Dark Knight. There, I said it.
I liked the cinematography a lot, but as far as the story goes... I just wasn't impressed at all. It just felt like another run of the mill Batman adventure to me, nothing about it really jumped off the page at all.
And Heath Ledger (RIP) was a superb actor in that movie... but okay listen, that was NOT the Joker he played in that movie. I think I'm just the only one on earth that thinks this way, but I felt he just played a completely different character dressed up sort of like the Joker. It was more like Carnage from Spider Man actually.
And don't get me started on Two Face, they completely fucked him up in that movie. He spends the entire film as Harvey Dent, then for 15 minutes at the tail end of it, he becomes completely immersed in the villainous aspects of his character complete with the trademark coin toss and even knows a scary-looking way to drink his cocktails. Just stupid.
And finally... sorry, Christian Bale fans, but he sounds like a complete douche talking when he's dressed as Batman. Almost like he's trying too hard to sound like Marlon Brando, I fucking HATE him as Batman.
Bring the flames, I don't care.