Mood Request Thread

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Konnan is dragging Gail behind him by the hand, Homicide and Hernandez follow him, there is tension.

Konnan: Listen gringos, stop, right now. We haven’t talked all day, what is your problem homes?

Homicide: Well, you said on Impact, it was a sure thing that we would keep our ho, as well as our belts, you said we were the best.

Konnan: And you are!

Homicide: Even the best have bad days K-Dog! Last Thursday we lost our titles, but you didn’t lose anything! Did you? Of course not! You have your stupid braud and what do me and Hernandez have? Jack ****!

Konnan: Listen man, I don’t want to hear it essay!

Hernandez puts a chokehold on Konnan.

Konnan: Listen, me and Homicide are going out there to regain our belts, without you!

Tenay: Looks like Konnan’s promise wasn’t that legit, but let’s see if Hernandez and Homicide can prove Konnan wrong!

LAX’s music hits as Homicide and Hernandez come down the ramp, Gail Kim across the shoulder of Hernandez.

AMW’s music plays as the NWA Tag Champs come down to the ring.

NWA Tag Team Championship
Winner Take All II
AMW (c) vs. LAX
Storm and Hernandez start it out. James charges at Hernandez trying to clothesline him, but Hernandez doesn’t budge. Hernandez grabs Storm’s head and pushes it. Storm goes down, but jumps back up and charges at Hernandez once again, but Hernandez spinebusters him. He covers 1..2..kickout. Hernandez drags him to his corner and tags in Homicide, Homicide hops over the top rope into a leg drop onto Storm. He puts him up in the corner, and attempts a bronco buster, as soon as he is about to nail it Storm moves and Homicide goes groin first into the bottom turnbuckle. Storm begins to crawl to his corner, inch by inch, he gets about a foot from Harris’ extended hand, but Homicide throws his body onto Storm’s causing him to stop. He pulls his ankle back into the center of the ring and puts on a half Boston Crab. Harris had enough and runs into the ring ambushing Homicide across the back of the head. He drags Storm into his corner, exits the ring, than tags in himself. Harris runs back in again and storms after Homicide. He hurls Homicide into a corner, he puts him on the top turnbuckle. He begins to mount punches onto Homicide, he gets to 4 punches, then Homicide counters into a powerbomb. He has an opening, he crawls to Hernandez, and gets the tag. Hernandez comes in and picks up Chris by the hair and headbutts him. Storm runs in, only to get headbutted by Hernandez as well. He picks up Storm and Pump Handle Slams him. He covers him 1..2..kickout! He puts him in an arm lock, Harris begins to struggle. Storm gets up and bounces off the ropes and kicks Hernandez in the head. Homicide climbs the turnbuckle and clotheslines Storm. Harris runs towards Homicide, but Homicide goes for a clothesline, but Harris ducks, bounces off the ropes and spears Homicide. Harris pops up and gets a huge pop. He turns around and gets big booted by Hernandez. Hernandez covers Harris again, but Storm quickly breaks the pin. Homicide clotheslines Storm over the top rope, they fall to the floor. Hernandez signals for a Powerbomb, he picks Harris up, but Harris begins to punch him in the head, Harris escapes and lands behind Hernandez, he gives a neckbreaker to the 6 plus footer. Storm and Homicide appear back at the corners. Harris goes to tag Storm and tags him in. Storm runs across the ring and knocks Homicide off the apron. Hernandez gets up and turns around only to get a superkick by Storm, he tags in Harris. They Death Sentence Hernandez, Harris pins Hernandez 1..2...3!
WINNER: still NWA Tag Champs AMW

Tenay: What a match! AMW is on top of the world, they retained their belts and now regained Gail’s services!

Gail Kim runs in the ring and hugs Storm and Harris.

Konnan walks down the ramp, he stops before hitting the ring.

Konnan: See what happens when I ain’t ringside homes? Now you know, when K-Dog ain’t by your side essay, you guys aren’t even good enough to lick my boots clean homes.


JB: Jeremy Borash still here in the parking lot of the Impact Zone at Destination X. I am still awaiting the arrival of DDP tonight, we have seen Angle, but no sign of DDP.

Another Limo pulls up, stops, and the door opens. Two guys pop out.

JB: Well, it’s not DDP, but it’s the Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe and the Phenomenal AJ Styles! Hey guys, what are you doing at Destination X?

Joe: Well, JB, me and AJ thought it was a crime that TNA didn’t book it’s biggest stars on the card, so we thought, why deprive the fans of seeing us.

AJ: Yea, these fans love us! Especially the way I beat BG James’ ass all over this arena, they always love seeing the Phenomenal One!

