
VIDEO: Jeff Jarrett’s history surrounding the final member of King of the Mountain.
Tenay: Well TNA wrestling fans, what a treat we have for you, iMPACT! starts off with a bang, the NWA World Champion Kurt Angle is in the middle of the 6 sided ring! What’s he got to say?
Angle: Okay, enough freakin’ jokes! This has gone on long enough. A couple weeks ago, Jeff Jarrett came out and announced TNA will be featuring a King of the Mountain match at Slammiversary. Of course, it meant one thing for me…defending my world title. So Jeff Jarrett comes out and throws some names at me saying who’s going to be in the match itself. I hear names such as “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage! “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles! And the man I will be facing tonight for my belt…”The Samoan Submission Machine”…Samoa Joe. Jeff Jarrett also threw another famous Double J curve ball at me by saying there will be a mystery opponent. He thinks he’s funny playing his mind games all month long. Blabbing rumors, sitting on ladders, and continuously yapping his gums. You aren’t getting in my head Jeff, it just won’t work!
Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as Double J comes to the ring.
Jarrett: Kurt, let me…
Angle: Shut up! I am not done yet! But seeing is to how you are already out here, face to face with the wrestling machine, how about you tell me who the final member in King of the Mountain is this Sunday?
Jarrett: Kurt, let me just say one thing. You are one of the greatest technical wrestlers on the earth today, and to see you go toe to toe with Samoa Joe one more time will be amazing, I will for sure be watching that.
Angle: Oh yea, and I bet your competitor will be watching as well!
Jarrett: That’s just it, why spoil your time in the sun with Joe with my revealing of the competitor? I am going to let you and Joe have your little match, then I will reveal him, because I know I am getting in your head Kurt, if I wasn’t you wouldn’t be so worked up about it! So Kurt I will leave you be, because, coming from the King of the Mountain, there’s nothing more important than a title defense.
Tenay: Jarrett sending a straight message to Angle! But still we don’t know who the competitor is!
Cornette and Lance Hoyt are walking down the hallways of the iMPACT! Zone’s backstage area.
Cornette: Now Lance I’ll meet you outside, I have to go to my office real fast to get something.
Hoyt: No prob Jim, I’ll be waiting in the parking lot.
Hoyt walks off. Cornette walks into his office and closes the door. He gets scared as Monty Brown is in his office and grabs him by the throat and holds him against the wall.
Brown: So Jimbo, look who found his way back onto iMPACT! It is really quite nice what you did to the ol’ place. I never really got to give you my opinion on our little match we have this Sunday as Slammiversary. You think Frankenstein Lance Hoyt will defeat me at Slammiversary after blind siding the Alpha Male at Sacrifice, no uh, ain’t going to go down like that Jim. You see when you encage an animal for a long period of time, it comes a time when you have to let it roam, and after being caged for that long time, he is angry, and when he is angry, “the shit hits the fan.” So Cornette, no need to call the security, because I am on my way out, just dropped by to deliver a message to good ol’ Jim.
He puts him down and fixes his tie, then walks out the door.
LAX’s theme hits as Homicide and Hernandez come to the ring.
3LK’s theme hits as BG James, Konnan, and the Truth hit the stage.
Ron Killings w/ BG James and Konnan vs. Homicide w/ Hernandez
They circle around the ring and finally lock up. Homicide tries to put him in a full nelson, Truth does the splits to escape. He pops back up and does repeated chops to the sternum, finally drop kicking him. Homicide goes down and Truth covers him 1..2..kickout! Truth picks up Homicide and whips him into the corner. Truth charges him, but Homicide gets his legs and around Truth’s head and does a head scissors into a pin 1..2..kickout! Homicide picks him up and attempts a suplex, but Truth lands on his feet and delivers a neckbreaker. Homicide gets up fast and Truth nails him with an Axe kick. Hernandez gets on the apron, but BG runs into the ring and clotheslines him off of it and both crash on the floor. Truth covers Homicide. The ref is focused on BG and Hernandez, and Konnan gets on the apron screaming at the ref to count, but the ref sees him and tries to get him off the apron now. Truth uncovers and goes to the ref who is arguing with Konnan, and from behind Homicide low blows him and nails him with the Gringo Killer. He covers him 1..2..3!
