NOW: Number One Wrestling

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Evil Austin

POW Intercontinental Championship
Four Way Ferocity Elimination Match
CM Punk vs Joe Hennig vs William Regal vs Carlito
Rage in the Cage Qualifiers
Main Event
Randy Orton vs The Brian Kendrick
John Morrison vs Matt Sydal
Ted DiBiase Jr. vs Shelton Benjamin

looks good man, Ill give a read if I have time.

Moonlight Drive



Episode 1
Hammerstein Ballroom
New York City, New York
December 15, 2008

The show begins with the crowd on their feet and cheering loudly, anticipating what could be the start of something huge. ‘Voices’ plays over the PA system as the Legend Killer, Randy Orton makes his way to the ring, the crowd giving him a mixed reaction.

Orton: Now let’s get this straight, I’m not here to welcome you to the show, to suck-up and pander, I’m here for a different reason. I, Randy Orton, am the single biggest star this company has to offer. Yet, Pat Michaels still has not presented me with the title I should be carrying around my waist right now, the NOW Championship. I’ve gone toe-to-toe with the best of the best and beaten them and somehow he can still justify not immediately rewarding the championship to me?

As Randy takes another breath to begin speaking again, ‘Priceless’ plays over the loud speakers as the cocky young Ted DiBiase makes his way down to the ring

DiBiase: Whoa Randy, I think you should hold it right there! You come out here and run your mouth, claiming you should be the champion, when the true champion, the future of this industry, ‘Priceless’ Ted DiBiase, is standing right in the locker room. I am better than you Randy, in fact, I am better than anybody who is man enough to get in the ring with me. I’ve got the brains, I’ve got the ability, I’ve got the cash-

Orton: And you’ve also got one hell of a death wish if you think you think you can come down here and interrupt me! Ted, you’re nothing but a smug little punk who thinks coming out here and trying to take on the number one guy will get you some kind of rub and elevate you up the card. But that’s not what’s gonna happen Ted, the only thing you’ll get off me is a boot to the head and a week in a hospital!

DiBiase: Randy, you seem to forget something. We are one in the same! We’re both young, in our prime, third generation superstars, we’re more alike than you seem to notice. But Randy, it’s time for you to step down and me to step up! That title is going to go around my waist, I’m better than my father, I’m better than your father, hell, I’m better than anybody! Everybody has a price, and once I find out Pat Michaels’, I’ll be the NOW Champion.

‘Ain’t No Make Believe’ plays as the Shaman of Sexy, John Morrison, comes into the ring with Ted and Randy

Orton: What the hell is this? Mardi gras? Would you two bums just hit the showers and let the real superstars get down to business?

Morrison: We have no room for bums at the Palace of Wisdom. You two idiots can bitch and whine about how you want to be champion, but fate and destiny dictate that the championship will find it’s way to the Palace of Wisdom with the Guru of Greatness, The Shaman of Sexy-

Orton: The only thing they’ll be calling you is the Prince of Paraplegics if you don’t shut your mouth and get the hell out of my ring!

‘Purple Haze’ plays as the Owner of NOW, Pat Michaels, makes his way down to the ring.

Pat: What is wrong with all three of you! This is my show not yours, my ring, and it is my championship! At NOW’s first PPV, Rage in the Cage, the NOW Championship will be decided in the first ever Rage in the Cage match! The rules of this match will be announced in due time, but all you need to know for now is that I‘m going to need 6 of my best to fight for the title! Don’t think you three have got yourselves a free ticket in either, you all know you’re going to have to win your qualifying matches. John you’re up next, so Randy, Ted, I suggest you get down to the back and warm up before I decide to replace you in your matches.


Rage in the Cage Qualifying Match
John Morrison vs. Matt Sydal

The match starts off with Sydal extending his hand for a handshake. Morrison obliges, but before the hands touch, he swiftly pulls his back and runs it through his hair, laughing at Sydal as he does. Matt nails the cocky Morrison with a fist to the jaw with pushes John into the ropes. Sydal moves forward to continue his assault but John delivers a boot into his mid-section. The Shaman springboards of the second rope, spinnning around and hitting Matt straight in the head with a roundhouse kick. One-No! Sydal kicks out!

Morrison gets up and grabs Sydal by the head, dragging him over to the turnbuckle and bouncing his head off of it. Sydal groggily stumbles away as Morrison grabs onto him and Irish whips his adversary into the ropes. Matt holds on though and Morrison comes charging, only to get low bridged and tumble down to the floor! Sydal sprints across the ring and bounces off the ropes, before using that momentum to run back towards Morrison and fly over the top rope, crashing down onto the Guru of Greatness!