Samoa: Ha, don’t forget myself brawling with Kip, and handing him his ass on a silver platter.

AJ: Well, Joe, you just have to one up everything I say don’t you.

Joe: Damnit, AJ, I thought we weren’t going to do this.

They walk away

JB: Well, they sound like an old married couple, stay tuned to see if DDP ever shows up, or if I ever get out of this parking lot.


Jim Cornette pops out of his office, he seems to be sweating and is in a hurry. He runs into Christian Cage and Tomko. Cage is all bandaged up.

Cage: Hey, Cornette, ow, just the man I wanted to see.

Cornette: Cage, I really don’t have the time.

Cage: Listen, I am the biggest thing in TNA, so you make time.

Cornette: Listen, I have a guest Ref that didn’t show up yet, the Ultimate X is next, Sting disappeared, and now you are on my ass, where does it end?

Cage: I just busted my ass out there an deserve an NWA title shot! I am not asking Cornette I am demanding one!

Cornette: Listen, it is out of my hands now, the NWA title picture is hazy, it’s hard to see where it’s going to lead with Angle and Raven, let alone DDP, so Angle, I will give you an answer on Impact this Thursday, okay?

Cornette gives Cage the cold shoulder.

Cage: Tell me he just didn’t blow me off?

Tenay: Well, it’s a time honored tradition for the Ultimate X match in TNA, and let’s show you some highlights of the Ultimate X…

VIDEO: Highlights and History of Ultimate X

Petey William’s music hits as Petey Williams comes to the ring.

Primetime’s music hits as Elix Skipper struts down to the ring.

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as the X Division Champ the Fallen Angel comes in the ring.

X Division Championship
Ultimate X
Christopher Daniels (c) vs. Petey Williams vs. Primetime
Daniels slowly moves over to Primetime, he looks to be trying to get an alliance going like their old Triple X days. Daniels whispers to Elix, and points at Petey. Petey turns around and runs up the metal structure. Daniels and Skipper pull him down and he hits the mat. Primetime pulls him up and suplexes him. Daniels elbows him. They pulls him and shoot him across the ring he bounces off the rope and double clotheslines “Triple X.” Petey runs to the corner and puts his hand on his chest and starts singing O Canada! He stops and climbs up the metal beam again, he gets a few fingers on the rope, until Primetime runs up the turnbuckle and grabs a hold of Williams. He looks to be attempting a powerbomb off the 3 rope, but Petey counters into a headscissors, both go hard into the mat. Daniels sees an opening and walks over to a turnbuckle and begins to climb. He gets up on the third turnbuckle and starts to scale the structure, Petey Williams begins to rise and sees him. He goes after him. He climbs the turnbuckle, then Daniels reaches the cables and begins to swing from both hands on the cable. Petey, standing on the top turnbuckle, reaches out and grabs Daniels’ ankle. With the other foot, Daniels kicks Petey and he lets go. Petey jumps to the cable still in pursuit of Daniels. Primetime recovers and goes to the opposite turnbuckle, he begins climbing the steel. Daniels’ grip is loosening and swings his legs around the cable. Petey sails in the middle of the X right behind Daniels and begins to kick him. Primetime moves to the center and him and Petey grab both of Daniels’ ankles and they all fall off the Ultimate X. Daniels bounces face first off the mat. Petey regains himself and stumbles around the ring, so does Primetime. Petey turns around and is caught with an Insuguri by Primetime. Skipper grabs Williams by the hair and throws him out of the ring. Primetime talks smack to Williams from inside the ring. From behind, Daniels throws Primetime out of the ring. Daniels stumbles over to the turnbuckle and gets to the third one. He slowly climbs the structure and gets to the cables. Petey grabs a chair, and get up to the apron, he goes to the second turnbuckle and whacks Daniels in the back, The Fallen Angel falls off. Williams drops the chair and climbs to the cables. Now it is Primetime who grabs the chair and goes up the turnbuckles. Primetime hits Petey with the chair and Petey falls this time. Skipper climbs up and gets to the cables. He sets out dangling from the by his hands he is inches away from the X Division title, when Petey gets up and is on his knees in the ring. Daniels runs and bounces off the rope, he jumps on Petey’s back elevating himself and he dropkicks Primetime off the cables. Petey gets up and is light on his knee, he must have injured it somehow, but he whips Daniels across the ring and arm drags him. Primetime runs towards Petey, but Petey dropkicks him. Daniels gets back up, but Petey dropkicks him too. Primetime goes to clothesline Petey, but Petey ducks and twists him around and sets him up for the Canadian Destroyer. He signals for it , but Daniels runs from behind him and bulldogs him. Daniels runs to the turnbuckle and climbs it. He ventures to the center, he is inches away from gold, Primetime puts Petey up for a powerbomb. Petey is on top of Primetime and grabs Daniels who is almost the champ, Petey has Daniels up for a powerbomb as well. Primetime slams Petey down, which causes Daniels to go down too, but Daniels falls out of the ring. Primetime goes for the title, he climbs up the turnbuckles, he once again ventures to the inside of the X, but Petey grabs the chair and throws it at Primetime’s gut, he falls in pain. Petey delivers the Canadian Destroyer to Primetime, Skipper rolls out of the ring.Petey stumbles over to the turnbuckle and climbs it, he goes across the cables while Daniels suddenly comes up and is on the other side. They exchange hits up top next to the belt, Petey delivers a hard kick to the back of the head and Daniels goes down, Petey grabs the belt.
WINNER: new X Division Champion Petey Williams