WINNER: Homicide
Tenay: What was that!?!?!? What a cheap victory! There was so much interference in that match, how could that have even panned out!?
West: Well Mike, it panned out alright, giving the win to LAX, and the momentum heading into Slammiversary and the Parking Lot Brawl!
Homicide and Hernandez walk backwards up the stage laughing at 3LK.
Sting is seen in the interviewing area with DDP and Scott Steiner behind him. JB attempts an interview.
JB: Well, Jeremy Borash standing here with Team WCW, with whom of which Team Captain Sting will be competing in a WCW vs. ECW Lumberjack Match this Sunday. Stinger, Shane Douglas proposed this concept to Jim Cornette without your or anyone else’s consent, any thoughts on how things were gone about?
Sting: Yea, Jeremy, there is so much running through my head right now it isn’t even funny. Team ECW pulled one over on us this time. Some say the playing field has evened out, but not by much. You see Raven and Rhino have had some behind the scenes arguments that TNA doesn’t want the fans to know about. I am stating this because, wrestling isn’t about politics, it’s about the good ol’ W’s and L’s. That’s what the Stinger is going to get this Sunday at Slammiversary. The big “W”. With my buddies Scottie Steiner and Dallas Paige behind me, we can take on any guys anywhere in this business today.
JB: Well Sting, before you are off to Slammiversary, any closing arguments you have going into the Lumberjack match?
Sting: Yea I got one, this Sunday at Slammiversary, this is the end Shane, the end of this little quarrel us 6 guys have gotten into. Captain vs. Captain, winner takes all, loser goes off with nothing, Shane Douglas…”The Franchise”…this Sunday…Slammiversary…it’s SHOWTIME!
VIDEO: Highlights of the feud between Team 3D and AMW, highlights from LockDown and Sacrifice.
West: Mike, coming up next is the final meeting between the men in the NWA Tag Team Championship and the X Division Championship matches this Sunday at Slammiversary. These men have had some of the greatest rivalries with each other, and this coming match up next is going to blow!
Tenay: I couldn’t have said it better Don, AMW and Senshi to go against Team 3D and Christopher Daniels next!
Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come to the ring with the NWA World Tag Team Championships.
Christopher Daniels’ music hits as The Fallen Angel and current X Division Champion hits the ring.
AMW’s music hits as Harris, Storm, and Gail Kim make it down the ramp
Senshi’s music hits as Kevin Nash accompanies the warrior to the ring.
Team 3D and Christopher Daniels vs. AMW and Senshi w/ Gail Kim and Kevin Nash
Daniels and Senshi start it off. Kevin Nash already starts taunting Daniels. Daniels gets pissed fast and he calmly walks over and tags in Ray. Ray and Senshi lock up. Senshi starts chopping him across the chest and connects with a back heel kick. He pins him 1..2..kickout! Ray gets up and pushes Senshi on his forehead causing him to fall backwards. The crowd got a kick out of that one. Senshi gets up and charges Ray, Ray catches him and slams him in the corner and starts delivering straight rights and lefts to him. Senshi pulls his legs up and goes for a head scissors, but Brother Ray hangs on, swings him back up into a power bomb pinning him 1..2..kickout! Senshi delivers cheap leg kicks from the ground and runs in to tag Harris. Harris explodes in the ring shoulder blocking Ray 3 different times. He gets him up and goes for a suplex, Ray counters into a DDT. Ray starts crawling for the tag. Storm runs in and drags Ray to their corner.Harris slaps on an arm lock. Ray gets to the ropes. Harris works on the knees of Ray. He tags in Storm and they do a double team atomic drop-clothesline move. Storm covers Ray 1..2..kickout! Behind the refs back Ray delivers a low blow to Storm and runs to tag in Daniels. Daniels go to the top and cross bodies Storm into a pin 1…2….kickout! Nash starts taunting Daniels again. Behind comes Senshi, Daniels sees him and scoop slams him. Harris comes in to clothesline Daniels, but Daniels ducks and he is stopped in his tracks coming face to face with Team 3D on the apron. Harris begs, but Team 3D double hip tosses Harris over the ring post onto the floor. Storm goes for the superkick on Daniels, but he catches his leg and connects with the Dragon whip. Nash is on the apron screaming at Daniels. Behind Daniels comes Senshi again looking for the dropkick, but Daniels moves and Senshi hits Nash. Senshi tries to apologize from the ring, but Daniels turns him around and connects with the Angel’s Wings. He goes up top and nails the BME on Storm. He covers him 1..2…3!
