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yea dude that long dart made most of the match IMO lol thnx for the feedback, rep, i rep anyone who gives me feed back, lol

ecw original

New Member
Mar 20, 2007
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I will drop a full review later, still reading the event

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I loved this PPV, easily the best BtB in the history of this Forum. I hail the Main Event, and Team 3D vs AMW was great and entertaining. You seem to be able to write promos while staying in character, which shows just how in depth you are, you keep the matches short and exciting, which means we don't get bored, and you have great booking which I admire. I get really pissed off when someone books a 60 Minute Ultimate Submission Fatal 4 Way.

11/10 :)


Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
Sand Springs, Oklahoma
Loved the show, the main event was intresting and entertaining. I loved the entire PPV. I will give a full review later.

ecw original

New Member
Mar 20, 2007
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Awesome Lethal Lockdown, you clearly busted your ass with this PPV. Also, the X Disvion title stuck out for me too, a match I thought would be dissapoiting. I loved the Team 3D Vs AMW match, my match of the night, just cos I love both teams and the match was very entertaining.

Well done dude, awesome show 9/10


New Member
Mar 20, 2007
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Lethal Lockdown was the highlight, it wasn't better than the original TNA one, but it was great anyways.

AMW Vs Team 3D was a well-done match, awesome ending and the right team went over..

The worst match was the X Title...

I also enjoyed the title match a hell of a lot, it was great man..

I give the show a 8/10


thnx dudes im gunna start iMPACT! tonight, and yes i did kinda bust my ass with this but i enjoyed it


TNA iMPACT! Preview:

Christian Cage comments on his loss at LockDown.

Kurt Angle vs Tomko

LAX's Hernandez vs Brother Devon of Team 3D

Jim Cornette via satellite from a nearby Orlando Hospital answers the actions of Monty Brown.

Hardcore Match
Petey Williams and Eric Young vs Rhino and Raven

Will Sting show his face on iMPACT!?

ecw original

New Member
Mar 20, 2007
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Kurt Angle vs Tomko

LAX's Hernandez vs Brother Devon of Team 3D

Jim Cornette via satellite from a nearby Orlando Hospital answers the actions of Monty Brown.

Hardcore Match
Petey Williams and Eric Young vs Rhino and Raven

Will Sting show his face on iMPACT!? YES

Looking forward to iMPACT, check my btb, new show up, I would appreciate you return my lockdown review. Thanks bro..


Pyros go off as the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Hello once again, Mike Tenay, Don West, here ringside for TNA iMPACT! Don, have you ever witnessed a better PPV than TNA’s Lockdown event last Sunday night?

West: Mike, in my opinion that was my favorite TNA PPV to date. It was great, top to bottom, that was one special night. There was so much carnage inside of 6 Sides of Steel, and I am afraid the worst is about to come.

Tenay: The fallout of LockDown begins tonight, right now, but first let’s show you what went down in the controversial main event for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship when Kurt Angle took on Christian Cage!

VIDEO: Highlights of the Lockdown NWA title match.

Christian Cage’s music hits as Cage and Tomko hit the ring.

Cage: Shut up! Now last Sunday didn’t go as I planned! That was my match, the whole match! I brought more than my A game! Angle cheated!

Tenay: Cage looks pretty mad!

Cage: This is it! I have been screwed way too many times! I know exactly who to blame!

West: Cornette? Angle?

Cage: It’s all your fault…Tomko! Yea that’s right, he had me in the Ankle Lock, you were mere feet away and you could have broken it and you blew it pal!

Tenay: Typical Christian Cage, playing the blame game!

Cage: Tomko, there is only one way to redeem yourself! Either you face Kurt Angle one on one right here tonight on iMPACT! or you get down on your knees, beg for forgiveness, and kiss my feet!

West: Cage has lost it here Mike!

Cage: So what’s it going…

Tomko snatches the mic away from Cage.

Tomko: For the past 6 months I have done nothing but stand at your side and back you up, take the blame, and fought for you no matter how dumb or idiotic you happened to be, and you know what Cage, I am tired of it. I am out of here…Oh, before I leave, about your proposal. You can take your deal and shove it up your ass, and for my decision, I am taking Angle. I am going to show you how to beat the NWA Champ like a real man for once. Take some notes!

Tomko leaves Cage in the ring.

Tenay: Strong defiant words from Tomko!

West: I would feel the exact same way Mike! Tomko vs. Angle tonight!


Konnan walks into LAX’s locker room.

Konnan: Listen gringo’s, I admit I was out of line. (they ignore him) I had a long time to think about what I did and what I might lose. In this business you need as much familia as you can get. I apologize for slapjacking you. I am serious as can be essay.

Homicide: Who the hell do you think you are coming in here like that? What the hell do you think you are going to accomplish after turning on us, you get your kicks off us and now you want us to forget about it? Ain’t gunna happen dog. What about you big man?

Hernandez: Nuh uh.

