NAWF: New Age Wrestling Federation

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Feb 29, 2008
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United Kingdom
New Age Wrestling Federation Presents
Chaotic Embrace
On Spike TV - The Channel For Men
From Orlando Studios
Wednesday 10th September 2008


Tonight, get set for another exciting episode of Chaotic Embrace from Orlando Studios, Florida. Last week Batista made it clear that he still wanted a piece of NAWF World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar. However security had to come down and seperate the two monsters after they started brawling all over the arena. Will Brock Lesnar and Batista be in the arena tonight, and if so, can we expect to see them cross paths? The security better get ready if they do cross paths, because they will only end up trading blows.

Tonight the NAWF Commissioner Ric Flair, has announced that he will be opening the show with a very special announcement regarding the company. What can this announcement be?

Last week on Chaotic Embrace, The nWo asked for the war against Degeneration X but once again, Triple H and Shawn Michaels turned the offer down. It has become clear that Shawn Michaels isn't against the idea as much as his best friend Triple H. Last week, The nWo started trashing the arena, stating that they will ruin the New Age Wrestling Federation until Degeneration X accept their offer for a war. What will they do this week to try and get the war?

Also tonight on Chaotic Embrace, The Legend Killer Randy Orton is in action against The Man Beast Rhyno, The NAWF Tag Team Champions The Dudley Boys take on Teddy Long's Rodney mack and Steven Richards, and the NAWF Light Weight Champion Tajiri continues his war against the cruiserweights in a match against The Hurricane. You do not want to miss all of this and much more this Wednesday night on Chaotic Embrace.


Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
New Age Wrestling Federation Presents
Chaotic Embrace
On Spike TV - The Channel For Men
From Orlando Studios
Wednesday 10th September 2008


The broadcast began with a video package going through all the things that happened on last weeks show. It shows Batista and Brock Lesnar going to war over the NAWF World Heavyweight Championship, with Batista wanting his rematch. It shows the NAWF Light Weight Champion Tajiri with his body guard Fumio declare war on all of the NAWF Cruiserweights. It shows Ken Doane and Scott Steiner attack the NAWF Television Champion Rob Van Dam. It shows Val Venis and Matt Hardy having a fistfight backstage. Then finally it showed The nWo asking Triple H and Shawn Michaels to bring back Degeneration X for the war that everyones been waiting for, and Triple H stating that Degeneration X is nothing but DEAD!

Then the usual Chaotic Embrace opening video played through before the pyro exploded on the top of the stage. Jim Ross and Paul Heyman then welcomed all the fans to the second episode of Chaotic Embrace. They announce that tonight, Christian Cage returns after being savagely attacked by Edge at The Beginning.

Then the music of the NAWF Commissioner Ric Flair blasted across the speaker system and The Nature Boy made his way from behind the curtain. Flair came down to the ring in a suit and grabbed a microphone. As the crowd died down, Ric Flair welcomed everyone to Orlando Studios for another exciting episode of Chaotic Embrace. Ric Flair then said that he has got a very good reason to be out here tonight, and that reason is that in five weeks time, the New Age Wrestling Federation will be returning to Pay-Per-View. The crowd went wild at this announcement. Flair then stated that in five weeks time, NAWF will present their second ever PPV called 'The Second Coming' and he has some great ideas for matches.
However then Ric Flair was interupted by the familiar music of Batista. The crowd popped big time as Batista made his way down to the ring, setting off his pyro on the entrance ramp. Batista got into the ring and took a microphone. Batista apologised to Ric Flair for interupting him, but he overheard Flair announcing their return to PPV, and he couldn't think of a better time than that to have his rematch against Brock Lesnar for the NAWF World Heavyweight Championship. Flair smiled and says he absolutely agrees with him. That's why he is two steps ahead of Batista. Next week on Chaotic Embrace, both Batista and the NAWF World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar will go to the ring and have a contract signing to make their PPV match official. The crowd went wild.
However the cheers soon turned to boos as the music of the NAWF World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar hit the arena. Ric Flair and Batista turned their attention to the entrance ramp. However Brock Lesnar snuck up behind them and started pounding away at Batista. Lesnar and Batista brawled away. The Nature Boy Ric Flair then tried to seperate both of them, but Brock Lesnar grabbed hold of the Commissioner and planted him with a massive F-5. Brock Lesnar then bailed out of the ring and left up the ramp. Batista on the other hand went to check on Ric Flair. lesnar just held the NAWF World Heavyweight Championship high up in the air as the boos drowned out his music.