Tenay: Petey has climbed the mountain once again! He is the new X Division Champion!

West: That was one of the most friggin’ amazing matches I have ever seen in my life Mike!


Jim Cornette collides in the hallway with Jeremy Borash.

Cornette: Borash, aren’t you supposed to be in that parking lot?

JB: Listen, Jim, he never showed!

Cornette: What do you mean?

JB: DDP never showed up!

Cornette: Son of a bitch! Even more on my shoulders. Get out of my way! I need a drink!

VIDEO: Hyping the NWA Championship match.

Tenay: Wait, DDP never showed? Well I would understand, he is almost a cripple because of Raven, but if I knew DDP like I knew I did, he would have been here to lay into Raven.

West: I totally agree, but the show must go on Mike and the NWA title match is next!

Raven’s music hits as Raven comes down the ramp.

Kurt Angle’s music hits as the NWA Champion makes it down the ramp.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle (c) vs. Raven
They meet face to face in the middle of the ring. They start whispering to each other, Raven slaps Angle, Angle follows with another slap. They exchange lefts and rights until Angle overpowers Raven and Raven is backed into a corner. Angle starts shouldering Raven in the gut, Raven pops over Angle and gets behind him and locks a headlock on Angle. Angle turns around and rams Raven back first back into the corner. He gives him elbows to the face and the ref finally breaks them up. They meet once again face to face, this time Angle goes down to ground Raven, he goes for the Ankle, but Raven is smart enough and roles over and pushes Angle away for enough time to get back up. Raven locks up with Angle, he knees him in the gut and suplexes him. He puts a modified chin lock on Angle, Angle gets to the ropes no problem. Angle gets up and whips Raven into the ropes, Raven gets caught and gets a belly to belly suplex by Angle. Angle goes for the Ankle Lock once again, but Raven squirms out of the ring. Angle goes outside after Raven, but Raven knows and drop toe holds Angle into the steps. Raven grabs his head and throws him in the ring, his head hanging over the apron. Raven begins to choke Angle. The ref breaks it. Raven does his signature pose. He gets in the ring. Raven pulls Angle to the middle of the ring and goes for an Ankle Lock, Angle counters and flips over to try to lock in the Ankle Lock on Raven, Raven counters and pushes him away again. Raven gets up and Angle shoulders him in the back of the knee grounding him. He goes for the Ankle Lock again, but Raven turns and counters pushing him into the ref. Angle tries to help up the ref. Raven low blows him. Raven goes outside and looks under the ring. He pulls out a Kendo stick. He holds it and does the Raven Pose. The fans start chanting ECW. He goes into the ring and calls for Angle to get up. Angle stumbles up and gets smacked by the Kendo stick.
Tenay: We need someone to control this Madness.

Raven drags Angle ass up, and Raven Effects him. He pins him. No one counts, so he goes to the ref and tries to wake him up. He gets up, but Angle pushes Raven into the Ref and Raven tries to help him up, but Angle Olympic Slams him. Kurt picks up the Kendo stick and smacks Raven across the back of the head 3 times. He throws the stick outside the ring. He pulls his straps down signaling for another Olympic Slam. Raven gets up and Angle goes for the Olympic Slam, but Raven escapes up top, and counters into the Raven Effect. Raven pins him, but still no ref. He picks up the ref and Raven Effects the ref. Angle gets up and does a running takedown on Raven. He gets on his back and slaps him across the head. He drags him to the middle of the ring and slaps on the Ankle Lock, he locks his legs and wraps them around Raven’s. Raven begins to scream in agony.

