Meltdown XXXVIII & Fallout 038 || Promo Thread

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Promo deadlines:

Sunday 4th February, 23:59PM Pacific Time.
Monday 5th February, 03:00AM Eastern Standard Time.
Monday 5th February, 08:00AM Greenwhich Mean Time.
Monday 5th February, 16:00PM Australian Western Standard Time.

There will be no extensions! None! Ha!



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[the past - Marmaduke]


'What is the biggest lie you have ever been told? The earth is a sphere? You can’t see the Great Wall of China from space. McDonald's is better than Burger King? Journey isn’t a metal band? Well, do you know what the biggest lie of all is? Video games aren’t real. If you think they aren’t real, then why has it turned into a multi-billionaire industry? Do you really think something based on fiction could be so profitable? Come on now, that is just a zero IQ smooth brain thought process. That is why you should pick up this book and buy it. It will change your life."

Marmaduke slid the book back into the gap of the shelf that he had taken it from. The book was incredibly skinny for a book that was being sold at retail for £27.99, to the point where he couldn’t work out whether it was even a real book or just a prop. Honestly, he wasn’t really sure if he should even ask. He could only imagine what his dear father would say if he were to make a poor first impression. That was when he realized this was a book written by a man he had already worked for in the past. And a man who apparently wasn’t at all pleased that he and Mr. Marufuji had been invited, so he had been told to keep his voice level to the bare minimum. It had been a bit embarrassing that he had never understood until today that it had nothing to do with bears.


Sir Marmaduke Whistle:
So, may I ask just one question before we officially begin the ceremony?

A loud and annoyed sigh emanated from the son of the original Kommander. Marmaduke had only previously spoken with him over the phone, but he could already tell that his new boss shared many of the negative qualities that had been plentiful in his father.


Von Truck, Jr.: As long as you keep the questions to a minimum. We are on a tight schedule, and I would prefer if we could follow the itinerary to the letter. I was up all night planning this war meeting, so if you have a question, just spit it out already. You are stealing time from everyone else, so let me hear it already.

The most confusing thing about this whole situation was that out of the four men who had been invited to the meeting, Von Truck, Jr. was by far the tallest, and yet it seemed he didn’t want to get his hands dirty at all. He was physically more impressive than his father had ever been, in many ways, but it seemed he was just as much of a coward as his old man. Which was disappointing, but also to be expected. After all, Marmaduke knew that he was far from the greatest wrestler, so if there was one less roadblock, then he wasn’t going to complain about it.


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: It was a long journey to get here. I was in the air for a long time, and I really have to ask: Will there be any food?

Kenji, who had barely said a word or even introduced himself, finally spoke up.


Kenji Marafuji: Food would be much appreciated. I haven’t eaten a bite of anything since I arrived in San Francisco. Heartache is hard enough as it is, but an empty stomach is a pain I could live without. I could do with a snack or even a light supper. You must be able to afford some kitchen staff if you own your own private town.

If Von Truck, Jr. were capable of breathing fire, Marmaduke guessed this would have been his Bowser moment from the Super Mario Games. His eyes were bulging, and when he hammered his fist down on the table, Marmaduke could feel the vibrations of frustration rattling down his spine.


Von Truck, Jr.: Now is not the time for food! Now is the time for business. You were summoned here at my request, and you are guests in my house. If you are hungry, then you are going to have to wait until we have finished, and then you can worry about your stupid stomachs.

Marmaduke was just going to accept it as an answer. It seemed that his new tag team partner was not as passive as he was, because his Japanese counterpart abruptly stood up and pushed the table forward. If Marmaduke were a betting man, he would have put all the money in his pocket that Marufuji was going to walk out on them and the team was going to dissolve before it had ever officially begun.


Kenji Marafuji: I am going to go and call my girlfriend.

He pointed at Von Truck, Jr.


Kenji Marafuji:
So when I get back, you are going to make sure that there is either some food on this table or some food is on its way here. Otherwise, I am just going to call myself a cab and get the fuck out of here. I am here out of respect to your father, not to you. You are a stranger to me, so you either need to fix your attitude, or I am getting out of dodge.

Kenji then turned to the door and exited the room before Von Truck, Jr. could even get a word in. Marmaduke was sure of one thing: this working relationship had already started badly.


Von Truck, Jr.: I knew that guy was going to be bad news. These long-term jobbers always end up having attitude problems. We know we can trust in you, Marmaduke. You were always obedient and respectful when my father was holding the reins, so I fully expect you to do the same now that I am leading The High Command.

He wasn’t sure if it was a compliment or an insult. He was just going to remember his manners.


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: I will do as you command, Sir. As long as my wages are wired into my account, I am here to serve.

It sounded like something he should say. His mum had suggested that if he wanted to be a success, he needed to avoid ever breaking kayfabe, even when he wasn’t working, even when he wasn’t on camera. Which was perfectly fine with him because his whole family had been living the kayfabe life since they had been cast to be the residents of Posh Parts many moons ago.


Von Truck, Jr.: Don’t move a muscle. I am going to have to wake up the Chef. I can’t afford for this team to skydive before we have even begun. You two just behave yourself, okay?

Marmaduke looked over at Burger Mane, who at this point hadn’t spoken a single word, and from the way things were going, he didn’t seem keen on breaking his silence anytime soon.

* * * * * * *

[the past - Kenji]


Kenji was far from pleased. He had no problem playing a character in front of the camera, but he wasn’t going to allow himself to be disrespected by someone who hadn’t even made their on-screen debut. Rather than lose his mind completely and punch the rude twerp in the mouth, he had chosen flight over fight. He had chosen to instead try and enjoy the fresh air and call a friend. He had considered calling Bao Bao, but at this time of day, it was unlikely that she would have phone reception on the Pacific Blue. Stefan had always proven himself as a solid dude to chat with and had a great ear. A former surfer turned firefighter, whom he had met once in the streets of Shinjuku. A solid dude who worked hard and played harder.


Stefan Du Pont: Dude Bro! What’s popping, man? How are you enjoying America? Land of the soaring eagles and the red, white, and blue! God, I love those guys.

Stefan had a slight South African accent that had faded over time, largely due to a life as a world traveler, but he also seemed to be in a good mood 24/7.


Kenji Marafuji: I wouldn’t say I am in the best of moods. Having to deal with some real pricks, and one of them is meant to be my boss on-screen to make it an even more difficult situation. This wasn’t what I was expecting. Maybe I didn’t come into this with both my eyes open.


Stefan Du Pont: You just need to pop a chill pill and relax, bro. If this job was going to be easy, everyone from Shinjuku to the Himalayas would have jumped on the first plane and battled with you for the same spot. You just need to ride the wave, dude; you are going to crush it! You just got to believe. Believe in your present, and your future will become everything you’ve ever dreamed of.


Kenji Marafuji: I suppose you’re right. I just don’t know if uprooting myself, without being surrounded by any of my friends, was the best thing for me mentally. I’ve only been in the country for a few days, and I feel like I could explode at any second.


Stefan Du Pont: Then the solution is simple.


Kenji Marafuji: And what exactly would that be?


Stefan Du Pont: You need to make some new friends. You can’t be truly happy if you aren’t surrounded by people you actually love. You need to find some like-minded people and live that happy life, dude. That is the only way to move forward, man. Let the cosmic rays guide you down the road of enlightenment. That is the only way to get through this, man. You’ve got to be a smooth operator!

Kenji knew it was good advice and replaced the phone back into his pocket. He knew Stefan was a good dude, and that he would be wise to follow his advice. Having friends was always a good idea. Kenji heard the doors behind him slide open and another person joined him outside. He turned around and found himself face to face with the original Kommander (and father of Von Truck, Jr.) standing in front of him. He had been one of the most distinguished men to ever work in the world of professional wrestling and managed a number of teams throughout his illustrious career with times spent in Australia, Europe, and the States managing various singles and tag team talents, with the most notable being Russian heavyweight Igor the Strong, Australian tag team the Bondi Blondes, and The High Command. He was the only reason he had originally agreed to even travel to America.


The Kommander: I hate to break it to you like this, but this idea of my son’s is never going to work out. The High Command should stay dead, and if you have any sense, you will get on the first flight home. I have seen your work, and you are better than this. You don’t want to ruin your career for my son’s stupid dreams.

Kenji liked honesty. There was nothing worse than someone saying they believe in something, only to find out they think the whole thing is just a joke. He didn’t need an infamous wrestling manager blowing smoke up his arse. That wouldn’t remedy anything at all.


Kenji Marafuji: I will admit, with no disrespect, but your son seems to think quite highly of himself without anything to warrant it.


The Kommander: My son is nothing short of an idiot. He takes after his mother—a complete fool with no sense of reality and unreasonable expectations. There was a reason I left her on the roadside in Taipei, and if I knew it wouldn’t come back to me, I would have tossed him out of the son years ago. My son is a loser, and he will amount to nothing. And everyone that comes into contact with my son becomes a loser by default. So the longer you spend in Nuke Town, the higher chance you will turn into a loser too. Although, to be honest, if you actually got on a plane out of choice, then maybe you are already too far gone. I have been surrounded by losers my entire life. So it would make sense if you were one too.

There was a voice inside Kenji’s head that rarely came out. He did his best to suppress it. Right now, it was telling him to charge forwards and take out the old man with the La Sanza. That would be the dumb decision to make though, and he would quickly find himself in handcuffs and being deported with absolutely no chance of returning to the States. Instead, though, he realised that the father was a much larger cock than the son. And now a very large part of him wanted to prove this old man wrong.


Kenji Marafuji: I’m sorry, but I need to excuse myself.


The Kommander: It is nice to see someone in this house is taking my good advice. Clearly, you have a brain lodged somewhere in that head of yours.


Kenji Marafuji: Actually, I am going back inside to work out plans with your son. The stench of prehistoric dinosaurs is starting to make me feel nauseous.

Kenji then made his way back inside but had absolutely no intention of apologising to Von Truck, Jr. He would just have to suck it up and deal with the situation. Maybe if he got lucky, he could figure out a way to ditch the son at the soonest opportunity. Was he turning into the bad guy? A better question: Had he ever been one of the good guys?

* * * * * * *

[the present - Von Truck, Jr.]


Von Truck, Jr. had decided that following the second match against the Undisputed Alliance, he would take The High Command² on a night out that would serve as a bonding session while they were all still in Hong Kong. He had dipped into his monthly allowance and rented out a Party Bus. Or rather, he had paid for four tickets on the bus, as there were also drunk revelers aboard.


Von Truck, Jr.: I must offer my high praises to both Kenji and Marmaduke. We are only two matches into our adventure, but we remain the only tag team in the FWA that is undefeated. You have both shown me that you were truly worth the investment, and let us look to the future. We have two more victims waiting for us in Japan, so enjoy tonight, and then we will push towards three in a row.

The foursome of Von Truck, Jr., Marufuji, Marmaduke, and Burger Mane had been drinking for a while and all seemed to be in a good mood.


Kenji Marafuji: I am going home! Three cheers for Japan! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

A few of the other people on the bus joined in with Kenji, although they likely didn’t know what they were cheering for. Burger Mane leaned into Marmaduke and whispered into his ear.


Burger Mane: Didn’t you lose this week?


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: I thought so, but I don’t really see the point in putting my hand in the air and questioning it. I would be in poor form to ruin a night out, aye old chum?


Burger Mane: I suppose you’re right. I just don’t really understand what's going on.


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: I spend a large portion of my life not fully understanding what is going on. And to be perfectly honest, I just find it makes everything a lot easier.

Von Truck, Jr. loathed when people whispered. It meant they were keeping a secret. And secrets often led to betrayal or ideas above your station, and he was not intending on having disloyalty in the lower ranks. At the same time, now was not the time to create a scene. Instead, he counted slowly to ten in his head, thinking about everything he had been learning from his anger management video seminars he had been attending.


Von Truck, Jr.: We have now put the Stupid Alliance, Jackass Fenix and…


Kenji Marafuji: JACKASS!

Kenji seemed more inebriated than anyone else in their group as he shouted out and interrupted Von Truck mid-speech.


Von Truck, Jr.: …and Nate Silly Sausage has been left at the wayside, and we can now focus on our opponents waiting for us on the Island of Tsushima. Our next opponents are going to be...

Burger Mane stood up and raised his glass of beer, shouting at the top of their lungs.



Everyone else on the bus started banging their hands on the back of chairs, and there was a collective element of enjoyment present on the bus, which actually earned a rare smile from Von Truck, Jr.


Von Truck, Jr.: Also Known As Mayo.


Burger Mane: Team Mayonnaise?


Von Truck, Jr.: Great shout! Great fucking shout, Burger Mane! We shall refer to our next opponents forever more as Team Mayonnaise. And you know what we do with Mayo!


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: WE EAT IT!


Von Truck, Jr.: That's right, we eat it! This week we are facing the combination of Keeki Hairbashi and Acorn Urine, and I don’t think we have ever been offered an easier challenge because they are both women, and therefore they are inferior to us in every way.

The blatant sexism Von Truck displayed didn’t get a good reaction from the women aboard the party bus, not that he seemed at all bothered by their reaction to him. His father had educated him in the true values of being a chauvinist pig, and he was very proud of how he had come within the ideology.


Von Truck, Jr.: Now remember, we are living in a world of equal opportunity. So we don't see either of these two as the weaker sex. We don’t give them special treatment. Equal rights means equal lefts, so I fully expect you to fully commit and break their legs so they can never walk again. This is our future. This is our glory. And no one will take away our moment under the spotlight. We are the second coming of The High Command. We are superior to everyone else. We are the future?

Burger Mane leaned into Marmaduke’s ear once again.


Burger Mane: You do realize this dude is actually insane, right? He might actually get us canceled.


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: Oh, he is most certainly insane. At this point, I am fairly convinced he is more insane than his father, but no doubt it is going to earn us some screen time. Honestly, though, I think it will take a lot more than this to get us canceled.


Burger Mane: What makes you think that?


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: I have two words for you. Cum Truck.

Burger Mane stood up and raised his glass in the air and offered a toast.


Burger Mane: CUM TRUCK!


Kenji Marafuji: CUM TRUCK!


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: CUM TRUCK!


