barry, no need to confirm or deny anything brev
And risk being CC'd?

barry, no need to confirm or deny anything brev
Uh I’m not sure of the names of games lol
better call Saul I think? It was haza’s last one
The game he was scum before that tho I can’t remember which game that was, might be skybox’s
then compared to Barry’s last whodunnit where he was town and whatever game he was town before that.
What do you mean risk being CCed and why does Jeff accept it so easily? What are you even talking about?
It has been scrubbed from his database as it was non canondid you not play last game?
I mean he got CCed on D1Could it be that CCing d1 and CCing at LyLo are two completely different things?
Could it be that CCing d1 and CCing at LyLo are two completely different things?