~ The music of the NAWF Tag Team Champions The Dudley Boys hits the arena and they make their way down to the ring carrying the table as usual.

~ Then the music of Teddy Long hits, and he came out to the ring with Rodney mack and Steven Richards.

Match Number One
Tag Team Match
Non Title Match
The Dudley Boys (c) vs. Rodney Mack and Steven Richards

It was a fast paced match. Bubba Ray and D-Von spent most of the match hitting hig angle moves. At one point, they connected with a 3-D on Steven Richards. However Rodney Mack was the legal man at the point. Throughout the match both teams took controll. Teddy Long played a pretty big part in the match at ringside. However the match came to an end when Bubba connected with a DDT from the top rope. Bubba then clotheslined Rodney Mack over the top rope who fell right onto Teddy Long. The Dudley Boys then got into position and connected with a mighty 3-D on Steven Richards. Bubba then pinned Richards and got the three count here tonight on Chaotic Embrace.
Winners, the NAWF Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boys

The Dudley Boys celebrated in the ring. However Bubba then screamed 'D-Von, get the tables!!!' D-Von got out of the ring and grabbed hold of the table before sliding it into the ring. Bubba Ray and D-Von then set the table up in the centre of the ring and waited for Mack and Richards to get back up to their feet. However the fans started to hurl abuse as Chris Jericho and The Rated R Superstar Edge slid into the ring. They started brawling with Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley, before planting them through their own table. Edge planted Bubba with an Edgeacution, while Jericho planted D-Von through it with a Codebreaker. Both at the same time. Edge and Chris Jericho then started celebrating in the ring, however Captain Charisma, Christian Cage slid into the ring making his return. Christian Cage went straight after Edge and the pair of them brawled. However Jericho managed to pull Edge out of the ring, and the two of them bailed through the crowd. Christian just stod in the ring pointing at Edge telling him that he will get revenge on him.

We then go into the backstage area where Jeremy Borash is standing by with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Borash asked Austin about what he's been thinking about over the last seven days. Stone Cold says he has been thinking about his future in this company, and in this business altogether. He says after he lost to Randy Orton at The Beginning he has been thinking about it real hard. He says he heard about the PPV in five weeks time, and what a great time to go to the ring and let everyone in on his feelings. Austin still looks serious. However the same motorbike is heard again like last week. Borash and Austin go and look to see who is making the noises but again, they can't find anything.

We then got a video package hyping up a mysterious superstar. It hypes this person up as the biggest name in all of proffesional wrestling. It makes it clear that this person is a well known name, and he is coming to NAWF to show his dominance. He is a former WCW and WWE superstar, and he debuts in NAWF.....soon!

~ The music of the NAWF Light Weight Champion Tajiri hits the arena and he makes his way down to the ring with his bodyguard Fumio.

~ The music of The Hurricane hits and he makes his way out for this match.