Von Truck, Jr.: CUM TRUCK!

Von Truck, Jr. was proud. The team had cohesion. They were all on the same page. He was certain that Ctrl Alt Repeat would very soon become the greatest tag team in the history of sports entertainment.
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Jimmy King

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One step at a time

2024 started with a bang for The Undisputed Alliance after a much-needed win over the new team of Ctrl Alt Repeat.

Maybe it’s too early to tell, but things were starting to look up for Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage after a year mixed with highs and lows for them, but for some reason, not everything was what it seemed.

Only some were feeling good.

Jackson Fenix was still feeling like something was missing. Sure, the win on Fallout felt good, and it was nice to see Nate in good spirits again, but something felt off for Jackson.

He wasn’t feeling like himself.

He had felt like this before, but that had subsided after some time, and he was able to shift his focus to other things that helped him forget about his mental struggles.

Here it was again creeping up on him, and he couldn’t shake it off no matter how hard he tried.

It always crept up on him at the worst possible times, too.

Here he was, trying to get some sleep in his hotel room located on the Island of Tsushima in Japan, just a day before his match with another newcomer to FWA, Medina Alvarez, and these feelings started to return.

Hazel had joined Jackson on this trip and was sound asleep next to him. He was lying on his back, looking up at the ceiling, and he sighed before turning back to his side to face Hazel. He closed his eyes for a moment but then opened them up, and what he saw wasn’t Hazel lying next to him but someone he thought he had gotten rid of.

“How ya doing, Jackie boy?”

Evil Jackson was lying there next to him. His old, evil self was back.

How? Jackson thought to himself.

“I bet you’re wondering how I’m here or why I’m back, huh?”

“You’re not here.”

Jackson didn’t believe the words he just said to reassure himself that this wasn’t real.

“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. Perhaps it’s your mind playing tricks on you again.”

“No, this isn’t real. This can’t be happening.”

“Jackson, who are you talking to?”

Hazel asks him, still half asleep.

“Nothing, just talking to myself.”

He wasn’t entirely wrong about that.

Hazel seems to have already drifted off back to sleep. Jackson gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom. He splashed cold water on his face and dried it off while looking in the mirror.

“Snap out of it, Jack. It’s not real.”

He told himself, but then, in the mirror next to him, there he was again.

“Keep telling yourself that, Jackie.”

Evil Jackson had that same smug, shit-eating grin that he always had.

“What are you doing here? I thought I beat you. I got rid of you; you shouldn’t be here.”

Evil Jackson can’t help but laugh at that. It’s not a loud belly laugh but a quiet, snarky laugh.

“You never listen, do you? When you thought you beat me, I told you I’d be back. I told you I would never truly be gone. After you had your meltdown in front of Xtacee, I left you alone and let you have your fun. I let you be the good guy that you always wanted to be. I allowed you to have your moments, but now I’m back to ask you a question.”

“What is that?”

“Was it worth it?”

“Was what worth it?”

“Was trying to be a good guy worth it? Was trying to be something that you’re not worth it? You say you earned all those opportunities by doing the right thing. You earned them the right and honest way, but then what? You waste them time and time again. Then you dust yourself off and try again.”

“You talk about those doors opening up for you when another closes, but now you’ve run out of doors to have opened for you. There are no more doors of opportunity left for you to open. You’ve squandered every opportunity you’ve earned, brought in other people around you, and then brought them down. First, it was Nate, and then you brought in Xtacee, Monica, and Antonio. Now you have Hazel with you, and soon enough, she’ll go right down with you.”

“So, I ask again, was it worth it?”

Present Jackson doesn’t know what to say. He’s at a loss for words as he looks at himself in the mirror and shakes his head.

“You’re trying to be the good guy; it was a good try, but why try to fix what isn’t broken? Why disrupt a good thing? Why don’t you go back to who you truly are? Embrace me. There’s no use in fighting it, Jackie. Embrace the hate in you.”

“Your old pal Jeremy embraced it and showed his true colors, and look where he is now. He’s on top of the world as the FWA World Champion. He certainly didn’t get there by shaking hands and kissing babies. He knew what he had to do to get by in FWA, and it has finally paid off for him. That could be you right now, but you chose the noble route. While that is admirable, where has that got you? Nowhere.”

“Do you think your next opponent, Medina Alvarez, is trying to be something she’s not? I doubt it. She accepts who she is and doesn’t try to change to appease anyone. Do the right thing, Jackie; you know what I’m saying is true.”

“No, it’s not. I won’t let you win. You can try to break me down, but you won’t win.”

“You can keep telling yourself that, but it won’t help, Jackie.”

“I don’t care what you think or what you say. I don’t care what anyone like you says I should do. I will keep doing what I always do and that’s persevere. I will keep on grinding and doing what I do best by giving it my all and doing things the right way. I will keep working hard until another door opens; I don’t care how long it’ll take. I will keep doing what I do, and you can’t convince me otherwise.”

Evil Jackson looks back at Present Jackson and shakes his head in disappointment.

“Fine, have it your way. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Bad Jackson is gone now, and Present Jackson is alone with his thoughts.

“You got this, Jackson, you can do it. One step at a time.”
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Jimmy King

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The Wildcard Origins
Chapter 2

“Here we go again.”

Jason Randall is once again sitting in front of a camera, but this time, he’s not inside a studio in an undisclosed location. Randall is at his home in San Diego, sitting outside on the beach house deck that he shares with Penny. It’s a rainy day, which is unusual for San Diego since the residents are usually used to sunny days, but they get a rainy day or two every now and then. Randall is a rare breed that prefers the cold weather, and he likes the rain despite living in a city that is not known for it. Randall likes to watch and listen to the sound of the rain as it pours out from the sky and hits the ground; he finds it calming and peaceful.

“It was about ten years ago that I took a bit of a sabbatical from wrestling, sometime around late 2013; I don’t know; my memory is a bit fuzzy. I touched on it before today in my last promo, but I had somewhat of a falling out with the promotion I had been in before that. Let’s say the falling out wasn’t amicable, but I guess most of the time, things like that never are. In a way, it was sort of a blessing in disguise, I don’t know. It opened my eyes and allowed me to see that some time away from all this was needed.”

“After a few months of not doing anything related to wrestling, I started to feel the itch again. As I said, it had only been a few months, but there it was. It was all I had ever known for ten years up to that point. It had become such a big part of my life for so long that I was not doing it here. I felt lost without it, like a fear of missing out, I guess; I don’t know, it’s hard to explain, and it sounds weird trying to explain it.”

“Eventually, I scratched that itch. I went back to my old stomping grounds and did some training to get back in ring shape, but for some reason, I wasn’t feeling it. There was something that felt off about it all. I thought it over and decided to travel to Japan to improve my craft. I wanted to expand my skills and test myself, so I went to Japan to learn a new hold, as some people in this business like to say.”

“It wasn’t my first time in Japan. I had done some shows there before but never bothered to explore the country and whatnot. At the time, I was a single man with no family nearby, so it’s not like I was leaving anyone behind as I traveled to the other side of the world.”

“Anyway, I bring all this up because Fallout will be in Japan, so I thought this would be a good way to continue the chronicles of my wrestling origins…”


January 2014

It was the beginning of the year, and I had been in Japan for about a week, give or take. Like I said, I was there to improve my skills and learn a new hold or two. Anyway, the place where I was training was where I met the man who became a mentor to me in many ways. I wasn’t in Japan long before signing with FWA two months later, but I learned much thanks to him.

This story isn’t about him, though; this story is about a match I had there. It wasn’t on a major show or anything; it was in front of some other students and trainers there, including my mentor. The match was against a young woman who had also been training there. I’ll call her Luna; that’s not her name, but for the sake of this story, let’s go with Luna.

The match lasted about 15-20 minutes, and I came out as the winner, but Luna gave me a run for my money. After the match, I spoke with her and learned she had been wrestling for about a year and had been sent to Japan on an excursion. The business hadn’t eaten her up yet because she still had a positive outlook on everything and was always willing to learn. I worked with her more while I was there until I returned home.


“I forgot the point I was trying to make with this story. I don’t know what I thought it had to do with me facing Kleio De Santos on Fallout in Japan would relate to this story other than it being a female I faced in Japan 10 years ago.”

“This didn’t pan out like I had hoped, so I’ll just say this. I know Kleio is going to try her best to one up. I know she’ll be looking to upset me before King of the Deathmatch. This is my road to redemption after how last year’s King of the Deathmatch ended for me, and Kleio is just this minor bump in the road that I will get over.”

“This is my time.”
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That had been a tough pill for Madison to swallow. In her mind, she had been in a playful mood when she wore her custom weaselperson mask and bumped into Brooklyn, knowing that in just a few weeks they would be locking horns, going toe-to-toe, and battling for the Television Championship. However, when she started flirting with Steiner, the manner in which he rejected her had hurt her confidence. She had very little experience in the love department with either men or women, and she didn’t have much experience to know which side, if any, she batted for, but there was no denying that Brooklyn was a very good-looking man. So, in her mind, what could have just been some casual fun and nothing else had just resulted in a flat-out rejection. Was this the motivation she needed to go that extra yard and become a champion? Or would that rejection end up weighing her down, playing as a constant distraction in her head, a constant reminder that she had struggled with most of her life, that she wasn’t good enough?

That was why Sydney had gone out of her way to arrange a blind date for her. Madison had been feeling a bit nervous about meeting a stranger, and part of her was still lost in her thoughts about the brutal rejection she had suffered. She was meeting someone called Gregory at a Beach Bar, but secretly in her mind, she really wished she was meeting Brooklyn. Did she really want him more now that she had been rejected? The setting of the date was a really cozy table with the setting sun on the horizon and the sound of waves crashing in the background. As she looked up from her seat, a man with a large smile looked towards her.

Gregory: Madison, Hi! I’m Gregory. It's so great to finally meet you in person.

Gregory was tall, with a lean, athletic build. He had dark tousled hair that caught the last rays of sun, kissing her hair. He also had warm hazel eyes that felt like they were filled with kindness. He was wearing casual yet stylish attire, with a light linen shirt that accentuated his toned physique, paired with salmon pink shorts and Jesus-style sandals. He had an aura about him that gave him a really approachable vibe and yet also seemed mysterious at the same time.

Madison: Nice to meet you, Gregory! Sydney said you work in the boating industry? Does that mean you are a fisherman then?

Madison thought that a bit of a joke might help cut the ice, but from the response she was given, it felt like he hadn’t picked up on it at all.

Gregory: Actually, I work more on the yachting side of the boating industry. I manage yacht charters and help clients find the perfect vessel for their adventures on the water. It’s a job that lets me combine my love for the ocean with helping others create unforgettable experiences.

He seemed really enthusiastic about his job, far more excited about telling her about himself than leading the conversation anywhere else.

Gregory: What about you, Madison? What do you do?

Madison: I work in the professional wrestling industry. I'm actually in my rookie year, so I'm still very green, but I'm trying to make a name for myself. Leaving home was a bit of a shock to the system, but I really am living my best life right now. And getting to meet some great people along the way.

Madison offered a cheeky yet flirtatious wink in Gregory's direction. Gregory’s eyes lit up with genuine interest, and a small part of Madison felt a bit nervous about it, almost like he was more interested in her career than her. If he was actually a secret fan, this was the last thing she wanted to even think about. She had heard stories before, and they always had strong stalker vibes.

Gregory: Wow, Madison, that’s incredible! It takes a lot of courage and skill to become a wrestler. I know you really have to fully dedicate yourself, and there is a lot of traveling involved, even nights without getting any real money for your effort. It's like you're really passionate about what you do, and honestly, that is truly inspiring.

He returned with a wink of his own accompanied by a playful grin.

Gregory: And meeting someone as fascinating as you is definitely a highlight of my day. I’d love to hear more about your experience in the wrestling world.

Madison: Oh, we don’t have to talk about me. Let's talk about things we have in common? What do you like to do for fun?

Gregory: Fair enough, Madison.

Gregory offered a nervous laugh, and Madison felt sick in her stomach. She had been playing games and had been hoping that Gregory would press her further and really want to know more about her, so the fact that he had given up so easily and was just willing to move on had confused her. So it was only made worse when he started talking so much about himself again.

Gregory: Well, aside from being out on the water, I'm a bit of an adventure enthusiast. I love exploring new places, whether it's hiking through the mountains, surfing along the coast, or even just trying out new restaurants and cuisines. I'm also a big fan of staying active, so you might find me hitting the gym or going for a run in the mornings.

His answer was so generic. It felt rehearsed and fake. He was like the cliche of answers, and honestly, in her head, she had already decided that she wasn’t interested in getting to know him anymore. There was no depth there, and if she was going to spend her quality time with someone, she wanted it to be engaging and fun, especially when she had so little free time away from the wrestling world. She leaned towards him and whispered into his ear.

Madison: Do you ever kiss on the first date? Or more if you are interested?

Gregory's eyes widened slightly at Madison's unexpected question, a hint of surprise crossing his features. He cleared his throat, clearly taken aback by her suggestion, but at the same time, held his confidence and composed himself with a smile.

Gregory: Well, Madison, I believe in going with the flow and letting things happen naturally. But I also think it's important to respect each other's boundaries and comfort levels. If there's a connection and the moment feels right, then why not?

Madison thought back to the situation she had found herself in with Brooklyn last week. Maybe if she had been a bit braver and edged herself forward, then something might have actually come of it, instead of being on this awkward date she was on right now where she honestly wished she could put a gag around his mouth and lead him away to a dark corner and have her wicked way with him. She grabbed hold of her wine glass and took a big sip.

She then leaned forward and grabbed hold of Gregory's upper thigh, then pressed her lips against his, hoping he would reciprocate. He leaned into the kiss, his hand gently resting on her waist as he returned the embrace with an equal level of passion. As the pair shared this initial moment, the sound of the ocean and the chatter of fellow guests in the bar melted away into the background. It was as if they were the only two people in the world, and there was an undeniable sexual chemistry between them that was drawing them closer to each other. As they finally pulled away, Madison could feel her heart pounding within her chest as she looked up, her gaze locked with Gregory’s.

Gregory: That was...unexpected, but definitely not unwelcome.

