Mood Request Thread

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Best Match: Ultimate X

Worst Match: N/A

Best Promo: JJ with Leticia.....gotta love that :)

Worst Promo: Id prolly say the Monty Brown one, but it was still very good.

Overall Rating: 9/10

Comments: Great PPV man. Overall, it wasnt your best, but as you can see by the rating, still very, VERY good. I loved all the matches, but like Ive said in the past, I could really care less about Raven and Sabu and the Naturals, but maybe thats just I loved how you set up Joe/Sting in the last few iMPACTS then kept it going here, although I really didnt care to see Joe Anyway, great job as always, and BFG should be amazing. All 25 rep points for this one :good:

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Personally, I do really liked the Full Metal Mayhem Match

Worst Match: none, all were great matches

Best Promo: I also go for Sting's Interview

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Another great PPV as well, nicely done as it heads to BFG, I am looking forward to it!


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The Full Metal Mayhem would have to take the spot as my favorite match. You had some good spots in the match which kept the match going great. The Ultimate X was also great.

Worst Match: All of the matches were good.

Best Promo: The Nash/Cage/Lynn/Hardy promo was my favorite.

Worst Promo: I didn't really enjoy the Monty promo, way to short to get anything big across.

AC: OVerall this was a great PPV, and I can see why they call you one of the best. I thought that you could of added on to the Main Event in terms of time. Otherwise greeat show. Check out RAW in my thread The New Beginning if you got a sec.



Official Preview Guide:

Total iMPACT!
Focus Point of the Week:
Right off the heels of an incredible No Surrender PPV, TNA iMPACT! returns to SpikeTV this week with a blockbuster show as we start our road to Bound for Glory 2007! Fresh off one of the greatest PPV’s in TNA history, we now know the main event for Bound For Glory as Sting will defend his TNA World Championship against the winner of the Bound For Glory Gauntlet Samoa Joe! After a controversial World title match against Kurt Angle, with interference by Jeff Jarrett, Sting still emerged with his belt, will Kurt request his rematch? Or will he request to get revenge on Jeff Jarrett? A lot of questions will be answered come this Thursday night on iMPACT!


Main Event:
AJ Styles and Chris Harris vs. Robert Roode and Lance Hoyt

Sting and Samoa Joe meet face to face in the 6 Sided Ring

Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Naturals

Kevin Nash confronts his problems

Monster Abyss returns to action on iMPACT!

Jeff Hardy and Christian Cage will be LIVE in the iMPACT! Zone!

TNG: Total Non-Stop Gossip :
Scott Steiner’s suspension is close to being lifted, after his assault on a fan in the iMPACT! Zone with a steel chair weeks back, Big Poppa Pump is set to return soon.

Kurt Angle is said to be very angry when he arrived at the iMPACT! taping.

Sabu has been released by TNA Wrestling.


Damn, I hope you some how get Samoa Joe out of the time picture and put in someone else. LOL, I still love it and am looking forward to this as always. I know your gunna deliver, so I really dont know why im mad ;)


man.. looks so good mike, its always a pleasure to read your btb man, I love it... its like an inspiration to me. Your btb is great. Samoa Joe kicks ass, but peeps right lol, get him outta the TNA picture for a while haha, and peep, nice cena sig, anyways, keep it up man, cant wait for BFG soon




Kurt Angle arriving earlier at the iMPACT! Zone. He is in a fit of rage.

: Alright, where the hell is he?

He stops and stares at the long row of security in front of him, Jim Cornette emerges out of the line.

: Good evening Kurt, going somewhere?

Angle: I am going into that freaking iMPACT! Zone and I am going to kick the daylights out of…

Cornette: No you aren’t. Kurt, tonight, you are banned from the iMPACT! Zone due to your hostile manner. Good night Kurt. Oh, and if you even step foot on the premises, you will be cuffed and taken away.

Angle: You are protecting him? What the hell is wrong with you?

Cornette: I said good night Mr. Angle.

Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Welcome everyone to TNA Thursday Night iMPACT! Mike Tenay, Don West, here ringside and Don what a show we have for everyone tonight!

West: Mike tonight is going to be unbelievable! Last Sunday night was one of the greatest TNA PPV’s we have ever witnessed, No Surrender was definitely one to remember and tonight the aftermath will show it’s head because right here tonight, now that we know that main event for Bound For Glory, since Sting successfully retained the world title against Kurt Angle last Sunday and Samoa Joe defeated AJ Styles to win the Bound For Glory Gauntlet, so tonight Sting and Samoa Joe will meet face to face right here tonight! This is going to be great!

Tenay: Well before we get to that, it’s opening contest time here on iMPACT!

Abyss’ music hits as the Monster Abyss comes to the ring.

: Yes you are seeing it, Monster Abyss is back in TNA made his return successfully last Sunday defeating the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett with the help of tacs none the less!

Eric Young’s music hits as Young makes his way down the ramp.

Abyss vs. Eric Young

Eric Young looks nervous and tries to make a run out of the ring, but Abyss lunges and grabs his tights and pulls him in clotheslining him in the back. Abyss elbow drops Eric Young onto his spine. Abyss grabs Eric by the head and headbutts him and Eric stumbles around landing in the corner. Abyss runs and bulldozes him in the corner, then grabs him and whips him across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. He runs and bulldozes him again. Eric wanders out to the middle of the ring and walks right into Abyss’ side walk slam. Abyss pins Eric Young 1…2…Abyss pulls Eric’s shoulders up. Abyss lands shots right on Young’s skull then whips him across the ring then lands a huge Black Whole Slam on Eric Young. He pins him 1…2….3!

Tenay: Wow, would you look at that! Abyss has had quite a little winning streak Don, I don’t know if anyone could stop Abyss!