Sydal gets back up to his feet first and tosses John back into the ring under the bottom rope. Matt quickly follows as Morrison slowly crawls back to his feet. Sydal delivers a jumping spinning sole kick as John tumbles to the mat. Matt climbs up the top rope, ready to finish off the Shaman of Sexy. Sydal flies off for the Shooting Star Press, but Morrison rolls out of the way and Matt crashes into the mat! John climbs back up to his feet and grabs Matt, before drilling him with the Moonlight Drive! One, Two, Three!

John Morrison wins by pinfall
Qualified for Rage in the Cage: John Morrison

--A video hyping NOW’s first PPV, Rage in the Cage, is played--

We return to the live action and Teddy Hart stands in the ring pacing about the ring, the crowd giving him plenty of heat

Hart: Hey, shut up, I’m trying to speak!

The crowd dish out more heat on Teddy

Hart: As all of you should now, I am Teddy Hart, I am a member of the legendary Hart family, and all of you should pay me the respect I deserve! Not only am I a member of that family which includes such greats as Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart and Owen Hart, I am the greatest member of them all! I am the best of the best, the cream of the crop, quite frankly, everyone on this show is far, far below me! Teddy Hart, the best there is, the best there was and the best the-

The music of DH Smith plays as the Canadian Bulldog, DH Smith begins to walk down the ramp to a big ovation from the crowd

Smith: Teddy, you seem to be forgetting someone. Not only do I have the proud blood of the Hart family running through my veins, I also have that of the British Bulldog. Ted, I’ve known you for most of my life and quite frankly, you haven’t changed a bit! You’re still pompous, stuck-up and think because of your name you’re better than anyone else! Teddy, you have got to work for your right to be called the best, and just because your family doesn’t mean I’m not going to beat some respect into you!

Hart: You couldn’t if you tried!

Teddy and DH move in closer to each other and Teddy slaps Smith hard across the cheek. DH angrily swings at Hart who ducks the blow and throws his adversary across the ring. Harry ducks a clothesline attempt and pulls Teddy up onto his shoulder for a power slam! Hart frantically scrambles off the shoulder of Bulldog and rolls under the bottom rope, escaping up the ramp and through into backstage. Smith quickly follows him around as he also runs into the backstage area. The cameras follow and we see Smith standing in the hallway, hunting for Teddy. DH prepares to move around the corner when he is floored with a steel chair! Hart emerges and laughs at the fallen body of Smith, before spitting in his face. Hart cheerfully steps over the prone body of DH as he walks down the corridor, chair still in hand.


Rage in the Cage Qualifying Match
Ted DiBiase Jr. vs. Shelton Benjamin

The bell rings and the two young stars lock-up. Ted gets Shelton into a headlock, before Shelton counters into a hammerlock. DiBiase fires back with some elbows to the head of Shelton, before twisting his arm and putting him in a standing wrist lock. Benjamin moves over to the ropes and grabs onto them, flipping and reversing the twist on his arm, before taking Ted down to the mat with a deep arm drag, holding him in an armbar when he is down on the mat. Ted battles back to his feet and pushes Shelton back into the turnbuckle, forcing the Gold Standard to make the break. Ted doesn’t allow a clean break however, sending his forearm hard into the face of an unsuspecting Benjamin, before catapulting him across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. Shelton groggily wanders away after hitting the turnbuckle chest first and DiBiase comes up behind him, taking him to the mat with a neck breaker. One, Two-No! Benjamin kicks out!

Ted gets to his feet and waits for Shelton to get up, before launching him into the ropes. DiBiase goes for a back drop, but Shelton counters and gets him into a Sunset Flip! One-No! Ted rolls out of the move before sending his boot straight into the face of Shelton. One-No! Benjamin kicks out again. The two superstars both get up to their feet at roughly the same time, Ted gains the advantage with a boot to the mid-section before placing his opponent in a front facelock. DiBiase hoists Benjamin up in the air for a vertical suplex, but Shelton counters and wriggle off the back, landing on his feet behind Ted. Shelton grabs him from behind and hit’s a picture perfect german suplex which he bridges into a pin. One, Two-No!