Madison kept a tight hold of Gregory, so that their bodies were still pressed together.

Madison: I know this might be bold of me, but do you want to come back to my room and see where things go from there?

Gregory: Madison, you certainly don't beat around the bush, do you?

His hand gently traced a circle on her lower back, just above her jean shorts. He paused for a moment, locking eyes with her, a silent question lingering between them. And then, with a nod of agreement, he leaned in to capture her lips in another heated kiss, fully embracing the adventurous spirit of the evening. And all the while they were kissing, Madison was thinking just one thing in her mind: I wish this was Brooklyn.

The rest of the night was a flurry of flashes for Madison. Whether it was hungry kisses, exploring hands, or the entwining of limbs, she couldn’t deny that the night had been passionate. They had worked together in perfect harmony and had driven each other to new heights of ecstasy. Afterwards, they had been left in an afterglow of each other. If it had been Brooklyn, she might have reached out to him and sought to hold him in an embrace, but any special feeling that she had shared with Gregory in their hours of passion had already evaporated like water leaving a steaming kettle.

Gregory: We should do this again sometime. I think you are great.

Madison hadn’t slept with many guys or girls before, but this was the last thing she wanted to hear. She had been hoping for something casual without any strings attached, so the idea that he was already falling in love with her after just a couple of hours was seriously giving her the ick.

Madison: Gregory, I will say this respectfully. Would you please be ever so kind and get the fuck out of my room!

She could see the look of surprise on his face, and he couldn’t hide his disappointment. He pushed himself off the bed, giving her space immediately.

Gregory: If that is what you want?

Was this guy serious? Why did he have to be so nice, even when she was being so rude to him? She knew she was acting like a crazy person, but at this point in time, she was not in a headspace to deal with him.

Madison: That is what I fucking want! Get the fuck out of my room.

Gregory: If that is what you really want. I respect your decision. I’ll go. Just please calm down and relax.

He was telling her to relax? This fucking guy. Really? Really? He quickly picked up his clothes and dressed himself, but kept making sad puppy eyes at her. Perhaps this worked on other girls, but Madison wasn’t interested in any of it. This had been about some fun and nothing else.

Gregory: I hope you find what you’re looking for, but seriously you need some help. You’re fucking crazy!

She almost reached out for the nearest thing she could see, which happened to be her high-heeled shoes, and felt the urge to chuck it at him, but she controlled herself. Americans loved to sue people, and she fully expected Gregory was the type of guy to seek revenge whenever the opportunity presented itself, and his charming attitude was likely nothing more than a facade. Maybe she was fucking crazy? Maybe that was a good thing. If she was going to make any progress as a wrestler, perhaps she needed to fully tap into her crazy side. Perhaps this had been Sydney’s plan from the start.

If she was going to become the fighting force that she wanted to be, she needed to remove the metaphorical chains around her neck and wrists and allow herself to be free. The only way she was going to become the very best version of herself was if she embraced her true self. And if that meant allowing her crazy side to escape, then so be it.

Perhaps she would have been more suited to adopting a character name like some of the other wrestlers on the roster, instead of using her real name. Something like Pandora. Because every time Pandora’s Box opens, pure chaos is unleashed upon the world around. Would that involve her reaching forward and biting out a chunk of Colby Sol’s ear in her match this week? The fact that she had even thought about it should have worried her, but it didn’t. There was just one voice in her head right now, and it was saying one word: Fight. Madison wrapped herself in a towel and then ran towards the door, pulling it open, seeing Gregory still walking away as she shrieked at the top of her lungs.

Madison: Get out of here, ya filthy animal!

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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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“I don’t understand why they’ve chosen me for this. Technology isn’t my thing… I don’t understand how these things work, Allen.”

Chris groaned as he attempted to untangle the mass of wires in front of him in his living room. He was talking to Allen Price on speakerphone whilst trying to figure out which wire he needed to hook up the brand new Playstation 5 that the FWA had provided him with to his television. This, along with a copy of the brand new FWA game, ‘Simply Business’. “I’m not even on the fucking cover, man.”

The fact that either the FWA or whatever company had developed the game had opted to go with the current hall of champions as the cover stars irked Chris greatly. It seemed like everyone had forgotten that he held the FWA World Championship for the majority of last year and won in the main event of Back in Business.

“My guess is that it has something to do with what you said on Fallout, Chris,” Allen called out loudly, not realising that he did not need to shout when he was on speakerphone. It had not occurred to Chris that he had called someone as equally deficient in understanding technology as he when he initially reached out for assistance. “Was taking on a tag match as well the wisest move?”

Chris was unsure whether Allen was right or not. Deciding to challenge Deathswitch along with Alyster just after suffering a crushing loss to Xavien Marshall was reactionary. That much he could admit. However, the buzz and excitement to have his friend back - and have FTN back - had actually left him in reasonably high spirits, despite everything.

The two of them were angry with the FWA and everyone within it. It made sense that they would want to be together again. As for the F1 Climaxxx, just having Alyster back was enough of a boost for Chris to feel somewhat confident, despite his recent fortunes in the ring. It was just Halloween Knight, after all.

“I’m going to be fine, Allen.”

Both knew Chris was not completely convinced, even in his own words, but before it could be addressed further, the television burst into life with colour, “Okay, something is happening. There’s some sort of menu… and how do I choose something? The controller… is turned on… and here. Where’s the fucking game or whatever?”

“You need to insert the disc… Bing says it should be in the box.”

There was a small crack as Chris opened the game box for the first time. He pressed on the plastic in the centre of the game disc and it popped out into his hand. There was a small opening in the console to insert it, and he was taken by surprise by the force of the machine swallowing the disc out of his hand.

“There should be a mini poster in the box, Chrissy. Read it, play the game and then we’ll speak later on and you can tell me what you thought about it… I’ll take it from there.”


As Chris read the flyer, the game loaded. The loud menu music took him by surprise and caused him to drop the flyer on the ground of his already-messy living room. It took him a few minutes to understand how to use the controller. Allen shouting random button combinations at him over the speakerphone only served to make this task even harder. As a result, Chris hung up on him mid-sentence.

Once he had finally navigated the menu and selected the brand new ‘Climaxxx Mode’, he was presented with a screen showing the eight participants in the 2024 F1 Climaxxx.


He used the left joystick to flitter through the options several times. He wondered whether this could be used as a chance to gain a newer prospective on future opponents, including Halloween Knight. Chris decided against this, though. Cycling through each opponent and understanding their strengths and weaknesses was not something that interested him.

No, Chris decided that he needed to focus on the person out of the eight that really mattered to him- Chris Peacock. After making his choice, ‘He’s the Greatest Dancer’ blared out of the television set and a title screen presented him with a large image of himself.




Where will you go?



Chris sat alone, watching the show pass him by. No one came to speak with him or even acknowledged he was there. Everyone completely ignored him for unknown reasons, with the exception of one person.

Michelle von Horrowitz discarded her cigarette at Chris’s feet and smirked as she walked past him, ready for her main event match. He had decided not to speak with her in the smoking area after losing to Xavien Marshall in such embarrassing fashion. Chris opted not to stay and watch Michelle’s match with Mike Parr. It was surely going to simply serve as a reminder of what he would not be able to achieve.

All he could do was go home, and try again next time.



Where will you go?



A bunch of nameless and faceless individuals scattered from the locker room as Chris entered in a rage. His first act was to flip a bench over and then toss someone’s bag the length of the locker room. He could not fathom how he had managed to lose to Halloween Knight of all people. How it had happened was a blur. All he distinctly remembered was watching Halloween Knight celebrate with the rest of Tr1ck or Tr4sh after scoring the biggest win of his career.

The sounds of laughter from the crowd in his direction ringed through his ears. This kind of thing should not be happening to someone who is supposedly as good as he is. A former FWA World Champion; the man credited with bringing some stability to an entire company. The days of being the man to willingly enter a Steel Roulette and put the championship on the line - and win seemed like an impossibly distant memory.

Silence in the locker room whilst everyone else had dispersed allowed Chris to sit down on a bench and put his head in his hands. He scrunched his eyes up, trying to figure out how he could express himself. Thoughts of punching a wall or screaming raced through his mind but he lacked the energy or motivation to do either. He had completely blown his chances in the F1 Climaxxx. Qualifying for the next round was impossible due to already losing twice. A win in his final match would not be enough.

In his emotional reservation that he had created for himself, Chris failed to notice that someone had entered the locker room. They quietly sat down next to him and put an arm over his shoulder.

Chris Peacock: “Alyster… I’ve fucked it.”

???: “I’m not Alyster Black, Chris, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t be your friend, friend.”

The instantly recognisable voice and phrasing caused Chris to recoil and stand up. He then saw Jeremy Best sitting on the bench. The FWA World Championship rested upon Jeremy’s lap and the champion stood up to meet the confused and shellshocked Peacock.

Jeremy Best: “What’s the matter, Chris? There’s nothing wrong with allowing a bit of extra friendship into your life! We can talk about what’s bothering you if you want? I’m a great listener!”

Chris Peacock: “I don’t want to talk to you about anything, you sick bastard! Do you know what you’ve done? Your bullshit at Winter Wonderland-”

Jeremy Best: “Winter Wasteland. But I sure do like the sound of Winter Wonderland, Chris! Don’tcha think that has a much nicer ring to it? I think I might just put a call in to Jon Russnow and see about changing-”

Chris Peacock: “SHUT UP! You… you made Alyster go away. You made him leave me, and that’s what started all of this. You fucked with my car, stopped us from winning the tag titles-”

Jeremy Best: “We didn’t break your car, Chris. Was my note not clear? We knew that you’d had car trouble and tried to fix your car for you! The problem is, Frank isn’t as good of a mechanic as we thought so we might have accidentally made it a teeny tiny bit worse.”

The expression on Jeremy’s face was evasive. The excuse caused Chris to imagine pummelling his face into the wall.

Jeremy Best: “Besides, you got there in time for your match and if you want to use the ‘b’ word… I think it is Michelle you want to consider, not me.”

Chris felt his stomach sink as he imagined what Michelle’s reaction to him losing to Halloween Knight was. She probably revelled in it even more than the

Chris Peacock: “Yeah, she is a bitch…”

Jeremy Best: “No, silly! Not that ‘b’ word! I should just wash your mouth out with soap. I meant, ‘blame’. Now look, I probably shouldn’t be here, trying to help you given that you’ve got my good pal Bryan up next, but in times like this you’ve got to look to the power of friendship. There’s no better place for that than in the Friendship Wrestling Alliance!”

The pitch to join Jeremy’s group fell on deaf ears, and Peacock did not even entertain the invitation to become a member of the bubbly band of bastards. He left the locker room, leaving Jeremy alone in there;

Jeremy Best: “Think about it, Chris! Have the Best day!”

On the other side of the door, Chris looked around the corridor. Some of the scared wrestlers that departed the locker room upon his arrival into it trembled. They probably wondered what he was going to do next. All that was at stake for him in the F1 Climaxxx was pride. Even if it didn’t mean anything, he could defeat Bryan Baxter and get his victory back from the previous edition of the F1 Climaxxx.

There was something that his conversation with Jeremy reminded him of though - he was not alone and there was no requirement to deal with his disappointment in such a way.



Where will you go?



People ensured to give Chris a wide berth as he stormed through the backstage area following his match. He had gone ahead and faced Bryan Baxter with nothing but pride on the line but had fallen short against the North American Champion once again. It took every fibre of Chris’s being to stop him from tearing his own arm off and beating someone unconscious with it.

To put it simply, Chris Peacock had never been so frustrated in his entire life. Losing to Xavien Marshall was disappointing, Halloween Knight was embarrassing but what frustrated Chris the most was how humbling losing all three matches of his F1 Climaxxx pool was. To think that he had entered the tournament as one of the favourites, only to crash out at the first hurdle. It made him sick to even contemplate that this was his reality.

There was one person he was looking for as he stomped along a corridor. The only person that he could depend on to bring him out of a slump and a fury like this; Alyster Black. A backstage worker correctly assumed that Alyster was Chris’s goal, and pointed him in the direction of the interview area. With nothing but his partner on his mind, Chris was like a moth to a flame.

However, he did stop abruptly at one juncture. The door to the smoking area was ajar, and Chris just knew who was going to be there waiting for him. In fact, he saw one of Michelle’s feet through the gap in the door. Her shoe bobbed up and down gently, as if she had no worry in the world. She wanted him to come to her. She wanted the chance to gloat. He would not give her the satisfaction. If there was one positive he could get out of this entire ordeal, it was that. She was not the one to bring him down, and he had denied her of that.

This was scant consolation compared to his initial goals for the F1 Climaxxx. He questioned his reasoning for entering it in the first place. After all, it was simply to spite Michelle. He had failed at doing that, and probably just empowered her instead. Thinking about it more, he realised that this outcome may have been more preferable to her, and could have actually been her plan all along. Her comments at the press conference pre-Climaxxx did throw him through a loop, after all.

As soon as Chris entered the interview pit, Alyster pulled him in for a hug. They did not speak for almost a minute. They both knew that all Chris needed was a safe space where he could let his guard down and allow some of the emotion inside of him to spill out. Anyone who wanted to deride Chris for this would have to deal with Alyster’s wrath and even their staunchest haters would not willingly put themselves into that situation.

Alyster Black: “It’s going to be okay, mate. This Climaxxx thing isn’t the be all and end all. You’re still Chris fuckin’ Peacock, you got that?”

To prevent Chris from avoiding his validation, Alyster cupped his face with both hands and forced him to look into his eyes. Chris sniffled and wiped the tears that had pooled in his eye ducts.

Alyster Black: “Trust me, we’re going to look back and laugh at this at some point, mate. Me, you, Allen, Krash and the boys. You lost to the fucking pumpkin guy, man. That’s some funny shit, and we’re going to look at it that way soon enough. It won’t feel like it now, but we will. We will, Chris.”

Such comments were not actually as reassuring to Chris as Alyster assumed. Referring to Halloween Knight as simply “the pumpkin guy” might sound funny on the face of it, but it was not a million years ago that Chris himself was just “the disco guy”.

