Mitch OMBv2
Big Man
Wang Chung
OMB2.0 has not answered any of the questions that I have directed his way. He chooses to either dodge the thread or suggest I'm on drugs. It's a simple question to explain his reads and why he suspects Rugrat and Jeff. Looks even worse with Jeff being the claimed BG. Mitch in his run just latched onto the mason claim and thinking it bought him an auto town read, and OMB has continued this play.
Big Man had his play that got OMB lynched, and hasn't done much since but it is Big Man and he's pretty clutch come end game, so I'm willing to go with him if it came down to it.
Wang hasn't rattled the cages much, and with Haza's sacrifice last night, the existence of a SK cannot be debunked. Odo has used vig as a SK fake before. That said, he hasn't been countered. Which would put him back to town.
Tweet's usage has been odd and I just never trust him at all. I could cop him innocent and push him as II scum. Not using the role n1, and then on Wang, just seems very complacent claiming
Chris, Gambit, Magic have all claimed VT, and Barry was VT as well. 4 VTs in a 16 player game is something I'd be weary of, but I'm not able to put anything concrete down in order of preference. Chris has deceived me twice before in games but was tracked nowhere on N1, Magic looks to be warming up and Gambit has been fine for me.