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New Member
Apr 4, 2007
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This is looking great! Awesome to see Monty Brown is such a big player, like he deserves to be in WWE currently.

The Rated R CMStar

Monty Brown is for sure fresh air in the ME spot, nice someone showed him some love. Remember to review BTW



Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Hello wrestling fans, welcome to Thursday Night iMPACT! Mike Tenay and Don West here ringside. Don, what a show we have tonight. The TNA World Championship will be defended for the first time right here tonight, plus it’s AJ’s first title defense as well against the Alpha Male Monty Brown, but Jim Cornette has been appointed guest referee and Lance Hoyt has been dubbed ringside enforcer, so Don, Brown will have to climb the mountain tonight and let nothing stand in his way to get that gold.

West: of course, when you look at tonight’s card, it’s pretty obvious that match is huge, but tonight, we will have the face to face public contract signing between Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle! How explosive!

Petey Williams’ music hits as Petey Williams accompanies Eric Young to the ring.

Raven’s music hits as Raven comes down the ramp along with his partner Rhino.

AMW’s music hits as Harris accompanies Storm to the ring.

LAX’s music hits as Homcide comes to the ring with Hernandez.

Naturals’ music hits as Chase Stevens comes down the ramp with Shane and Andy Douglas.

DDP’s music hits as DDP comes down the ramp with Scott Steiner.

3LK’s music hits as BG James comes to the ring with Truth and Konnan.

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray comes to the ring with Brother Devon.

Victory Road Battle Royal Preview
Eric Young vs. Raven vs. James Storm vs. Homicide vs. Chase Stevens vs. DDP vs. BG James vs. Brother Ray

The match starts off and the bell rings. All men stand towards the outer edge of the ring waiting for someone else to make the first move. James Storm walks out to the center and calls out Brother Ray. Ray strolls to the middle of the ring and confronts him. They start talking trash as Raven and Chase Stevens double team Ray and DDP and BG James ambush Storm. Eric Young sits in the corner. Homicide sees Eric in the corner and gets a running dropkick on him. Chase Stevens tries to get Raven to get a double suplex on Ray, but Raven DDTs Stevens. DDP whips Storm across the ring and BG James gets a swinging power slam on Storm. DDP then goes after BG James backing him into a corner. Homicide pulls up Eric and pretends to whip him, but pulls him back and launches him hanging him up on the top rope and lands on the apron. Homicide launches himself against the ropes towards Eric Young, but Young ducks and pulls down the rope to eliminate Homicide.


Eric Young goes up top and cross bodies onto Raven. DDP puts BG James up on the top turnbuckle. Chase Stevens runs towards DDP, but DDP hurls him up and Chase lands on BG’s shoulders in a head scissor position. He nails a hurricurana on BG James. DDP catches Stevens getting up and clotheslines him over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Chase Stevens

Brother Ray is getting double teamed by Eric Young and BG James. They whip him against the ropes and on his way back Ray doubleclotheslines both of them. Chase Stevens runs back in the ring this time with Andy Douglas and starts beating the hell out of Raven. Rhino slides into the ring and appears across the ring facing the Naturals’ back looking for a double Gore, but Shane Douglas pulls on Rhino’s ankle tripping him and sliding him out of the ring and whips him into the steel stairs. The Naturals hit the Natural Disaster on Raven and hurl him over the top rope.


Ray picks up BG James and headbutts him. James Storm finally gets up and shoulder blocks Ray. He bounces off the ropes and collides with Eric Young, all men are down except DDP. Paige gets his hands up and does his signature self high five. He picks up BG James and nails the Diamond Cutter. BG bounces off the mat and stumbles and DDP clotheslines him over the top. Storm runs up behind Paige and throws him over.


Eric Young and James Storm look at another and approach Ray, on the mat. Storm pulls up Ray, but Eric goes behind James and German suplexes him. Eric helps Brother Ray to his feet. Ray goes after Storm and Eric is going to also, but Hernandez runs into the ring and nails him with the slapjack and Border Tosses him. Ray sees is and goes after him, but Hernandez shoulder blocks Ray. Eric runs up to Hernandez and both go over the top rope.


Brother Ray and James Storm are the final 2 men in the ring. They lock up. Ray gets him in a head lock, but Storm slips out and pushes Ray against the ropes and hip tosses him. He bounces off the ropes and nails a leg drop on Ray. Storm is dominating, but Ray gets up and fights back. Storm gets pushed into the corner and Ray trucks him down. Ray attempts to put Storm over the ropes, but Storm lands on the apron and delivers shots to Ray. Storm attempts a hip toss over the, but Ray lands on the apron as well. They exchange back elbows. Chris Harris appears outside and trips Brother Ray causing him to fall to the floor.