Match Number Two
Singles Match
Non Title Match
Tajiri (c) W/Fumio vs. The Hurricane

Tajiri really dominated this match as you'd expect with him being the NAWF Light Weight Champion. However halfway through the match, the comic book hero started making a comeback. Hurricane turned all the momentum with a Hurricanrana from the top rope. However Fumio got into the match while Tajiri had the referee distracted and triped Hurricane up. However Hurricane leaped over the top rope and lant right on top of Fumio. However this proved enough of a distraction because as Hurricane got back into the ring, Tajiri smashed him in the head with massive Buzzsaw Kick. Tajiri then made the cover on The Hurricane and the referee counted to three, giving the NAWF Light Weight Champion the victory here tonight on Chaotic Embrace.
Winner, the NAWF Light Weight Champion, Tajiri

Tajiri stands up and Fumio holds his arm up into the air. The crowd boo as both men smile sadisticly. Tajiri then whispers something into Fumio's ears. Fumio then grabs The Hurricane and lifts him up. Tajiri then goes over to him and spits the green mist right into The Hurricanes face. However then the music of Rey Mysterio hits the arena. The crowd go wild as Rey Mysterio makes his way down the entrance ramp and into the ring. Mysterio gets a microphone and says he heard what Tajiri and Fumio said last week about starting a war against the cruiserweights, and he thought he'd come out here tonight and challenge Tajiri for a match for the NAWF Light Weight Championship. Tajiri laughs as Fumio grabs hold of Mysterio. The crowd boo as Tajiri goes to spew the green mist into his face. However Rey Mysterio ducked causing Tajiri to spit the green mist into Fumio's face. Mysterio then connected with a Drop Toe Hold, sending Tajiri crashing into the ropes. Rey Mysterio then dials it up and connects with a 619. The crowd were going wild. Rey Mysterio then lifts up the NAWF Light Weight Championship as Jim Ross stated that the title looks good on Rey Mysterio. Heyman on the other hand says Tajiri is the better Champion.


Backstage Val Venis and Trish Stratus are flirting with each other. Val Venis is showing Trish all the adult movies he's been in. Trish is just laughing all the time seducingly. Val Venis is then about to ask Trish Something. However Matt Hardy and Lita come storming in. Hardy goes straight for Venis while Lita atacks Trish. All four of them start brawling until the NAWF security break it up. They are still shouting at each other, until The Nature Boy and NAWF Commissioner Ric Flair came onto the scene. Flair says it looks like we have a situation on our hands. So next week in Chaotic Embrace, Matt Hardy will go one on one with Val Venis.

We then hear the music of Stephanie McMahon Helmsley. She makes her way down to the ring on her own getting a pretty good cheer. Stephanie gets a microphone and begins talking. She says she has come out here tonight to let everyone know that her husband Triple H is backstage getting Shawn Michaels ready for his match later tonight against The Big Show. However she came out here tonight to also let everyone know that Shawn Michaels and Triple H have no intentions of reuniting as Degeneration X. The crowd boo at this. However as Stephanie is about to speak again, four masked men slide into the ring and grab hold of Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie McMahon screams out for help but the masked men drag her through the crowd and take her to the backstage area. Jim Ross and Paul Heyman wonder who it was, and state that Stephanie obviously wasn't done out here in the ring.

We then get a video hyping up that next week, we will get a Beginning rematch between Rob Van Dam and Scott Steiner for the NAWF Television Championship.

Then the music of Kurt Angle hits the arena and the Olympic Gold Medalist comes down to the ring holding a microphone. The crowd cheer as Angle lifts his medals into the air. Angle then says that after The Beginning and after last week, he has been doing some thinking. It has finally come to his attention that his gold medals mean more to him than anything else in this world. Angle then says starting from tonight, he is bringing back the Angle Invitational. It will be a three minute match, and if the person involved in the match beats him in three minutes of less, they will win his gold medals. He says it's not about Championships, it's not about rivalries, it's his way of showcasing his gold medals. Angle then invites anyone to be his first opponent in the NAWF Angle Invitiational.
After a while BANG! The music of The Big Red Machine Kane hits and he makes his way down to the ring with intensity on his face. Jim Ross and Paul heyman wonder if Angle has met his match here tonight.