Shelton slowly moves out onto the apron as he anxiously anticipates DiBiase returning to his feet. Ted gradually arises and turns around as Benjamin springboards off the top rope and flies towards him, the young son of the Million Dollar Man however has it scouted and drills Shelton straight in the jaw with a dropkick in mid-air! Both men collapse to the mat, beginning to crawl to opposite sides of the ring and use the ropes to hoist themselves up. Ted is the first up and he runs across at Benjamin, who counters and backdrops DiBiase over the top rope! Ted though hangs onto the apron, groggily clinging to the top rope. Benjamin runs to the other side of the ring before springing off the ropes and charging back towards DiBiase. Shelton then displays his incredible athleticism, flying over the top rope and nailing Ted with a sunset flip/power bomb type manoeuvre sending him crashing into the mat! Benjamin collapses to the floor in exhaustion as the crowd begin a ‘Holy Shit!’ chant.

Shelton begins to slowly climb to his feet at 3, before grabbing DiBiase by the skull and starting to lift him up to his feet. At 5 DiBiase is about to be thrown into the ring, when he kicks Shelton in the gut swiftly and takes him down to the floor with a DDT! The referee continues his count as Ted crawls into the ring, rolling back out though to break the count and continue his assault on Shelton. Ted clubs the back of the former Golden Gopher, before grabbing him and tossing him towards the ring post. Benjamin however stops himself inches before the post as DiBiase runs towards him, getting crunched in the mouth with a vicious super kick from Shelton!

Benjamin grabs Ted and rolls him back into the ring, going for the cover as quickly as he can. One, Two-No! Ted tosses his shoulder up at the last second! Shelton climbs back up to his feet, pulling DiBiase up as he goes. Benjamin puts Ted in position for a T-Bone Suplex, but DiBiase counters and puts Shelton into a Million Dollar Dream, then falls back and slams Benjamin’s head to the mat with the Million Dollar Nightmare! One, Two, Three!

Ted DiBiase Jr. wins by pinfall
Qualified for Rage in the Cage: Ted DiBiase


NOW Intercontinental Championship
Four Way Ferocity Elimination Match (No DQ’s, No Countouts at any point in the match)
Joe Hennig vs. CM Punk vs. William Regal vs. Carlito

The bell rings and the action gets under way. Regal storms forward and takes Punk by surprise with a right hand which sends him back into the corner, as Carlito backs Hennig into the opposite corner and begins to wear him down with lefts to the jaw. Regal continues to batter CM in the turnbuckle as Carlito takes another swing at Joe. The son of Curt however ducks the move and gives Carlito a back suplex onto the top turnbuckle! Carribean Cool falls to the mat as Joe moves over to the other side of the ring, grabbing Regal by the back of the head and putting him into a Dragon Sleeper! William flails wildly as Joe tries to wear him down, until Punk regains his composure and drills Hennig with a roundhouse kick to the temple! He collapses to the mat as Punk scrambles across for the cover. One-No! CM climbs back to his feet and turns his attention to Regal, throwing him into the turnbuckle. Punk charges towards William and drills him with a running knee, then twisting his body around and hooking him in for a bulldog. The Straight Edge Superstar can’t connect with the move however, as Regal tosses him off into an approaching Carlito.

Regal doesn’t even get a chance to catch a breather though, as he is taken down with a charging lariat from Hennig. Joe now grabs onto Regal’s leg and prepares to put him into a Spinning Toe Hold. Regal counters however and kicks Joe away, who goes tumbling through the ropes. Regal climbs to his feet but yet again can’t get a breather, Carlito spring boarding off the ropes and flying towards the fighting Brit. Regal however is prepared and catches Carlito in mid-air, locking him in a vicious bear hug. Punk notices Joe climbing to his feet on the outside floor and turns his attention to him. CM sprints across the ring and suicide dives through the ropes, crashing into Hennig!

As Punk and Joe nurse there wounds on the floor, Punk hurt almost as bad as his opponent, Carlito begins to tee off with elbows to the skull of Regal. He releases his grip as Carribean Cool gets back down to the mat, before bouncing off the ropes and charging towards Regal. Suddenly, Regal counters and throws Carlito into the mat with a vicious belly-to-belly suplex! Regal laughs and mocks the crowd as he moves over to the prone body of Carlito. He grabs the foot of Carribean Cool and cackles once again, but the gloating costs him as Carlito gets him into a Small Package! One, Two, Three

William Regal eliminated

The crowd cheer enormously as Regal begins to argue with the referee. Carlito sneaks up behind Regal as this is going on and drills him with the Backcracker, before rolling him to the outside of the ring! Punk and Hennig on the outside slug it out with their fists, neither man giving an inch as they groggily trade blows. Carlito suddenly runs through and springboards off the top rope, before flipping down and crashing into his two fellow competitors. All three men sprawl out onto the floor as the crowd are on their feet for Carlito’s athleticism.