Alyster Black: “I heard about what that fuckhole Jeremy had to say to you a couple of weeks ago, mate. It’s a kick in the dick to admit it, but the son of a bitch was right. You’re hurt and you’re struggling. You need your friends… and we’re here for you, mate. Anything you need and we’ve got your back. Look, I’ve already had a text from Krash…”

Alyster pulled up his phone and Chris read a polite message that had been sent from Krash, requesting that he pass on his best to Chris. For some reason, this helped Chris gain some perspective a bit more. He exhaled heavily and slowly nodded his head. Changing the topic of conversation, he started to look around. Todd Salum walked into the room, getting his face powdered by a much younger female production assistant.

Chris Peacock: “So… why are we here?”

Alyster Black: “I want to get you out of this funk, and there’s no point in dicking around, is there, mate? So, now that you’re freed up from the F1 Climaxxx, we’re going balls in on this tag team thing. I’ve got a surefire plan to get us back on track in this shithole. Toddy here is going to help us announce our proper comeback to the world-”

Chris Peacock: “I’m not sure, man. I could do with a break in all honesty… I appreciate what you’re doing, but-”

A finger on his mouth and a soothing shushing sound from underneath Alyster’s mouth stopped Chris mid-sentence.

Alyster Black: “Shhhhhhut your fuckin’ mouth. We’re doing this… and I know exactly what we need to get ourselves back on track. Trust me?”

With the finger still in place, Chris could not answer. Alyster slowly pulled it away and lingered expectantly. From in front of the camera which was not yet rolling, Todd Salum called over.

Todd Salum: “Are we doing this thing or not, boys? I’m a very busy man!”

Alyster Black: “Gah, I forgot how much of a dick this guy is when the cameras are off. Come on, Chris. What do you say?”

Time almost seemed to stop around them as Chris looked on earnestly, weighing up his options. A decision was required.

Chris Peacock: “Alright, let’s do it.”

Alyster slapped his hands together and then pumped his fist. It did bring a small smile to Chris’s face to see his partner so excited. Because of this, it dawned on him that it was the correct decision to make. Focusing on FTN would allow him to escape all of the pressure that he had been under and move past the devastating losses culminating from his failed F1 Climaxxx campaign.

Alyster Black: “Alright, Salum, you desiccated ballsack, you ready to do this?”

Todd Salum: “Must the two of you always be so crude?”

Alyster Black: “Only a shitty interviewer asks questions that they already know the answers to, Todd. Come on with it, we’ve got places to be.”

Once the interview had started, viewers at home would have seen Chris watching Alyster address the world in admiration. Just as it did to Aly, it pained Chris that Jeremy Best was right. Friendship indeed did seem to be the key to pulling his career out of the gutter.

Alyster Black: “So, that’s why before too long, FTN will be back on top. We’re starting with Aka Manto and then we’re running a train through this tag team division here in the FWA. This is our Second Cumming!”

The interview ended with Alyster putting his arm around Chris and the two sharing a laugh. It was the first laugh that Chris had mustered in some weeks. The first time that he thought that everything was going to be okay. Everything was going to be okay.



Where will you go?



There is a loud reception in the arena as Cyrus Truth marches out from the back. Wearing a grey hoodie and a scowl, ‘The Exile’ is not dressed for action but it seems that there is something on his mind.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time… ‘The Exile’ CYYYYYYYRUUUSSSSS TRRRUUUUUUUUTHHHHHH!!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “As we get closer and closer to The Grand March and Cyrus Truth’s challenge of Jeremy Best for the FWA World Championship. Things have been heating up between champion and challenger and ‘The Exile’ has something he wants to say to the people here in Sapporo.”

As Truth enters the ring, he motions for a microphone and is passed one from someone at ringside. He sits down in the middle of the ring with his legs crossed, waiting for a moment of calm before he can address the masses. A wry smile crosses his face.

Cyrus Truth: “There’s a lot-”

Cyrus Truth’s face drops into a stern expression as he looks over his shoulder in the direction of the ramp. His and everyone else’s attention is turned to the ramp where Chris Peacock slowly walks out from the back. His head bowed down low and shoulders arched inwards, Peacock seems a shell of the man that has been known to FWA audiences for over three years.

In the ring, Cyrus rises to his feet. There is a mixture of anger and inquisitiveness on his face as he sees his old rival in a way that has never seen. Peacock can barely make eye contact with Cyrus and he slowly walks up the steps, as if he is afraid to enter the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Umm… what’s going on here? Chris Peacock was of course the man to defeat Cyrus Truth in the main event of Back in Business last year but earlier tonight we saw that he was defeated by Aka Manto along with Alyster Black. What does he want?”

The music stops and this leaves Chris alone with the sounds of the fans in the arena. Everything feels like a blur though, as if he cannot process his whereabouts. A wrestling ring should feel like home to him, but he feels like a stranger to it. Above all of the hubbub and noise in the arena, Chris hears a single voice, louder than the others.

It sounds harsh and biting. He feels threatened by it, afraid almost. Looking up, he sees Cyrus Truth standing in front of him with a microphone in his hand. Suddenly, the louder voice becomes much clearer.

Cyrus Truth: “What do you want, Peacock? Why are you out here?”

Chris gulps. He can see in Cyrus’s eyes that there is no compassion. With everything that has happened between them, there was never going to be. But he had to come out here and confront him. It was his only chance. With things not even working out teaming with Alyster anymore, this was all he could think of. His final hope.

Cyrus Truth: “Well?”

Under his breath, Chris musters only five words.

“Put me in the match.”

It pained him that it had come to this. It never crossed his mind that he would have to stoop to this level of patheticness. Cyrus’s eyes narrowed as he tried to register what Chris had said.

Cyrus Truth: “What was that? Speak up! You’ve never had a problem running your mouth before, Chris. Tell me and all of these people just why exactly you have interrupted me!”

In a fit of frustration and with tears of desperation in his eyes, Chris grabbed the microphone whilst Cyrus held onto it. He shouted at the top of his lungs.


He sniffled loudly, but snot still dripped from his nose and onto his moustache. Any semblance of image consciousness was forgotten at this point; this was the lowest point he had ever fallen to.

Chris Peacock: “You… you owe me, Cyrus. I did this for you… I did it for you, man.”

Chris tugged on Cyrus’s hoodie and dropped to his knees in the ring, holding into the hood cord and squeezing it close to his chest. Out of all of the possibilities that Cyrus Truth could have imagined, this was not one. Never did he think that the man who cockily ruled over the FWA for the best part of a year would have sunk to such pitiful depths. Truth forced his apparel out of Peacock’s hands, and looked down at his year-long rival with a disgusted expression on his face.

Cyrus Truth: “Let me get this straight. I need to understand this, properly. You expect me to go to bat for you? Out of all of the people in the world, you think I am going to be the one to get you out of this?

“Last year, you did get me into the main event of The Grand March. That much is true. But make no mistake, Peacock, I don’t owe you anything. You did that, not as an act of nobility, though. It was the right thing to do after what happened in last year’s F1 Climaxxx, but you didn’t do it because it was the right thing to do. You did it as an act of cowardice, Peacock. I was just your buffer because you didn’t want Michelle on your own.

“As suitable as you would be in your current feeble state, I don’t need a buffer against Jeremy Best. Just like how I didn’t need one against you, were it not for you and that cretin conspiring against me. Notwithstanding, helping you right now is not the right thing to do. All of this, everything you’re going through now, you brought entirely on yourself.

“This you are experiencing now is what you get for the months of debauchery and frat house nonsense that you and your idiotic cronies subjected this company to. Let me be crystal clear. You deserve all of this. So don’t you dare come to me and expect that you are exempt from the consequences of your actions. I’m not going to save you from your fate, and neither will anyone else. Now, leave this ring and if you know what is best for you… don’t ever come back. You don’t belong here and you’re embarrassing us all.”

After a final scornful look at Peacock hunched over on the mat, Cyrus did not even wait for the former FWA World Champion to leave the ring. Chris could not hear exactly what Cyrus was saying about Jeremy Best as he had become deaf to the world once again. He waited an amount of time - it could have been seconds or minutes - and left the ring. No one paid any attention to him as he trudged up the ramp.



Where will you go?



The latest setback in his downward spiral was both predictable and unexpected at the same time. Despite his recent issues, Chris Peacock was still Chris Peacock and even in his lowly state most assumed he would be able to breeze past the hapless Blake Taylor. It was another case of something that wasn’t supposed to happen actually happening.

The husk formerly known as ‘Chris Peacock’ slowly walked out of the arena in Vancouver into the parking lot. His suitcase dragged on the ground behind him still half-open. Chris failed to notice the breadcrumb trail of his belongings that he was leaving. His most recent in-ring failure had caused him to plummet further into the abyss than he thought possible. As if grovelling publicly to Cyrus Truth and getting emphatically slammed down was not bad enough. It could get worse.

This was it. Just like when he departed after his confrontation with Cyrus, not one soul noticed Chris as he was leaving. No one cared that he was leaving before the end of the show. As he closed in on his car, he almost became the victim of an accident. The limousine driver either did not see him, or care that he was there. Mere centimetres were between Chris and contact with the vehicle.

The rear door opened next to Chris and within seconds he was face to face with Jay Kenny. The youthful-looking tag team champion contrasted with the weary and gaunt Peacock. The sight of Peacock in such a state caused Jay to immediately burst out into a fit of laughter.

Jay Kenny: “Yo Princeton, come take a look at this wasteman, bruv. Man looks like shit, ya get me?”

Chris did not react when Thomas Princeton appeared behind Kenny. The suave and sophisticated Princeton grimaced when he saw the man that he was once in business with. Without a word, he attempted to guide Kenny into the arena, but was palmed off.

Jay Kenny: “Nah, nah. There’s something I wanna say to this boy. Cuz, you acted the big man one time. That was in the past though, yeah? I think you’re finally startin’ to realise how things are run around here now, yeah? You ain’t nuffink no more, bruv. You got that? Me an’ X, we’re running this place now. It’s ours.

“We’re the new generation and your time has been and gone, bruv. So do everyone a favour and just fuck off, yeah? You’re just takin’ up space now. Tell me I’m wrong, bruv! TELL ME! Man out here gettin’ beat by ghosts and shit, only thing dead around here is your career, bruv. Wasteman…”

Even if he had evidence to disagree with anything that Kenny was saying, Peacock was not interested in engaging with the lout. His attempt to get past to his car was blocked. Kenny took a step closer to Chris.

Jay Kenny: “You’re not gonna disrespeck me like that, likkle boy. I will fuck you up now for fun, you got that? Little bitch like you I can do in no sweat. Two, three man like you at a time if I want, yeah. Man like you ain’t nuffink to me. So if you want to get past me, yeah, you either got to make me move or ask really, really nicely, yeah?”

An impasse. Chris knew that if this had happened a few months earlier, by now he would have already slapped the taste out of Kenny’s mouth. There was a small flame inside of himself that flared for a moment, almost willing him to strike first. This was extinguished by doubt almost as quickly as it had arrived. By which time, Jay Kenny had already tired of Peacock and slammed his face into the side of the limousine.

Chris did not even try to defend himself as Kenny followed up with punches and kicks to his head. In fact, it was Cyrus’s words that rang through his head each time Kenny landed a blow directly to his face.

“You deserve all of this.”



Chris arrived in San Francisco and to his surprise, found out that he was not scheduled to play any role in The Grand March whatsoever. He pondered quizzing road agents or cornering Jon Russnow, but it quickly dawned on him that his performances as of late had not necessarily merited inclusion or a Pay-Per-View bonus to his salary.

It was with the lower card talent not deemed deserving of a spot that Chris was forced to watch the show, instead of just going home. With a frown on his face, he watched as the night unfolded and passed him by once again, with no one even acknowledging his presence. He was totally ambivalent to what he was watching on the large monitor that had been set up backstage.

Victors celebrated and those defeated mostly took it all in their stride. It bothered Chris that this was the case; after all, losing as much as he had recently had literally broken him, reducing him to almost a mute. There was one match that grabbed his attention, though. The final of the 2024 F1 Climaxxx tournament - Michelle von Horrowitz versus Xavien Marshall.

Chris watched with eagerness as the man who he commenced his fruitless campaign against did battle with the woman who he had hoped to meet in the final once everyone else had been left by the wayside. He balled his fist every time Xavien appeared on the screen, lamenting that it was not him and cursing his rotten luck under his breath. Whilst Chris failed to live up to his status against Marshall in the tournament opener, Michelle did not suffer the same fate.

With relative ease, Michelle von Horrowitz was crowned the winner of the 2024 F1 Climaxxx and the new North American Champion. It was official, she had beaten him in the race to the Grand Slam. Chris sat in situ for over an hour after the show had finished, and all of the other chairs had been cleared away by the time he finally stood up.

There was hardly anyone around at this point. The ring crew were efficient in getting everything packed up and onto the trucks whilst the roster had mostly dispersed. However, Chris just knew that someone was going to still be there, waiting for him.



Michelle von Horrowitz: “I’ve been waiting long enough for you, Chris.”

As soon as Chris had entered the smoking area, Michelle was already on her feet to greet him. There she was, the winner of the 2024 F1 Climaxxx. The North American Championship was strewn across the bench next to where she had been sitting and despite enduring a marathon contest with Xavien Marshall in the tournament final, Michelle looked as if she was ready to go all over again.

Chris felt surprisingly at ease around Michelle. It was a strange sensation for him to experience, given her tendencies to cause him to spiral into panic attacks. Still wearing the plaster on his forehead from Jay Kenny’s parking lot assault, Chris assumed that this was perhaps because he could not actually fathom himself sinking any lower than he was at that moment. What more could Michelle actually do to him to make him feel worse?

Without a word, Chris sat down on the bench and Michelle retook her seat next to him. To his surprise, she offered him a cigarette and a light. Chris gratefully accepted it.

Chris Peacock: “Thanks.”

Michelle von Horrowitz: “You’re welcome.”

They sat next to each other without a word spoken for a couple of minutes. An occasional glance was shared. With each one, Chris noticed that Michelle seemed to be glowing. He soured when he realised that this was probably due to the level of glee she was feeling as a result of his misfortunes. Her career had been revived through this tournament whereas it had all but killed his. The fact that he was not even booked on The Grand March after headlining the event the previous year was evidence enough of this.

