Poyser, given I was already not a huge fan of your push on Tweet, I would have to put you in my team for sure. I think in the end you tried to set up Tweet for a mislynch and then when he breadcrumbed a cop result on Mitch you went ahead and offed him during night.
I don't have much to call Haza town for neither, so I'm wondering if that's just a late bus on your part.

It's not unlikely as the split is currently falling in mafia's favor and you can probably afford a sacrifice.
Jeff I just don't see as scum in any way, shape or form, to be honest.
Which brings me to Junk, who I haven't really seen do all that much. She might be the SK, but I'd rather believe she's scum at this point. The fact you're pushing for the Junk = SK talk is also giving me cause to pause in that regard.