You want a review so I thought I'd be kind enough to give you one.
Undertaker taking on Shawn Michaels for the Cruiserweight Championship is ludicrous. You try going up to either men and informing them that they've gone from main event 'icons' to jobbing in the Cruiserweight division, which technically doesn't make sense. You're basically calling readers/viewers idiots. Great start. Oh and Taker hitting, or even attempting a Shooting Star Press is laughable. You remember when Lesnar tried that at Wrestlemania nineteen and almost killed himself? Well just imagine that but worse!
Mark Henry and Big Show may be 'fat' but they're still better than you! Nuff said. Oh and like someone else mentioned, why would Cena and Batista take offence from being praised. Logic says they'd be happy right?
Commercials at Wrestlemania? If Wrestlemania ever took place in a house I'd quit being a wrestling follower for the rest of my life. Just because it's a house show doesn't mean it takes place in a house.
Okay apart from the moves, and total lack of imformation, I actually liked seeing Jesse and Festus win the tag team titles.
No propps for jobbing Kane to Truth. You get no brownie points for that, none at all.
'Hello everyone you are hippos' I think that line may have made this thread the greatest ever. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Seriously though the promo sucked. I mean who the fuck talks about 'undies' in a wrestling promo. Did you have 'undies' on the brain or something? Oh and for your information, The Highlght Reel isn't a match.
Co-Champions equal no ratings. But compared to the rest of the show's booking that was top notch.
Seriously, I know you're doing this on purpose for attention, and it seems to be working. I sound like a hypocrite now because I'm one of the people giving you attention. But I can fully say, from here on, I'll not be visiting this thread again...
unless you have Jericho call people good luck and goodbye.
PS: I hate joke threads