Michelle von Horrowitz: “You probably think that I’m taking pleasure from this, yes? After all, I achieved my goal. I’m the champion… and you’re not.”

The silence from Chris was enough for Michelle to glean a response. She waited for him to look at her again before turning away from him. Her side profile hid the small smirk not visible to Chris.

Michelle von Horrowitz: “I do enjoy this, yes. It isn’t how I imagined it, though. I’m not enjoying it enough. What enjoyment would there be to get from gloating to someone in your state? This would be a rather extreme version of kicking a man when he’s down. Although it looks like someone beat me to that anyway. You always could take a beating, tulip.

“But I can’t break what is already broken. It’s a shame, because I was really looking forward to being the one to do it. You’ve actually disappointed me, Chris. You’re not the man who I told myself I needed to beat. All of those things I said to you at that press conference, they were supposed to motivate you! But instead you started spiralling and you haven’t stopped, tulip. Like those helicopter seeds that fall out of trees… just going and going. I can see it in your eyes, you’ve hit the ground now. There’s nowhere lower for you to go.

“Beating Xavien Marshall to win this belt felt hollow. It wasn’t what I imagined winning would feel like if it was you, as it should have been. A year ago, at this event, you did the unthinkable. I didn’t believe that you had it in you to overcome me, but you did it. This year, you surprised me again. Except, it wasn’t me that you defeated this time. You beat yourself, Chris.”

Michelle took a heavy drag of her cigarette. She exhaled the smoke effortlessly and turned to face Chris once more. He remained silent, looking at the floor.

Michelle von Horrowitz: “I’ve been watching it all unfold. There are some hard truths you need to learn if you want to come back from this, Chris Peacock. Think about how this has all come to be and you may find your answers. Do it before it becomes too late, though. You can’t run from these things forever. They’re going to catch you up and devour you whole otherwise.”

She stood up and positioned her newly-won championship on her shoulder. It took her a moment to will herself to do it, but Michelle showed a slither of compassion for her defeated rival and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Michelle von Horrowitz: “I hope you are as strong as I initially thought. I do not wish to be denied the satisfaction of defeating you once again.”

With that, she left. It was only once she had departed that Chris felt the sting of her words. He-


Chris’s right hand shook whilst retaining the grip that had once held the controller for the video game. He did not care that he had broken his television. In the cracked screen, he stared deep into his own eyes and tried to recognise the man that looked back at him. It was unknown to Chris whether he was looking at the digitised version of himself that he had just been playing as.

His eyes were cold, empty and defeated as he had seen in the game. What he had been reduced to deeply angered and upset him. He was not even worth Michelle’s time in the ring any more to the point where she actually took pity on him. It was a torrid glimpse into his own future, and he felt his chest begin to tighten. The panic attack began to take hold of him as his breathing became shorter.

Chris started to shake his head, “No… not this time. No… she doesn’t get the satisfaction. No… NO! STOP!”

Shockingly, his defiance prevented the panic attack from growing in intensity. His breathing soon returned to normal and Chris felt a small smile creep onto his face. It was an empowering feeling, and an uncommon one.

His phone ringing did not startle him and he chose to put Allen on speakerphone once more. Soon, the buffoon’s voice filled the room, “How was it, Chris? You were at it for a good few hours there.”

“I lost every match I played and then I smashed my TV with the controller.”

“Oh… perhaps your difficulty setting was too high?”

“No Allen, it was perfect,” Chris said in a clear voice. He felt like something had finally dawned on him, “It’s just like real life, Allen. In my life and in all of my matches, the difficulty level is too high anyway. I’ve got to put in that extra effort every time if I want to win, because that’s what people do against me. I need to push myself time after time because every fucker going wants to beat Chris Peacock.

“People go out of their way to beat me all the time and what’s more, I’ve got the company fucking me over as well in favour of every flavour of the month that strolls through the doors. Allen, I think this is the most realistic video game ever made… I can’t win in the game because I just can’t win in real life, either.”

Putting those thoughts into words seemed to lift a weight from Chris’s chest. He stood up and began to pace around his apartment with a bit of excitement and enthusiasm about him.

“I think… I’ve got this shit figured out now. I think I do. It’s clear that I’m too much of an emotional wreck to be able to do any of this on my own. I need you, Alyster and the rest of the guys to help me through a lot, but I can't just rely on you guys for everything. Just because Alyster is back doesn’t mean my fortunes are going to magically turn around. I still have to do the work that’s needed. I understand that now.

“What has happened to me, I get it. It’s what people want to happen to me and what they think I deserve, as well.”

The experiences in the game with Jeremy, Alyster and Cyrus had helped him reach these realisations. Chris looked down at the video game cover and saw the current hall of champions gracing it. He looked at all of them and ran his finger over their faces, lingering on the tag team champions for a moment.

His in-game and real life experiences with Marshall and Kenny led him to conclude that they were the worst people in the company at the moment. Their success grated at him and he relished the prospect of him and Alyster being the ones to relieve them of the championships. It was at a point where he was contemplating whether he wanted them to win over Crowe and Ramon, and having his revenge against Randy wait until they had been put into their places.

From the tag champions though, his eyes drifted to the remaining champions and he thought over their transgressions. Jeremy Best and Bryan Baxter? Those obviously go without saying. The Coven will have definitely done some shady shit and there had been long standing rumours going around in the locker room that Tommy Bedlam actually killed a guy. Heck, Chris didn’t know Brooklyn Steiner well but surmised that he was probably a dick, too.

Karma was a concept that Chris did not historically believe in or subscribe to. However, seeing how he has been perceived and himself being the cause of those perceptions and the bad things that had befallen him, he was reconsidering this stance. Then it clicked.

“The thing is, what happened to me is going to happen to everyone at some point. There’ll be a point where every one of these assholes overstays their welcome at the top. Then comes the fall on the other side. None of them will be immune to it. Michelle-”

It was at this moment that Chris remembered defeating The Connection alongside Alyster and becoming the tag team champions. That was Michelle’s moment to fall. Even she was not immune.

“I am going to beat Michelle in the final of this tournament, Allen. I’m not going to give her the satisfaction of watching me descend into what I just saw myself become. No, she is going to get the best me I can give her at The Grand March.”

“Chrissy, just hold your horses for a second. You’ve still got a way to go before you think about that. Do you not think taking things as a given is part of why you lost to Marshall? You’ve got Halloween Knight-”

“I know, Allen. Halloween Knight is going to get the best me I can give him as well, so is Baxter. I’m not assuming anything or getting too comfortable again. Halloween Knight needs to know that he should not expect the same Chris Peacock that lost to Xavien Marshall. Once that bell rings, the only thing on my mind will be picking up those points and using them to move on to the next round.

“Halloween Knight is just the wrong guy, in the wrong place at the wrong time. The match is not taking place on October 31st, so there’s going to be nothing for him to celebrate.

“It is time to start doing this properly again. I’m done running, Allen.”

Chris could almost hear how proud Allen was on the other end of the line.

“That’s amaz-”

“Sorry Allen, other line… Hello? Alyster? A carnival?”

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Jan 13, 2024
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Minnesota, USA

As the sun peeked over the horizon, the sleepy town of Monterey, California, was greeted by a peaceful morning. Delicate shades of pink and gold painted the sky, casting a soothing warmth on the landscape. The sun's gentle rays cast a tranquil spell, embracing the town in a serene embrace. Cradled by rolling hills and a vast expanse of ocean, Monterey emerged as a sanctuary of breathtaking natural beauty. The gentle sway of the ocean waves against the shore creates a mesmerizing melody that resonates through this coastal paradise. The harmonious rhythm flows through the hearts of its inhabitants, an enchanting symphony that stirs the soul. With every wave that crashes, a new promise emerges—a fresh start, a vibrant canvas just waiting to be adorned with the vivid palette of life in this haven by the sea.

Nestled in the heart of this bustling community, amidst the stunning beauty of nature's canvas, resided FWA’s premier new kid on the block, Medina Alvarez, a bold and intrepid young woman of only twenty-two years. Her very essence infused the town with an extra layer of vivacity. Her untamed and lustrous locks, an emblem of her fearless spirit, radiated an undeniably captivating allure. Like cascading shadows, her hair spoke of daring exploits and untrodden paths, embodying her adventurous soul. The salty sea breeze embraced Medina, gently tousling her hair as she wandered through the captivating streets and hidden gems of Monterey. The town's delightful mix of colors and textures mirrored her lively spirit. With every stride, she could hear the crashing waves echoing, each step a symbol of her unwavering desire for what lies beyond.
As the sky underwent its breathtaking transformation, Medina couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. The elegant hues that splashed across the canvas above spoke of the adventure that had been eagerly waiting in her mind for weeks—a scuba diving expedition to uncover the mysteries nestled beneath the ocean's surface. As the cool seaside wind caressed her like a loving companion, she couldn't wait to start methodically preparing for the thrilling voyage that awaited her beneath the waters. Medina felt a wave of excitement rush over her as the rhythmic cadence of the salty breeze continued to embrace her. With each whispering gust, she could almost hear the promise of discovery on the distant horizon. As dawn crept in, she prepared for her scuba diving expedition with an uncontainable passion for the underwater realm. Each piece of her gear, from the sleek mask that would reveal the ocean's secrets to the fins that would guide her through the liquid depths, held the potential to unlock a new chapter in her journey.

This is what she lived for.

Cloaked in a snug wetsuit adorned with vibrant shades mirroring the vibrant sea life, Medina stood poised at the edge of the shore. The wetsuit enveloped her figure like a security blanket, shielding her from the invigorating chill of the water underneath her feet. With a sparkle of excitement in her eyes, she gazed outward to the never-ending expanse, where the sky and ocean merged in a stunning spectacle.

The atmosphere hummed with palpable excitement, mirroring the fluttering of Medina's heart. The lull of the ocean was like a soothing consonance, beckoning her forward with each note. In each gentle wave that kissed her toes, the sea seemed to whisper tantalizing secrets, stored deep within its fathomless depths. It was a seductive enticement, urging her to dive into the crystal-clear waters, where an enchanting realm of marvels called her name—a world of vibrant coral gardens swaying in sync with unseen currents and elusive marine creatures gliding with effortless grace. The shoreline before her was a mystical realm where reality and fantasy intertwined, blurring the boundaries between the tangible and the intangible. In the early morning light, she inhaled deeply, savoring the ocean's salty aroma. Her excitement was evident as she connected with the natural world around her.

As Medina stood poised on the cusp of her aquatic adventure, a sudden sound pierced the blissful morning air—a distant bell chiming from the docks, its reverberations stirring something deep within her soul. For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as the melodic tolling transported her back to a memory etched in the recesses of her mind—a memory of triumph and victory.

As the echo of the distant bell rang through the air repeatedly, she was suddenly transported to the center of a wrestling ring in the wild and energetic atmosphere of Fallout 37 in Hong Kong, China. Excitement coursed through her body like a fierce river, and the vivid memory of that experience flooded her mind, making her feel as though she was reliving it all over again. The memory, though momentarily intrusive, brought a smile to her face as she relived the thrill of that triumphant moment.

The march begins...

She whispered to herself internally.

Then, in a moment of pure exhilaration, the final bell rang—a triumphant declaration of her victory as her arm was raised. She stood over her three opponents, Maria Cappitani, Savior Hawkins, and Leafdom. She was victorious. The thunderous applause and cheers of the crowd engulfed her like a tremendous tsunami, a symphony of praise and jubilation that echoed in her mind well beyond the conclusion of the bout. As the chime rang out on the docks, it mingled effortlessly with her recollection, crafting a one-of-a-kind harmony that momentarily merged the worlds of water and wrestling in her mind. As Medina lingered in the bittersweet embrace of her memory, a familiar voice suddenly sliced through the echoes of the past.


The call, carried on by the breeze, jolted her back to the present, dissolving the wrestling ring and its accompanying cheers into the background of her consciousness. Blinking away the residual images of her triumphant moment, she turned to find Sofia, her dear friend and companion on this underwater expedition, standing on the shore. Sofia's face radiated excitement, and her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she waved to get Medina's attention.

"Girl, are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime or what?"

Sofia called out, her voice buoyant with enthusiasm.

The juxtaposition of the wrestling victory memory and the enticing underwater world dissolved into the background as the thrill of the impending dive took center stage.

With a wistful smile, Medina acknowledged Sofia's call.

"Yeah, be right there!"

As she responded, a spark ignited within her at the merging of old memories and current realities. With a renewed determination, she ran over to meet her old friend, the echoing tones of the harbor bell now serving as a delightful prologue to the undersea venture that awaited them.

When Medina approached Sofia, the two friends shared a warm embrace and giggles that transcended the boundaries of the ocean breeze. The excitement for the upcoming underwater exploration painted Sofia's eyes with an effervescent glow, mirroring Medina's own enthusiasm. The connection between them was more than just a shared interest in scuba diving; it was rooted in years of friendship and mutual support.
Sofia, with her dark, wavy hair and seductive enthusiasm, had been Medina's constant companion through life's ups and downs. As they looked out over the vast expanse of the ocean, memories of their shared youth surged up to the surface of their consciousness. Their joyous laughter echoed through the streets of Vallarta, where they used to spend hours mastering martial arts routines in their garden. The sisterhood formed between them during those lighthearted afternoons laid the groundwork for a connection that would withstand the test of time.

"Remember those days, Medi?" Sofia remarked, a nostalgic smile spreading over her lips. "Our makeshift dojo in your backyard, where we practiced our own katas. Who would have guessed we'd be here, about to discover the wonders of the ocean together?"

"Of course I do," Medina answered, her eyes bright with recollections. "Weren't those the days? We were just two kids with great ideas and plenty of energy. My backyard served as a haven, a blank canvas on which we could create our own martial arts adventure. I can still feel the rough texture of the grass beneath our bare feet as we walk together, our laughter booming off the walls of the nearby houses. We must have driven our neighbors insane."

Sofia chuckled quietly, her gaze drifting into the distance as if reliving those treasured memories. "We were unstoppable then. Nothing could stop us, not even critics who questioned our talents. We were resolved to build our own path, driven by passion and a shared sense of adventure."