Homicide: Wasn’t it you Konnan who said “You live and die in LAX?” Well essay, you just got shot.

LAX walks out leaving Konnan.


iMPACT! Zone

Tenay: Well DW, coming up next Team 3D’s Devon takes on LAX’s Hernandez. Team 3D was this close to capturing the NWA tag titles, but came up short, and now they are running for the gold again as they try to climb over LAX to do it.

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come down the ramp.

LAX’s music hits as Homicide and Hernandez come to the ring.

Devon w/ Brother Ray vs. Hernandez w/ Homicide
They lock up quickly, Hernandez backing Devon into the corner. He starts hard chopping him and choking him. He does a strong forearm chop to Devon’s head. He grabs his head and whips him to the other side of the ring and charges him looking for a clothesline. Devon moves out of the way, bounces off the ropes and bulldogs Hernandez. Devon covers Hernandez 1..2..kickout! He picks up Hernandez and chin chops him. He Russian leg sweeps him and covers, but gets a 1 count. He grabs his leg, Hernandez counters and pushes him into a corner. Hernandez shoulder thrusts him into the corner, whips him across the ring and clotheslines him. AMW and Gail Kim appear on the ramp. Harris is applauding him. Storm is drinking a bear and pointing and laughing at a downed Devon. Devon and Hernandez both look at AMW puzzled. Devon starts screaming at them. Hernandez cheap shots him from behind. He gets him up for the Border Toss and nails it on Devon. He covers 1..2..3!
WINNER: Hernandez

Brother Ray chases after AMW and Devon quickly follows.


Christopher Daniels is sitting meditating. Kevin Nash and Senshi walk by.

Nash: Hey Chris.

Daniels: …

Senshi: What’s the matter, fellow fallen warrior don’t talk? Haha

Nash: No don’t be rude Senshi bro, didn’t you see Daniels’ great brutal match last Sunday?

Senshi: Oh, why yes I did Kevin, that one he lost!

Nash: Yea, now it’s all coming back to you. Hey Chris buddy, if you ever need to talk to anyone I am the man for the job, just hit me up bro.

The camera follows Senshi and Nash down the hallway when the run into DDP and Scott Steiner.

DDP: Hey look it’s the man!

Steiner: Look what the cat dragged in!

Nash: Paige…Steiner…how’s it goin’ guys! Man how long has it been? 6 yrs?

DDP: Yea, around there, you are looking good man, changed since the last time I saw you though. Short hair and all.

Nash: Yea a little ass clown made me go all queer eye for the straight guy a couple years ago, but Big Daddy Cool could pull anything off.

Steiner: Bro, if you ever want to go out on the strip or anything like that you know our number right?

Nash: Hell yea bro, we will definitely have to do that sometime!

Daniels appears right in back of Nash.

Daniels: Excuse me, that offer, I’ll take it, we need to talk.

Nash and Senshi: hahaha


Mike Tenay stands in the ring.

Tenay: Ladies and Gentlemen, last Sunday at LockDown, The Alpha Male Monty Brown returned to TNA wreslting with a bang, or should I say a Pounce!

VIDEO: Monty Brown-Jim Cornette segment of Lockdown.

Tenay: We now have Jim Cornette live via satellite from a near by medical facility, take it away Mr. Cornette.

Cornette: Hello ladies and gentlemen, TNA fans, in the iMPACT! zone and world wide, I am Mr. James Cornette, Head of TNA Management. I am hear in a medical facility because of one incompetent superstar. Last Sunday a certain man by the name of Monty Brown Pounced me right out of my shoes, and that’s literally. I am in great pain right now and next week on iMPACT! I will have a special surprise that I am bringing to the “Serengeti.” You watch, next week, you will be lucky if the Alpha Male stays in TNA for more than a month tops…


Shane Douglas is walking with a kendo stick along with Raven and Rhino, the Naturals not far behind them. They are walking towards the tunnel.


Petey Williams’ music hits as the x division champion Petey and Eric come down the ramp. They are walking far apart from each other, their heads wrapped and bodies all bandaged up.

Rhino’s theme hits as Rhino, Raven, Shane Douglas, and the Naturals come out of the tunnel.

Rhino and Raven vs. Eric Young and Petey Williams
Rhino grabs Eric Young and clubs him down enjoying every minute of it. He stomps Eric down like a dog. Shane Douglas starts tossing weapons in the ring. Rhino throws Eric into a corner and clotheslines him. He puts Eric on top of the turnbuckle and mounts punches on him. Petey runs in and hits Rhino from behind. Rhino falls to the mat on his feet. Petey throws a right and it’s blocked, Eric jumps on Rhino’s back. Rhino, with Eric on his back, big boots Williams and hurls Eric over his back onto Petey.

West: This is a shear mugging!

