Mood Request Thread

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The Rated R CMStar

BM: Samoa Joe vs Jeff Jarret

WM: None

BP: The Monty Brown little Alpha Males and Alpha Females

WP: The Raven one

AC: Great show, now we have three matches for Bound for Glory and I sense Abyss vs Monty Brown and Angle vs Jarrett in some sort of gimmick match.

Cheap plug: Check out BTW Federation, new show has been posted

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Jarett/Joe

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: I also go for Brown's promo, lol...

Worst Promo: n/a, I think all your promos are really great as usual

Additional Feedbacks: Another great show, Bound for Glory looks really good! All matches were great!


Best Match: Jarrett/Stretchmark

Worst Match: None Really.....

Best Promo: All of them were great. I especially liked the Raven and Douglas one. "MMMMMMM......ARRGGHHH". LMAO :roflmao:. But out of all of them ,Id take Monty Browns as well.

Worst Promo: None, once

Overall Rating: 9.4/10

Comments: BOOOOOOO



Nah, Yet another fantastic show man. More great stuff accomplished in that 1 hr of Only one thing man. IDK if you just like the Naturals or what, but they need to Great stuff, and BFG is already lookin great man :)


Best Match: Team 3D vs. Naturals

Worst Match: N/A

Best Promo: Brown' was just the best IMO....

Worst Promo: Raven's...but it got the point across

Additional Commetns: Another great show XBA...I can't wait till your next iMPACT and I can't wait for Sting/Joe and Harris/AJ at BFG....great show


Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Belfast, Ireland
BM: Samoa Joe vs Jeff Jarret


BP: Monty Brown


AC: YEY! YEY! Joe won. I hope he beats Sting at BFG. Great show, great matches and excellant promos as always. Check out Pure championship Wrestling



Official Preview Guide:

Total iMPACT!
Focus Point of the Week:
Ever since last week’s iMPACT! we have now learned what the Bound for Glory 2007 main event will be. Due to a little side tracking, Samoa Joe has yet again triumphed in the face of adversity by defeating Jeff Jarrett to retain his number one contender spot to face Sting for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Now that we now know the 2 men that will vie for the TNA World Championship at TNA’s biggest PPV of the year, one has to wonder, what mind set will both of these men be in now that the lights are shining bright on them, who will crack first? Joe has told numerous times for Sting to watch his back, and Sting has been telling Joe that he is not title material, this situation is bound to break at any moment! Tune into iMPACT! for the latest news on this legendary match!


Main Event:
Raven vs. Monty Brown

Samoa Joe and Sting will air out their “Dirty Laundry”

After losing his last title opportunity, what’s left for Jeff Jarrett?

“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal vs. Primetime Elix Skipper w/ Triple X (Daniels and Senshi)

Will Kevin Nash accept Jerry Lynn’s challenge?

Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy vs. Team 3D

TNG: Total Non-Stop Gossip :
Shane Douglas has said to be scarred for life after his TerrorDome experience, people are concerned backstage.

Jim Cornette has said on that he has officially hired Robert Roode as his new personal Enforcer.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Preview looks good, and I like that its Samoa Joe vs Sting in the mainevent at BFG. Good preview.



VIDEO: Highlights of the Number One Contender’s match from Last Week.

Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Welcome everyone to Thursday Night iMPACT! Don, we are so close to Bound for Glory I could smell the excitement in the air already! Bound for Glory just over 2 weeks away and this event is already being viewed as our biggest PPV in our 5 plus year history Don!

West: Mike, you just have to look at the main event, I mean the TNA World Champion Sting defending against Samoa Joe, you just can’t beat that Mike Tenay!

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as one half of the TNA World Tag Team Champions come to the ring.

Christian Cage’s music hits as the other half of the World Tag Team Champions heads down the ramp.

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come to the ring.

: Well we now know it will be Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy defending against The Naturals at Bound for Glory, but they said they have to finish what they started with Team 3D before they can take on the Naturals, so I guess Cage and Hardy are planning on finishing what they started at No Surrender!

Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy vs. Team 3D
Hardy and Devon start the match. They lock up and Devon gets Hardy in a headlock with tremendous pressure and Hardy falls to his knees. Devon starts pummeling his skull with rights. He releases the hold and Hardy crashes to the mat. Devon lands an elbow drop on the spine of Hardy over and over. Cage gets Devon’s attention and Devon runs over to Cage, but Cage jumps off the apron and Devon has a miscommunication and hits the ropes sort of choking him. Hardy gets up and nails a running drop kick to the back of Devon and Devon flies up and over the top rope onto the floor. Jeff runs backwards and gets a forearm to Brother Ray and bounces off the ropes and suicide dives out of the ring onto Brother Devon on the outside. Cage runs back onto the apron and then up the turnbuckles. Devon gets up and Jeff screams to look behind him. Devon turns around and he sees Cage on the top and Cage frog splashes off the top rope, but Devon moves and Cage lands on Jeff Hardy. Cage looks at Jeff and just walks away not helping him up and Devon nails a huge clothesline on Cage. Devon grabs Hardy by the hair and slams his skull across the steel post then slides him into the ring. Devon picks him up and body slams him down. He drags him by the ankle to his corner and tags in Brother Ray. Ray comes in and nails a leg drop on Hardy. Ray picks up Hardy and swings him into the corner. Ray runs and backsplashes him into the turnbuckles. Ray runs across the ring and back looking for a front splash, but Jeff gets his legs up and nails Ray across the jaw. Ray turns away and holds his face. Jeff comes up from behind and bulldogs him. Jeff flips him over and grabs his legs and does his double leg drop to the midsection and groin of Ray. Jeff crashes on his back on the mat after being in the ring so long and begins crawling to Cage. Devon runs into the ring and Cage reacts with run into the ring as well. Cage gets a running clothesline on Devon and then gets up and sees Ray up to his feet as well and nails a running clothesline on him as well, the fans are fully behind Cage at this moment. Cage runs out of the ring and grabs two chairs. He raises them up in the air.

Cage: This ends tonight!!!

Tenay: Well Don, looks like our prediction was right, them plan on taking 3D out tonight!

West: Well, I would too, I wouldn’t want to be distracted while having an upcoming match with the Naturals, it would throw me off my game!

Cage throws both chairs into the ring. Ray gets up and one of the chairs slide right to him. Cage gets in the ring all happy, but Ray gets up and nails him with the chair.
WINNER: Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy by DQ

Jeff runs towards Devon, but Devon gets a huge scoop slam on him. Devon puts one chair under Jeff Hardy’s head and signals for Ray to come over. Ray slams his chair onto the skull of Jeff’s head which is on top of the other chair, delivering a move Cage made famous, the Con-Chair-Toe.

Tenay: CON-CHAIR-TOE! Straight to Jeff Hardy!!!

Ray: Devon!!! Get the Tables!!!!

Devon slides out of the ring and gets a table. He slides it into the ring. Cage tries getting up and gets to his knees, but Ray slams the chair off the spine of Cage. Devon sets up the table in the ring. Ray picks up Cage and whips him across the ring and Team 3D 3D’s Christian Cage through a table.

Tenay: Team 3D are hungry for those belts Don, and they won’t go quietly! Cage and Hardy’s plan backfired! Team 3D have destroyed the TNA World Tag Champs here tonight!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with Kevin Nash.

: Jeremy Borash here with “Big Sexyâ€￾ Kevin Nash, Kevin, we all heard about this huge challenge last week sent to you by Jerry Lynn, the X-Division Pioneer, a “Who Made the X-Division?â€￾ You’re Fired! Match! Now Kevin, he gave you a week, the world is waiting for your answer, have you decided yet?

