I mean, what the hell is it? I am thinking a wrestler who has a "Deranged!" gimmick, but there are plenty.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Since this is my first post on the BTB, let me say I did read most of your first show. I love the roster, and your main event scene is pretty good. I have to disagree with some of the stuff being said, as I think Ted Dibiase can be in the main event scene. Besides, according to the back story his dad own's the company right? No, but seriously, that was an awesome move, and I like it quite a lot. Randy Orton should elevate TDJ to a true face, or heel. Which ever you are going for..

Rey Mysterio blows to be frank, and I hate his ass. I guess he won't kill the BTB, but he will kill segments. Thats my intake though, as many people do enjoy mister 619. Whatever.

The Rage In The Cage pay per view looks awesome judging by the current card. The main event looks awesome, but Rey's in it what a waste of a spot in a match. The extreme rules match sounds so awesome, and I love how your pushing Kendrick. I hope he gets an upset victory over Jeff Hardy. I can't wait to see Spanky go extreme either. This will be an awesome match. MVP, and Shelton is pretty good, and I have thought of doing this for quite some time. Teddy Hart, and DH Smith sounds good, and can be a battle of the young bloods. I do see Hart winning though, and recieving a push.

The code will be cracked at the pay per view, and I have a strong feeling its someone :shifty: lol. This guy, or girl will become mega pushed through the BTB, and will be the number one contender after Rage In The Cage. Watch!

Here are my predictions for the next show.

Randy Orton & Bryan Danielson & Rey Mysterio vs Ted DiBiase & John Morrison & Umaga
To give Dibiase some momentum while going into the match. John Morrison also shows he isn't just going to stand by, and has some good moments in the match. Umaga shows his dominance by squashing Mysterio, and he also gets some steam going into the match.

Teddy Hart & The Brian Kendrick vs Jeff Hardy & DH Smith
Heel victory here, probably a low blow to a win, or something. This is just a gut feeling though. I'm not sure who can win this one. As it can go both ways.

CM Punk & Carlito vs NOW Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Perfect & William Regal
The faces here aren't going to be squashed in their respective programs so they show they are putting up a fight with the W here.

MVP's VIP Lounge w/Shelton Benjamin
I doubt this ends in a brawl as that is way to generic. A war of words, and some good build up for the match. You'r better at writting promo's, and this should be good.