Considering I was the one who got you your Admin spot you'd figure you'd be riding my e-penis instead of trying to step up and cause shit. So where exactly do you get off?
Did I ask for an admin spot? No. I appreciate it, but I never asked for it. You think I should be ridding your dick for it? Thats a telling tale of your entire administration though.
Last time I checked I was the most active Administrator, and the one who everyone comes to with their issues, if that doesn't put me ahead of you two guys I don't know what is.
So because you have no life and are on here fucking 8 or 9 times a day, that makes you better? Its only been 23 hours since I posted this and you and the rest of your cock sucking followers posted 10 fucking pages. The reason mostly everyone comes to you is because you pretty much give everyone whatever the fuck they want. Stinger wants to be V2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.... etc, you give it to him. Why cause you can't stand to have anyone hate you. You don't get your hands dirty the way some of the other admins do. About the only time you ever put your foot down on a ban is if it was advertising because heaven forbid people take off to another forum, then there would be less people to suck your cock!
Not to mention ever since I first got here this forum has been in the palm of my hand. If it wasn't for me, I doubt even half the posters here would still be here.
just proved my above point. Because they suck your cock and you give them whatever the fuck they want. Thats why you have them in the palm of your hand.
Oh yeah, majority vote

You assholes have been deliberately out voting me on everything lately. How exactly is that supposed to work well when you two are ensuring that nothing I want done ever gets done?
well look at some of the shit you've sudjested.... I mean you think Kenfan deserves to be a mod. You knew Chuck and I would never agree so you just did it. You wanted to lift Famous ban as well and make him a Super Mod. You don't care about the forum or the rules you just want to cause chaos because the majority of these so called great members that suck your cock are only into this stupid shit. Most of them never leave the HIAT section.
Nah, not senority, plain old common sense. Eventually somebody has to make the tough decisions and take the heat and that is always me. So excuse me if I think that I have a right to take a bit more than the rest of you.
Tough decisions my ass. You don't make tough decisions, you just create chaos. ie. Kenfan as mod.
And I'm starting to think it's time to retire him Ric Flair style.
Intresting you feel that you feel that way about Chaos & Mark as well. Maybe Mark should just hand everything over to you. Then you can de-admin me too.
You remove me from the staff and I walk. I'm out of here. Then we'll see how well you guys do.
truth is this site actually lost good members because of you. You were no better then iamironman, coming on with your fifty billion accounts...getting banned breaking all the rules and spamming the shit out of the site. It still amazes me that you got allowed to come back. I imagine you probably plan on welcoming Small Show back in with open arms one day too. Is there more members? sure? But quality members? not nearly as many. Ever noticed guys like 3lions, Slash, The A-Man etc stopped coming around as often after you became staff? Gee wonder why.
I guess that staff forum wasn't a public enough are to try and embarass and discredit me.
Believe me, I would've much preferred that this be done quietly even if it needs to be done at all but it's too late for that.
My feelings are hurt right now, I'm usually pretty approachable about this stuff.
This though... just pissed me right off.
I'm not even replying to any of this bullshit, simply because I think this should be a private staff matter. I just want everyone to know that Mark has been notified of this situation.
See this is why Monk is full of shit though. I posted this in the admin office originally. But Monk was online and deleted the thread before anyone else saw it. Monk was afraid to be challenged. I made this public because I knew people would keep this thread alive enough that it would be impossible for Monk to deny its existance afterwords.
Do you people have any idea what I do for this site?
Seriously, if it wasn;t for me, you wouldn't be here. There would be no forum. If I leave, sure it'll be fine for a few weeks, then this place will disappear. I assure you of it.
Yeah you know what Monk though I did a shit load for this site too, and you no what I never got thank yous from anyone. Including you. Sure you got me promoted, but beyond that, just because you've done more then I have in the last year so what? I've still done more then you for this place. We've all contibuted to keep this place going. You are not the be all and end all of this forum nor is anyone else, myself included. Others will always step up. And this place did just fine without you before, I'm sure it will do fine after your gone too.
Nah, I follow through on the things I've said.
That's all well and good, but I don't go looking for appreciation or anything but when shit like this comes out it pisses me off because nobody remembers the past.
Like I said no one ever thanked me for shit either, so get over it. You are right that no one remembers what you've done in the past....were not talking about your past anyways, were talking about the here and now. And in the here in now you seem more content to make stupid things happen for your own personal amusement, and to claim your not in this for appreciation is bullshit because we've all seen how you respond to people sucking your dick. You know who's going to suck your cock and therefore you do what you can to get it.