Solid Snake
I brought it up at my church and people got pissed. Sloth/gluttony is some shit people apparently will not touch. Someone is homo? Hate on them. Someone has an affair?! Burn in hell, but oh my god someone easys 4 square meals a day and refuses to work out? Donate to the church and we are all good.
That pisses me off that churches say which sins are worse then others. Have they not read the bible? All sins are equal in the eyes of God WITH the exception of the greatest sin not knowing Jesus or denying him. I don't go to church. I tried, I just couldn't take it. You are suposta be around people of the same beliefs and I have my aunt. That is enough for me.
Sloth and gluttony has been an issue for centuries, greed comes into play with that too. It doesn't say this stuff in the bible for the fly f of it. It is for our own good. If you are a greedy, lazy, glutton you will end up sick. Regardless of believing in the bible or not, so many good and simple life lessons are in there and its a damn shame people would rather beat each other over the head with the book than read it.