WINNER: Team 3D and Christopher Daniels
Team 3D continues to beat down Harris on the outside. Daniels leaves the ring with the X Division belt and walks up the ramp smiling. Kevin Nash goes in the ring and is pissed at Senshi. Senshi tries to apologize. Nash walks out of the ring.
Devon pulls out a table from the ring. He slides it into the ring. He sets it up as Ray drags Harris’ body into the ring. They signal for it, but Gail Kim comes in the ring and begs for their mercy. Ray and Devon laugh.
Devon: Should we do it again Brother?
Ray: We all know the answer to that one Devon.
They deliver the 3D to Gail Kim for the second time since they did it last time on the stage of the iMPACT! zone right before Sacrifice. Ray and Devon raise their belts in victory.
Nash looks like he’s leaving, but Senshi stops him right in the parking lot.
Senshi: Kev, Kev, Kev! I am sorry. From one Warrior to another, please accept my apologies, it was meant for Fallen Angel, not you. Nothing has changed Nash, it was an accident.
Nash: Yea, I guess accidents happen, but the funniest thing is Senshi, you never know when another one will happen…see you at Slammiversary Warrior.
Tenay: Wow, Don, that was pretty cold, maybe Nash has something planned?
West: No Mike, they are totally on the same page, they have been like brothers for months!
Christian Cage is seen backstage with AJ Styles getting ready to watch the NWA title match.
AJ: Hey Christian, ain’t it great how they are just going to beat the hell out of one another, easy picking for us guys ain’t it? Christian? You okay bro?
Cage: No! No AJ I am not alright, because this mystery opponent is a thorn in my spine as well. You see, if the champ can’t prepare for the match, what does that say for the rest of us, we have to prepare too!
AJ: Hey, Christian, listen, you and me are going to dominate whoever is in the match. You and me man have everything, looks, strength, charisma…
Cage: Well I am captain Charisma, you know what AJ, you are right, I should stop worrying, now let’s just see these assholes beat the hell out of each other.
iMPACT! Zone
Samoa Joe’s music hits as the Samoan Submission Machine comes to the ring.
Kurt Angle’s music hits as the NWA World Heavyweight champion pops out of the stage.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle* vs. Samoa Joe
They stand toe to toe in the middle of the ring. They are nodding their heads in respect. Kurt extends his hand to Joe. Joe hesitates, then he grips Angle’s hand shaking it.
Tenay: The ultimate sign of respect. This one of the few meetings between these stars in TNA, and right here on Spike TV, it’s on Angle-Joe, the NWA World Championship!
They lock up. Joe gets Angle in a headlock, Angle pushes him away. They lock up again. Angle gets Joe in a headlock, Joe pushes away. They lock up once more. Joe gets behind Angle, Angle counters and gets behind Joe, Joe counters and connects with a german suplex to the wrestling machine. Joe pins Angle 1..kickout! Angle gets up and locks up with Joe again. The swirl around the ring until Angle backs Joe into the corner. Joe counters and now Angle has his back against the turnbuckles. Joe shoots off with a combo of knife edge chops and heel kicks. Joe charges across the ring and back attempting to run into Angle, Angle avoids it and turns it into a roll up pin on Joe, 1..2..kickout! Joe gets up and automatically goes across the ring.
Angle: I am not going easy on you Joe, no, not this time.
Joe and Angle lock up once more, Angle gets behind Joe and goes down for the Ankle lock, Joe turns around Angle holding his boot and insuguri’s him. Both men are down. Joe crawls over to pin Angle, 1..2..kickout! Joe picks up Angle, but Angle counters with chin forearm shots to Joe’s jaw. Angle gets behind him and connects with one german Suplex. Then stays with it for another German. He goes for three but Joe stops him. Joe flips around and connects with a belly to belly on Angle. He pins him 1…2…kickout!