Rhino covers Eric 1..2..Rhino pulls him up. Rhino tags in Raven who has the kendo stick. He clocks Petey across the head. Raven grabs Eric Young and slams him again on top of Petey Williams. He signals for Andy Douglas to throw him a chair. Raven gets the chair and slams Eric heads onto the mat. Petey gets up and drop kicks into Raven’s chair hitting him in the face. Petey gets up, Rhino runs in and Gores Petey Williams.


The Naturals run in and start beating up Eric and Petey. Rhino grabs the kendo stick and Raven grabs the chair once again and start after Petey and Eric.

Douglas: Ok, now it’s either Sting comes out here or these guys are going to get the crap beaten out of them!

DDP’s music hits as DDP and Steiner run to the ring.

Rhino and Raven clear the ring and meet up with Shane Douglas on the other side of the iMPACT! Zone. DDP does the Diamond Cutter to Chase Stevens and Steiner power slams Andy Douglas. They point to Douglas, Rhino and Raven standing at the tunnel.

The lights go out as Sting’s music hits. Sting lowers from the rafters. He stands with DDP and Steiner signaling they want a piece of the “Extremists.” Shane Douglas, Rhino, and Raven leave the Naturals in the ring and hightail it out of the arena.



Leticia is backstage with Samoa Joe

Leticia: Joe, now last Sunday…

Joe: What? What? About last Sunday??? I one upped the Phenomenal one! I have the upper hand now! AJ’s games have been going on long enough! I was his puppet in crutches, now I am 100%. AJ thank god you are not here tonight because I would beat your ass across this whole damn arena! Next week, I am laying it on the table. You me, face to face, I want to hear what you have to say AJ, if you got the balls, be there!


Eric Young and Petey Williams are walking back to the locker room.

Young: Petey I am soo sorry, I let ou down! I am such a screw up! I am going to get fired aren’t I? I know it, I can smell it in the air, it’s like a stab in the back, I am totally going to get fired!

Williams: Shut up! Eric, I want to tell you right now because I haven’t had a chance to tell you yet, last Sunday at LockDown, you and me put on an X Division Classic. Tonight’s match didn’t matter to me, don’t worry about it, I just want to thank you, because that was the match of my career at LockDown. Man to Man, shake on it?

Young: Of course man.

They shake hands as you see BG James in the back with his head in his hands.

BG: Where has my life gone? I am nothing! No family, no friends…I really have to think this through!

PROMO: Tomko vs. Kurt Angle

Tenay: What a wild ride it has been here on iMPACT! huh Don?

West: Yea Mike, this has been some ride, I would like to say that tickets go on sale for TNA Sacrifice live in Chicago, IL this Saturday at noon at all ticketmaster locations or at! This is our second PPV on the road, if you remember Bound For Glory, this one could top that, more information will be provided as we get it, Sacrifice don’t miss it!

Christian Cage’s music hits as Tomko comes down the ramp.

Kurt Angle’s music hits as Kurt comes down the ramp with the NWA World title.

Kurt Angle vs. Tomko
They lock up real fast. Angle does a headlock takedown, and keeps the hold on the mat. Tomko rises, and backdrops Angle. He runs towards the ropes and back with a leg drop on Kurt. He covers him 1..2..kickout! Angle rises and repeatedly slaps Tomko, he does forearm uppercuts onto him. He does a belly to belly. Angle points and laughs at Tomko. He grabs his ankle but he scrambles to the ropes. The ref tries to stop Angle. Tomko stands on the apron taking a breather. Angle rushes towards him but Tomko shoulders him in the gut. He suplexes Angle over the top rope onto the floor. Tomko raises his hands in victory. He jumps and clubs Angle across the back. He drags Angle to the stairs and tries to slam his head onto the steel steps, Angle counters and slams his head on the steps. He German suplexes Tomko onto the floor. He pulls his straps down.

Tenay: Angle is fired up here tonight!

Angle throws Tomko back in the ring. He gets in stance for the Olympic Slam, he goes for it, Tomko counters into an armdrag. Both men spring back up and Tomko walks right into another belly to belly. Tomko stumbles around, Angle locks him in for another German. Tomko counters and gets behind Angle and low blows him. Ref calls for the DQ.
WINNER: Kurt Angle by DQ

He does a modified power slam on Angle.

Christian Cage’s music hits as Cage runs down the ramp and bumps heads with Tomko, they exchange words. They freeze and look at Angle. They both start laughing. Tomko picks him up and swings him across the ring and big boots him. Cage grabs him and does the Unprettier.

West: It was a set up the whole time Mike!

Tenay: We should have known!

Cage takes the NWA title and raises it above him, Tomko puts him on his shoulders as iMPACT! comes to a close

TNA Wrestling Presents Sacrifice LIVE! from Chicago IL

Card not yet posted


Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
Sand Springs, Oklahoma
I will have full Impact review tommorow night or whenever I have a chance. Looks like a good show. Keep up the good job.

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Another incredible iMPACT! by the xtremebadass, I liked the brawl in the Tag Match. Good ECW memories came back there. Don't forget to check out my new BtB Show, Velocity!