West: Abyss is a monster and I think he has come back stronger than ever!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with Monty Brown.

: Jeremy Borash backstage with the Alpha Male Monty Brown! Let me first say congratulations to Abyss returning strong here in TNA Wrestling! Now, Monty, last Sunday Night, No Surrender, you came up a little…

Brown: What the hell did you just say boy? The Alpha Male is not old yet, I still have my hearing last time I checked! Did you just mention that half Blue Monster Abyss?

JB: Why yes, yes I did, didn’t you see he is on a great winning…

Brown: Do you think the Alpha Male cares? Do you think the Alpha Male gives two craps about that mentally challenged psycho? Listen, when you set foot in the Serengeti, things change, you can see some pretty bizarre things, but as God as my witness, you will never see something that ugly in my Serengeti, you got that Borash? As for No Surrender, a thought popped up in the Alpha Male’s mind, now given that I lost at No Surrender, I blame my loss on one thing, all you little Alpha Maniacs out there, if it wasn’t for you, maybe I would think about myself and my career for a change! I came back with one thing in mind, pleasing my fans out there, they were deprived of me for too long and thought they needed a little Alpha Dose of Monty Brown, well looks like they over-dosed, that’s why they expected too much of the Alpha Male! I guarantee you Borash, in TNA, you are going to see a new kind of Alpha Male, maybe something you never wanted to see, Monty Brown, the real Monty Brown, is back.

Monty walks away.

The real Monty Brown? Looks like someone has issues finding their identity, iMPACT! will be right back.



An about to return, Elix Skipper is seen backstage with Senshi. Kevin Nash comes from behind.

: Yea boy Senshi, would love to tag up with you again sometime, just like our Triple X days!

Nash: Hey fellas, yo Senshi, you got a minute?

Senshi: I am sorry Kevin, no I don’t can’t you see I was having a conversation here?

Nash: Ah, come on, what is up your ass? How long have we been friends? I just need a minute here man?

Senshi: How long have we been friends? Well Kev, we have been friends a long time, but you know what? A Warrior doesn’t betray another Warrior, and you should have thought about this friendship before you hit me with that steel chair last Sunday!

Nash: Hey, you didn’t take that seriously? Did you?

Skipper steps in between them.

: Boy, can’t you take a joke? Man what’s up with you man? Messing with us X-Division guys, just buzz off! Maybe Jerry Lynn was right!

Nash: Wait, Jerry was right about what? Has he been talking about me again? Come on what did he say pipsqueak?

Senshi and Primetime turn their back on Nash and walk off.

: What the hell is Lynn talking…

From behind Nash gets hit with a chair, Nash crumbles and the camera shows it was Jerry Lynn.

: Hey Kev, looks like you are laying on your back this time, hmm, maybe you should think before your actions, so screw me out of my title shot, you screwed me once, hell you screwed me a thousand times, and now it’s payback time! See you next week!

Tenay: Wow, good for Jerry Lynn! He has taken Nash’s crap for far too long now it’s time for payback! What did he mean about next week though Don?


The Naturals and Shane Douglas are in Jim Cornette’s office.

: So Jimbo, did you see that historical victory that my boys the Naturals got over Raven and his flunky? Come on Jimbo you have to give us some props on that! I mean the skills, the power….

Cornette: Shut the hell up Shane! I could care less about you, but I am interested in your boys, so if you can shut your yap for a few minutes, I have something to say! Andy, Chase, I have been watching you guys for quite awhile and have been very impressed, the only thing that could have made me more pleased if you drop this joker here, but minor details, minor details. First of all, good luck on your match tonight, not like you guys need it. Second of all, Bound for Glory, the biggest PPV of the year, I have big plans for you guys, but all I need from you guys is this victory tonight. If you can land this victory tonight, I pencil you in for the World Tag Team titles at this year’s Bound for Glory! How does that sound?

Andy: That sounds…

Douglas: Horrible, listen, these guys cannot be preoccupied with the tag titles, I still have Raven…

Chase: Shut the hell up Shane, I am tired of you talking for us, thank you Mr. Cornette for this great opportunity, we won’t disappoint you!

The Naturals walk out of the room.

: You better not! What the hell are you looking at Shane?

Douglas: Nothing why?

Cornette: Because you should take a look behind you!

Raven appears behind Shane Douglas and Shane turns around and almost pisses his pants.

: …Nevermore….hahahahahahahahah! Looks like your security has plans of their own! That will give you and me some play time huh?

Shane runs out of the office.

: What the hell was he so scared about?

Motor City Machine Guns’ music hits as Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin come out of the tunnel.

The Naturals’ music hits as Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas come out of the tunnel.

: What a smash mouth match this is going to be I can’t wait!

Christian Cage’s music hits as the TNA World Tag Team Champions Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy make their way down the ramp to a huge ovation.

West: Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy, our Tag Team Champs, just came out of the tunnel and are sitting down right in front of us, looks to me like they might be scouting their competition huh Mike Tenay?

Tenay: You got that right Don!

