Crayo said:
Because it's human nature to be bias to ourselves. If everyone voted for themselves it'd be a tie.
Not really! I'm embarassed by your flattery, guys.
I'm sitting in the corner of the forum, hiding under a blanket and wildly waving my arms to point to all of you guys saying "No! Why are you voting for me?! You have tons of other posters that deserve this award more than me, plus Crayo! What are you guys thinking?" *Takes a peek out of the blanket, notices CM Drunk has a creepy little smile, then runs out the door*
R'Albin and Vince are laugh riots. KevinLockhard and Leo C consistently bring quality to every post they make. Dolph's, Testify and Stopspot are five-tool poster prospects who have everything you want on a forum. And nothing would be right without CM Drunk, Rammy, Jose Tortilla, and JoeRulz running amuck here with their crazy personalities.
Please. All of you guys are a lot better than I am at this whole WWEForums.Net thing than me. Enough of this.