Nash: Well Jeremy, thanks for making my job a little easier huh? Jerry Lynn and I have been going back and fourth for months! Between the two of us, this outlandish feud that it is, we have spilled gallons of each other’s blood. Jerry Lynn really brought this into the open, hell yea it’s about Who Made the X-Division. You finally figured it out after all this time has been! You see I have ran circles around the X-Division for years, making it better, whether helping their in ring capability or shaping tomorrow’s stars, I have done more to the X-Division then Lynn could even dream about! Jerry Lynn and the X-Division have one thing in common, and that’s his nickname, the X-Division Pioneer. It’s not like the guy went on a horse and buggy across America to the west to discover the X-Division, spare me Borash, you know he is full of it, and I know he is full of it. So any match that weasel can still compete in, I will accept, and then beat the crap out of him once and for all, and then, I can take my rightful spot at the top of the X-Division where I rightfully belong.

JB: So the match is on?

Nash: Jeremy, Lynn, I accept.



Leticia is backstage with Jeff Jarrett.

: I am standing here with the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett, whom last week lost his Number One Contender’s Match to Samoa Joe, Jeff what is going through your mind at this point?

Jarrett: Well Leticia, I remember our last meeting, it was in the Medical room backstage and I was getting tacks out of my back, well, let’s just say I am in a worse state of mind. Last week was literally my last chance to get into the Bound for Glory World Title match, now I am not saying I blew it, because we all know that is far from the truth.

Leticia: Jeff, but you did lose that match last week, we all saw it!

Jarrett: Sweet Heart, don’t make Jeff Jarrett have to slap a bitch!

Leticia: Excuse me?!?!?

Jarrett: We all know, I am the last one to blame for that loss last week! Public Enemy Number One…Kurt “Freakin’â€￾ Angle! Kurt, you and me never seemed to get along, and we never will. I am not saying I didn’t deserve what happened last week, you see I see your moves before you make them Kurt, you are so predictable. If I was to loose that world title contender’s match last week, I knew I would have something to fall back on, that’s how the King of the Mountain does things, always plan ahead. I deserved it though, because of what I did to you at No Surrender, it’s pretty simple, I screw you…you screw me…but where does that get up Kurt? Nowhere. Leticia, this interview is over, but this isn’t the last time you will see me tonight I guarantee it.

Tenay: What? What could Jarrett mean by that Don?

“Black Machismoâ€￾ Jay Lethal’s music hits as Jay Lethal comes to the ring.

Triple X’s music hits as Primetime Elix Skipper comes to the ring along with Senshi and the X-Division Champion Christopher Daniels, signaling the comeback of Triple X to iMPACT!

: Triple X is back Don!

West: It has been years since we have seen these three men in action, but I am sorry it has to happen in this circumstance, I mean that beatdown of Jay Lethal last week was hard to watch Mike Tenay!

Jay Lethal vs. Elix Skipper w/ Christopher Daniels and Senshi
Jay Lethal is very hesitant as he looks on at Skipper because Senshi and Daniels are outside. Senshi gets up on the apron and Lethal goes after him, but Senshi drops to the floor and nobody home for Lethal as Primetime goes on the attack pummeling Lethal across the back. Primetime whips him across the ring and bounces off the ropes himself. Both Lethal and Skipper are running towards another and Primetime gets a running spinning clothesline on Lethal. Primetime covers Lethal 1…kickout! Primetime gets up and picks up Lethal, but Lethal counters and nails a chin breaker on Primetime. Lethal lands shots onto Skipper than gets a roundhouse kick knocking him off his feet. Lethal gets a backflip into a standing moonsault onto Primetime pinning him 1…2…kickout! Lethal drags Primetime into the corner and sits him up. Lethal runs across the ring and signals for the Mid Air Hesitation Dropkick, a move made famous by his former Team USA member Chris Sabin. Lethal runs and goes for it, but Primetime moves out of the way and Black Machismo crashes into the turnbuckles, crashing and burning. Lethal gets up and Primetime bounces off the ropes and delivers a straight knee to the face. Primetime keeps going and then nails a running neckbreaker on Black Machismo. Primetime picks up Lethal and sits him on the top turnbuckle. Primetime gets down and walks over to the adjacent turnbuckle and climbs it. He looks for his Tight Rope Hurricurana. He moves out walking on the rope, but Lethal hits the rope and Primetime goes groin first onto the top rope and Skipper falls to the mat. He rolls around in pain and Lethal jumps off the top nailing the huge elbow to the sternum of Primetime. He covers Primetime 1…2…3!
WINNER: Jay Lethal

Senshi and Daniels rush the ring. Lethal gets up and Daniels is to the right of him and Senshi is to the left. Primetime gets up and they start to corner Black Machismo. Right when they are about to strike…

Motor City Machine Guns’ music hits as Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin storm the ring.

Shelley and Sabin run into the ring as Triple X clears out. Shelley and Sabin aid Jay Lethal.

West: Thank God for Shelley and Sabin, or we might have seen a repeat of last week Mike, Triple X might have met their match!


Jim Cornette is on the phone along with Robert Roode in his office.

: That’s right at Bound for Glory, it will be a 15 Man Battle Royal, the winner will have a title match whenever he wishes, this is such a huge addition to the PPV event this year, and did I tell you, my main man, my personal enforcer, Robert Roode will be in it, yes it is pretty genious…

Shane Douglas comes into his room. Shane Douglas has a bandage around his head and is on crutches from his trip to the “terrordomeâ€￾ last week.

Douglas: Jim! Jim!

Cornette: …I got to call you back…It’s Mr. Cornette to you Shane! What the hell do you…what the hell happened to you?

Douglas: Well maybe if you were more on top of things in this company, maybe you would know. Listen Jim, Mr. Cornette, I am on pins and needles, I don’t know where Raven is going to pop out of next, he is freaking me out! Please you have to do…

Cornette: First of all Shane, you should have thought ahead, if you didn’t go knocking on Raven and Rhino’s door earlier this year, you wouldn’t be in the shape you’re in, the blame is on your shoulders.

Douglas: Yea, yea, yea, so what are you going to do?

Cornette: Hell Shane, about what?

Douglas: About my condition! I can’t wrestle like this! If you should do anything, do something to Raven!

Monty Brown walks in.

: Did I hear the name Raven?

Cornette: Good evening Monty, how are you doing, welcome to the doorway to insanity…

Douglas: Hey, hey, that’s not funny!

Brown: So I hear what Raven did to you Shane, and quite frankly I am not happy with this decision to put the Alpha Male, the greatest athlete to set foot in TNA, in the ring that maniac! If I should be put into the ring with anyone, I want that other maniac, that half Blue Sesame Street Reject Abyss! I am not going to put myself at risk against a maniac that means nothing to me, when I could risk myself in battle with Abyss, that’s the law of the Serengeti!

Douglas: Cornette, I want to make Raven pay for what he did to the Franchise! What are you going to do about this Cornette, don’t tell me you are just going to sit on your fatass…again!

Brown: Yea Mr. Cornette, when am I going to get a shot at Abyss?

Cornette: Well gentlemen, looks like we are in a little bit of a jam, well let’s settle this the way we only know how shall we? Since you Shane, you Monty, Raven, and Abyss can’t seem to solve your differences peacefully, let’s have a little tag team match next week, it will be Shane Douglas and Monty Brown vs. Raven and Abyss!

Douglas: What?!?!? You want to put me in the ring with those maniacs, not to mention the Serengeti ticking time bomb Monty Brown as well? What do you want to kill me?

Brown: Boy, who you calling a ticking time bomb?

Cornette: No Shane, I don’t want to kill you next week, because that match will just be a preview, yea, because at Bound for Glory 2007, it will be Shane Douglas vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown vs. Abyss…in a good old fashioned Monster’s Ball!!!

Tenay: Monster’s Ball returns!!!

Brown: What the hell!

Douglas: Monster’s Ball!!! I can’t!!! You are going to pay Cornette!!!

Cornette: Robert escort these gentlemen out of my office.

Robert Roode pushes both men out of the office.


Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as The King of the Mountain comes to the ring.

: Well Mike, he told the truth…for once. Jeff Jarrett has reared his ugly head again!