The Naturals vs. Motor City Machine Guns
Chase Stevens and Alex Shelley start off the match. They lock up quick. Shelley gets him in a standing side headlock, but Chase counters and twists his arm to his back. He gives him a strong elbow to the shoulder and grabs his neck and gives him a spine to knee backbreaker. Chase covers Shelley 1…2...kickout! Chase grabs Shelley by the head, but Shelley counters and drops on his knees getting a chin breaker on Chase. Chase drops to his knees and Shelley tags in Sabin and they double dropkick Chase Stevens. Sabin covers Stevens 1…2…kickout! Sabin picks up Stevens and whips him across the ring and connects with an arm drag. Stevens pops up and Sabin gets another arm drag on Chase. Chase gets up and Sabin dropkicks him and Chase lands in Motor City Machine Guns’ corner. Sabin turns towards Andy and points the gun fingers to him and then goes for his mid air hesitation dropkick, but Chase dodges and nobody home for Sabin as he tries to make it to his corner now. Chase lunges and tags in Andy. Andy goes up top and Sabin runs towards him and Andy nails a cross body on Sabin, but Sabin shifts the weight in the landing and manages a pin on Douglas 1…2…kickout! Sabin and Andy get up, but Andy clotheslines Sabin. Sabin gets up and Andy bounces off the ropes and gets a running DDT on Sabin. Cage and Hardy point to the ring, they are impressed with what they see. Alex Shelley springboards off the top rope, but falls right into an Atomic Drop by Douglas. Chase runs into the ring and the Naturals land the Natural Disaster on Shelley. Sabin gets up and nails a double dropkick on both Andy and Chase and they land hanging themselves up on the second rope. Sabin runs and maneuvers over the top rope then pulls both of their heads down choking them on the second rope. They get up and find Shelley running towards them, but they quickly counter and send him flying over the top rope landing on Sabin. Both Naturals baseball slide out of the ring and grab Shelley and Sabin. Chase rams Shelley spine first into the apron while Andy knocks Sabin’s skull right into the post then puts him in the ring. The Naturals run into the ring and then pick Sabin up to land the Natural Disaster on Chris Sabin. Andy covers Chase 1…2…3!
WINNERS: The Naturals

Tenay: Impressive win by the Naturals and it looks to me like the Naturals are heading to Bound For…

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come running past Cage and Hardy into the ring attacking the Naturals.

Team 3D turns Stevens around and nail the 3D on Chase, Andy goes to help, but he, too, falls victim to a 3D.

Ray: I couldn’t give a crap what team Jim Cornette names that will challenge you two clowns for those belts, because we will take them all on and bring them down, there’s no way around the damn matter, we are the best damn team in this industry, we don’t need to prove it, if we have to destroy every damn team in that locker room to do it, we will find ourselves number one contenders for your tag team championships, right Devon?

Devon: Oh My Brohta TESTIFY!!!



Leticia is backstage with the New! X-Division Champion Christopher Daniels.

: I am here with the man who won the huge 4 way X-Division Championship match last Sunday at No Surrender, the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels! Now Chris, now that you completed your goal of becoming X-Division Champ once again, what’s next on the Fallen Angel’s horizon?

Daniels: Well Leticia, now that order has been restored in the City of Angels, Christopher Daniels has nothing on his list except to remain X-Division Champion, now I know for some champions that’s hard these days, but for me especially. With the slew of tremendous X-Division talent TNA has right now, it’s a wonder I am standing here right now as Champ, but I must be that good I guess.

Black Machismo comes into the picture.

: Ohhhh yeaa, Christopher Daniels, Fallen Angel yeaaa, listen up! Let me be the first to congratulate, ohhhh, you on a great victory last Sunday night.

Daniels: Well thank you Lethal, the best man won I, now that’s the gospel according to the Fallen Angel!

Lethal: Well you know something Chris Bro, I gotta to get something off my chest right now, just as quick as you won that title, you can lose it as well, and I hope you are ready, yeaaaa, because now you got me. We always dreamed of that match and now we can throw down for real! DIG IT!

Daniels: Yea Jay, I remember that dream match, but that’s what it was really was a dream…I’ll give it some thought, check you later Machismo!

Daniels walks off.

: What did, ohhhh, that mean?


Lance Hoyt and Robert Roode are in Jim Cornette’s office.

: Alright boys, big match up next, what the hell did you want to see me for?

Hoyt: Mr. Cornette with all due respect, I just want to know if your boy Roode over here will turn on me in this match just like last Sunday?

Roode: Hey, hey, hey, winning means money and I will do anything for money!

Cornette: Hold it, hold it! Listen, Lance, I don’t know what you are getting all mad about, it was a fair contest, you could have done the same thing to Roode! It’s all in the past now!

Roode: I don’t understand why your “bodyguard†had to big boot me after the match! What the hell was that about!

Hoyt: I handle my altercations with action, you just happened to get on my bad side!

Roode: Am I on you bad side right now huh Lance!?!?! Answer me!

Cornette: Shut the hell up both of you! Hell, I shouldn’t be worried, Harris and AJ don’t seem to be on the same page either…

Cornette walks out of the office with Roode and Hoyt still arguing and Cornette shuts the door. He takes out a napkin from him pocket and whipes the sweat off his forehead.

: Looks like Jim Cornette’s squad is on the same page if you ask me, they aren’t even in the same book!

AJ Styles’ music hits as the Phenomenal One comes down the ramp.

Chris Harris’ music hits as the Wildcat comes to the ring.

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as Big Lance comes to the ring.

Robert Roode’s music hits as Roode comes to the ring with Ms. Brooks.