West: Wow, what a great match! This is by far one of the best matches we have ever had in iMPACT!
Joe picks up Angle once again, Angle plays possum and sneaks behind him once again and connects with the 3rd German to Joe in this match. Angle grabs Joe’s ankle to go for the Ankle Lock. He locks it in and Joe screams in pain. After a few minutes, he finally makes it over to the rope. Angle breaks, walks around, then goes back to the ankle like an animal, but this time Joe turns over and pushes him away. Joe gets up and clotheslines him. Angle gets and is Samoan dropped by Joe. He covers Angle 1..2..kickout! Joe picks him up and places him in the corner. Joe does some shoulder thrusts before placing him on top. He signals for the Muscle Buster. Angle catches him and brings him up top with him. Angle headbutts Joe and Joe goes down to the mat. Angle turns around and nails a moonsault. The crowd goes insane chanting TNA! TNA! TNA! Angle goes for the pin 1…2…kickout! Angle is pissed he pulls down the straps. Joe gets up, Angle goes for the Olympic Slam, Joe sneaks out and goes for the rear naked choke, but Angle slides down to grab the ankle of Joe and hook in the Ankle Lock. He grapevines his legs and Joe taps.
WINNER: NWA World Champion, Kurt Angle
Angle holds up the belt in victory.
Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as The King of the Mountain walks down the ramp with his trademark guitar.
Jarrett: Well, Kurt, the time has finally arrived my friend. I am sorry for the circumstances though. Considering you won’t be the first person to hear it, considering all of these rabid TNA fans hot here tonight in the iMPACT! Zone. I know you’re tired Kurt from that wicked match you just had with Joe. Congrats to both of you. However your time is now up, it’s my floor now boys. I know Cage and AJ are in the back watching this, they should be ashamed if they weren’t. Now let’s take a little walk down memory lane shall we. I said this man was making his long awaited return back into a TNA 6 Sided Ring. He was also a main stay in TNA for years. My final clue was last week, with the huge ladder I was sitting atop of at the top of the iMPACT! Zone. Now Kurt, do you have any guesses to whom I am about to unleash back into TNA?
Angle: Listen you slime, bring the freakin’ guy out before I break your damn ankle!!!
Jarrett: Calm down Kurt…geez. Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, AJ Styles, Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, and you too Kurt please turn your attention to the ramp behind Mr. Angle, because I give you the final man in the King of the Mountain match this Sunday at Slammiversary!
Everyone in the iMPACT! Zone turns towards the ramp. Angle turns around also. Behind Angle’s back Jarrett takes the guitar and smacks Angle over the head with it.
West: What the hell???
Tenay: Jarrett! Jarrett! Jarrett! Jeff Jarrett just smacked Angle over the head!
Jarrett: Looks to me like I did get in your head Kurt, looks to me like I got into everyone’s head! Put the damn pieces together! I haven’t been seen wrestling in a TNA ring for months! I was the biggest mainstay staple in TNA’s side since it’s inception! The clue that threw everyone off was the ladder, well it’s not that hard, pretty simple, I won 2 damn King of the Mountain matches by climbing a damn ladder. It’s me Kurt, the King of the Mountain, Jeff Jarrett! This Sunday, the King of the Mountain returns, in King of the Mountain!

TNA iMPACT! Presents TNA Slammiversary
5 Years of TNA Wrestling!
NWA World Heavyweight Championship
King of the Mountain Match
Kurt Angle defends against Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Jeff Jarrett
NWA World Tag Team Championship
Tables Match
Team 3D defends against AMW w/ Gail Kim
Team WCW vs. Team ECW Lumberjack Match
(Raven, Rhino, Scott Steiner, DDP as Lumberjacks.)
Sting vs. Shane Douglas
X Division Championship
Winner gets the X Division Championship plus Kevin Nash’s Services
Christopher Daniels defends against Senshi (Kevin Nash will be ringiside)
Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt w/ Jim Cornette
(If Monty Brown wins, his suspension is lifted, if Lane Hoyt wins Monty Brown is suspended indefinitely)
Parking Lot Brawl
3LK w/ Konnan vs. LAX