WINNER: James Storm

Chris Harris and James Storm celebrate in the ring as Devon goes to help Ray on the outside.

Tenay: Open your eyes ref, what was that?

West: Mike, if your feet hit the floor, you’re gone, and well Brother Ray’s feet did hit the floor!

Tenay: What a boost of confidence for AMW going into Victory Road!


JB is talking to AJ Styles.

JB: Jeremy Borash backstage with the TNA World Champion, the Phenomenal One AJ Styles! AJ, being with this company for so long, facing Monty Brown here on iMPACT! tonight, this could be your biggest challenge yet!

AJ: Well, Jeremy, let’s get something straight here, I am the TNA Worlds Champion for a reason, not because I have had “easy†matches, not because I prevail in difficult situations, it’s because of one thing, it’s simply because I am that damn Phenomenal! Ok? Now as far as Monty Brown goes tonight, let’s just say after my meeting with Jim Cornette, I can consider this one in the bag.

JB: Well AJ, how about “when†you win tonight, so to speak, your next opponents will be this Sunday at Victory Road, Sting, Christian Cage, and Samoa Joe, the conflict surrounding those men lately, what’s your views on that?

AJ: What, Cage has always been on Sting’s bad side, and it looks to me like Samoa Joe didn’t tuck his tail between his legs this time, he actually decided to help the Icon, well that’s mighty fine and dandy, but where does that leave me? Pinned against Monty Brown in a title match tonight, yea, like I would really care about the 3 stooges, move it Borash I gotta prep.



Rhino and Raven are walking to their truck.

Rhino: I can’t believe those no good bastards got us again!

Raven: Well, those sniveling disgusting animals won’t get away with it this time, because this Sunday, if we win gold or not, those guys aren’t going to make it out of Victory Road, right?

Rhino: I like your way of thinking, now let’s go.

Tenay: Wow, Don, Rhino and Raven definitely have something planned for Shane and his Naturals!

Senshi’s music hits as Senshi and Kevin Nash come down the ramp.

Christian Cage’s music hits as the Instant Classic hits the ramp.

Jay Lethal’s music hits as Black Machismo comes to the ring.

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as the Fallen Angel comes to the ring.

Samoa Joe’s music hits as Joe comes down the ramp, Sting not far behind.

Christian Cage, Kevin Nash, and Senshi vs. Jay Lethal, Christopher Daniels, and Samoa Joe w/ Sting

Lethal and Senshi start off the match. They lock up, Lethal swings the momentum in his favor and gets behind his taking him down. Lethal gets on back of his and puts him in a headlock. Senshi shows his athleticism and springs and rolls out of it kicking Lethal in the head. Senshi does a standing backsault onto Lethal’s back. He cartwheels over to his corner and tags in Christian Cage. Cage looks at him like he is nuts. Cage runs in and covers Lethal 1…2….kickout! Cage sits him up and puts him in a chin lock. Lethal twists out and wraps Cage’s arm behind his back and hard chops him and side kicks him. Lethal begins to crawl over to his corner Cage in hot pursuit. Lethal makes the tag to Daniels. Daniels springs over the top rope and connects with a hurricurana on Cage. Daniels runs to pin Cage 1…2…kickout! Daniels picks up Cage and attempts a suplex, but Cage counters and tries his own, Daniels counters and tries another suplex, Daniels has him in the air, but Cage counters into a DDT. Cage runs over and tags in Nash. Nash stomps his way to Daniels and elbow drops his back. Nash pulls him up and clubs him over the back and Daniels goes down again. Nash walks over Daniels’ back and tags in Cage again. Cage puts Daniels in a Boston Crab. Daniels crawls over to the ropes. Cage pulls him back in, but Daniels pushes him away and jumps to tag in Joe. Joe enters the ring and Cage panics. Cage charges at Joe and Joe Samoan Drops him. Joe pins Cage 1…2….kickout! Senshi goes up top and jumps towards Joe, he catches him with one hand and drops him. Cage runs towards Joe, and Joe hurls him over the top rope right in front of Sting. Sting points his bat at Cage and Cage runs up the ramp. Nash walks over the top rope and confronts Joe. The crowd goes insane seeing Nash and Joe face to face.

Tenay: Wow Don, look at these two, Nash face to face with the Samoan Submission Machine!

Nash and Joe exchange words. Nash laughs and tries to sock Joe, but Joe ducks and gets behind him and locks in the Kokina Clutch.

West: Kokina Clutch on Big Daddy Cool!