DDP’s music hits as DDP limps down the ramp in a ref’s shirt.

West: He is here! DDP!

DDP slides into the ring, and asks Raven if he wants to quit, after about a minute and a half, Raven taps.
WINNER: and still NWA Champion Kurt Angle.

Angle throws Raven out of the ring and DDP holds up Angle’s hand in victory.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Here's Word Of Advice. End The Lax Or Papparazi Storylines. They Are Both The Same Almost Because The Team Is Getting Fed Up Of The Manager.


The LAX storyline isn't the same as the Paparrazzi!?! There was the whole Gail Kim factor in the LAX storyline and it was for the tag titles, the Paparrazzi storyline is just a small little rivalry that shelley and starr didn't like how Nash was controling them, it started in my old BTB on the old site, if you read that it would have made a whole lot more sense trust me


Feb 16, 2007
Reaction score
Wow, awesome PPV right there. Good to see Petey Williams as new X-Division champion and I liked the ending with DDP finaly coming out.

LAX storyline has me really interested too.


Official iMPACT! preview!

DDP still showed up as guest ref, half crippled, will he be in the Impact! Zone this Thursday?

AMW regained Gail Kim's services at Destination X, and LAX began to fall apart, what happens next?

Sting got taken away in a car, what is next for the Manbeast, a title shot? Or a vengeful return of Sting?

Plus Lance Hoyt, Paparazzi, and the new X-Division Champion Petey Williams!


VIDEO: Highlights of TNA Destination X

Pyros go off as the Impact theme plays.

Tenay: Hello, this is TNA Impact on SpikeTV, Mike Tenay, Don West, ringside, and Don, have you ever witnessed a bigger PPV than Destination X last Sunday?

West: Mike, you know as well as I do, that PPV tops all the previous, it had everything! I feel everything piling out of Destination X will come to a head tonight!

Rhino’s music hits as Rhino comes down the ramp.

Tenay: I hope we get some answers from this man, how about you Don?

West: Yes Mike, this man, well…you’ll see.

Rhino: Listen to me, last Sunday at Destination X, I destroyed the Icon Sting. He beat me and embarrassed me at Against All Odds, well he came to my yard, an 8 Mile Street fight, and he left inside of a trunk. After I beat the crap out of Sting, I shoved him in the trunk of a car and that car took him away for good. That’s right all you little losers, no more Sting, no more Icon, no more Role Model!

DDP’s music hits as DDP limps down the ramp.

DDP: Who the hell do you think you are?

Rhino: I am the Manbeast…

DDP: Yea, I didn’t mean that, who do you think you are punking out Sting like that?

Rhino: It’s called getting revenge.

DDP: Listen dude, when did Sting ever throw you in a trunk huh? When did Sting ever beat your ass down so badly that you couldn’t even stand? What Sting pisses you off? That’s why you had to cripple him?

Rhino: Well, you didn’t see anything wrong when you massacred Raven in the HangMan’s Horror match at Against All Odds, did you?

DDP: Well…

Rhino: Yea and that’s why Raven crippled you.

DDP: That’s not the point.

Rhino: Listen Paige, why don’t you walk your crippled ass up that ramp where you belong, your tail between your legs like the bitch you are!

DDP lunges at Rhino taking him down. The two role around on the mat beating each other.

Raven’s theme music hits as Raven runs down the ramp. Raven runs into the ring and pulls Paige off of Rhino. Rhino and Raven start stomping the life out of DDP.

Jim Cornette’s music hits as Cornette stand on the ramp.

Cornette: Listen, Rhino and Raven, you two clowns want to beat the hell out of DDP, I will give it to you, but not tonight.

Rhino: Shut the hell up Cornette!

Raven: Yea Cornette, we don’t play by your rules anymore!

Cornette: You two dead beats, want to beat up Raven right? The man is a cripple, where’s the honor in that?

Raven: Cornette, what do you propose, like I am totally interested in what you have to say?

Cornette: Next week, right here on Impact, we are going to have a tag team match, Rhino will team up with Raven, to take on DDP and a partner that he could find. Now get the hell out of that ring, I have a show to run!

Tenay: Wow, Raven and Rhino vs. DDP and any partner he chooses!

West: Right here on Impact! next week!


Tenay: Don, you and I both witnessed it, yes last Sunday night, Team 3D got their number one contender shot at the NWA Tag Champs AMW by defeating Cage and Tomko, but however, I don’t think LAX is done with them.

AMW’a theme music hits as AMW and Gail Kim come down the ramp.

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as Hoyt walks down the ramp.

LAX’s music hits as LAX comes down to the ring.

