Lo and behold here comes the Alco ISO.
Eh, it's a garrett entrance. NAI.
Someone claimed VT already?
With the power of hindsight this seems like a very eerie and subtle soft.
Ooooof this is some serious self-awareness stuff
Which, for context, is a response to this:
I'm not sure I'll be able to offer much btw, other than discussions that make me look kind of dumb but come from a well-intentioned town perspective
"but Sky, isn't that every game?" you ask
I'm not really sure how to read it as it could be joking but it could also be him trying to nod onto Sky. That said, considering I think Sky is likely scum, I might dismiss it.
On it!
And thank you, my good friend Curry.
In response to:
Hey Alco, Sky claimed VT fairly prematurely.
Read the last 22 pages for further details (Y)
Which seems like he's not really worried about paying too much attention. Tbh that's a bit of a townie lean to me.
I don't even think this is necessarily true lel
Wasn't Rugrat's absence a scum-tell until quite recently?
In context to:
Just saying: early activity Rugrat = alarm bells. Trust me, from last game
Which I'm not sure if I agree with this exchange.
Unless he's not actually around for that first period of time
Okay I'd buy this for a dollar since I know CP is a bit of a controlling type when it comes to his teammates.
I actually like the inquiry by Jeff. Looks like he's actively looking for red flags
We both agree on the early Jeff town lean.
Why don't you go into detail over this? You got a hunch on someone but don't want to disclose because... ???
This too makes sense. OMB keeping his cards close to his chest actually rubs me pretty wrongly especially after he did the bit regarding the vote thief and shit. Alco brought up a good point here.
Is it?
Also in response to OMB.
You base this town read on... ?
"nailed" is a bit of an overstatement there
Questions Rugrats early town read of OMB, which was later explained but I feel wasn't really quality enough. Another thing making me like Alco a little more.
Remember how Sky got townread last game (by some) because of her unsolicited "analysis" of OMB's entrances in games?
Feels eerily similar here
That was Mitch, Alco.

Losing points there.
I don't know, it'd be nice if he answered some questions at least. I don't think any one player should be exempt of scrutiny.
To be fair to Alco, OMB shouldn't be exempt of scrutiny, half the stuff he does is warrant of heavy scrutiny, and the other half abject dismissal.
I have to question this one actually. He likes Rugrat's post despite earlier questioning on what predicated an early town read on OMB. Me no like.
Whole lotta nothingburger.
To be fair, Jeff and Odo gave fairly clear reasons, so...
I'm also gonna follow Jeff because he left a good impression on me.
Vote Chris
He finally throws down on the premiere wagon, which was something a few of my town leans agreed upon.
Do you really hold Phenom to such a high standard that his D1 entrance here rubs you that wrongly? Looked like standard Phenom to me tbh.

I can't say Alco is wrong though, regarding N0M's entrance, which is here:
No? You made it pretty clear I got 0 points, which is noted. I fully expected to be red in your little list there from your post earlier.
That's a figure of speech lol and you know it.
What would that intent be?
Also why can't I get an answer to my question when I have answered yours?
Okay. Thanks. That wasn't my intent, but I'm sorry if it got interpreted that way.
And thanks for answering re: Phenom. I just feel you have more solid and clear reasons for your other reds and blues.
What do you think about Curry, who's made at least a couple of observations?
This quick exchange seems like pretty confused Alco. I think that's a fairly townie thing of him tbh.
What info exactly do you all expect to get from me, other than answers to basic questions? I'm very curious.
I bring up Curry discussion?
No, that's a misrepresentation. I looked at Odo's list and Curry was null, while Phenom was red and I wanted to know why. Odo explained and the 'discussion' was over.
Now this is a meat and potatoes post. Lethal seemingly is trying to spin a narrative on Alco regarding his last scum game and looks to nudge people onto Alco without actually doing anything. I actually think Alco looks better off this exchange than Lethal does. It feels like Lethal is being disingenuous for the purposes of setting up a lynch on Alco.
I ALWAYS ask if there are urgencies I need to attend to before I read back because I rarely go from past to present when I read back (meaning, I just read from page to page and I become ignorant to very recent mentions or posts)
Again, don't go looking for stuff to fit a false narrative.
I wanna say this is a genuine response.
I voted for Chris because I liked Jeff throughout my readback. Thought I made that clear enough.
He did, it doesn't stop the "piggeybacking" read though.
Not like it matters since I'm doing this damn thing anyways.
I'm still willing to follow my friend Jeff, despite what Chris says about it.
vote CP
Do not like the CP vote. As I've mentioned, CP hasn't struck me as scummy with their posts.
So, besides a claim, what are people exactly expecting of me here?
Yes I've sided with Jeff twice. I haven't exactly hidden the fact I like what he's offered?
A claim and death.
Hello, Alco.
I need to catch up on the exchange between CP and yourself, Odo.
Besides that:
-I'm pro Jeff
I thought Chris was acting suspiciously about his initial wagon, claiming no reasons were given, when very clearly Jeff and yourself had at least explained where the vote came from. He later changed the narrative to "No reasons were given until Odo voted me" because you didn't let him go. Have a feeling he tried to shake off that wagon as a nothing-wagon until it became clear people actually wanted to pursue it
-Lethal's read of me and supposed mimicking of last game or whatever feels disingenuous. I've pointed out why. He's misrepresenting things to fit into a false narrative.
-I think Odo's having an engaged game and asks the correct questions. Unfortunate you're reading me scum, but it is what it is.
I don't like Sky's game. Had a feeling she tried to spin something onto Rugrat that wasn't very truthful, then she did a big multiquote unsolicited which reminded me of her unsolicited OMB(I think it was) entrance analysis that got her a fair few town reads last game.
-If Tweet went from CP to Mitch instead of CP to me then I don't really understand? That doesn't fit his posts from earlier
^off the top of my head
Can't say I necessarily disagree with these few points.
Which means I shouldn't be saying it? I don't care if it's easy. If I think you look town, I'll say you look town.

Man has a point, tbh.
He voted CP and at that time I saw no reason to doubt his judgment. He followed his town reads and I followed mine.
Funny how two people get judged entirely differently off of that.
Anyway, my head's killing me so I want to log off.
I'm Oliver Parker, AllSafe affiliated. I'm a VT cause I'm kind of an idiot on the show, apparently.
vote Lethal
his misrepresenting of me rubbed me the wrong way and looks disingenuous. It's the best I got for now.
Cheers, lads.
With all that leading up to this, I think I believe Alco's claim of VT. He can be townie.
I just put my vote somewhere else.
Now I need to venture away from a computer screen, I'm sorry.
Man stormed away in a tissy. I don't think scum Alco does this tbh.
So yeah, I actually got some good stuff from that. Throw Lethal on the would vote pile.