Ye but extra kill + the ability to stop lynch(es) would be a bit muchYeah but this time can we please not assume mafia wouldn't have an extra kill
Ye but extra kill + the ability to stop lynch(es) would be a bit muchYeah but this time can we please not assume mafia wouldn't have an extra kill
Let's not rush to a lynch here and use the time we got instead?
I agree that's the part that makes me believe the claim I just wanted to strut about that time I was rightYe but extra kill + the ability to stop lynch(es) would be a bit much
Who do you think might be mafia pushing you right now?You guys can think that but honestly I never had role before but I mean you can lynch me if you want but I'm being honest I'm tired and really just signed up for game for RAIDOOKEN
Listen buddyPoyser would rather push a town T4 than a scum T1
even if he got frozen pizza and fake Monster as a reward
I would play but I’m having dominos and squirted cream on shortbread while watching a filmListen buddy
I only lynch scum![]()