If the warriors are healthy, and get to face the heat in the finals. I bet they dominate the boards, dominate the paint, dominate from the ft line, and play gritty defense. That was my point dolph. A team with big bodies can do damage to the Heat. The warriors biggest strength is the Heat's only weakness. You think any combination of bosh/birdman/oden(grandpa legs) is going to stop Iggy, bogut, O'neil, Speights, and lee? Please, they honestly better count on their defense/board/paint play to beat the heat. If they think Curry is going to tear it up from the 3 point line and keep up then they have NO shot. He can't be superman every game.
I just used your team as an example, because they have good big men that I think could do damage to the heat.
I actually just made myself really like the Warriors and I'll watch them even if Curry blows out his ankle, because they are so dominating on that front.