MVP had incredible charisma. I think I was caught off guard at his entrance, even though I'm overly familiar with the clock, I was still not expecting it. I didn't believe it fully until the ma started speaking. He played the crowd well, he's still got his heel gimmick for the most part, but as stated above, directing it at Orton, he's got the crowd behind him. He was gold vs. Ted with the speech. Cody's a bit better on the mic. I thought MVP's "steppin' up and handlin' that myself" line was one of the best lines I've heard in WWE in forever because of the charisma and confidence behind the line. He was very Rock-esque as far as charisma level... and while he may not have cut the best face promo since The Rock... he definitely cut one of the best ones.
The match itself wasn't 5-star by any means, it was barely a 3 on lenient standards... which was good imo. It left us wanting more, especially with the ending. We want to see MVP get another shot at Orton, they did some alright stuff in the match, but for once in WWE in a long time, the buildup to the PPV match, if it ever happens, was kinda quiet and left us wanting more.
I'm really looking forward to seeing it happen if it does. I think MVP is definitely ready for the ME.