Match Number Three
Angle Invitational
Three Minute Match
For the Gold Medals
Kurt Angle vs. Kane

This wasn't a long match as they only had a three minute time limit. However The Big Red Machine Kane doinated against Kurt Angle, hitting him with things like powerbombs, sidewlak slams. Kane even went for a chokeslam, however Kurt Angle rolled through and locked in the Ankle Lock. Everyone was willing Kane to tap out. However Kane used his leg strength and threw the Olympic Gold Medalist right out of the ring. As the clock ticked down, Kane stopped Angle from getting into the ring. However when Angle did get into the ring Kane connected with a double handed chokeslam. Kane went for the cover but Angle kicked out after two and a half. The clock had ten second sleft on it. However Kurt Angle managed to connect with an awesome Olympic Slam. Angle then made the cover and Angle got the three count.
Winner, The Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle rolls out of the ring and takes hold of his gold medals. The crowd cheer as he lifts them up in the air again. Kurt Angle goes back up the ramp with Jim Ross singing his praises. However back in the ring, The Big Red Machine Kane sat up with evil in his eyes. He started looking around the arena not knowing what to do. He then scowled around before rocking backwards and forward. Everyone was confused. Jim Ross and Paul Heyman mentioned that there was something not quite right with that monster Kane.

We then head backstage where The Game Triple H is getting his best friend Shawn Michaels ready for the big match later tonight against The Big Show. However Jeremy Borash barges in and yells at Triple H, telling him that Stephanie McMahon has been abducted by some masked men. Triple H looks mega pissed off as he tells Shawn Michaels that he has to go. Triple H then barges out of the room. Borash follows close behind and tries to get an interview. However Triple H tells him to take a hike! Triple H then starts searching all over the arena for his wife.


We then go into a video package which hypes up next weeks match between Matt Hardy and Val Venis.

~ The music of The Legend Kiler Randy Orton hits the arena and he makes his way out with an arogant smile.

~ Then the music of The Man beats Rhyno hits and he comes out to the ring running as always.

Match Number Four
Singles Match
Randy Orton vs. Ryno

Throughout this match, The Legend Killer Randy orton kept mocking Stone Cold STeve Austin and the fact that he might be retiring. orton dominated for a while, keeping The Man beast Rhyno grounded. However at one point during the match, Rhyno counted a Suplex and knocked Orton right down to the mat. Rhyno then waited in the corner, doing what Orton does best, stalking his opponent. As soon as Randy Orton got back up to his feet, Rhyno charged at him with the GORE! However Orton dodged it and watched as Rhyno crashed and burned right into the steel ringpost. Orton then started pounding away at Rhyno, however Rhyno managed to connect with the GORE this time. The crowd went wild. Orton however rolled out of the ring so he couldn't get pinned. This just angered the croed big style. As Orton got back into the ring he held on to the ropes so that Rhyno couldn't pin him. However as the referee moved Rhyno out of the way, Orton stalked Rhyno and slammed him down with the RKO. This was enough to get Orton the thre count here tonight.
Winner, The Legend Killer Randy Orton

Randy Orton grabs a microphone and states that once again he has ended a match with the devestating RKO. He then says at The Beginning he defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin. Not only did he defeat him, but he embarrased him, he ended his 'legend' status, and he ended his career for good. The crowd boo now. Orton says he has heard Stone Cold moping around backstage wondering whether to retire or not. Orton then says he has some advice for him. He says Austin, hang up your boots, because you're done in this business. Orton then smiles and says it's all down to him. Randy Orton then chucked the microphone down and left with his music blaring. Jim Ross talked about how arogant Orton is. Heyman on the other hand states that he is the greatest in this company. Orton poses on the stage with his arms up in the air before walking to the back.

We are back with The Game Triple H as he searches every little part of the arena for his wife Stephanie McMahon. However Triple H runs into the nWo. Triple H slowly comes to a holt and stares at them as they are all getting The Big Show ready for tonight's main event. nWo look at Triple H and Hollywood Hulk Hogan goes face to face with The Game. He asks him if Degeneration X are going to be returning. Triple H on the other hand says he has to look for his wife. Triple H then walks off without giving Hogan an answer.


