Censorious said:You've never paid through Google Checkout.
Will give legend and wefewwal now.
Big Hoss Rambler said:You don't nominate yourself for enthusiast.
Randy Savage said:why I did what it said you have to do to get it?
And why were at it how about the friendly award?tunga:
Seabs said:Make alot of threads and posts and as for the friendly one just be friendly around the forum then Crayo will give it you when he wants to.
Randy Savage said:Uh????????I have made alot of thread!!!!!!!!!!U ndon't how many you have to post you just many which I have! I have done what it said to EARN the Enthusiast Award so I want it!
Seabs said:Need more posts, it took me about 4,000 Sylar about 2,500 and the same as Hoss also Dolph has nearly 3,000. Post more when Crayo / Levi think you've earned it they'll give it to you.
Randy Savage said:please define "Many" B/c that not a a number many more then 1! So if you guy should have been more sepate on the award! That not fair for you guy to come and said that you can't award b/c you don't have enough posts when infact I do b/c that all the award said it to have "MANY" which is more then 1!
Censorious said:You've never paid through Google Checkout.
Will give legend and wefewwal now.
Seabs said:constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people.
A large number not just more than one, keep posting then when Crayo thinks you're ready you'll get it.
Randy Savage said:does not made the fact he is Crayo was not sepine which "many" just mean more then 1. There anyone show be able to win that award. He should more so until that I have every right to win that award as will as everyone else that post more then 1 award!
Seabs said:Many is not equal to more than 1 re read the description I provided. Many is a large amount get some more posts you're not getting it with a 1,000 odd posts as it isn't a large enough amount of posts.
Randy Savage said:And I have a large amost! U can win arrgment b/c any will tell I am right Crayo was sepine and radom guy would said I am right on this 1!
Seabs said:So an award which took other a minimum of 2500 posts should be given to you at 1200?