Medina nodded, a yearning expression on her face. "And here we are, on the verge of a new experience, about to dive into the ocean. Isn't it surreal? From practicing katas in your garden, even if they weren't exactly textbook, to going scuba diving together in the North Pacific."
Sofia's smile grew as her eyes shone with joy. "But certain things never change, right? Our desire and relationship remain as strong as ever. Just like those days in my backyard, we'll confront whatever problems come our way together."
Medina reached out, squeezing Sofia's hand reassuringly. "Absolutely, Sofi. I couldn't imagine confronting them with anyone else."

Sofia's eyes glinted with pride as she looked at Medina. "Speaking of the unknown, I heard you've got a big match coming up in the FWA. Jackson Fenix, right?"

Medina nodded, a mixture of excitement and nerves evident in her expression. "Yeah, it's a huge opportunity. The FWA has been an incredible journey so far, and I'm grateful for every moment. Wrestling is my passion, and it's opened doors I never thought possible."

Sofia smiled and gave Medina's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Medi, you've come so far. From our backyard dojo to the wrestling ring, and now an underwater adventure. I've watched you overcome many different hurdles. Jackson Fenix may be a tough opponent, but you've got this. Just like you always do, just like you did last week in the four-way battle. No one can stop you."

As they finalized their diving preparations, recollections of their childhood exploits flashed through their heads. From their childhood martial arts courses in Vallarta to their impromptu beach races, they had always pushed one another to new heights, urging one another to welcome life's adventures with open arms. However, Medina's other feelings persisted as they had before. The triumph in Hong Kong was a treasured memory, a monument to her ability and determination, but she couldn't let it overwhelm her. Not right now. The distant chiming bell, reminiscent of the wrestling ring, served as a subtle reminder that the past should be left as such: a collection of memories that shaped her journey but did not define her present. In her head, she took a deep breath to drown out the echoes of the wrestling arena. She thought to herself, That was then, and this is now. The water called her with its own challenges and adventures, an entirely different beast that required her full focus and attention. That victory at Fallout 37 was a stepping stone, not the final destination.

As she helped Sofia gather the rest of the equipment, Medina found herself musing internally. Jackson Fenix, her upcoming opponent, began to occupy her thoughts. She couldn't afford to let the thrill of her debut victory over Leafdom and company overshadow the strategic mindset required for her next match. A mental shift was necessary—a transition from the cheers of the wrestling crowd to the silence of the underwater world. Yes. Focus, Medina. Jackson Fenix is no ordinary opponent. The realization hit her with a sobering weight. He was known for his unpredictable style and unyielding resilience in the ring. Cunning. Medina needed to be agile, both mentally and physically, to navigate the challenge that awaited her.

That four-way triumph last week was just one victory. A victory that had shaped her and started her career, but it wasn't her sole identity. The bell's chime, now a subtle melody in the background, reminded her of the diverse chapters yet to unfold in her life. Each victory, each challenge, was just a stroke on the canvas of her personal journey, contributing to the masterpiece she was continually crafting. An eternal collage, if you will. As she exchanged a knowing glance and a smile with Sofia, Medina felt a renewed sense of purpose. It was time to turn the page.

With their scuba equipment snugly secured, Medina and Sofia made their way slowly towards the awaiting boat. The boat's solid hull gracefully swayed in unison with the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tide, beckoning them closer. The sun, at the height of its daily voyage, poured its radiant glow onto the vast ocean, casting a spellbinding display of light and dark on the rippling waves. The boat stood proudly at the dock, its timeworn exterior a testament to the myriad adventures it had weathered beneath the waves. Each scratch and weathered plank spoke of oceanic conquests and submerged discoveries, as if the boat itself bore the ingrained marks of the mysteries it had unraveled. As they stepped onto the boat, the duo felt the weathered wood beneath their feet emit a melodic creak, a subtle yet resonant prelude to the adventure that awaited them. The acoustic overture mimicked the tangible sense of anticipation permeating the air, as if the very ship could feel the exhilaration pulsing through their veins.

As the crew prepared for departure, the rhythmic sounds of ropes being secured and the creaking of the boat settling into its aquatic habitat created a lovely euphony that underscored the gravity of the impending expedition. The boat, with its chipped paint and rusted fixtures, exuded character, an emblem of resilience against the relentless forces of the sea. The engine suddenly roared to life, sending a vibration through the boat that resonated with the heartbeat of the ocean. The salty breeze grew stronger as the vessel cruised away from the familiar shoreline, leaving behind the quaint charm of Monterey. The town gradually shrank in the distance, its pastel hues blending with the vibrant palette of the open sea.

Medina leaned against the railing, completely immersed in the breathtaking panorama before her. The sea stretched infinitely in every direction, inviting exploration. The sun's rays bounced off the water, casting dazzling flickers of silver and gold that moved delicately amidst the daylight. The boat effortlessly sliced through the waves, leaving behind a frothy trail of white that added a temporary touch to the vibrant blue ocean. Sofia joined Medina at the railing, her eyes reflecting the same wonder and anticipation. The captain's voice suddenly called out, weathered and seasoned, through the speakers, "We're heading to the Blue Chasm, folks! Get ready for a spectacle beneath the surface!" The Blue Chasm is a renowned underwater wonder, with vibrant coral reefs and a wide assortment of marine life waiting to be explored.

As the boat neared its destination, the excitement on board reached a peak. The air buzzed with the shared anticipation of the unknown, and the scent of salt and adventure mingled in a heady concoction. The crew, each with tales etched in the lines on their faces, moved with purpose, preparing the scuba gear and ensuring every detail was in place for the impending descent.
Medina and Sofia, clad in their vibrant wetsuits, exchanged a glance that spoke of shared excitement and determination as they nodded in unison. The sea breeze tousled their hair, a precursor to the immersive experience awaiting them below. The boat slowed its pace, eventually coming to a halting stop as the captain's voice echoed one last time.

"Divers, get ready to explore the wonders beneath. Dive safe and dive deep!"

As the boat bobbed gently on the water's surface, Medina and Sofia enthusiastically strapped on their dive tanks, the metallic clinks merging with the melody of the sea. The tanks, loaded with expectation, held the key to revealing the mysteries concealed beneath the surface. As the rhythmic hum of the engine faded, the crew confirmed that every buckle was secure and every gauge was perfectly aligned, leaving behind a serene silence that engulfed the vessel. Medina and Sofia stood on the boat's edge, eyes locked in mutual comprehension, and nodded simultaneously once more. The moment hovered in suspended animation, like a breath caught between reality and the vastness below. Then, like synchronized dancers, they performed a graceful, backward tumble into the ocean's embrace.

The diving tanks hugged their backs like faithful partners, promising an endless supply of air for the impending fall. As they took their first breaths below, the familiar sound blended with the smooth lapping of waves against the boat. The move from the open air to the underwater kingdom was seamless, a gentle immersion into a world free of sunlight.
The chilly water engulfed them, and the switch from air to liquid was a startling shock before the world under the surface was revealed in a spectacular spectacle. The water greeted them with outstretched arms, its depths begging exploration. The initial fall was a plummet into a realm where gravity appeared to lose its grasp and the surface world's laws no longer applied as the darkness consumed them.

Medina and Sofia's movements were deliberate, their bodies adjusting to the underwater ballet. The scuba gear became an extension of their existence, enabling them to navigate the liquid expanse with a newfound grace. Schools of fish, resplendent in a myriad of hues, darted around them, their synchronized movements resembling a rainbow. The water pressure grew as they sank deeper into the Blue Chasm, serving as a reminder of the ocean's vast weight overhead. However, the sea enveloped them with a sense of weightlessness, creating the paradoxical experience of being both grounded and weightless. The subdued sounds of the ocean, like a faraway orchestra, accompanied their journey into the heart of the aquatic splendor.

In the profound silence of the ocean's depth, Medina's internal dialogue began, her thoughts echoing in the recesses of her mind like distant ripples. The pressure of the water around her became a metaphorical embrace, a reflection of the weight that accompanied her journey in both the underwater world and the wrestling ring.

It's so beautiful that it's almost haunting. Isn't it, Jackson?

She looks around her slowly, staying aware of her surroundings.

The deeper you go, the more pressure you feel. It’s suffocating, huh? The deeper you dive, the more you realize the vastness of what's at stake. The ocean is similar to the wrestling business in a way. You have an endless sea of competitors, each with their own distinct styles, strengths, and ambitions. Jackson, honey, you might think you're a challenge, but in my world, sweetheart, you're just a passing current. You might think that you’re a challenge in the ring, but just like down here, you're nothing more than a minnow in the grand scheme of things. Unaware of the dangers lurking in the shadows of the abyss.

The ocean's depth seemed to amplify her sense of purpose. In her mind, she pictured the wrestling ring transforming into a fluid battleground, the ropes replaced by swirling currents, and the mat transforming into a display of vibrant corals. She envisioned herself as an apex predator, stalking her prey in the ring with the precision of a hunter navigating the dark waters.

Aw. Little Jackson, sweetheart, thought he was the big fish for a long time. Didn’t you? That was before I entered the FWA. Welcome to the real ocean, where every move counts and the currents can change in an instant. She couldn't help but shake her head, her thoughts gaining momentum like the currents around her. Cocky, arrogant, and convinced, he's God's gift to wrestling. But let's be real, Jackson. Your ego is bigger than your accomplishments, clearly. You talk a big game, but when the waves get rough, you struggle to stay afloat. You lack common sense. You think you're invincible, but reality is a harsh tide. You haven't tasted true success in FWA. Even your tag-team title reign was just a fleeting moment, a bubble in the vast ocean of competition. And now you're stuck in a rut, swimming in circles, unable to break free. At this point in your career, you might as well run off with your darling Bubbles the clown and join the circus, because your time is up. The ocean doesn't forgive arrogance, and the currents of FWA are unstoppable and merciless. It's time to prove yourself in the deep waters, with the real big fish like me, where the competition is fierce and success is earned, not entitled. And soon, you’ll be nothing more than a footnote in my rise to the top. Just like everyone else will be.

Medina muses, her words carrying a touch of disdain. The underwater world seems to echo her sentiments, as if the ocean itself is aware of the impending clash between two forces—one fueled by success, the other drowning in its own arrogance.

He struts around like he's the king of the ocean, but in reality, all he's done is create tiny ripples in a pond. A small fish with delusions of glory is swimming in a sea of sharks who've earned their place through grit and triumph. FWA is our ocean, a vast and unpredictable expanse where only the strongest and smartest thrive. And Jackson Fenix? If you think about it..

A wry smile plays on Medina's lips under her scuba gear.

He's yet to prove that he really belongs.

He hasn't tasted real victory. His tag-team title reign was like a fleeting moment, rapidly absorbed by the unrelenting waves. And now, as he struggles in the shadows of his own inadequacy, he believes he can confront someone like me? Someone who thrives in the deep seas, where the currents are fierce and only the strong survive. Even if your partner joined you in whatever you imagine this upcoming match to be, I would still eat the both of you alive. Mama’s hungry. Hungry to prove herself, and Jackson, you’re going to make a fine snack as I continue to climb up the food chain.

A school of colorful fish darts by, perhaps sensing the energy of Medina's words. She continues her internal monologue, determined to convey the reality of Jackson Fenix's situation.

When we meet under the spotlight, it'll be like a fierce storm at sea. Waves of strikes and holds crash against the canvas, the echoes of our struggle reverberating like thunder. But unlike the ocean, where storms pass and tranquility returns, you won't find calm after our confrontation. No.. When the currents settle, I'll remain, standing tall like a resilient coral reef, and you'll be just another memory lost in the depths. Sinking and sinking into the endless void.

As Medina continues her relentless internal dialogue about Jackson Fenix, her focus is abruptly shattered by a sudden shift in the underwater vibration. A colossal silhouette emerges in the distance, its presence commanding attention even in the vastness of the ocean. Medina's words hang in the water like suspended bubbles as her eyes widen at the sight.
Her voice echoes off into the distance of her subconscious as she turns her attention towards the magnificent yet ominous figure. A great white shark, the apex predator of the ocean, glides gracefully through the water. Its sleek form cuts through the liquid expanse, a living embodiment of power and precision.
A hush falls over Medina's internal dialogue, replaced by the awe-inspiring presence of the majestic creature. The predatory grace of the great white commands respect, overshadowing even the relentless determination she felt just a few moments before. As the shark approaches, Medina instinctively turns to her friend Sofia, who signals for her to stay calm with a subtle shake of her head.
The two divers, now silent observers in the grand theater of the deep, watch as the great white zeroes in on a smaller fish, half its size. The water becomes a stage for nature's primal choreography, a dance of life and death beneath the surface. The great white accelerates with breathtaking speed, closing the distance with terrifying efficiency.
The smaller fish, unaware of its impending fate, darts frantically, its futile attempts at escape resembling the evasive maneuvers of a skilled wrestler. Medina's heart pounds in tandem with the unfolding drama as nature's brutality takes center stage. In a swift and calculated motion, the apex predator lunges forward, its jaws expanding wide like a gaping maw of impending destiny. The water erupts in a flurry of bubbles and chaos as the great white engulfs its prey. The smaller fish, caught in the vortex of nature's brutality, is ensnared within the powerful jaws, a moment frozen in time as life transitions to death.

The ocean, once a tranquil backdrop, becomes a stage for primal instincts to unfold. The great white shark, now bearing the spoils of its efficient pursuit, glides through the water with a regal yet menacing aura. The remnants of the smaller fish, fragments of scales and fleeting memories, disperse in the crimson currents, becoming a part of the ever-cycling narrative of life in the deep.

Just like Fenix will.

The great white's dominance and sheer strength leave a lasting impression on Medina's psyche. She realizes the unyielding force of the underwater world, where every encounter carries the weight of life and death. As the great white savors its hard-earned victory, Medina and Sofia share a silent exchange, a tacit acknowledgment of the primal forces that govern their underwater realm. The encounter with the apex predator serves as a stark reminder that, in the vast expanse of the ocean, even the most determined and formidable can be humbled by the unpredictable currents of nature.