The first man up to his feet is Carlito, as he tosses CM Punk in under the bottom rope and goes for the cover. One, Two-No! William Regal re-enters the ring and pulls Carlito viciously off the cover, throwing him aside. William then lifts Carlito up by the head and moves around to his back, nailing him with the Regal-Plex! The brawling Brit then leaves the ring angrily, as Punk climbs to his feet. The Straightedge Superstar grabs Carlito by his afro and pulls him to his feet, before placing him on his shoulders, and nailing the Go To Sleep! One, Two, Three!

Carlito eliminated

Punk climbs to his feet but has no time to recover as Joe Hennig slides back into the ring and takes Punk down with a snap suplex. Hennig promptly pulls Punk up and throws him into the ropes. Joe goes for a clothesline, but Punk ducks under and spins Hennig around, getting him onto his shoulders for the GTS! Joe nails some elbows to the skull of Punk however and wriggles off the back, before nailing his adversary with a low blow! As Punk falls to one knee, Hennig takes advantage of his dirty tactics and drills his opponent with the Perfect-Plex! One, Two, Three!

CM Punk eliminated

Joe Hennig wins by pinfall
New NOW Intercontinental Champion: Joe Hennig


We head backstage as Doug Peterson stands by with Rey Mysterio

Doug: Rey, we’ve already seen John Morrison and Ted DiBiase Jr. qualify for the Rage in the Cage match, with one more qualifying match tonight to come, how does it feel to know you’ll be getting your chance to qualify next week?

Mysterio: It’s great Doug, next week when I go out there to face my opponent, whoever they may be, I’m going to give pin them in the middle of the ring and then come Rage in the Cage, I’m going to make all of you proud as your first NOW Champion. No-

Rey’s head suddenly lurches sideways as the camera pans out, and we see who he was looking at, Armando Estrada and the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga.

Armando: Ha ha! I wouldn’t be sure about that Rey Rey, chu see, we have just been speaking wit Mr. Michaels, and we know who chu are facing next week! None other than the Saaamoan Bulldozer, Umaga!

Armando leads Umaga through the view and away down the corridor as Rey stares at his opponent for next week


Main Event
Rage in the Cage Qualifying Match
Randy Orton vs. The Brian Kendrick

The bell rings and the match begins, Kendrick rushing Orton to begin. The begins to unleash with left and right hands to the skull of the Legend Killer, forcing him back into the ropes. Brian tries to throw Randy across the ring but Orton counters and Irish whips Kendrick before nailing him with a perfect dropkick to the jaw on the rebound.

Orton goes for the cover but Kendrick promptly kicks out at one. Randy pulls Brian up by the hair slowly, but is nailed in the gut by a forearm, followed by a jumping heel kick to the back of the head. Randy loses his balance and uses the ropes to hold himself up, Kendrick going to the other side of the ring and sprinting at the Legend Killer, before giving him a high impact cross body which sends both men crashing over the top rope and down to the floor.

Orton takes the brunt of the blow, Kendrick back up at the count of 4. The rolls back into the ring and begins to taunt the crowd as Orton slowly rises to his feet. Kendrick sprints across the ring once again and uses the ropes to gain momentum, before flying through the ropes and hitting Randy with a suicide dive! This time Kendrick is a little more damaged from the move though, both men taking a tougher time recovering. At about 6, Orton slowly moves into the ring as Kendrick slowly follows. The is up on the apron as Orton stands in the ring, the Legend Killer nailing his opponent with a European uppercut. Brian slips but still clings onto the top rope as he tries to get back to his feet. Randy grabs his head and pulls it in through the second and top ropes, ,before nailing Kendrick with a vicious DDT! One, Two-No! Kendrick kicks out!

Orton gets up to his feet and begins to prepare for the RKO! However, ‘Priceless’ plays over the loud speakers as Ted DiBiase Jr makes his way down to the ring, a black briefcase in hand. Orton turns his attention to DiBiase as Ted gets to ringside. Randy and Ted begin to exchange words viciously as Randy threatens to go out there and attack him. Orton is about to step through the ropes as Kendrick runs back into the ring with a steel chair and nails Orton in the back! The referee rings the bell as Brian is disqualified.