Chris Harris, James Storm, and Lance Hoyt vs. Konnan, Homicide, and Hernandez
Storm and Hernandez start off the match. They lock up and Hernandez pushes Storm into a corner. Hernandez delivers 3 hard chops and Storm falls to the mat sitting up in the corner. He pushes his boot into the face of Storm until the ref breaks it. Hernandez picks him and and back drops him. He tags in Homicide. Homicide does a flying knee to the spine of Storm. He picks him up and does a standing head scissors to Storm. He pins 1..2..kickout! Homicide goes for an STF, but Storm pushes Homicide away, he goes in and tags in Hoyt. Hoyt explodes and big boots Homicide. Hernandez comes in and gets big booted as well. Konnan just stands at the apron. Hoyt signals to Konnan if he wants some, Hernandez and Homicide both look to Konnan to come in, but Konnan flips them the middle finger and walks up the ramp.

Tenay: Why is Konnan leaving?

AMW goes in the ring and does the Death Sentence on Hernandez, Hoyt Powerbombs Homicide and pins 1..2..3.
WINNER: Lance Hoyt and AMW

West: That was an easy win for Lance and AMW, considering it was like they were facing 2 wrestlers!

Tenay: LAX definitely has some issues they need to work out.

Team 3D appears at the opposite stage looking at AMW.

West: Team 3D is even here, the tag division is heating up!


JB: Jeremy Borash here with the new X-Division Champion, The Canadian Destroyer Petey Williams!

Williams: How’s it goin Jeremy?

JB: Great, but I imagine you are doing a whole lot better than me.

Williams: Well, besides being X Division champion I feel like crap after that Ultimate X match.

JB: It was pretty brutal.

Williams: I requested this interview to announce that I will have the Petey Williams Canadian Open next week right here on Impact! Any X Division Wrestler who wants a shot at this Gold right here. Be sure you are the first one out of the tunnel though. Hell Jeremy you can even face me, anyone!

JB: Well that’s very generous Petey.

Williams: Hey, I’m Canadian, c’mon!


Paparrazzi music hits as Austin Starr and Alex Shelley come down the ramp.

AJ Styles’ music hits as AJ and Joe come down the ramp.

AJ Styles w/ Samoa Joe vs. Austin Starr w/ Alex Shelley
AJ and Austin shake hands, until AJ tricks him into an arm drag. Austin gets back up and signals to AJ “That was a good one”. They lock up. Austin puts him in a head lock and bulldogs him. He covers 1…kickout! Styles gets up and locks up with Starr again. AJ gets around and backdrops him. He grabs his legs and slingshots him chest first into a corner. He bounces off the corner and AJ insuguri’s him. He pins him 1..2..kickout! AJ picks him up and does a modified suplex launching him forward onto his stomach. He pins him 1..2..kickout! Shelley starts cheering on Starr. AJ goes to the top turnbuckle, when Starr gets up and pushes him off, Styles falls near Joe. Joe goes to Styles to help him up, Styles quickly pushes Joe away. Starr gets up to the top turnbuckle while Joe and Styles argue. He moonsaults onto both of them. Starr picks up Styles and throws him back into the ring. He covers 1..2..kickout! He picks him and drop kicks him, Starr covers Styles 1..2..kickout! Starr does a standing Shooting Star Press onto Styles. He picks him up and goes for a suplex, Styles counters and looks to hit the Styles Clash. He has his legs hooked and looks to lock his arms, Starr hurls himself up and head scissors him onto the mat and grabs his legs for the pin 1..2..kickout. Joe starts screaming at Styles. Starr signals for the Shooting Starr Press, he turns around at Styles and Styles does the Pey Lay. He picks him and nails the Styles Clash, 1..2..3.

Joe goes into the ring and shakes Styles’ hand, they hug and Joe raises Styles’ hand in victory.


JB: Jeremy Borash here with Christian Cage.

Cage: Listen Borash, this is Captain Charisma Christian Cage, I am telling you right now I will be facing Kurt Angle for the NWA Heavyweight championship at LockDown!

JB: I haven’t heard about anything like that Christian!

Cage: Well, stay tuned you are about to here it.


Tenay: They might have a tag team match next week, but that won’t stop Cornette from putting them in action this week, it’s time for a Destination X rematch!

Raven’s music hits as Raven walks down the ramp with Rhino.

Kurt Angle’s music hits as Kurt Angle comes down the ramp.

