hasty af on account of having quiz at eight but reads in random order:
jango - mess
omb - hot dead town mess
man - main scum lean right now. obviously just day one hypothesising and hopefully we'll be able to go in a more informed direction tomorrow. reasons already stated throughout the day.
grim - mainly town lean. sort of see where man's coming from re omb shift of focus but think it's better to have that lynch than no lynch ultimately. feel okay about him.
sully - felt good about sully in opening part of day one (sounds ridiculous but it was so long), didn't love the flip flop on omb late in the day which didn't seem to make much sense. surely better to stay the course at that point. will say null for now.
tommy - haven't played much with tommy, don't know if his sort of overly formal posting style is how he plays normally. think his posts seem carefully constructed but could see that as town just fine. definitely feel a little off about him. not going to criticise anyone for voting omb too strongly as i'd probably have voted for him had i been on (and not had the time to fully argue for man), but didn't love the aw shucks that's not good after death post. mostly null i guess with slight subtle concern.
sky - strange font colour post, admission of strangeness which feels additionally strange. has seemed somewhat agreeable with me despite slight concerns on my part. null i think? slight town lean maybe.
gip - subtle nuances of scum. 'fuck it' reminded me of several goat sully scum plays which has me 4Ding him and sully constructing it and then 5Ding gip framing sully as false scum buddy like that. crackpot maybe. didn't like his long post much tbh. seemed uncharacteristic but i don't remember too well with this brain.
john - miss jon

no real read. he seemed to come on with poor timing. null for now but will need more on day two.
lethal - tbh initial immediate first thought was clouded by confrontational posting style (which apparently is watered down soooo) but once past that agreed with most of what they said. town lean or clever scum.
wang - planted early scum read on wang partially to play into old wang is always scum joke and partly to see what he and others would respond with. noted jango's piggy backing as result. wang usually posts in solid bursts. haven't felt too bad about what he's posted so far. seems sincere readings of the game for the most part.
blaine - meh who knows
will be back in a couple hours