So i was playing a game on my 360 and then the video goes out and i get some red lights coming from my 360 (i think it was 3) so then i turn the system off hoping it would help. but i still got no picture. and the red lights were still on. so i got the game out (i had to get it out because it was a rental) and then the red light goes off. so then i turn my system back on and it has no red light....but still no picture. the sound still works fine though. so i thought it might just be a problem with my cord. so then i go and buy a brand new cord. i get home and try it out and it still doesn't work.its just the same problem. no picture but the sound is okay. so then i try it on another TV and that didn't help any. so it was time to call xbox support. well i did and it was awful. i sit there and told him everything that happened and he kept saying hook the 360 back up and tell me what happens.well i just gave in and did that. and he insist it is just the cord,and i tell him over and over it isn't the cord because i had just bought a brand new one and i know the new one works because it worked for another system of mine (it was one of those cords that played numerous systems) but this guys just wouldn't stop saying it was the cord...but IMO it can't be because i still have the same problem no matter what cord i use no matter what TV im on its still all soun and no picture.
and here comes the worst part about this. my warranty end dec 5th.and this guy doesn't think its my system so instead of telling me i can send my console in to get it fix he says it isn't the console and he is sending a new cord and to call back if the cord doesn't work....the cord takes a week to get therefor xbox 360 support seems to be pointless at this time. they will not take the logic and they will not take my word that it isn't the cord when it obviously is.
so with basically no other option (to my knowledge) i thought i would come online and see if anyone here might have a way of helping me out in any way at all.
thanks for your time. any help is greatly appreciated.
and here comes the worst part about this. my warranty end dec 5th.and this guy doesn't think its my system so instead of telling me i can send my console in to get it fix he says it isn't the console and he is sending a new cord and to call back if the cord doesn't work....the cord takes a week to get therefor xbox 360 support seems to be pointless at this time. they will not take the logic and they will not take my word that it isn't the cord when it obviously is.
so with basically no other option (to my knowledge) i thought i would come online and see if anyone here might have a way of helping me out in any way at all.
thanks for your time. any help is greatly appreciated.