
For arguments sake though, lets say that this story is true and Hogan refused to drop the belt to Mr. Perfect that night. It’s still ridiculous to blame Hogan for him never being a world champion because of what happened one night. Macho Man and Sgt. Slaughter both became world champions without defeating Hogan for the belt. So if Vince McMahon really wanted Mr. Perfect to get a title reign at some point but Hogan didn’t want to drop the belt to him, there were clearly ways around it, and ways to get the belt around Mr. Perfect’s waist. So let’s use some logic here before we start with the Hogan is the reason he was never a world champion crap. If you really feel the need to blame someone for Mr. Perfect not being a world champion in the WWF, then blame Vince McMahon, not Hulk Hogan.
Both those reigns were long term pro-Hogan programs.
In particular, there's NO WAY Slaughter, the US traitor, gets the title unless they plan on having A REAL AMERICAN beat him. Meanwhile, Savages reign allowed Hogan to make and promote the formentioned movies. Also, remember the original plan was to have Dibiase win the belt at WM4 and add to that the (admittedly awesome) Evil Earl title change that allowed Hogan to drop the belt without a clean loss and you've got another intended pro-Hogan program where Hogan eventually get's the better of Dibiase in a fued which taps into the same emotions as Flair/Dusty.
Simply having Perfect & The Genius get the better of Hogan is a different proposition altogether.
I'm not bashing Hogan per say, but please see the bigger picture of those storylines.
Edit: ......Boy did it suck that Beefcake beat Perfect at WM6.
Lanny Poffo's hard to obtain shoot.
Oh, man that's an awesome shoot... It gave me nuff respect for the guy. I love the guys that just sound like they loved every minute of their run (The Charles Wright aka PapaShango/Kama/Godfather one is kinda cool in that respect too).
Didn't know it was rare tho'... I have it so if anyone is particularly interested in hearing it PM me and I can upload an audio rip for you. (It's about 4 hours so uploading a vid would take way too long on my crappy old PC).