Kurt Angle vs. Raven w/ RhinoAnge and Raven lock up. Raven gets behind Raven and German Suplexes him. He goes for an early ankle lock, but Raven counters and pushes him away. He gets up and they lock up again. Raven gets Angle lock under his arm and gives him a neckbreaker. Raven covers Angle 1..2..kickout. Raven picks him up and knees him in the chest, he maneuvers into a modified double arm DDT. He covers him again 1..2..kickout. Raven takes the turnbuckle cover off. He picks Angle up and hurls Angle into the corner. Angle screams in pain as his spine hits the steal turnbuckle. As Angle comes off the corner, Raven does a belly to belly. Raven covers Angle 1..2..kickout! He goes around and gets Angle into the Ankle Lock. Angle quickly makes it to the ropes.

Tenay: Angle was almost submitted with his own move!

Angle makes it out to the outside. Angle turns around and gets Gored by Rhino.
WINNER: Angle by DQ


Tenay: He just got Raven DQ’d?

Raven signals for Rhino to get a table. Raven pulls a Kendo stick that was standing next to the ring post outside. Rhino throws Angle into the ring. Raven poses with the Kendo stick.

DDP’s music hits as DDP limps out of the ramp.

DDP: Hey you two “hardcore” SOB’s! You think you run this place now huh?

Rhino and Raven signal to DDP to come to the ring. Scott Steiner appears behind of Raven and Rhino.

DDP: Hey you two scum bags, turn around.

Scott Steiner double clotheslines both of them. He throws Rhino over the top rope. He picks up Raven and hurls him over the top rope.

DDP: Meet my partner next week, Big Papa Pump Scott Steiner!


Tenay: Well, it was Scott Steiner who just returned to TNA moments ago coming to the aid of Kurt Angle, and well Kurt never left the ring.

Angle: Listen, I couldn’t give a crap about DDP, Raven, Rhino, or the Big Bastard Scottie, I heard a little CLB was going to say something, I am waiting.

Cornette’s music hits as Jim Cornette comes down to the ring.

Angle: Well, I wasn’t expecting you!

Cornette: I know, now listen Kurt, there is a situation going on with the World title picture.

Angle: What kind of situation?

Cornette: I have had a lot of pressure from Christian Cage for him ot b e the number one contender, he lost at Destination X and I think he doesn’t deserve it.

Christian Cage’s music hits as Cage and Tomko stand at the stage.

Cage: What the hell do you mean doesn’t deserve it?

Cornette: If you won last Sunday, you were guaranteed a title shot, you lost, I bid you farewell we are done here.

Cage: Don’t tell me what to do you son of a bitch!

Angle: Hey Cage, you want to talk crap to Cornette, how about you put your money where your big mouth is?

Cage: Anytime Angle!

Cornette: I got it, in 2 weeks right here on Impact, we will have ourselves a little match. Cage, since you want to be in the title picture so bad, here is what I am going to do. In two weeks you, Christian Cage will step toe to toe in the ring with the NWA World Champion Kurt Angle. If you win, you will get your title shot, if you lose, you lose any hopes of getting a title shot in the distant future!

Cage: You my friend have a deal!

NEXT WEEK on Impact!

Petey William’s Canadian Open X-Division Challenge
Open challenge for the X Division Championship!

DDP and Scott Steiner vs. Rhino and Raven.

In 2 Weeks on Impact!

Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage
If Cage wins, he gets a title shot, if he loses he loses his shot at the NWA title.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
I Like The Idea Of Raven/rhino. They Are Both Hardcore Legends And I Want To See What Happens When Scott Steiner Gets Chuckedinto The Mix Like He Was. Lockdown On My Btb Will Be Ready Soon So Check It Out


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Great show, your promos were great and the matches were consistently good, keep it up.


Thnx guys, ill b sure to check urs out too, how about a little more feedback all u other guys?


Official TNA iMPACT! Preview

DDP and Scott Steiner vs. Rhino and Raven

Christian Cage's Tribute to NWA Champion Kurt Angle

X Division Championship
Petey William's Canadian Open Invitational

Team 3D vs. LAX /America's Most Wanted will be ringside

Samoa Joe w/ AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels



New Member
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Really liken it man. Love the storylines. Love the whole angle-ddp thing. Love how you added Rhino as a mad man. and enjoyed nash beating the paparazzi.


Pyros go off as the Impact theme plays.

Tenay: Don, are you ready for your 60 minute Adrenaline Rush? I know I am!

West: Oh Mike, how can you not be excited tonight? Petey William’s X Division Open! He will be defending the X Division title in a Canadian Open Challenge! Plus in our Main event, Rhino will team up with Raven to take on DDP and Scott Steiner!

Tenay: Get ready, Impact is Next!

VIDEO: Recap of last week’s Impact.

