Barry looked like he was gonna try and be a nice guy and help with the game, but it looks like Sky finally broke himHow about this: "I think you're a scum." You happy? No?
Vote: Skybox
There you go. Happy now? No? Too bad.

Barry looked like he was gonna try and be a nice guy and help with the game, but it looks like Sky finally broke himHow about this: "I think you're a scum." You happy? No?
Vote: Skybox
There you go. Happy now? No? Too bad.
I didn't claim but I did say that I have a very scummy sounding role.did any of Odo/Grim/Jeffatron/Tweet claim? I know Sky did.
I call out Grim and couple others didn't vote her and few moments later he doesnoting for later.
You also said that you think there's an 11/5 split. Plus I wasn't around when you said that, and 2, sky's quote was from pages before. Bye felicia.
I mean this makes me even more sus of it based on the art of probability tbhFtr Big Man had 2 VTs out of 20 according to the OP of Wire Mafia so unless more VTs show up (They should not claim right now) I wouldn't be too worried on that basis.
Did I said they are likely mafia leans but, hey you trying to discredit me makes me think you are scared. I never said it was 5 I said they are likely mafia between them there is a difference.
Day 1, Vote Count 1
Sky (3): Rugrat, Mr. Tweetums, Raidokken
Chris (4): Jeffatron, Odo, Barry, Sky (one of these four are def maf)
Rugrat (1): Curry
With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.
Day 1, Vote Count 2
Sky (1): E-V
Chris (5): Jeffatron, Odo, Barry, Raidokken, Sky
Rugrat (1): Curry
TheRedPrince (1): Mr. Tweetums
Mr. Tweetums (2): Rugrat, TheRedPrince
With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.
Day 1, Vote Count 3 Chris (3): Jeffatron, Barry, Sky
Mr. Tweetums (1): TheRedPrince
Alco (5): Mr. Tweetums, Chris, E-V, Lethal, Rugrat
TheRedPrince (2): Odo, Curry
Lethal (1): PHEN0M
With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.
Day 1 Vote Count 4
Alco (4): Chris, E-V, Lethal, Mr. Tweetums
TheRedPrince (5): Odo, Jeffatron, Raidokken, Alco, Mitch
Lethal (1): PHEN0M
Mitch (2): TheRedPrince, Rugrat
With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.
I find these votes a bit odd and I don't like how multiple votes these seem to go back to back.
FWIW I havent voted yet because I havent really found a vote I could get behind yet.
I think Mafia is likely
Odo Tweetum Jeff Grim Sky combo I put Sky in as least likely but, I dont like how her and grim been in back to back votes multiple times same thing with Odo Jeff. I really think Rugrat is town though as he has dropeed a vote as #1 twice now which I dont think he did last game at all. I also dont like the number of VT claims as well probably lie in there.
Day 1, Vote Count 1
Sky (3): Rugrat, Mr. Tweetums, Raidokken
Chris (4): Jeffatron, Odo, Barry, Sky (one of these four are def maf)
Rugrat (1): Curry
With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.
Day 1, Vote Count 2
Sky (1): E-V
Chris (5): Jeffatron, Odo, Barry, Raidokken, Sky
Rugrat (1): Curry
TheRedPrince (1): Mr. Tweetums
Mr. Tweetums (2): Rugrat, TheRedPrince
With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.
Day 1, Vote Count 3 Chris (3): Jeffatron, Barry, Sky
Mr. Tweetums (1): TheRedPrince
Alco (5): Mr. Tweetums, Chris, E-V, Lethal, Rugrat
TheRedPrince (2): Odo, Curry
Lethal (1): PHEN0M
With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.
Day 1 Vote Count 4
Alco (4): Chris, E-V, Lethal, Mr. Tweetums
TheRedPrince (5): Odo, Jeffatron, Raidokken, Alco, Mitch
Lethal (1): PHEN0M
Mitch (2): TheRedPrince, Rugrat
With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.
I find these votes a bit odd and I don't like how multiple votes these seem to go back to back.
FWIW I havent voted yet because I havent really found a vote I could get behind yet.
I think Mafia is likely
Odo Tweetum Jeff Grim Sky combo I put Sky in as least likely but, I dont like how her and grim been in back to back votes multiple times same thing with Odo Jeff. I really think Rugrat is town though as he has dropeed a vote as #1 twice now which I dont think he did last game at all. I also dont like the number of VT claims as well probably lie in there.
Inb4 Odo/CP/Sky are all scum and this is some desperate mix of distancing while also getting Sky through somehow![]()
Combo that doesn't mean all @Grimhail Gorbachev also why you wait until after I post this to vote Sky if you thought she was maf?