Randy Orton wins by DQ
Qualified for Rage in the Cage: Randy Orton

Ted now slides into the ring as Kendrick continues to batter Orton with the steel chair. Ted steps into the ring now with a smirk on his face, handing Kendrick the briefcase. The opens it up and smiles, as we see multiple wads of cash lining the briefcase. Kendrick leaves the ring with his cash as Ted gets Orton’s arms and ties them up in the top and second rope, leaving the Legend Killer helpless. DiBiase begins to unload with lefts and right hands to the skull of Randy. The crowd begin a ‘You suck!’ chant which only makes Ted laugh as he unties Orton and drags him to the centre of the ring. Ted carefully places the steel chair before picking Orton up and delivering the Million Dollar Nightmare onto the chair! The Legend Killer lays on the mat unconscious as Ted steps over his body and chuckles, as we hear him saying ‘Priceless’. The show finishes with a shot of Orton, laying knocked out on the canvas.

The feed is about to cut out when suddenly it flashes black and red. The screen remains black for a few seconds before some words begin to fade into focus on the screen.

“Avaunt! tonight my heart is light. No dirge will I upraise,
But waft the angel on her flight with a paean of old days!â€



Rage in the Cage
Hammerstein Ballroom
New York City, New York
January 11, 2009

Main Event
NOW Championship
Rage in the Cage
Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. vs. John Morrison vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA


Orton/DiBiase- I'm pretty sure 'rub' is a smark term. :shifty: This was a good promo in all aspects, but I think Morrison should have gotten more speaking in and the lines he said were a bit too related to his gimmick and could have been a bit more about him not being intimidated and being ambitious for the title. This promo also tells me that these three men will most likely win their qualifying matches, which is not really a good thing, due to it taking away from the surprise aspect. But we'll see. Also, you didn't really give Pat Michaels that much of a charachter thus far, but im interested to see development.

Morrison: We have no room for bums at the Palace of Wisdom.

Morrison v Sydal- Good albeit short match, that seemed a bit too squashy for me. My previous prediction is coming true, DiBiase and Orton to win as well.

Hart/Smith- Short little promo here, but it said all it needed and elaboration was only really optional. I liked the backstage hunt thing, and if these to feud, hopefully the other members of the Hart family don't get involved as these two should have the spotlight.

Benjamin v DiBiase- I liked this match, nice flowing action, and my prediction still stands so what I said about the opening promo is true so far.

Four Way- This was another good match, and the action was solid again. I knew Joe Henning would win, you love him. Also, I don't like the quick elimination at the end, it is basically just a cliche.

Rey/Umaga- Next week, Umaga wins, two minute squash. I'm calling it.

Main Event- Another good match but I didn't like Kendrick getting himself disqualified. Post match... aah, now 'tis explained. I liked the DiBiase angle, but I don't see why he should get more heat then Orton. Tweener Randy sucks.

AC- Your promos were good, but not enough, and I have seen better from you. At least you broke the in ring trend that was apparent in other BTBs. Matches were good for the length they were, which could maybe be increased by a paragraph or two. All my predictions were correct and I don't like how the opening promo kind of gave away results. You used a smark term, you hypocrite! No, but when Randy said rub, the casual fans might think that there was something homosexual going on between them. The roster has been used well, and I look forward to next week. Good, but improvement would be needed to have a higher standard show... wait, that was obvious.

PS- Is Carlito face or heel? I'm guessing face due to the aerobatics, but roster no say.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Opener: Well you had Randy Orton on key except for a few moments. One moment being the hospital bit, it woulda been better if you had added concussion or retirement imo. Ted DiBiase Jr. was good and sounded in character and Morrison, he just sounded delusional.

Star Rating: ***

Morrison vs Sydal: First of all, I enjoyed the use of your vocalbury in this match not using opponent all the time. The match itself was good and seemed to flow but I would of enjoyed it more if you added some facial expressions in the match. For what it was it was a good match but it could of gone a paragraph or two longer.

Star Rating: **

Teddy Hart/DH Smith: I honestly have no idea over either men on the mic so No comment...

Star Rating: Unknown

DiBiase Jr vs Shelton Benjamin: I really enjoyed this match and the flow of it. Don't really get the sunset flip bit but it's right. The ending was nice and the superkick would of been awesome to see. Great Length and flow.