AJ Styles and Chris Harris vs. Lance Hoyt and Robert Roode w/ Ms. Brooks

AJ stands on the apron and motions his hand for Harris to start the match. Hoyt and Roode cannot decide who starts off the match. Roode pushes Hoyt forward and slides out of the ring. AJ gets a running dropkick on Hoyt. Hoyt gets up and AJ runs towards him, but Hoyt counters and nails an Atomic Drop on AJ. AJ holds his crotch in pain and Hoyt runs back and goes for a big boot, but AJ ducks and pulls his other leg grounding him and AJ maneuvers him into a half Boston Crab. Hoyt begins to crawl and struggles but gets to the ropes. AJ releases the old and tries to pull Hoyt to the corner, but Hoyt counters and pulls AJ and AJ falls through the second and third ropes out of the ring. Hoyt goes outside and tries to go towards AJ, but Harris runs out to where AJ is and stands in front of AJ protecting him from Hoyt. AJ smirks and pushes Harris into Hoyt. Hoyt manhandles Harris backdropping him on the outside. AJ goes up top and cross bodies onto Lance Hoyt taking him down. AJ grabs him and hurls him into the ring. He springboards and backsplashes off the top rope onto Hoyt into a pin 1…2…kickout! AJ grabs him by the leg and tags in Harris. Chris Harris comes in and repeatedly stomps Hoyt. He picks him up and whips him towards the ropes, but Hoyt counters and whips Harris, Harris bounces off the ropes, but gets an elbow to the back of the head by Roode grounding Harris. Hoyt goes over and slaps Roode across the chest. Roode comes in and twists AJ’s arm and maneuvers into a roll up pin 1…2…kickout! Roode gets up and picks AJ up, but AJ counters with forearms to the face. He turns at Harris, and smiles, then nails a Pele’ on Roode. AJ runs and tags in Harris. Harris comes in and shoulder blocks Roode. Roode gets up and Harris clotheslines him. Roode gets up again and Harris lands a huge faceplant on him. Hoyt runs in and Harris backflips him. Hoyt gets up again and Harris lands the Catatonic on him. Roode gets up and nails a flying clothesline on Harris. AJ goes up top and nails a flying spinning head scissors on Roode. AJ helps up Harris to his feet.

Tenay: Maybe AJ and Harris are on the same page after all!!!

AJ kicks Harris in the ribs sets him up and nails the Styles Clash on the Wildcat. He picks up Roode and throws him on top of Harris 1….2…3!
WINNER: Robert Roode and Lance Hoyt

Tenay: AJ! How could you have done that! AJ Styles has officially turned on Wildcat Chris Harris!!!

Roode gets up at the same time as Hoyt they look at each other and the referee raises their hands in victory.


VIDEO: Highlights from No Surrender of Sting retaining his title and Samoa Joe winning the Gauntlet.

Tenay: Don, last night at No Surrender, Samoa Joe defeated 5 other men in that Gauntlet match to cement his spot on the Bound For Glory card to take on Sting for the TNA World Championship and coming up next these two will meet face to face in the 6 sided ring!

West: I know Mike, last Sunday Sting said if he were to win, he would confront the whole Samoa Joe situation on iMPACT! and I can’t imagine what he has to say!

Sting’s music hits as the TNA World Champion blazes into the iMPACT! Zone with a huge ovation.

: Thank you…thank you. Now I have been around the block several times in this industry and I am so overjoyed to be headlining TNA’s biggest PPV of the year, I truly am. I have done it all and seen it all, and now for one more time the Stinger finds himself in the limelight once again. However, I have had many opponents over the years, but none like my opponent at Bound for Glory, so ladies and gentlemen; I give you the Samoan Submission Machine! Samoa Joe!!!!

Samoa Joe’s music hits as Joe comes to the ring.

: So, look what we got here, the TNA World Champion, the Stinger, the Icon! I am face to face with the greatest wrestler in the business today…Sting. Well Sting, you had some pretty harsh words about me in the past, but I find myself in the number one contender’s spot, so Stinger, what do you have to say now huh?

Sting: Alright, well, I didn’t know it would lead right to this, but alright, this is the approach you are going for, let’s roll with it. Well…

Joe: Let me start you off here Stinger, you called me immature, not in your league, and not championship material, so what about that Sting?

Sting: Joe, I know I said things in the past that might have annoyed you in some way, but that was all in the past, you were not championship material then, and I am starting to doubt you are championship material now! Listen, you won that Gauntlet successfully, but that doesn’t prove to me you are championship material, that doesn’t prove you are in my league, I am a multiple time World champ, that’s the league I am in, you haven’t even won the world title my friend, so it is not your place to judge me. As for being immature, well you can’t really patch up what you did, it’s not manly and it sure won’t win you championships to put your hands on a woman to prove your point! In some cases actions speak louder than words and your actions don’t say anything at all, other than, I beat up women to get the message across which doesn’t fly in my world!

Joe: Well Sting, actions do speak louder than words, so you can stick all your words where the sun doesn’t shine, because in this business it’s not talk, it’s all about action!

Sting: Well Joe, at Bound for Glory, it won’t be about words at all, because when you and me lock up for the TNA World Championship it will…

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes down the ramp.

: What the hell are you doing here Jarrett?

Sting: Yes, Jeff, come right in, I am sure I invited you, like always, if you couldn’t tell I was being sarcastic, Jarrett this is between me and Joe, so leave!

Jarrett: Aw Stinger, listen, listen. I have quit trying to get the title match I already see you are going into Bound For Glory as champion, Cornette gave me that speech, but the number one contender spot is up for grabs always, so Samoa Joe I challenge you for your number one contender’s spot!

Joe: What are you crazy Jarrett? Jeez, I agree with Sting get the hell out of my ring son…

Sting: Well, maybe Jarrett has something here Joe, Jarrett is a multiple time champ as well, maybe defeating him might open my eyes to you more huh?

Joe: Shut the hell up Sting, I am not putting my title shot on the line! Sting I have told you once, and I have told you several times since then, but I am telling you again, you take Jarrett’s side in this? You better watch your back if you keep doing what you are…

Jarrett: Well, Joe, I have to tell you, I indeed just came from Jim Cornette’s office and it is official, he is putting you in a number one contender’s match, against me, and it happens next week! Let’s just say he felt bad for me after those thousands of tacks in my spine, he couldn’t give me a title shot so he gave me the next best thing, so Joe you better get ready, lace your boots up kid, you got me next week! Stinger, don’t think I have forgotten about you! After I beat Joe you are next! I will beat your ass and take your title!!!