As the great white shark, having secured its prey, continues its majestic journey through the oceanic expanse, a charged energy lingers in the water. Medina and Sofia, still silent observers, feel the reverberations of nature's power in the currents around them.
The massive predator glides past them—a force of nature that demands both respect and caution. The water, disturbed by the shark's passage, swirls around Medina and Sofia, creating a momentary vortex of turbulence. The great white's presence, though fleeting, leaves an indelible mark on the underwater stage.
In that fleeting instant, as their eyes meet, Medina senses a glimmer of recognition in the shark's gaze. It's a primal acknowledgment, a silent understanding of the predator within each of them. In that intense moment, as the eyes of the apex predator briefly lock with Medina's, a perceivable connection forms between the human and the sea's sovereign. The depth of those dark, predatory eyes mirrors the primal intensity within Medina herself. She glimpses the ferocious intensity of a hunter, a mirror image of the shark's predatory instinct. It's a fleeting exchange, a glimpse into the untamed spirit shared between predator and prey, a recognition that transcends the boundaries of species.
For a heartbeat, time seems to stand still as the ocean holds its breath, suspended in anticipation of what comes next. In that moment of shared understanding, Medina sees a sudden flash of her own victorious future, a triumphant image of her standing tall over Jackson Fenix in the wrestling ring. She imagines herself as the great white shark, prowling the depths with predatory intent. And in her mind's eye, Jackson Fenix takes on the role of the smaller fish, darting about in a futile attempt to escape her grasp. In this visceral portrayal of the underwater realm, Medina realizes the parallels to her upcoming clash with Jackson Fenix. Just as the smaller fish in her imagination struggles against the inevitable, so too does Jackson Fenix face the daunting challenge of confronting her in the ring. The unyielding force of nature's hierarchy, where the strong prey upon the weak, mirrors the dynamics of their impending showdown.
In this new perspective, the encounter with the great white shark becomes a metaphor for her own strength and determination. Just as the shark dominates its prey, so too does Medina possess the ability to overcome any obstacle in her path. With this realization, she feels a renewed sense of confidence and purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead of her in the FWA.

As the majestic silhouette of the great white shark fades into the oceanic abyss, Medina and Sofia exchange a knowing glance. The underwater world, with its raw and unfiltered display of nature's prowess, has left an lasting mark on their consciousness. The encounter serves as a profound reminder of the primal forces that govern their underwater playground and the unforgiving dynamics of life in the deep.
With the memory of the great white shark etched in their minds, Medina and Sofia continue their descent into the Blue Chasm, their scuba gear propelling them further into the enigmatic depths. The aquatic landscape unfolds before them, revealing vibrant coral gardens teeming with marine life. Schools of exotic fish dart around them, their colors and patterns creating a mesmerizing dance beneath the waves.
As they explore the underwater wonderland, Medina can't help but draw parallels between the relentless nature of the ocean's predators and the challenges she faces in the wrestling ring. The fluidity of her movements underwater mirrors the agility required in a squared circle. Every twist and turn becomes a metaphorical maneuver, a testament to her ability to navigate the unpredictable currents of both worlds.
The underwater currents, gentle yet persistent, guide them through coral arches and underwater caves, revealing hidden alcoves and secret passages within the Blue Chasm. Medina's mind drifts back to the upcoming match with Jackson Fenix. Just like the twists and turns of the underwater terrain, she knows the bout will be filled with unexpected moments and strategic maneuvers. The ocean becomes a metaphorical training ground, preparing her for the ebb and flow of the wrestling ring.
In the silent communication between them, Medina and Sofia share a mutual understanding of the challenges they face, both underwater and in the FWA. The ocean's depths become a proving ground, a place where resilience and adaptability are essential for survival. Sofia, with her unwavering support, is more than just a dive buddy for Medina; she's a comrade in the uncharted waters of life.
As they navigate through the chasm, Medina's thoughts continuously oscillate between the ruthless world of wrestling and the breathtaking beauty of the underwater realm. The coral reefs serve as a reminder that even in the fiercest battles, there's room for beauty and artistry. The ocean, much like the FWA, is a delicate balance of strength and elegance.
The underwater expedition, initially fueled by excitement and anticipation, becomes a reflective journey for Medina. The encounter with the great white shark has stirred a primal energy within her, a deep-seated understanding of her own strength and capabilities. Just as the ocean harbors mysteries waiting to be unveiled, so too does her wrestling career hold unexplored possibilities and challenges.
Breaking the surface, Medina and Sofia emerge into the open air, greeted by the gentle rocking of the boat. The salty breeze carries with it a sense of accomplishment, a shared victory over the depths below. The underwater expedition, initially fueled by excitement and anticipation, becomes a reflective journey for Medina. The encounter with the great white shark has stirred a primal energy within her, a deep-seated understanding of her own strength and capabilities. Just as the ocean harbors mysteries waiting to be unveiled, so too does her wrestling career hold unexplored possibilities and challenges.

The sun's rays filter through the water, casting a celestial glow on the coral formations. The ocean, with its vastness and secrets, has imparted valuable lessons that will resonate beyond the confines of an underwater adventure.
As they remove their scuba gear, the friendship forged in the underwater expedition becomes a powerful bond, reinforcing their readiness for whatever challenges lie ahead—in the oceanic depths and the wrestling ring alike.
Medina's eyes lingered on the Blue Chasm, the underwater realm that had challenged and enchanted them. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia, as if she were leaving behind a part of herself in those deep waters. Sofia, sensing her friend's introspection, moved closer, her eyes filled with a shared understanding.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, it's... indescribable. I never imagined the ocean could hold so much beauty and brutality."

"Nature really has its way of humbling us, doesn't it?"
Medina nodded, a grateful smile playing on her lips. The bond they had forged in the depths of the Blue Chasm was a testament to the strength of their friendship. As they continued to remove their scuba gear, the boat's deck served as a platform for their shared sense of accomplishment.
The sound of the waves lapping against the boat created a soothing backdrop as they worked in tandem, unstrapping tanks and removing masks. The boat's crew observed from a respectful distance, allowing the two friends a moment of reflection.
Medina paused. She looked at Sofia, her eyes revealing a mix of emotions: the remnants of the underwater encounter, the memories of the wrestling victory, and the anticipation of the challenges yet to come.

"Are you sure you’re okay, girl?"
"Yeah, Sofi. Just processing, you know? The ocean has a way of making you feel small yet powerful at the same time."
Sofia nodded, understanding the complexity of Medina's emotions. She reached out and squeezed her friend's shoulder in a reassuring manner, just like before.
Medina's gaze softened, gratitude evident in her eyes.
"There's a lot on my mind. Jackson Fenix, the upcoming match, and everything else."
"Hey, take it one step at a time. We conquered the ocean today; the wrestling ring can't be much different. And whatever happens, I've got your back."
Medina chuckled, a genuine warmth spreading across her face. The simplicity of Sofia's words resonated, grounding her in the present moment.
"Thanks, Sofi. I appreciate it. And how about you? Are you okay?"
Sofia's eyes sparkled with a mix of determination and excitement. She tilted her head with a playful nod.

As the boat slowly departed from the breathtaking chasm, the engine roared to life once more, disrupting the tranquility that had enveloped the area. The sound echoed off the water, a farewell to the underwater world that had challenged and enchanted them.

Medina, still standing at the edge of the boat, watched as the waves parted in the vessel's wake. Her gaze shifted back to the ocean, and for a moment, the memories of their underwater adventure flooded her mind. The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a golden glow on the water's surface.

Just as the boat gained momentum, a familiar shape emerged from the depths. The sleek, dark form of the shark breached the surface once again, its dorsal fin cutting through the water like a knife. Medina's eyes widened, and a smile crept onto her face as if sharing a secret connection with the ocean's guardian.
The shark lingered for a moment, saying a silent farewell, before gracefully disappearing into the depths. Medina, still smiling, whispered a quiet acknowledgment to the sea creature that had become an unexpected companion in their underwater journey.
As the boat continued to drive away, the scene began to fade to black, leaving behind the memory of the North Pacific, the sisterhood between two lifelong friends, and the enigmatic presence of the ocean's guardian. The waves, now undisturbed, whispered tales of the adventures that had unfolded beneath their surface. The boat sailed into the horizon, carrying with it the echoes of laughter, shared victories, and the promise of new challenges on the horizon.


Cyrus Truth

Sep 16, 2022
Reaction score

“The Machinations of Miscreants! Gamesmanship on the Path to Glory!!!”

When you’re the Primogen of the Black Mass and a well-established mage within the world of shadows, you tend to find yourself in very bizarre places and meeting even more bizarre people.

And there are more than a handful of instances where you find yourself in these places and in the company of these people without really knowing how you got here.

Having his hands and legs strapped to a wooden chair that’s been bolted to the floor in an incredibly colorful, almost offensively gaudy room illuminated by a cheap facsimile of a vintage chandelier?

Just another day in the life of Konchu Hao.

The Mad Wizard, groggily, comes to his senses as he shakes off whatever drug addled him or whatever strike dazed him. The details of how he was overwhelmed and trapped in this room escape him, but the reason is still very clear in his mind.

One of Konchu’s acolytes, shortly after the Mad Wizard put down that hedonist Xperienx, contacted him to inform him that Hela Martinet, a practicing illusionist based out of Antwerp, had been ignoring the Black Mass’s warnings regarding her blatant usage of magic, threatening to expose the world of shadows. Despite explaining time and again that such actions were prohibited, Hela has been nothing but flagrant in her disregard of the Black Mass’s warnings, and it fell on Konchu to rectify the situation before her brazenness and stupidity upended the delicate balance between shadow and dawn.

As an exasperated Konchu squirms to loosen a small knife from a hidden pocket in one of his sleeves, he can’t help but feel that this whole ordeal couldn’t have come at an absolute worst time. Sliding the blade into one of his hands and contorting it just enough to start cutting at the thick ropes that have kept him bound to this chair, all the while pondering his other obligations and ambitions.

The victory against Xperienx was a massive one. The hedonistic cretin fought hard, but the sheer ferocity of the Mad Wizard proved to be more than that flash-in-the-pan could handle. Even now, Konchu can’t help but smile at how satisfying it felt to crunch his elbow twice into the skull of that miserable wretch and secure his first victory in the F1 Climaxxx.

However, as the rope on his left hand loosened enough to Konchu’s consistent cutting, allowing him to free it and begin working on the bindings on his legs and right hand, the Mad Wizard knows that Xperienx was never going to be the real challenge in his block.

And that Michelle von Horrowitz would prove to be a far more troublesome foe.

Konchu knows this “Dreamer” all too well. Not through direct confrontation, of course, but through his partnership and friendship with Cyrus Truth. The rancor and disgust that Truth has for Michelle is not exactly something The Exile has hidden, nor has he been terribly quiet about his frustrations with her duplicity and utter shamelessness.

For one such as Cyrus, who has time and time again been able to cut to the heart of his opponents and use that knowledge to crush them? Michelle von Horrowitz was a puzzle that even The Exile struggled to solve.

Konchu’s own thoughts on the matter would have to wait, as the last remaining rope bindings have been successfully cut through, freeing him from the chair. Konchu rises to his feet, stretching out his muscles and working out the aches and pains. Checking his robes to make sure that he still had alchemical reagents and mystical tools in various hidden folds and pockets, he chuckles to himself that Hela’s sycophants and goons were either too brazen or too stupid to be exceptionally thorough in their attempts to hinder him.

Once he has regained feeling in his extremities, Konchu heads to the nearby door and tests the knob, finding it’s not locked. A quick cursory glance indicates that it’s not trapped by mundane or arcane means, so Konchu simply turns the knob and opens the door.

And walks into a goddamn mashup of a circus, a masquerade, and what may be the beginning of an all-out orgy.

Colorful, gaudy revelers have all gathered in a grand hall, adorned with various art pieces and paintings depicting absurd and ludicrous acts, and wine and other more illicit substances flow like water cascading from a cliff. The patrons, in their aggressively obnoxious outfits and twisted masks, dance and carouse without a care in the world.

One of them, a young man who’s clearly imbibed too much, approaches Konchu without a moment’s hesitation or consideration for personal space and puts his arm around the Mad Wizard. Annoyingly, Konchu brushes the reveler’s arm off as this partygoer looks confused and speaks in slurred German:

“Was beunruhigt dich, mein Freund? Das ist schließlich eine fest!”

Konchu’s German is good enough to understand what this intoxicated man is saying, but he doesn’t exactly have the patience to speak the language. Instead, Konchu produces a small vial of some liquid and downs it. The reveler’s body language indicates some excitement at what he believes is Konchu’s attempts to get in the spirit of celebration, but he is stunned as Konchu replies back in English that he understands flawlessly.

“I appreciate that fact…um…whoever the devil you are. But I’m here on business, not pleasure. Besides, this sort of revelry is not my particular cup of tea.”

“Was? Warum kann ich Sie verstehen? Du sprichst kein Deutsch."

“Doubtless any explanation would be utterly lost on a hopeless cause such as you, and based on your state of inebriation? I doubt you’ll even remember this chance encounter. Now…where is Hela?”

Before the reveler can answer, there’s a whistle that cuts through the music and the cacophony of voices as everybody, like actors reacting to a cue from their director, turn their attention to the center of the hall. Konchu immediately tightens his jaw as he can clearly see arcane sigils illuminate on the ceiling and the walls of the hall, a flagrant violation of the Black Mass’s warnings.

Illusory images of dancers in various states of dress and undress emerge from the sigils and mingle with the patrons to their utter astonishment, amusement, and adoration. One more sigil, a much larger one, glows from the floor bringing forth a much larger illusion of a woman with dirty blonde, shoulder-length hair, piercing green eyes glazed over indicating the usage of some sort of intoxicant, and a sheer black evening gown that dazzles as if accenting by starlight. However, the image is somewhat ruined by the contrasting shawl that looks to have been made with the fur of some sort of mangy, possibly diseased rodent.

Konchu recognizes this woman immediately. And as Hela speaks in her native French, while her simpering guests give her their undivided attention and adoration, Konchu simply looks on with utter contempt.

