Voted the Rainman.
He's a great user!
+1 for use of that username. Thanks, buddy.
i'm voting for Roman Rains. Dope member, puts up with my constant (shitty) jokes, and is active in discussions/threads on the forum.
Yeah ikr, you're the one guy who just needs a subtitle, so instead of just bitching I can just say "Hey, yo: Look at my subtitle, bro" or some corny bullshit like that.
so of course you stop the shitty jokes after I make it. Dammit ai... oh, just "Yo, usertitle"
Anyway, if you're so determined to be an HQ member that you're willing to revive old ass threads to make sure you remain active, you deserve some respect. So voting for Dat Kid.
Not to mention he may be Edward Snowden in disguise :shock: