that doesn't confirm you. you already claimed so you were watched to find town's protective roles which would be the case whether you're town or scum. I highly doubt Odo would give scum a gunsmith though, I just find it odd that they apparently didn't block you Night 1 when you didn't use your role, then blocked you when you did?@Rugrat please ask Odo to clarify those results you got from Sky, if it says that Gambit is non-consecutive, it should say the same for me as well. I'd accuse you of maybe being scum and lying about the results you got from Sky, but by saying that they rolewatched me n1 you basically confirmed me as town so it doesn't make much sense to lie about the rolecop result.
Big Man have you sent any notes since n1? Cause if you didn't I sorta smell a repeat from Ys Origin Mafia where you sent a message n1 to mislead people and then never used the role again.

what kind of scumhunting is this? 'you did this thing as scum and now you're doing it again'. completely ignoring context, when I was scum I stopped using it because I no longer wanted to claim the role and people suspected it coming from scum so there was no point in using it. in this game I've stopped using it because I've already claimed it and anybody would know who it's coming from and I haven't thought of any use for it.