there, I quoted your whole post this time to make you happy.They’re not in the minority though. Reigns apparently sells well and a lot, and the only guy who can keep up with him is AJ Styles. Thus, based on WWE’s handling of him and forcing him to the top no matter what as if he’s John Cena and truly special, is beyond overrated. The fans buying into this crap just because WWE wants you to like him and ushers him into every main event makes him overrated as he’s only selling sh*t because WWE brainswashes you into thinking he’s amazing.
And, like I said, but you ignored, from strictly just our (more hardcore fans on these forums) input - being a good overall wrestler, I think he’s not that good. He’s not even close to being the whole package. Some people on these forums feel that he’s a great wrestler and underrated. I feel that he’s very overrated when it comes to be a wrestler. A great wrestler is someone who can wrestle, talk, sell, and has an overall believable persona and matching charisma. Roman can literally only wrestle, that’s it. He’s overrated. If all the above doesn’t make someone overrated, then you’re crazy.
I’ve attached the meaning of overrated for you if you’d like. The actual definition for overrated means, “have a higher opinion of something, someone than what’s deserved.” This explains Roman reigns from WWE’s perspective: they def have a higher opinion of him than what’s deserved. All the fans who contribute to him, love him, and guy his sh*t: they def have a higher opinion of him than what’s actually deserved.
Am I clear now? :emoji_slight_smile:
Let's start from scratch, let's compare 2 wrestlers. Finn Balor and Roman Reigns. Finn Balor is a quite clean and a really stale babyface at the moment. He gets really good reactions and everybody's behind him. Most people even consider him one of their best wrestlers from a technical standpoint. Now, when I say that he's overrated, it's off of what those people are saying about him because they put him on a pedestal he hasn't earned in my eyes yet.
Roman Reigns on the other hand, gets shit on every time he's out there, people are leaving during his matches and barely even give him a chance to win them over. It has become more than just a "couple hardcore fans" given that almost everyone nowadays is a hardcore fan. Everyone's on the internet and everybody knows the ins and outs of the business. The "casual fan" is almost extinct at this point because not even the biggest and most versatile crowd all year, at WrestleMania, was behind Reigns. Everywhere besides behind the scenes, Roman Reigns is, dare I say, the most hated man in pro wrestling today. Never has a top guy had to respond to this much hate for this long.
Saying that he's overrated from a business perspective or WWE's management perspective is 100% fine and understandable but to say that he's overrated from the fans' perspective is just something I don't see nor hear whenever he's out there. And that's honestly the core of my original posts
This thread would be way more interesting if you'd talk about over/underrated talent from the opinions of the fans and not the companies treatment of them, like always. Because if I'd want to read that, I'd just go to some crappy top 10 list on
I'd say Reigns is neither over-nor underrated from the fans' perspective