Petey Williams’ music hits as the X Division Champion comes down the ramp.

Williams: Oh Canada! My Home and Native Land (crowd sings along) Yea, that’s how we role in Canada. Listen, now last week I told JB we were going to have a little Canadian X Division Championship Invitational. That means anyone who could walk down that ramp first, will get an X Division Championship match right here right now against the Canadian Destroyer…who’s up to the challenge?

Eric Young’s music hits as Eric comes to ringside.

Young: Hey Petey!

Williams: Wassup Eric. I haven’t seen you in like forever dude!

Young: I know!

Williams: Well, we could catch up on old times later, I am waiting for someone to accept my challenge.

Young: But…

Williams: Eric, come on, this is important to me, let alone all of Canada!

Young: But…fine.

Eric walks outside to the floor.

Williams: Who wants to step up?

Senshi’s music hits as Senshi comes down to the ring with Kevin Nash. Eric Young looks on with a sad look on his face.

X Division Championship
Petey Williams vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash
Petey and Senshi come to the center and shake hands. Senshi does knife edge chops to the sternum of Williams and whips him into the corner. Senshi runs and does an insuguri. Nash applauds him. Senshi puts Williams in a triangle choke. After struggling for awhile Petey gets to the ropes. Senshi drags him into the center of the ring, but Petey kicks him in the jaw. Williams pops up and begins to punch Senshi, one after another, then Petey belly to belly’s him. He pins him 1..2..kickout! He picks him up and throws him against the ropes, he attempts a dropkick, but Senshi clings to the ropes. Nobody home for Williams. Senshi attempts the pin, 1…kickout! Senshi is getting mad now. He goes to the ropes and starts kicking them. Petey gets up and throws him over the top rope. Eric Young wants to cheer Petey, but is having a personal conflict. Petey does a suicide dive onto Senshi from the ring. He picks him and throws him in the ring. He goes up top and plants an elbow from the 3rd rope. He signals for the Canadian Destroyer, nails it, pins 1..2..3!
: still X Division Champion Petey Williams.

Eric Young walks in the ring holding the belt. Petey wants to celebrate, he yanks the belt from Eric and makes him raise his hand.

Tenay: Eric doesn’t look to thrilled.

West: Yea, I think he wanted that shot at the gold.


JB: Jeremy Borash here with the NWA tag team champions America’s Most Wanted. Now AMW, the tag team title situation is heating up in TNA, any comments.

Storm: Hell yea we have something to say. LAX blew it. They are done. They have no more shots at the belts.

Harris: Team 3D on the other hand earned their shot at Destination X, and at LockDown, it looks like we will be facing them in the six sides of steel.

Storm: As always, listen LAX, Gail Kim will be with us by our sides, ain’t that right Gail?

Gail: Damn right Storm.

LAX’s music hits as LAX comes down to the ring. Konnan is walking slowly behind them.

Team 3D’s music hits as they come down the ramp.

AMW stroles down the ramp and watches ringside.

LAX vs. Team 3D
Hernandez and Brother Ray lock up. Hernandez knees Ray in the gut and pounds his forearm across his back causing him to go down. Hernandez stomps the life out of Ray, He drags him over to the corner and tags Homicide. They both stomp Ray into the corner. Homicide taunts Konnan and does a running dropkick into Ray. He tags Hernandez back in. Hernandez puts him up on the top turnbuckle. Ray kicks him in the face and punches Homicide. He kicks him again and clotheslines him off the 2nd rope. Everyone is down and Devon wants in bad. Ray crawls over, but Hernandez grabs his ankle, he drags him and puts him in a leg lock. Konnan shows no interest in this match at all. Hernadez picks him up, Devon jumps into the ring, the ref stops him. With the ref distracted Ray low blows Hernandez, Homicide comes in and Ray backdrops Homicide. AMW looks on intensely. Team 3D 3D’s Homicide. Hernandez gets up and they 3D him as well. Ray pins Hernandez 1..2..Konnan kicks Ray in the head.
No Contest

Team 3D look at Konnan laughing. Hernandez runs towards the backs of Team 3D, Ray and Devon move causing Hernandez to clothesline Konnan.

Tenay: Talk about miscommunication!

Hernandez can’t believe what he did. Homicide looks at Hernandez puzzled. Team 3D exits the ring and stares down AMW.


Christopher Daniels’ music hits as Daniels comes ringside.

Samoa Joe’s music hits. No one comes out.

On the big screen shows Samoa Joe beaten and bloody through a table backstage. Medics are tending to Joe. Styles runs over to him.