~ The music of Shawn Michaels hits and he makes his way down to the ring for this main event match.

~ Then the music of the nWo hits and The Big Show makes his way down to the ring on his own.

Match Number Five
The Main Event
Shawn Michaels vs. The Big Show

Shawn Michaels and The Big SHow were both alone in this match. Triple H was off searching for his wife Stephanie McMahon, and The nWo were backstage watching the match on monitors as shown throughout the match. However both men did really well in making this match entertaining. They took turns in controll, however in the end, Shawn Michaels connected with a badk body drop. Shawn Michaels then mounted the top turnbuckle, before leaping off and connecting with the elbow drop right to Big Show's heart. Michaels then waited for the Sweet Chin Music, however the same masked men from earlier ran down the ramp and slid into the ring, knocking out The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels.
Match ends in a no contest

The group of masked men grab hold of The Big Show, as everyone wonders why they are going after Show. However they lift him to his feet and stop, The men then rip off their masks and reveal themselves to be the nWo. Jim Ross then states that it was obviously the nWo that kidnapped Stephanie McMahon earlier. All the members of the nWo smile in the ring as the broadcast comes to an end.


The Rated R CMStar

Damn, I read this show and as usual I forgot to leave the review.

Let's start. Nice opening promo with Flair and in classic Ric nature, he wastes no time and just announced the main event for next PPV. I would have liked Batista making some reference to their friendship or something like that but nonetheless. Nice touch with Lesnar attacking Flair, and maybe you can explode there the frienship between Tista and Flair to make the feud personal.

The angle next seems to start the alliance you hinted between Edge and Y2J. I am curious to see the role of Cage in all of this.

Austin retiring? No way. I smell Austin vs Orton II. Nice promo afterwards in good arrogant fashion.

I didn't like the Angle Invitational. You should have started it with a jobber :shifty: or a local guy, but having Kurt Angle defeat Kane in less than three minutes really hurts Kane. That is unless next week Kane goes crazy on Kurt Angle.

Then, the angle between the NWO and DX continues. I feel the Steph being rapted was very anticlimatic. Stuff like that should end the show and be sold big. Anyways, it was a nice angle with the masked men being revealed as the NWO. I also like how you are building the eventual return of DX. When you bring them back, I am curious on how they will behave, because they will be searching for revenge, so I don't see how the comedy angles would fit, for example.


Feb 29, 2008
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United Kingdom
Breaking News
After a few months hiatus, Eric Bischoff was contacted by local media organisations about why the company suddenly got dropped while they were taping their next episode. While Bischoff didn't go into great detail, he mentioned financial problems. Mr. Bischoff also stated that during the few months hiatus, he along with others who were contracted to the company, were able to get the funding together. The man that helped make this dream stay somewhat alive was none other than Mr. Ric Flair, the NAWF on screen Commissioner. Flair stated in an interview that he was more than happy to offer Bischoff a deal, when he contacted him a few weeks back.

This is great news for all NAWF fans, because starting this Friday, on a new channel of USA, a special two hour live 'Chaotic Embrace will be airing at 12 midnight. Then following this, the regular one hour 'Chaotic Embrace' will follow every Friday evening at 6pm on NAWF's new home of USA.

NAWF co owners Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair have announced a special 'what's happened thus far' page on the official website. This page will go up tomorow afternoon, and it will highlight everything that has happened in the company since it debuted live on PPV.

So Eric Bischoff, complete with a new business partner Ric Flair and everyone at the New Age Wrestling Federation (NAWF) welcomes it's dear, loyal fans back for what should be one hell of a ride.

I've decided to give it another shot over here. For a few reasons really. This was always the project I had the most admiration for. I just hope you can welcome me back, and lets have some fun again.

The Rated R CMStar

Good to see you're back. I will be waiting for that special page updating us on what has happened.