Jarrett: Alright, alright, everyone knows why I am here, so let’s get to the point! It’s pretty clear to me that I cannot squirm my way into the title picture again, so that plan is out the window. So, being the King of the Mountain, Bound for Glory wouldn’t be the same without me, so I have to find my way onto the card somehow. Hell, and you know what? I have a little problem here and Bound for Glory I think is the solution, bear with me here…

Kurt Angle’s music hits as the Olympic Gold Medalist comes to the ring.

: Listen for once Jarrett! These people in the iMPACT! zone, let alone around the world are tired of hearing your freakin’ voice!!! Week after week I have kept my mouth shut and had to listen to yours all the more and I am sick of it Jarrett! Listen, you and me don’t fall from the same tree that’s for sure, and we certainly can’t look over our differences right?

Jarrett: That Kurt I do agree with you on.

Angle: Plus, Jarrett, you seem a little pissed you aren’t on the Bound for Glory card huh?

Jarrett: Why yes Kurt, I…

Angle: Shut up, I am not done yet! I don’t seem to have anything on my agenda either, so, Jeff, what do you say Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett lock up one more time at Bound for Glory!!?!?!?

The fans go crazy.


Angle: Face it Jarrett, I am the only option you got! Besides, it really must have pissed you off when I “robbedâ€￾ you last week huh?

Jarrett: I see what you are trying to do Kurt! You are trying to play me like a fool! You just want to get your way, just to get me in this ring because I “robbedâ€￾ you first, well Kurt, it isn’t going to happen, I am sorry, good day Mr. Angle, I am leaving…

Jim Cornette’s music hits as Cornette and Robert Roode come out of the tunnel.

: You aren’t going anywhere Jarrett!! I was employed to run a good wrestling program, not a program where the inmates run the asylum! So this is what I am going to do! Jeff Jarrett, don’t feel left out, because you will be on the card at Bound for Glory, and yes indeed you will be fighting Kurt Angle!

Angle: Thank you Mr. Cornette.

Cornette: Hey Kurt, it isn’t that easy, because I know that’s what you wanted, but this time…I am not done yet! Because, in just about 2 weeks at Bound for Glory, Jeff Jarrett will take on Kurt Angle, but for this rubber match between you two, this time we are going to lock you up! It will be a Six Sides of Steel match!

West: Six Sides of Steel at Bound for Glory Mike! This is definitely going to settle the score now!

Angle and Jarrett stand staring at each other’s eyes, then Jarrett smirks and walks away.


Jim Cornette and Robert Roode are walking back to Cornette’s office after just announcing the Blockbuster Steel Cage match.

: That was definitely the right decision Mr. Cornette, I mean it’s Six Sides of…

Lance Hoyt comes out of nowhere and sideswipes Robert Roode into the wall. He begins pummeling him and grabs his head and bounces it off the wall.

: Lance stop it! Stop it!

Hoyt: This is the type of enforcer you got now huh Cornette?

Hoyt whips Roode into the wall of the interviewing area then runs and spears Roode through the wall and sparks fly everywhere and smoke fills the area from all the television equipment.

: Roode! Roode! Are you alright? We need some help over here! Jesus!

West: Oh my God Mike, did you see that?

Tenay: YES! WE DID SEE THAT DON!!! Lance Hoyt speared Robert Roode through that wall! We’ll stay on top of this situation, we’ll be right back!


VIDEO: Chris Harris and AJ Styles history.

Tenay: We now know that both Roode and Hoyt have been taken to the nearest medical facility no word yet on their condition, but the show must go on Don. Right here next week, you are hearing it here first, we will have the return of Scott Steiner right here in TNA Wrestling, about a month or two back, the last time we saw Steiner, he had a little miscommunication with a steel chair and accidentally hit a with it, due to legal problems Steiner was unable to compete, but now he is back and he will take on, right here next week, his final opponent before he left, that’s right Scott Steiner vs. “Wildcatâ€￾ Chris Harris!

West: Well before Harris gets his hands on Styles, he’ll have to survive Big Poppa Pump!

Raven’s music hits as Raven comes to the ring.

Monty Brown’s music hits as the Alpha Male comes down the ramp.