Star Rating: ****

Four way: You are starting to overuse the word adversary >_>. Anyway, this match was good but was a slight let down after DiBiase and Benjamin but it was still a good match. The fighting Brit part of the match was good and then Regal re-entering the ring and taking out Carlito was a little pre-empted(probably wrong word). The ending was then worst part of this match as I would of like to see what you could put together with those two more.

Star Rating: ***

Armando Alejandro Estrada/Rey Mysterio: Was alright, nothing to special and just a little short. I would of liked some word from Mysterio to AAE but thats fine. Also, rofl at Chu.

Star Rating: **

Main Event: Too short of a main event in my opinion. I did not like the two diving moves to the outside as I don't see that happening. The DDT part was Orton to a tee which I like. It seems as though Orton is one of you best to write with. The aftermatch attack was done well with the briefcase so well done with that.

Star Rating: ***

Additional comments: This was a meh show that I enjoyed. The matches where written well the the grammar and the wording was good which I liked. The promos were off and not up to your standards. Overall a good show that the lack of promos let down. Also, you are the first for my star ratings and it is based on the standards I know you can produce

The Rated R CMStar

BM: I liked the most Ted vs Shelton. By the pairing I'll work out that Shelton Benjamin will act in this BTB as a face. All the other qualifying matches were nice, however I don't like that it was made obvious that Morrison, Ted and Orton were all winning. I was expecting a shock lose by any of the three.

WM: Kendrick vs Orton. Compared with the rest it is. I do liked Kendrick getting DQed as it was obvious Orton was winning and at least he was beaten clean.

BP: The opening one. You had all in character, and the positive in this one was that even though all 3 men were practically saying the same thing, you had them so in character they all were different from each other. Morrison was gold in this one.

WP: More like worst angle. I don't like Orton being booked as a face in the ending of the show, but as the biggest heel on the beginning. It seems you are going for tweener Randy, but this week you missed it.

AC: It was a good show. The great promo on the beginning really set the mood for the rest of the show. Morrison was pure gold like a previously said. I see diffetent than XPower, I see rey pulling an upset next week.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Starting the show off with Randall Keith Orton? Seems good. He's definitely the top guy you have, looking at the roster (which seems to lack a fair bit of depth, looking through it now). He was pretty good, although he could have had a few more lines before DiBiase came out. DiBiase being in the main event really does show your lack of depth tbf. As big of a DiBiase fan as I am, he really shouldn't be on the same level as someone such as Orton. Kinda weird that he said that him and Orton were the same, right before telling him to step aside. Defies logic. Morrison~! Not sure he should quite be in the main event either, but whatever. He was good, the lines were great, and I loved the character. Awesome. Pat Michaels seemed a little jumbled. His lines at the start seemed like they didn't go together quite right. Whatever. Based on your poster, I'll go ahead and guess that this is just an Armageddon HIAC. :p

Morrison vs Sydal was alright. I'd go with a recap style more if I were you, since the way you wrote this out made it seem like the match lasted a grand total of two minutes, when in reality it obviously would have gone longer.

Teddy Hart shouldn't have any real heel heat to begin with. This is his first appearance in your company, and he isn't well known as a heel or face in WWE or TNA. You should have had him say a few lines before the heat came in. Natural feud here at least. Good way to develop some midcarders.

Benjamin against DiBiase was definitely a step up from the first match, although it didn't seem right. The momentum wasn't really shifting properly between heel and face. Instead one man would hit a move, then the other guy would hit one. Meh. Also feel the sunset flip powerbomb is a move for big PPV matches, and this wasn't really one, even though it was a qualifying matchh for a title shot. Benjamin vs DiBiase just doesn't have a big match feel it.

William Regal is left handed. First thing I noticed was he hit a right hand to start things off. You emphasized that Carlito was a face by having Regal act all douchey, only to be outsmarted. Kinda disappointed that Regal got eliminated like this, but whatever. You seem to have set up a ready made feud with Carlito nailing the backstabber on Regal as well, so that's good to see. After a nice dive, Carlito gets pwnt right back by Regal. Too bad, Carly. The finish to this match seemed a bit rushed. Both men had so many more moves they could have hit. Meh.

Rey/AAE was a bit short. I thought Rey should have said a bit more before being cut off. Give the segment a bit of time. This would have lasted about 35 seconds.