Joe and Sting look at each other then double clothesline Jarrett. Sting gets Jarrett and nails the Stinger Death Drop on him then Joe picks him up, puts him in the corner and nails the Muscle Buster on Jarrett. The fans go crazy as iMPACT! ends with Sting and Joe staring eye to eye.

: Joe vs. Jarrett next week for the number one contender’s match for the TNA World Championship!


Card To Be Announced​

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Styles/Harris vs. Hoyt/Roode

Worst Match: Abyss/Young, squash! lol...

Best Promo: Joe/Sting/Jarett

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Another great show there, I also liked the tag match between the MCMG and the Naturals, I really loved reading all your promos... once again you have done a pretty nice job!


Best Match: Styles/Harris vs. Hoyt/Roode

Worst Match: Abyss/ was a squash, but hey, it has to happen sometimes

Best Promo: Joe/Sting/Jarett.....great magic as always :)

Worst Promo: Naturals....nothin agaisnt you, but as Ive said before, I just really dont care for

Overall Rating: 9.2/10

Comments: The promos on this show were your stong points. I loved all of them, even the Naturals one was good, but I just dont care for em.....

Keep it up and its shapin good headin into next week. GO JARRETT!!!! :D

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The Naturals vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Worse Match: Abyss vs. Eric Young

Best Interview/Segment: Joe/Sting/Jarrett

Worse Interview/Segment: N/A

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was nothing short of a great show. There were quite a few promos but they all worked and were enjoyable to read. Each match excluding Abyss vs. Young was great though I enjoyed The Naturals vs. Motor City Machine Guns a bit more. I think your closing promo to the show with Sting/Jarrett/Joe was simply awesome. Jarrett/Joe next week should be a pretty good match. Looking forward to your next show; Keep up the good work, man.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Just got done with No Surrender heres my review.

Best Match: Full Metal Mayhem. A very, very well written match

Worst Match: N/A, but the AJ Styles/Samoa Joe match was pretty short

Best Promo: All were pretty good. Liked the Jarrett promo

Worst promo: N/a

Add. Comments: Like I said before havent had a lot of time lately for my btb, let alone to review others. But I'm trying to get back into it. Anyways good show, and now BFG is the next stop.


May 20, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Styles/Harris vs. Hoyt/Roode

Worst Match: Abyss/ was a squash, but hey,

Best Promo: Joe/Sting/Jarett.....great magic as always

Worst Promo: Angle And Cornette



Official Preview Guide:

Total iMPACT!
Focus Point of the Week:
In life nothing is certain, in TNA it appears that is true as well. Samoa Joe won the Bound For Glory Gauntlet match thus naming him the number one contender for the TNA World Championship at TNA’s biggest PPV of the year Bound For Glory, but in recent talks with Jim Cornette, the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett has sneaked himself into the title hunt once again and now he has challenged Joe for his shot at the Stinger, the TNA World Championship Sting. Will Samoa Joe prove he is championship material and mature enough to hold the prestigious gold, and once and for all show Sting he is worthy? Will Jeff Jarrett come out of nowhere and make the rematch the world has wanted to see? Could it be Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting II at Bound For Glory 1 year after their epic Career vs. Title? Or will Joe make history and headline TNA’s biggest PPV as their up and comer? Tune into TNA iMPACT! to find out!


Main Event:
Number One Contender’s Match for the TNA World Championship
Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe

Team 3D vs. the Naturals

Jay Lethal vs. Senshi w/ Elix Skipper

What is Jerry Lynn’s plan for Kevin Nash?

Kurt Angle is cleared to be in the iMPACT! Zone, will he find redemption for his “robbery” at No Surrender?

Monty Brown has a Heart Felt Message from the Serengeti

Shane Douglas takes a walk through the “Terrordome”

TNG: Total Non-Stop Gossip :
Lance Hoyt has had major disputes with Jim Cornette about using him properly, and using him as a “stepping stone” for Robert Roode.

AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris is now official and will happen at TNA’s Bound For Glory PPV later this month!


Great Preview once again. Im only gunna say 2 words. GO JEFF!!!! :)



Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Welcome everyone to TNA iMPACT! The iMPACT! Zone is rocking here tonight as usual! Mike Tenay and Don West here ringside and Don can you believe what is on the line tonight in our main event?

West: It’s Samoa Joe defending his number one contender’s spot to face Sting for the TNA World’s title at Bound for Glory our biggest PPV of the year! Here’s the thing Mike, he is facing the biggest worm of all time, I am talking about Jeff Jarrett! This guy has found himself landing opportunities left and right as of late, but can he capitalize on this one here tonight?

Monty Brown’s music hits as the Alpha Male comes down the ramp.

: Well Don, here is a man that has been a little upset as of late to say the least.

West: Well this man has been on fire ever since coming back into TNA, if I were him and haven’t got a title shot I would be a little fired up too Mike!

Brown: The Serengeti has not been the most enjoyable place lately for the Alpha Male! The Alpha Male for one is sick and tired of it; you know what else I am sick of? The Alpha Male is a little pissed off that guys like Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett find themselves in the number one contender spot, while the more superior athlete, the Alpha Male, Monty Brown sits on the sidelines! The Alpha Male seems to be looked over again and again lately and I just can’t take the looks on the faces of the little Alpha Males and Alpha Females, just knowing their hero isn’t being used right! But hey, the Alpha Male isn’t caring about all you little Alpha Fans out there because all you seem to be tied up in is this publicity stunt that is the return of this Monster…Abyss! Everywhere I go, they say “Wow, I can’t believe how strong Abyss returned! He is on a roll!†Give me a break, the only roll that half Blue Horror Movie reject has is the rolls on his back that he is covering up! I bet if you put Abyss and a mentally challenged 3 year old in the same room with a checker board the 3 year old would win because Abyss that damn skippy! This is a declaration to the Serengeti! I can run circles around that punk Abyss any day of the week in the Serengeti and then still have time to sip on some tea because it sure as hell wouldn’t take me that long to do it…

Abyss’ music hits as the Monster Abyss runs down the ramp.