Nash struggles and looks at Senshi trying to come into the ring, but Lethal drop kicks him off the apron. Nash taps.
WINNER: Jay Lethal, Christopher Daniels, and Jay Lethal

Nash and Senshi retreat up the ramp and Daniels and Lethal leave through the opposite ramp as Joe raises his hands in victory. Sting hits the ring and puts his hand out to Samoa Joe. Joe goes to shake his hand and both men raise each other’s hands.



Leticia is backstage with Team 3D.

Leticia: Team 3D, this Sunday, you will defend your tag team titles in a battle royal, judging what happened earlier tonight, will that result influence your performance this Sunday at Victory Road?

Ray: Well, this is how it goes with Team 3D, we have wrestled all over, sending people through tables and winning gold. Battle Royals might not be our specialties, but let’s get this straight, AMW, drop the grudge, you will never be better than us, we won our match, and yours, so as far as we go, you aren’t on our level anymore! You are minor league, just wait until Sunday!

Devon: Oh my brother TESTIFY!

Jim Cornette appears in the ring with a table and a contract in the ring.

: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Jarrett-Angle contract signing, now if you will please, gentlemen come to the ring.

Kurt Angle’s music hits as the Olympic Gold Medalist comes to the ring.

: Before “Mr. TNA†comes out, I want to make one thing real clear. Jeff Jarrett is full of freakin’crap! Jim, from one professional to another, don’t believe what Jarrett says, I am not trying to take over TNA, I am here for the fans and to put food on my family’s plate!

Cornette: You don’t have to worry about it Kurt, I am not really concerned, I just want to see a good match this Sunday, so Jeff, please come to the ring…

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes to the ring.

: Evening Jim, Kurt.

Angle: Oh, Jeff, don’t play the goody goody gimmick, no one believes you!

Jarrett: Angle, why are you acting so hostile? I am just trying to make this a peaceful environment here, peace now, destruction on Sunday!

Angle: Fine Jeff, try to win your golden globe, I don’t freakin’ care, let’s just sign the paper so I can go home.

Jarrett: Let me just say something. I have been in this business almost 21 years, and I have to say, how can this kid actually think, that my success will rub off on him after Victory Road, Kurt…

Angle: What the hell are you blabbing about now!?!?!

Jarrett: Oh spare me Kurt, we all know there’s a motive behind everyone of your moves, you think strategically. You want my success, my business, and that’s the only way to get a piece of it, by competing against me Kurt!

Angle: Jeff, please don’t make a fool of yourself! I have my own success, please don’t cover for yourself.

Jarrett: That’s real funny Kurt, all you have that I don’t is a chocolate coin around my neck!

Kurt flips the table and goes nose to nose with Jarrett.

Angle: You take that back!

Jarrett: Take what back?

Angle: Take it freakin’ back!

Cornette: Let’s calm down and sign the paper, don’t humiliate TNA gentlemen.

Angle: Fine give me it, anything to get out of the same ring with this lunatic.

Angle signs. And throws it to Jarrett.

Angle: Sign it.

Jarrett: Why Kurt I am touched, you’re so generous, okay, let me sign…there you go, it’s official. Angle vs. Jarrett this Sunday!

Jarrett taps Angle on the face and Angle headbutts Jarrett and takes him down.

Cornette: STOP! STOP!

Security hits the ring and separates them.

Tenay: It’s breaking down between Jarrett and Angle right in front of us! Our main event is next!


Cornette remains ringside for the title match. He takes off his suit jacket and unbuttons his shirt revealing his referee shirt.

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as the guest ring enforcer comes down the ramp.

Monty Brown’s music hits as the Alpha Male comes down the ramp.

AJ Styles’ music hits as the TNA World Champion comes to the ring.

TNA World Championship (Jim Cornette as guest referee and Lance Hoyt as special enforcer)
AJ Styles* vs. Monty Brown

Monty Brown stretches on the ring ropes and Styles wants a piece of Brown early. He goes right after him pummeling him on the back. He gets Brown into the corner, but Brown quickly reverses throwing AJ into the corner. He cocks his arm back for some shots, and just when he’s about to release, Cornette pulls stops his arm. The crowd boos. Brown goes up to Cornette and gets in his face. AJ blindsides Brown with a shot to the back of the head. AJ connects with a neckbreaker. Lance Hoyt cheers AJ on from the outside as ringside enforcer. AJ smiles and picks up Brown, AJ whips Brown towards the ropes, but Brown counters and launches AJ against the ropes. He looks for a hip toss, but AJ clings to the ropes and Cornette hangs onto Brown. Brown gets away and runs for AJ. Styles pulls the ropes down and Brown goes to the floor. Lance Hoyt goes over to Brown and starts stomping him down. He rams him into the apron and rolls him into the ring. Styles covers Brown 1…2…kickout! Styles jumps up and uses the top rope for leverage and connects with a modified elbow drop. He covers Brown again 1…2….kickout! Brown stumbles up and AJ goes on the prowl again. Brown powers back with heavy blows to AJ’s midsection. Brown connects with a double under hook suplex on AJ, he covers him 1…2…kickout!