So Orton was a complete and utter heel to begin with, and now he's playing a face in the main event? Sure, he can be a tweener, but he has to be set as a heel for the whole show if he is acting like a heel at the beginning. Otherwise it just doesn't make sense. I like the DiBiase buying TBK (who is awesomeness in a can tbf :D). the ending made it seem like an Orton face turn. The way you're booking, you're going to have to choose one or the other.

The card seems a bit messy. I'd fix it up by having Punk in the main event, since it seems that Rey is your main event face :)rofl:). Orton is much better as a heel, and having him in this tweener position where he switches between face and heel midshow is just ridiculous. Elevate Punk up to the main event, and probably have the main event scene with Rey/Punk as faces and Umaga/Orton as heels for now. Morrison and TBK should probably be upper midcarders, while DiBiase should be down in the midcard.

CT Styles

Best Match: Ted DiBiase/Shelton Benjamin flowed well though; it was quite obvious who was going to win. This should have been the Main Event although; the Main Event did have better name value I suppose.

Worst Match: The Main Event was disappointing.

Best Promo: The opening one, however, there could have been more. The opening one wasn't amazing either.

Worst Promo: Estrada/Rey probably. Nothing special, just announcing a match for net week.

Additional Comments: Is Orton face or heel? I didn't like that and the Main Event of the show. This isn't your greatest show ever. You're better than this. I'll try to read next week.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Opening Promo - It was awkward reading the confrontation between Orton and DiBiase. Good dialogue with the two, but having DiBiase as a serious threat is something I can't take seriously. Morrison fits in the title picture, though. The announcing of the cage match came pretty quickly, in the first segment of the first show.

Morrison vs Sydal - Short. I've said this a couple of times to use a review type instead of having it look like a squash match.

Teddy Hart promo - Hart is a good talker, but it wasn't justified here. You could've added more than what every other second/third generation superstar is saying. You could've mentioned Hart and his attitude, thrown in a couple of curse words, etc. Harry Smith was good at being a generic face.

DiBiase vs Shelton - It was OK. Spacing between moves is important, I didn't really see any selling, it was just "move, stand up, move, pin, kickout." After the opening promo, it was obvious who would win this one.

Four Way - It was odd seeing CM Punk in this match, because it's a huge mismatch. I don't know why the time elimination got shorter. It's ridiculous how Joe Hennig, who nobody knows, got the win over 3 pretty established guys.

Mysterio promo - You could've added more underdog lameness to Mysterio in his little bit. With Estrada, you have to add him saying his name, that's what made him so awesome when he was with Umaga. Eh, Umaga vs Rey doesn't seem too hot.

Orton vs TBK - Too many one counts in this whole show, I'm not really a fan of one counts. It could've been so much better, the DQ came too quick for the big main event. I don't know what you're going to do with Orton, he's the face of your promotion, but he isn't the dominant heel that I thought he was going to be.

The Verdict - I was expecting more, it was missing something. There isn't any emotion in the matches or promos, it's like robotic. More promos could've helped. Some of the endings were just awful, and not really expected. They could be good or bad, but here they were bad, like Joe Hennig and the quickie of Kendrick and Orton. Obviously Orton's the biggest part of NOW, but I don't really understand what you're doing with him.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
NOW Episode 1 Review

Opening promo- Three heels argueing to kick off the show, that's actually something that you don't see very often. I'm guessing that Rage in the Cage will be like the 6 man hell in a cell.

Morrison vs. Sydal- Thank you for using Sydal instead of Bourne. I thought that this would be a squash, but Sydal got in a good amount of offence. Good match.

Hart/Smith promo- This could be an interesting feud.

Ted vs. Shelton- This was a great match. It showcased both men nicely. Poor Benjobman can't win anywhere. Match of the Night.

4 Way- Some good fast paced action in this one. I like that you just set up two feuds in one match. Second best match of the night.

Rey/Armondo promo- meh. It was okay.

Orton vs. TBK- I hate DQ's in the main event. I did like how Ted paid off Kendrick. Not a bad match.

AC- I think that the thing at the ed may have something to do with Christopher Daniels. Overall a pretty good show. This BTB has a bright future. Thanks for reviewing POI.

Moonlight Drive

OOC: I can see where all the roster confusions are coming from, that’s really just a big oversight from me. I realise many people aren’t where they should be, but that’s where they’ve been placed, so bear with me. Also, Episode 2 and most of 3 were written before the reviews came in for Episode 1, so don’t expect any major changes/improvement for a little bit.