AJ: What the hell is this? How did this happen? Who saw anything? Joe! Joe! Can you hear me. AJ runs away.

AJ Styles’ music hits as AJ runs to the ring.

AJ: Okay, Chris what the hell is going on?

Daniels: What are you talking about?

AJ: Joe, Joe is taken out!

Daniels: Why are you yelling at me?

AJ: Chris, out of all people I wouldn’t expect you to do this.

Daniels: Wait, you think I did this to Joe?

AJ: That’s exactly what I am saying!

Daniels: Listen, I don’t know what is in your head, but I didn’t do anything, I was looking forward to fighting Joe tonight. I am not going to stand here and be accused.

AJ: You can’t run from the truth for long Chris!

Tenay: What the hell is going on?


Christian appears on the screen.

Cage: Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know I will be facing Kurt Angle next week, and if I win I face him at LockDown for the NWA title. However tonight, I am going to present the Kurt Angle Tribute! Role it Monkeys!

VIDEO: It runs a video of Christian Cage in a red, white, and blue jacket with a gold medal around his neck, the hood covers his eyes.

Kurt”: Yea, yea, it’s damn real. This is Kurt Angle, Olympic Gold Medalist. 6 Time WWE Champion! I have wrestled all over the world, I have won a gold medal with a broken friggn’ neck!

He grabs the gold medal, he tears off the wrapper and eats the chocolate coin.

Kurt: Yea that’s right, it’s damn real baby. I would love to show you some of my classic matches from WWE, but we ain’t got the rights to that footage. Anyways, I have defeated, Rock, Taker, Austin, and Triple H, but there is always one guy who you won’t even tangle with…Christian Cage.

He takes another bite of the chocolate.

Kurt: I will never be able to beat him, it’s impossible. His manly good looks, that gold around his waist, impossible, he is the perfect champion.

Kurt Angle’s music hits in the Impact Zone.

Angle: Stop the damn tape, Cage you can’t even pull a joke promo rather than a real one. Cage I am going to beat the hell out of you next week and you won’t even get a title shot. So Cage, just wait next week, it will be real, you losing will be damn real.


VIDEO: Rhino kidnapping Sting and throwing him in the trunk of the car.

Raven’s music hits as Raven comes down to the ring.

Rhino’s music hits as Rhino runs to the ring.

DDP’s music hits as DDP limps down the ramp.

Scott Steiner’s music hits as Steiner walks down the ramp.

Rhino and Raven vs. DDP and Scott Steiner
Rhino and Steiner start off the match. They meet in the center and exchange a few words, Rhino slaps Steiner. Steiner pushes him off his feet. Steiner picks him up by the hair and whips him across the ring, he bounces off the ropes into a scoop slam by Steiner. Steiner gets him up and body slams him. He pins him 1..kickout. He whips him into the turnbuckle and runs to clothesline him against the turnbuckle. He drop toe holds him and drags him to his corner. He tags in DDP. DDP starts stomping him, until he starts focusing on Rhino’s knee. He does several shots to the knee. He picks him up and suplexes him. Rhino roles in pain and manages to role and tag Raven. Raven does a spear take down to DDP and starts mounted punches. Raven does his pose and leg drops him, covers 1..2..kickout.

Tenay: Close call, DDP kicked out! He isn’t 100% to begin with!

DDP gets up and rakes Raven’s eyes. He DDT’s him. He covers 1..2..kickout. He runs and tags Steiner. Steiner runs and clotheslines Raven. He picks him up and power slams him. He runs and whacks Rhino off the apron. Raven charges at Steiner, Scott turns around and big boots him. He pins him 1..2…Steiner picks him up.

West: Why did he do that, he could have gotten the win!

Steiner tags in DDP. DDP sizes him up with his hands and Diamond Cutter’s him. He pins Raven 1..2..3!
: DDP and Steiner

Rhino pulls out a Kendo stick from the bottom of the ring pointing it at Steiner and DDP. Steiner and DDP are ready, they want a piece of Rhino. Shane Douglas emerges from behind them with a steel chair. Douglas smacks DDP behind his bad leg. Steiner tries to clothesline Douglas, he ducks, turns and smacks Steiner. Raven grabs another Kendo Stick. Rhino and Raven hit the ring. Douglas smiles and hugs Rhino and Raven. They raise each other’s hands while putting one foot on DDP and Steiner. The crowd silently chants ECW.
Tenay: What an extreme mugging sort of speak.

West: Horrible, this is disgusting!


Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage
(If Cage wins he faces Angle in a title match at LockDown)


NWA Tag Titles
AMW vs. Team 3D