: Looks like Abyss has had enough of Monty Brown!!!

Monty Brown throws down his mic and as soon as Abyss slides into the ring Brown pounces on him hammering him across the back. Abyss gets up despite the blows he is taking. Abyss pushes Brown away, but Brown jumps right back on him and forces him into the corner nailing him with knees to the gut. Monty whips him across the ring looking for a Pounce, but Abyss counters and shoots him across the ring and then nails him with a Black Hole Slam on the Alpha Male. Abyss gets up and walks out of the ring and up the ramp to a huge ovation.

West: Wow, Monty wanted to send a message to the Serengeti, but it was the Monster Abyss who sent the message to Monty Brown!

Tenay: Message received Don and that message reads CLICK DOOMSDAY!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with Chris Harris.

Jeremy Borash here with the Wildcat Chris Harris! Chris, it leaked off that you would be in a match with AJ Styles in a couple weeks at TNA’s Biggest PPV of the year Bound for Glory, this is a huge opportunity for you Chris, how do you feel right now?

Harris: Well Jeremy, I look at it as two things. One, this is always what I have wanted ever since I was a boy, to be a professional wrestler and have a classic match at the biggest show of the year, I mean what more could I want right? Number two, it is going to give me the perfect chance to put AJ Styles in his place, me and him as been up and down a lot, but ever since he Styles Clashed me last week it’s on now, that was the lowest point, and now there’s nowhere to go but up, this year’s Bound for Glory, AJ Styles will find out just how fierce this Wildcat really is!

AJ Styles walks into the picture.

Wow Chris one hell of an interview, really was, you almost had me believing you! It’s hard to believe you because afterall, I did Styles Clash you last week, and just as easy as it was to do so, it will be that much easier to do it again Chris.

Harris: AJ you know what your problem is?

AJ: Hahaha, no, what?

Harris: …you talk way too much!!!

Harris takes a shot at AJ and cracks him across the skull knocking him down then gets on top and lands numerous shots.

: Security! We need help over here!

The security comes in and breaks them apart.

It has broken down backstage between AJ and Wildcat Chris Harris! It was getting nasty thank god for security Don!


Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come down the ramp.

The Naturals’ music hits as Andy Douglas, Chase Stevens, and Shane Douglas make their way down to the ring. Shane Douglas keeps looking behind him.

: Well Don, it’s time for Team 3D to put their money where their mouth is, after destroying the Naturals last week, let’s see if Brother Ray and Brother Devon could take the Naturals in an actual match!

Team 3D vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas
Chase and Brother Ray start the match off. They lock up and Ray gets Chase by the head in place for a DDT. He clubs him across the back and maneuvers into a neckbreaker and nails it on the Natural. Ray covers Chase Stevens quickly 1…kickout! Ray picks up Chase and Chase tries to break away and runs towards Andy, but Ray grabs him and brings him back in and locks a side headlock on him. Chase pushes him forward, breaking the hold, then dropkicks Ray’s back and Ray falls forward crashing into the turnbuckles. Ray turns around sitting up in the corner. Chase runs and boots Ray into the face. He drags Ray out of the corner by the ankle and pins Ray 1…kickout! Stevens pulls Ray by the ankle to his corner and tags in Andy. Andy and Chase double stomp Ray to the mat until the ref forces Chase to get out of the ring. Andy picks up Ray, but Ray counters and body slams Andy then nails an elbow drop on him. Ray gets up and nails a huge back elbow to the jaw of Chase knocking him off the apron. Andy picks his spot and then nails a roll up on Brother Ray pinning him 1…2…kickout! Both men get up and Andy whips Ray across the ring, but Ray counters and whips Andy into the ropes. Andy bounces back and Ray scoop slams Douglas. Shane Douglas gets onto the apron and grabs hold of the referee and shakes him.

Raven’s music hits as Raven runs down the ramp.

Raven grabs Douglas’ legs and Shane’s head bounces off the apron and Raven whips him backwards into the guard rail. Raven lands numerous shots on the skull of Shane. Ray walks over and tags in Devon. They double whip Andy against the ropes and go for a double backdrop on Doulgas, but Douglas shifts his weight in mid air and nails a double DDT on Team 3D. Andy runs and goes for a tag, but Chase is still on the outside. Shane gets away from Raven and runs up the ramp with Raven hot in pursuit. Andy leans over the ropes and calls to Chase, but Team 3D comes from behind and throws him over the top rope. Ray and Devon slide out of the ring and attack the Naturals. Ray knees Chase in the gut and body slams him on the cold cement floor in front of the announcer’s table. Devon backdrops Andy Douglas onto the floor right outside the ring. Ray screams…


Christian Cage’s music hits as the TNA World Tag Team Champions Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy come down the ramp.

Ray and Devon get distracted and Team 3D and the World Tag Team Champions walk towards each other and meet in the middle of the ramp. The Naturals get up and run after 3D. Chase grabs Ray and Andy grabs Devon and yank them towards the ring. Andy slams Ray against the ring post and then slides into the ring. Chase slams Devon’s skull off the apron and then slides him into the ring, then enters the ring himself. The Naturals are in position and wait for Devon to get up. Devon rises and then the Naturals land the Natural Disaster on Brother Devon and then Andy pins him 1…2…3!
WINNER: The Naturals

Tenay: Despite the brutal beatdown from Team 3D, looks like the Naturals continue their roll, they have been unstoppable lately Don!

Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy walk down the ramp and into the ring.

