I lold when I saw that Enzo voted for himself
I was waiting for someone to point that out! It's funny to me.
Honestly, I really, really don't care if I get this or not. I loves me some SE 76, he's a good hand. It's just a law dog position and if I can give back to a place I enjoy than so be it. I'm not going to eat some coal and hope to shit a diamond over a mod spot, though.
The way I see it, I debate with some passion and information, some people debate with opinion and they don't like being called out on it. And if I get this mod spot, for better or worse, people are going to misconstrue my posts as "abuse of power" or "Enzo is a mod douche" or whatever, it'll be borderline inferiority complexes and that already glares through on some people's characters as is.. If I get it, I'll accept it, if I don't, it wont bother or affect me in the slightest, if they ask me to step down I gladly will. It won't affect my psyche in the least. And I'm not a lamer. I won't abuse my powers and I certainly wont act holier than thou.
But I just know once I delete a spam or merge a thread that should be merged, someone is going to come along and have gripe or a moan and spout something along the lines of "I knew Enzo shouldn't have been mod, thats why
I didn't vote for him" or something to put themselves over. And say what you will about me, there are two things I do here, I make great wrestling posts, 95% of my rep is wrestling discussion rep, and I don't ever try and put myself over like some people.
I don't know, I just don't see the big deal with Enzo.
Don't worry, you're not a big deal either, you just have a vagina.
And before you start acting the way you act, that wasn't meant to be a flame, just thought I'd point that out before you post a "Enzo is faggoty cunty cunt thread in HIAT.