Man I'm behind...gotta fast forward.
BTW, stop bitching...your anti Cena/Pro Cena shit is old.
Maybe its because I haven't been watching every week for 10+ years, but I don't have a problem with Cena, I think he's actually decently entertaining, and no they shouldn't keep pushing him as much as they have.
They really fucked this up though.
I'd love for them to do a Cena Heel turn...make him go Corporate, like the Rock did, really changed the game. It'd be the biggest Heel Turn since Hogan. Just have him wreck shop, aggressively. Kind of like now, except it'd fit for him.
And they really fucked up because Bryan, with his overwhelming support of the fans, and basically the new Face already, could have been the one guy to beat him, and solidify his standing in the company.