Raven vs. Monty Brown

Raven and Monty Brown start off strong, they lock up. Brown overpowers Raven and gets behind him and lifts him up then pummels him face first into the mat followed with reverse headlock. Brown keeps the hold locked and pummels Raven’s spine with strong right forearms and elbows. Brown picks him up and nails a double underhook suplex. Brown pins Raven 1…2….kickout! Brown picks him up, but Raven gets an uppercut. Raven bounces off the ropes and gets a running DDT on Monty Brown. Raven pins Brown 1…kickout! Raven goes over to the turnbuckles and takes the padding off. Raven goes back to Brown and Brown lands shots to the kidneys. Brown grabs Raven and whips him into the corner with the exposed turnbuckles, but Raven counters last minute and Brown goes spine first into the steel ring. Raven runs and nails a running shoulder thrust into the gut of Monty Brown. Raven takes the tag rope and starts choking Brown out. Raven breaks the choke at the four count. Raven whips Brown out of the corner, but Brown counters and whips Raven into the opposite corner. Brown runs towards Raven and nails him with a clothesline. Brown puts Raven on the top turnbuckle and climbs up there himself. He nails Raven’s skull with blows 1…2….3…4…5….6…7…8…9…10 shots to his skull. He sets Raven up and delivers a top rope superplex to Raven.


Monty Brown crawls over to Raven and pins him 1…2…kickout! Monty grabs him and knees him in the gut then plants him with an Alpha bomb. He covers Raven 1…2…kickout! Monty gets pissed and picks him up and whips him towards the ropes looking for the Pounce, but Raven counters, whips him towards the ropes, pulls him back in, and sets him up, then nails the Raven Effect on Monty Brown. Raven pins Brown 1…2…3!

Shane Douglas’ music hits as Douglas runs down the ramp.

: Hey! What happened to the crutch Douglas? What happened to your injuries!?!

Douglas runs behind Raven and gets on his back and locks in a headlock. Raven pulls Douglas’ head and swings him over his back. Brown comes from behind and launches Raven to the ropes then nails the Pounce on Raven.

Abyss’ music hits as the Monster Abyss runs into the ring.

Brown grabs Abyss and launches him across the ring, but Abyss counters and launches Brown into the ropes then nails the Black Hole Slam for the second week straight onto Monty Brown.

Tenay: For the second week in a row Monty Brown has fell short getting black hole slammed by Abyss!!!

West: Well Mike, it could be 3 come next week, since it’s Shane Douglas and Monty Brown vs. Abyss and Raven!

Tenay: What about Bound for Glory Don? It will be all four men in a Monster’s Ball!

VIDEO: Samoa Joe winning the Number One Contender’s match last week.


Samoa Joe’s music hits as the Samoan Submission Machine comes down the ramp.

: Here he is, the man who will face Sting for the TNA World Championship at Bound For Glory…Samoa Joe!

Joe: Bound For Glory, the PPV where I finally get what I have wanted ever since lacing up my first pair of boots. You see, Bound For Glory is where Samoa Joe will find out what destiny has dealt to him, I will become TNA World Champion.

Sting’s music hits as the TNA World Champion comes down the ramp.

: Well this was predictable Stinger…

Sting: Listen, Samoa Joe, I came out here to settle whatever is between us. I want there to be no road blocks that get in the way of this historic matchup at Bound For Glory. I want to air out our dirty laundry. You see, Joe, man to man right now, I am sorry for doubting you.

Joe: What?

Sting: I am sorry for doubting you, you were always title material and I am sorry I just didn’t see it in you. I am sorry for calling you immature, there was probably some motive behind Muscle Busting Ms. Brooks, but I don’t even want to know why, so let’s look past that…

Joe: You know what Sting, I appreciate your apology. I am sorry too, I always said for you to watch your back like I was going to put the hurt on you…

Sting: Well thanks Joe, now nothing is stopping us from putting on the classic of the decade at Bound for Glory, bygones are bygones, see you at Bound for Glory…

Sting turns and begins to walk away.

: I am sorry Sting…I am sorry I waited so long…to do this!

Sting turns around and Joe knocks him out with a back axe kick.