: Listen, between myself and Jeff, we have been talking. The Instant Classic and the Charismatic Enigma have been very impressed with you two lately, and of course you defeated Motor City Machine Guns last week, thus giving you the tag title match at Bound for Glory, congratulations, but it appears our work isn’t done, because we have Team 3D doing nothing but bitching about how they should be champion. So, we have a little work to sort out with them, but after we get done with them, Andy, Chase, the Instant Classic has his eyes set out for you two at Bound for Glory! So until then Naturals, I am going to be beating the life out of Team 3D until they shut the hell up because that’s…how I roll!

Cage’s music hits as Christian Cage walks out of the ring and Jeff Hardy stays inside the ring and just looks at him with a puzzled look on his face shaking his head, then he walks out of the ring.


Raven is seen in a dark room far below the iMPACT! Zone. You hear loud screams in the background and Raven laughs as he is taping his fists. He grabs a kendo stick and walks over to the left revealing Shane Douglas duct taped down sitting on a steel chair, he has duct tape on his mouth as well.

: So, in my dark black hole that is my mind I have come to one demonic conclusion, the answer to all my troubles and all my worries. You see you little worm, I have been suffering for way too long and for once I am not the source of it all, you have a problem with me, you have a problem with Rhino, listen, if you had a problem, you sure as hell don’t know how to get the job done because I am still here Shane!

Douglas: MMMMMMM….ARGHHHH!!!!!

Raven: Well, look who is in control now Shane, you weasel, you have no Chase Stevens, you have no Andy Douglas, all you got is your hopes and your prayers, because Shane, this is going to be one wild ride…you are about to…

Raven hits the wall with the kendo stick making a huge noise.

: …enter the Terrordome, Quote the Raven…Nevermore.

The screen fades to black as you hear Raven destroying Douglas with the kendo stick and Shane screaming in pain in the background.



Leticia is backstage with Jerry Lynn.

: I am standing here with the X-Division Pioneer himself Jerry Lynn. Jerry, last week you took down the 7 ft giant Kevin Nash, after so many weeks of getting the beatings, you finally threw it back into the face of Nash, how does it feel?

Lynn: Well Leticia, I must say it feels pretty good, I mean I am in the best shape of my life, ready to take on all comers ever since destroying Nash. After I was at the end of the stick so many times, it feels so good to get that off my chest, but I am not here to talk I am here for business.

Leticia: Business? What do you mean?

Lynn: Well, I want to get Nash completely out of the X-Division, let alone TNA Wrestling, so this is what I am proposing. Kevin, I hate you, you hate me. You claim you made the X-Division, I am quite frankly the X-Division Pioneer and I am not saying I created the X-Division, but I sure as hell did way more than you did to contribute to his success. So this is what I want, I am challenging you to a match at Bound For Glory, this company is only big enough for one of us Nash, so I am proposing this…A Who Made the X-Division You’re Fired! Match. Now I know you are quite stupid, but it’s pretty self explanatory. Winner is the real Maker of the X-Division and the loser will never be seen in TNA Wrestling ever again! I am giving you one week to answer Nash, yes or no, you better have the answer next week Kev! I will be waiting!

Senshi’s music hits as The Warrior comes down the ramp alongside Primetime Elix Skipper.

“Black Machismo’s†music hits as Jay Lethal comes down the ramp.

Jay Lethal vs. Senshi w/ Elix Skipper

Lethal and Senshi circle the ring and then lock up. Senshi eye rakes Lethal and then nails axe kicks on Black Machismo, but Lethal catches his leg and leg drags him then maneuvers into a pin on Senshi 1…2…kickout! Both spring up and Senshi arm drags Lethal, they pop up again and Lethal arm drags Senshi, both men pop up once more and Senshi nails a dropkick on Lethal. Senshi pins Lethal 1…2…kickout! Senshi gets up and Lethal gets up as well, Senshi goes for a bull dog, but Lethal catches him and stops him with a backdrop. Lethal backflips and nails a knee to the face of Senshi into a pin 1…2…kickout! Lethal sits Senshi up and delivers an axe kick to Senshi’s spine the back kicks Senshi in the skull laying him out. Lethal goes up top and looks for an elbow. The crowd cheers him on, but Senshi springs up and hits the top rope and Lethal loses his balance and crashes onto the mat. Senshi goes on the apron and springboards over the top rope and backsplashes onto Lethal. Senshi signals for the Warrior’s Way and begins to climb to the top rope. He manages to reach the top rope, but Lethal runs up the turnbuckle and meets him on top. They exchange blows and Lethal sets Senshi up for a superplex and nails it both men crashing onto the mat. Lethal crawls for the cover and pins him 1…2…kickout! Lethal can’t believe it. He goes up top and signals for the huge elbow drop. Primetime gets to the apron and distracts Lethal and Lethal kicks him away and Primetime falls off the apron. Senshi springs up and runs up the turnbuckles, but Lethal pushes him away and Senshi falls right back off to the mat. Lethal jumps and nails a huge elbow on Senshi pinning him 1….2….3!
WINNER: Jay Lethal

Primetime comes into the ring and ambushes Lethal from behind. Senshi gets up and both men start beating the hell out of Lethal. Primetime holds Lethal as Senshi nails him in the gut repeatedly.

West: Come on, stop this! This is horrible! Looks like since Nash turned on Senshi, he just can’t take it anymore and he has snapped, we need help out here!

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as the X-Division Champion runs to the ring.

: Yes! Lethal’s best friend Christopher Daniels is here, oh thank god Don, it’s a good thing Daniels is here!

