I guess we agree on the fact every wrestler that has given a show at WM is Mr.WrestleMania but not the Number 1 WrestleMania is that right?
Well taking it to the extreme, I guess you could say that, yes.
The whole Angle vs Triple H thing doesn't really matter because I think we both agree that HBK is at the top and both are under him....for the time being.
The crux of that portion of the discussion was my contradicting why you said Angle could never be classed as a contender for the title Mr Wrestlemania (i.e. He's not on the current WWE roster and has bad-mouthed them in the past), not whom I personaly think it should be.
In being true to the notion of what 'Mr Wrestlemania' means you can't use kayfaybe, win-loss or what JR might say on the mic, or what Vince 'says' (or denies all knowledge of) on as a measuring stick.
Unless WWE manages to somehow wipe out every DVD, VHS, AVI etc. then a performance legacy cannot be wiped out (even then it still exists, albeit undocumented).
Anyway, I think we're all but home n dry on this one.... E-zeee now. ;o]