News & Rumours

A new match has been added to the card for NOW’s upcoming Rage in the Cage PPV; Jeff Hardy going one-on-one with The Brian Kendrick for the Extreme Championship

The rules for the Rage in the Cage match have been posted on 6 men will all battle inside a steel structure akin to the Hell in a Cell used in the WWE. There will be no countouts or DQ, men will be eliminated by pinfall or submission until two men remain, when the only way to win is knock your opponent out for a ten count.

The strange message that appeared at the end of the NOW stream last week has become the victim of a lot of speculation. For those who missed it:

“Avaunt! tonight my heart is light. No dirge will I upraise,
But waft the angel on her flight with a paean of old days!â€​

The IWC are split whether this is a ploy by the NOW bookers or just a hacker. DiBiase has said it was not planted (although it has not deterred some smarks) and has tightened security on

NOW is contemplating adding in an interactive PPV for the members of IWF, alike to WWE Cyber Sunday, to it’s PPV schedule.

Matt Sydal has suffered a minor knee injury after his match with John Morrison. Expect him to return to the ring after Rage in the Cage

NOW is continuing to look into other talents from around the world. Rumours are surfacing that Mexican stars, Mistico and Dos Caras Jr. are interested in signing with NOW, but neither of these are confirmed.

NOW Episode 2 Preview

This week we will see the debut of the American Dragon, Bryan Danielson! The former Ring of Honor Champion will get a chance to add another belt to his resume if he can defeat William Regal this week in a Rage in the Cage Qualifying match

In the second Rage in the Cage Qualifying Match of the night, Rey Mysterio goes one-on-one with the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga. Will Rey defy the odds or will he just become another victim?

Last week there was a heated confrontation between Teddy Hart and DH Smith, ending with Hart flooring Harry with a steel chair. Smith has told this week that he will address what happened this Monday night. What will Teddy Hart have to say?

Tonight’s show will also feature Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase Jr, Joe Hennig, CM Punk, The Brian Kendrick and many, many more!

Known Card

Rage in the Cage Qualifying Matches

Bryan Danielson vs. William Regal

Rey Mysterio vs. Umaga

Also, tell me what you think about an interactive IWF PPV.


TBH I'm not liking this. The Extreme Championship match is coming from virtually nothing and Kendrick loses a Cage qualifier but then gets a shot at the extreme title? Bad move.

An interactive PPV would be good, but be concerned about the number of voters. I would.

Rage in the Cage looks pretty awesome tbfh.

The message is intriguing and could be the very beginning of a superstar vs. NOW feud.

Sydal getting injured is meh, I guess you have nothing planned for him, that sucks.

Mexican wrestlers could be good, idk much about them but I hear these two are good and if you are comfortable with writing with them then use them.

Anither bad move with the Cage qualifier. Regal loses an mid card title match and gets a possible world title match. I know you have a small roster, but this ain't good.

Both Rey/Umaga and the Smith/Hart confrontation should be good.

Bryan Danielson vs. William Regal

Rey Mysterio vs. Umaga

Also, tell me what you think about an interactive IWF PPV. :y:

Evil Austin

Bryan Danielson vs. William Regal

Rey Mysterio vs. Umaga

Looks good, Ill drop a review down this week. I read some of lasts weeks but never got around to finishing it and reviewing it but this BTB looks good. Keep it up.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Why is Jeff not in the main event at Rage In The Cage when DiBiase is? The thread just seems ridculous with a guy who isn't ready for the main event in the big match, while Hardy is relegated down the card.

Christopher Daniels is coming, wewt.

Interactive PPV for the win. I can totally sabotage your card to make it as shit as possible. :shifty:

Bryan Danielson vs. William Regal

I'm using logic here, despite you starting a Regal/Carlito feud. Dragon is nowhere near known enough to main event.

Rey Mysterio vs. Umaga

Umaga should eat the little fucker.

The Rated R CMStar

Neither Regal nor Danielson deserve to be in that match. Bad, bad match. In the end, Danielso will win to keep Regal in midcard.

Rey should win to continue the underdog gimmick he carries so well, however since you are a fan of Umaga, he's winning this match.

Bourne got injured too soon, just too soon.

I don't like your continuous references to WWE, comparing your ideas to their concepts. It takes away from them and makes them look like a cheap rip off.

Next show looks good, I'll be reviewing.

BTW Nitro has been posted