Daniels runs into the ring and Primetime and Senshi back up. Daniels motions he wants a piece of Skipper and Senshi. He looks to see if Lethal is alright. He sits him up and holds his head. For a brief moment he stares at him then drops his head onto the mat and laughs. He stands up and motions for Senshi and Skipper to go up top, followed by Daniels going up top as well. Primetime jumps off the top rope and nails a huge leg drop on Lethal, then Senshi nails the Warrior’s Way on Black Machismo, and finally Daniels nails the BME on Lethal. They motion the Triple X hand sign over Lethal’s motionless body.

Tenay: Triple X?!?!?! Daniels, Senshi, Skipper, Don! Triple X is back!

West: This is unbelievable! Daniels has turned on Jay Lethal and found his old running buddies, Triple X is here and they have put the X-Division on notice!


Robert Roode is in Jim Cornette’s office talking.

Alright Robert, you have really shown me that you are a primetime player here and that you can certainly get the job done, you have the skills, look, and attitude of what this company needs and we need it now, so I want to make a deal with you Robert, it’s for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship! The deal is…

Lance Hoyt walks in.

: Wait! What the hell is going on here Jim? World title deal? With Robert Roode? Over me?

Cornette: Lance it’s not what you think…

Hoyt: I know exactly what you are doing and I have been thinking this for awhile, you just used me for your own protection, then you used me as a stepping stone for this chump! I see how it is Jim!

Cornette: Lance, wait, you are blowing this out of proportion!

Hoyt: Jim, find yourself a new body guard!

Hoyt runs out of the room and slams the door.

: What was that guy’s problem?



Jeremy Borash is backstage with Samoa Joe.

Jeremy Borash backstage with Samoa Joe, Joe huge stipulation here tonight, a lot on the line, Number One Contender’s Match with Jeff Jarrett winner facing Sting at Bound for Glory, what is going through your mind?

Joe: Well Jeremy, looks like you finally nailed that one on the head, you are right, huge stipulation tonight, I am on the ball once again. Looks like Sting isn’t the only one that thinks I am not title material, TNA keeps throwing road blocks in front of me just to test me. That or Jim Cornette and Jeff Jarrett did a little action of their own behind closed doors, Jeff didn’t get this shot for nothing. Everyone in TNA is aiming for the Samoan Submission Machine, and I am welcoming all comers…

Sting walks into the picture.

: Well if it isn't Samoa Joe, looks like your night is just beginning, huge match with Jeff Jarrett coming up next, just stopped to wish you good luck.

Joe: Stinger? Are you kidding me? Inside you are probably praying I lose tonight, what did you say? Oh yea, I think it was that I wasn’t title material, immature, not on your level, I think that’s it. Trust me, I will accept anyone’s luck in the world, except your’s, thanks though…

Sting: Alright Joe, if that’s how you feel, oh and since you think everyone is gunning for you, looks like you are the one that better watch their back this time partner…

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes down the ramp.

Samoa Joe’s music hits as the Samoan Submission Machine comes to the ring.

: We are about to find out who will take on Sting for the TNA World title this year at Bound for Glory, will it be Samoa Joe or Jeff Jarrett!?!?!

Number One Contender’s Match
Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett

Joe and Jarrett meet face to face and Jarrett has a obvious confident and cocky look on his face. Joe smiles and laughs then back hand chops Jeff Jarrett repeatedly and backs Jarrett into a corner. He delivers straight back elbows to the face then knees him in the gut. He whips Jarrett across the ring to the ropes and Jarrett bounces back right into a scoop slam by Joe. Joe pins Jarrett 1….2…kickout! Jarrett gets up and Joe knees him in the gut and sets him up for a suplex. Joe gets Jarrett up there, but Jarrett manages so slide out the back and counter with Stroke, but Joe counters and gets behind Jarrett and connects with a German Suplex. Jarrett crashes onto the mat, and rolls out of the ring. Joe is in hot pursuit on Jarrett and grabs him and slams his head against the steel steps. He leans Jarrett aside the apron and begins to chop Jarrett. He swings Jarrett into the barricades, but Jarrett counters and sends Joe into the guard rails. Jarrett laughs, and charges at Joe, but Joe flips him up and over and Jarrett lands straight into the crowd. Joe crosses over the barricade and beats the hell out of Jarrett, but Jarrett strikes back with a eye rake. Jarrett swings Joe towards the barricade and Joe crashes up and over the barricade back onto the outside of the ring. Jarrett crosses over the barricades and begins stomping Joe to the floor. Jarrett picks him up and uppercuts him and whips him back into the ring. Jarrett hurries and covers Joe 1….2…kickout! Jarrett picks up him and attempts to suplex him, but Joe blocks and snap suplexes Jarrett and pins him 1….2…kickout! Joe picks him up and both men exchange blows, but Joe gets the final blow and connects with a combo of heel kicks, backhand chops, and axe kicks knocking Jarrett down. Joe bounces off the ropes and gets a running backsplash on Jarrett. Joe bounces off the ropes again and then backsplashes onto Jarrett again. He picks him up, but Jarrett rakes his eyes again then gets a running clothesline. Joe gets up and Jarrett clotheslines him again. Joe gets up and Jarrett Atomic Drops him. Jarrett picks up Joe’s leg and signals for the Figure Four.

Kurt Angle’s music hits as Angle comes out of the tunnel.

Jarrett looks like he has seen a ghost. Angle runs into the ring and Jarrett backs up. Joe gets up from behind Jarrett and locks in the Kokina Clutch. Jarrett struggles while Angle laughs and Jarrett taps out.
WINNER: Samoa Joe

Tenay: Joe has done it! Joe did it! Just for the record that was not tainted! Angle never touched Jarrett! Sting vs. Samoa Joe at Bound for Glory!

West: Oh Jarrett must be so mad right now Mike, he is not in the main event guaranteed!

Samoa Joe’s hands get raised in victory as Angle walks up the ramp and laughs.


TNA World Championship
Sting* defends against Samoa Joe

AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against the Naturals