Yeah but it’s worth noting that lawls could still be scum even if he proves he’s a messenger. The grave digger could be legit. He might be a grave digger that killed EV to get his role and probably assumed that we would tell him to take EVs role but we didn’t, we told him to take Juice’s role so that kinda put a mocker on that plan (if that was the plan). If he’s a 2x grave digger then we are probably just fucked lol but don’t think I’ve ever seen that before as it would be pretty OP.
I just for the life of me can’t imagine it being anybody else. Magic isn’t gonna bus half his team and I don’t think he no kills last night just to put it over the top as it wasn’t needed and just delays his win. That’s the same reason I wouldn’t do it either, because I’m so well town read that it’s just delaying my win and causing me to need an extra mislynch for no reason. Also I couldn’t have done it because whilst I suspected that magic was lying about having no shots left, I wouldn’t take the chance on that because if I’m wrong then I’ve fucked it for no reason lmao.
I really don’t see Rugrat’s role being scum. It’s not impossible but what’s the utility of it? There’s also the fact that he’s just not bothered to play all game, and I don’t think he’s ever done that as scum. As well as his results being what caught Phenom out when he didn’t need to. Again it’s Occam’s razor that says he’s more than likely just town
The only possibility I see outside of the current poe is you, but I don’t think I ever lynch you over lawls or alco at this stage so if it is you then you’re probably winning

again, there’s quite a few reasons that I don’t think it’s you. The possibility of you stopping a kill, the fact that your N1 usage is verified at face value and would need a couple of things to go exactly the right way for that to not be true. It also kinda looked like phenom wanted to get you Lynched off of his claim. If you read it he’s like “well looks like we have a lot of protection because I’m weak bg”. At the time you were the only claimed protection role and I can’t remember if you’d clarified it being a seraph yet or not, but it seemed to me like he wanted to get you Lynched at the time. So again, probably just town.
And if I’m wrong on that then OH WELL. If it’s Rugrat or magic then I’m not going to feel bad about the loss at all. Magic because he went way too far in establishing a town read lmao and Rugrat because that role being legit and scum is fucking stupid lmao and you can see by the way he’s played the game (IE not at all) that he also knew he was never getting lynched with it. If it’s you I’ll be a little bit annoyed just because I kinda had you before phenom got caught out, but I’d just consider myself a bit unlucky there with the way things turned out.
However I’m not gonna conspiracy theory myself into losing to a lawls or an alco that haven’t put any effort into the game because that would piss me off no end lol