: Oh Lord Don!

Joe: Well Stinger, now that both of us know where we stand on this, I will be taking what is mine at Bound for Glory, because as you said, there are no more road blocks, there is nothing holding me back from my destiny…see you at Bound for Glory!

West: This is despicable! I saw this one coming from a mile away, just by Joe’s attitude recently, this is horrible!


TNA World Championship
Sting* defends against Samoa Joe

6 Sides of Steel
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against the Naturals

Monster’s Ball
Shane Douglas vs. Abyss vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown

AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris

“Who Made the X-Division?â€￾ You’re Fired! Match
Jerry Lynn vs. Kevin Nash

15 Man Battle Royal
(Winner Getting a World Title Shot Whenever He Wishes)

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Hardy and Cage vs. Team 3D

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: I'll go for Cornette announcing the Monster's Ball Match

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: ANother great show you've got there! BFG is really looking good! I am checking it out esp. the Monster's Ball!


Best Match: Cage/Hardy vs. Team 3-D

Worst Match: N/A

Best Promo: All of them were great. THe final one between Sting and Stretchmark was pretty good, as well as the Jarrett/Angle one. The Jarret w/ Leticia one was golden though. "Dont make me slap a bitch". :roflmao:

Worst Promo: N/A

Overall Rating: 9.6/10

Comments: Honestly, this was one of your top 5 shows. Great job heading into Bound for Glory in a few weeks and cant wait till next week. All the matches should be great. I hope you can find something interesting between 3-D and Cage/Hardy. I would thought that you might save that TLC match fro BFG, but we'll just have to wait and see whats up your sleaves. Great show once again. :good:


Best Match: Raven/Brown

Worst Match: N/A

Best Promo: Brown/Douglas

Worst Promo: N/A

Comments: I agree with Peepshow. This was one of the best Shows I've ever read from you. I can't wait for BFG with Sting/Joe

DANTE savage

Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
I was just wondering, are you going to 2 hrs like the real TNA? Good job with he last few shows, you have an awesome BFG card, your event posters are awesome, what program do you use to create them? I'm looking to do some for my BTB.



Official Preview Guide:

Team 3D have been on a rampage ever since losing their TNA World Tag Team Championships to the unlikely team of Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy. They have gone to any and all lengths to get a rematch. In a dramatic twist of events, it was the Naturals who took the number one contender spot after impressing Cornette for months, then defeating Motor City Machine Guns on iMPACT! to officially name them number one contenders, however, Team 3D didn’t sit down and watch this happen. They have put the beatdown on The Naturals as well as the TNA Tag Champs, the most recent was last week. In a supposed to be final meeting between 3D and Cage and Hardy, Cage and Hardy were supposed to silence Team 3D for good, but in another strange twist of events, Team 3D managed to get a Con-Chair-Toe on Jeff Hardy and 3D’d Christian Cage through a table. Team 3D now look for their number one contender spot back, will it be déjà vu this week, except with the Naturals instead of Cage and Hardy? if they destroy the Naturals successfully, will Jim Cornette reverse his decision regarding the number one contender spot? Tune into iMPACT! as we draw even closer to TNA’s Biggest PPV of the year, Bound for Glory!

Total iMPACT!
Focus Point of the Week:


Main Event:
Raven and Abyss vs. Shane Douglas and Monty Brown

Sting’s first public appearance ever since Samoa Joe’s Betrayal

Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett will be live in the ring to talk about 6 Sides of Steel

The Return of Scott Steiner vs. Chris Harris

Robert Roode and Lance Hoyt’s Rivalry grows by each day passing, what’s next?

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Triple X

Can anyone stop Team 3D’s path of destruction?

TNG: Total Non-Stop Gossip :
The X-Division Championship will be on the line as Jay Lethal defends against Christopher Daniels at Bound for Glory

TNA Wrestling is in major talks with former TNA talent for the 15 Man Battle Royal, winner receiving a world title shot whenever he wishes.


Great preview once again. Cant wait to see whos coming in for the Battle Royal. Should be an amazing iMPACT and even better BFG.