Tenay: close call there, it’s a wonder Jim Cornette even let Monty Brown connect with the move!

West: It looks pretty good for Monty right now Mike, the odds are stacked against him, but the Alpha Male is capable of anything!

Brown picks him up and whips him across the ring and backdrops him. AJ pops up holding his back in pain and Brown shoulder blocks him. Hoyt gets up on the apron and distracts Monty Brown, Brown runs over to knock him off, but Hoyt jumps off before he can get to him. AJ runs behind Brown and hurls him over the top rope, and Brown goes to the floor again. Hoyt starts stomping Brown down again. He picks him up and slams him into the steel barricade. He picks him up on his shoulders and throws him back in the ring. Styles covers him 1…2….kickout! Cornette and Styles can’t believe it. Brown gets up and Styles bounces off the ropes and Brown catches him and gets him in a bear hug. Cornette pulls him out from behind Styles landing behind Brown and connects with the Pele’ on Brown.

West: Pele’ Kick from AJ to the Alpha Male, oh my god Mike! Did you see that?

Tenay: Yes, I did see that Don!

AJ pins Brown 1…2…kickout! AJ starts running around the ring kicking the bottom turnbuckles. Brown gets up and AJ runs towards Brown, but Brown catches him and whips him across the ring and connects with the Pounce! He covers AJ 1.....2…..Cornette stops counting. Brown is furious. He grabs Cornette by the collar and Cornette keeps telling him he is the ref. AJ turns Brown around and nails the Styles Clash. He pins Brown 1…2…Monty gets his foot on the rope and Lance Hoyt takes it off and holds it down…3!
WINNER: and still TNA World Champ, AJ Styles

Tenay: What a cheap victory! How can Cornette call himself a good referee, that match was rigged if I have ever seen it!

Cornette: Well Mr. Brown, looks like you came up short once again. Mr. Brown, looks to me that now you’re not champ, you don’t have an opponent for Victory Road, so the only way to get you out of TNA for good, the only reasonable solution of course, let’s have a good old fashioned I QUIT! Match! Oh, and Monty, just so there’s no confusion, you aren’t just facing my man Lance Hoyt, it is now a handicap match! You know who your other opponent is? It’s me!

Tenay: On my God, Victory Road, Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt and Jim Cornette in an I QUIT MATCH!

West: This is friggin’ awesome!

TNA Wrestling presents TNA Victory Road LIVE! on PPV!​


TNA World Heavyweight Championship
AJ Styles defends against Sting, Christian Cage, and Samoa Joe

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

TNA World Tag Team Championship Battle Royal
Team 3D vs. AMW vs. LAX vs. 3LK vs. Petey Williams/Eric Young vs. The Naturals vs. Rhino/Raven vs. DDP/Scott Steiner

I Quit Handicap Match
Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt and Jim Cornette

X Division Championship
Senshi* vs. Jay Lethal

Kevin Nash vs. Christopher Daniels​

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Nice show the card is really shaping up, loved the announcement of the I Quit match.


Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
great show, plus a great card for victory road ppv

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
great show as always and Victory Road is shaping up to be a classic...I Quit Match? Let's see if you can outdo HBK vs. Cena lol

Fatal 55

May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Battle Royal was pretty good... i thought maybe you couldve sitched it with the 6 man tag as i thought it didnt deserve to be the number 1 match... I like the fact that youve got more than one feud in the tag team battle royal match. Maybe you could biuld up the main event more for Victory road instead of concentrating on the Monty Vs Cornette feud as much. Team 3-d Promo & Raven/Rhino promos were great and very realistic. Jarett angle was very good although maybe a few of the things Jarrett said were a bit unrealistic. Overall a great show and a good way to hype up the PPV, maybe there were a few flaws but nothing can be perfect and im not really complaining. Keep up the good work nd i hope that your Victory Road ppv goes well. (PS. ur ppv poster's pretty good) ... Check out Redemption

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
good show, nice battle royal and very good set up tor victory road, u can do great things for the ppv

Wrestling God

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Another great show XB and i can't wait for victory road the I Quit match should be awesome.


Okay, don't expect Victory Road up fast, I want to take my time with this one, hope you guys can wait.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
may be a bit tough to wait but I'm sure it will be worth it...