“Neveux et enfants, bienvenue dans mon monde de réjouissances et de jeux magnifiques. Où nous pouvons profiter de tout ce que le monde a à offrir, à la fois à la lumière d’une normalité ennuyeuse et dans l’ombre des délices décadents ultimes. Votre adoration, votre supplication, c’est ce qui m’apporte la plus grande des joies, et qui m’apporte du secours dans ce monde horrible et misérable. Et parce que je ne suis rien d’autre que généreux et bienveillant, je vous apporte un divertissement comme vous n’en avez jamais vu auparavant…”

The illusionary image of Hela then turns her gaze directly towards Konchu Hao, as the lights in the great hall dim and a spotlight coming from yet another sigil cascades down onto Konchu, singling out the Mad Wizard to all of the partygoers. Hela speaks again, this time in English, as her illusion points a finger at Konchu and proclaims:

“Behold, children! Your grand mistress has presented you with entertainment beyond the paltry doldrums of the world of dawn, as I always have! Behold…the Primogen of the Black Mass and master of multiple disciplines of magics! I have brought him here to delight you, to amuse you, to show you wonders and marvels the likes of which you would be denied by the dullards who parody power in the light.

“Now, Konchu! Present my guests with a demonstration of your prodigious…”

Konchu doesn’t even let her finish.

With a wave of his hand, the illusions and the spotlight are dispelled. While Hela’s skill with the art of illusion magic is prodigious in its own right, what spellcraft she’s used for this brazen display is paltry and easily overcome. The crowd looks confused, as this act didn’t need Konchu to utilize symbology to accomplish, and mutter amongst themselves.

Konchu then produces a glass orb from his coat sleeve, similar to one he used many moons ago out in the wilds of Romania on an erstwhile vampire hunt. With a blinding flash, the room becomes illuminated in utter white before fading.

The throngs of revelers have all collapsed, rendered unconscious. Only the Mad Wizard remains standing.

Sighing, Konchu returns the orb to his robe and reaches for where his right ear would be. Pressing against the mask with two fingers, he speaks to an unseen listener.

“Epsilon, can you hear me?”

“Frazakul, Jubakara!”

“Well, that’s good to know. That contemptible shrew is clearly unwilling to do as she’s told and flaunted her illusions without even attempting to obscure what was happening. We’re rather fortunate that her sycophantic guests are by and large stupid and intoxicated. Tell me, is Apollina in town?”

There’s a brief pause as Konchu can hear the tapping of a keyboard. After a minute, Epsilon replies back in an affirmative tone.

“Good. Send her a message, and tell her that I require her services. If she’s in town, she’ll likely be able to gather a team of enchantment specialists to perform a mass memory modification on these twits.”

“Yuliz vok?”

“What else? Hela has proven to be utterly disrespectful of the rules of the world of shadow and must be dealt with. I’ll contact you when I have something else to report. I trust you’ll do the same?”

Epsilon burbles what sounds like an acknowledgment as Konchu takes a moment to exhale and cut off the communication for the time being. With the revelers dealt with, Konchu closes his eyes and expands his senses.

Trying to search this entire house or building or wherever it was could prove wasteful. But, as with anyone who utilizes the Dark Arts, sensing the origin of spellcrafting is a skill that can be developed if you practice it enough.

Reaching out beyond the mortal shell he inhabits, Konchu follows the stream of mana through rooms and hallways, the vision showing it in ethereal shadows and wisps. But eventually, the trail ends as he finds the source.

With the path now laid before him, Konchu straightens out his robes and smooths out the creases. He heads for a nearby spiral staircase that leads to the upper floors of this domicile, eventually stepping off on the third floor. There’s a long hallway with multiple doors, almost impossibly vast.

A familiar voice rings out as Hela speaks to her “guest.”

“Dear Konchu, why must you be such a killjoy? Would it have pained you to play along? Well, what’s done is done, and my poor little children will have to find their amusement from you at a later date.”

Konchu doesn’t dignify her pontification with a response as he walks down, following the trail of mana he had uncovered before. Reaching the correct door, he opens it and walks inside the room.

This room looks like a study of sorts, with various books, scrolls, and other accouterments that, at a cursory glance, would indicate that this is the sanctum of a scholarly, studious sort. However, a closer examination would show that the books in this study are less scholarly and more salacious. The scrolls are carelessly strewn about, what little knowledge they contain scattered and inscrutable due to carelessness. Konchu curses under his breath in a language long since forgotten by the rest of the world, as this study is but a veneer of intelligence and understanding, and serves only as yet another illusion to distract from its owner’s deficiencies and shallow cunning.

As Konchu enters, the door behind him slams shut, the door immediately locks. There’s another door on the opposite wall, but the loud sound of tumblers indicate that it, too, was locked. Hela’s voice once again apparates from the ether as she tauntingly speaks.

“My dear Primogen. You are wandering in places without express permission, interfering with someone you’re not at all equipped to contest with. But if you’re so adamant about finding me and basking in my presence, then I will not deny you that pleasure…so long as you play with me and participate in my games.

“As you doubtlessly gathered, you are trapped within my magnificent study. You are free to partake of my collection, but if you wish to free yourself and continue towards me, you must find the key by deciphering…”


While Hela was droning and pontificating, foolishing assuming that Konchu was bothering to listen or give her even a modicum of attention, the Mad Wizard had rummaged through his robes and produced a small little device that looked like a wiry spider web, etched with runes and pulsing with dark energy. Wasting absolutely little time, Konchu had placed this strange magitek device on the doorknob. It whirs and wraps around the knob like a bony claw and, without any trouble or hassle, the spell-powered mechanism that had locked this door was rendered useless, and Konchu was easily able to open the door.

The door from the study opens up to another hallway, but unlike the last one, there were only two doors. The one Konchu came from, and one on the opposite end of the hall. Sensing that Hela was just beyond that door, Konchu begins to make the march down.

However, he’s stopped as another illusionary duplicate of Hela appears right in front of him, enlarged to tower over the Mad Wizard. Her tone is one of bemused disappointment, but as her hands subconsciously tug at the ratty fur shawl and Konchu sees the truth in her eyes, it’s clear that Hela is far more enraged than bemused.

“Oh, sweet Konchu. Why are you being so obstinate? I thought you were different from all the other men who’ve found their way into my orbit. That you were a whimsical soul who’d revel in the kinds of games I enjoy playing all too much! So far, you’ve been just as much of a dullard as so many men and women who’ve crossed my path, and I will not stand for it. I’m in control of this slice of the world, my dear Primogen. And you WILL play my game.”

Konchu, again, says nothing, simply scoffing as he brazenly walks through the illusion and continues marching down the hall.

However, the walls…shift. The white wallpaper begins to swirl into a medley of psychedelic colors and fade into a starless void of night sky. Konchu finds himself standing in the middle of nothing and nowhere, as phantoms emerge from the darkness.

Visions of the past.

“SON! What are you doing wasting your time with this occult nonsense? You are an embarrassment to me and my family name! No wonder your bitch of a mother lost her mind. She clearly couldn’t handle having given birth to the world’s most pathetic LOSER!”

Visions of the present.

“I offer my spot in the F1 Climaxxx, and you SQUANDER IT?! All you had to do was win, and you allow that Dutch bitch to bamboozle you? You learned nothing, you fool. You know what? Fuck the Alliance. I can see it was a waste of time. And so were you.”

Visions of the future.

“And when you look back on the career of Konchu Hao, one can’t help but ponder if he ever truly could be considered one of the greatest. Flashes of brilliance here and there, for certain…but flashes don’t make a legend.”

It’s clear to Konchu what Hela’s spell is trying to do.

And truly? If this were two years ago? It might’ve worked.

Konchu Hao, for all of his power and knowledge, for everything that he’s accomplished both in professional wrestling and within the world of shadows, has always had to struggle with those thoughts. Those dark thoughts that whispered menacingly in his ear. Those condemnations that he wasn’t good enough. Wasn’t smart or vicious enough to thrive, let alone survive.

But…this isn’t two years ago.

And Konchu is well and truly done with that shit.

As the voices of the phantasms continue to taunt and bite at him, Konchu simply presses forward.

The voices aren’t silenced. They never would be. But that didn’t mean Konchu had to give them even a second’s worth of his attention.

The Mad Wizard can’t see the exit from this space. But that’s irrelevant. For a mage as powerful and skilled as the Primogen of the Black Mass, the way out is wherever you damn well want it to be.

With a wave of his arm, the illusion shatters like glass. The voices, the void is dispelled with the ease of taking a breath as Konchu, eyes focused like sharpened knives, finally casts his gaze upon his quarry, the woman who flaunts her arrogance under the visage of hedonistic freedom.

Indeed, Hela stands before him as we find ourselves in what looks like the master bedroom. Strung-out, unconscious revelers are here with her, presumably crashing after imbibing too much ecstasy both metaphorical and literal. Hela, herself, has at least dressed up for her confrontation with Konchu, which is certainly more than can be said with her companions for the evening’s festivities.

However, it’s clear that the illusory vision of Hela Martinet was not the same as what the Mad Wizard sees in front of him. The classy gown is little more than a stained, tattered mess. Her hair, once perfectly arranged, is a mottled rat’s nest that has seen neither water nor soap for quite some time. Her makeup, once meticulously applied, is streaking from either sweat or tears. In fact, the only thing that the original illusion got right and Hela is still wearing is that ratty, disgusting fur shawl.

Despite the fact that she is a complete mess, she still, either as a tactic to unsettle Konchu or because she’s completely delusional about the situation she’s in, saunters up to the Mad Wizard, trying her best at a sultry, seductive approach.

As she wraps her arms around Konchu’s neck, she talks in her breathy, French accent with only a few inches between her face and Konchu’s. Konchu flinches, but only because the smell of cigarettes and alcohol on Hela’s breath is almost overpowering.

“My dearest, my most wonderful dance partner. My love, my joy, my excitement. You’ve been so uncooperative after I’ve gone through so much trouble to invite you into my world. Why? Why do you keep me out of yours? Why do you have to be so damned serious?”

Hela leans in, her lips within millimeters of Konchu’s. Her voice lowers as she whispers:

“Come on, Konchu. Play with me. Amuse me. I can promise…it will be worth your…”


Hela is STUNNED. Staggered, as she stumbles backwards and falls flat on her back due to the force of Konchu’s skull smashing into hers. As a trickle of blood starts to pool and drip from her forehead, Konchu glares at her with the eyes of a devil.

“You horrid harpy! You absolute pathetic wretch of a human being! You think you have anything to offer me? This world of yours, this sanctuary you’ve constructed? It’s a bloody illusion, no different than your pitiful excuse for spells. For what minimal talent you have, the most abhorrent thing about you is that you seem to think the world exists to amuse you, that you’re immune to the consequences of your actions. You believe that everyone and everything exists as your playthings and that you can do as you please without the hammer of the gods coming down on your head.

“But look at you. A mage of some talent, one who could accomplish great things. But you think that the rules of our world don’t apply to you, and you hide behind your illusions of grandeur and your insecurities. You are LITERALLY in the middle of a clutch of drugged out sycophantic losers that are attracted to you like moths to a flame, and they are nothing more than a crystal clear vision of the waste of time that you are.”

“I…I…just want to play…”

“YES, YES, I know you just want to play games. That’s all you ever want to do. You don’t care about mastering your craft. You don’t give two damns about dignity or taking responsibility for your actions. You just want people to dance and frolic and act as foolish and frivolously as you do. Hela, you could be one of the world’s greatest illusionists if you gave two damns about anything other than killing your boredom and needling the Black Mass or any of the other magic guilds.

“I enjoy playing games…but there’s a time for playing and a time for action, for getting shit done. And I have already wasted enough of my time with you…”

That statement. Konchu pauses mid-rant as he lingers on what he just said.

This whole business was a waste of time even if it needed to be done, as he had to focus on Michelle von Horrowitz in the F1 Climaxxx so that he can achieve his own ambitions.

But seeing this ratty, ragged, haggard wretch in front of him, looking at him with drug-hazed eyes as the trickle of blood has started to dry and mix with her tears?

Konchu cackles.

“Kehahaha. Kehahaha! On second thought, Hela? Fine. We’ll play a game. But I get to choose what we play.”

There’s a look in Hela’s eye. The prospect of a game is definitely appealing…but not being the one in control? It’s not something she’s ever experienced. When it comes to games, she’s the one that gathers the players and sets the rules that everyone, save for her of course, have to play by.

However…in her delirium, she makes her choice.

She nods.

And with that, the room goes dark. Konchu Hao vanishes into the darkness.

Hela is alone. There are no more sycophants, no revelers, nothing. She stands alone.

And in the void, not unsimilar to what she subjected Konchu to earlier, she hears them.

The voices of countless people she’s met. Countless souls she’s tormented, disgraced, abandoned, and wronged.

And unlike Konchu? Hela is nowhere near strong enough to endure this cacophony of voice, casting judgment upon her.

But the Mad Wizard’s well of sympathy has run well and truly dry as his cackle cuts through the noise.


Eventually, a dozen or so robed figures arrive at Hela Martinet’s estate, efficiently working through the unconscious patrons and utilizing enchantment runes to quickly and completely alter their memories. Whatever they might’ve remembered about seeing Hela’s spellwork through the drugs and alcohol would be replaced with something else, thus preserving the world of shadows.

One of the figures, a dark-skinned woman with very ornate facial tattoos, is overseeing the work of her subordinates as the sound of a door slamming open gets all of their attention.

The body of Hela Martinet is tossed out into the great hall. She’s still alive. But looking at her, she probably wish she wasn’t.

Her hair has gone stark white, with patches missing after she pulled them out in absolute terror.

Blood and mascara have blotted into dark patches all over her face.

And the only thing she can say is a mumbling of nonsense words.

Hela Martinet had wanted to play games. But she wasn’t ready to pay the price of losing.

Konchu Hao walks out the door as two of the enchanters have taken Hela into custody. The Primogen of the Black Mass passes by the lead enchanter, who says nothing to Konchu. She simply nods in approval, to which the Mad Wizard nods in return.

Konchu’s work is done here. And it’s time to get back to the business at hand.

But still…if nothing else? This diversion has taught him much.


We return to another sanctum, this time located beneath a Korean barbecue establishment in Seoul. The basement of this restaurant contains a secret passageway, only accessible by those with the arcane knowledge to open such doors.

Through the passageway, we find Epsilon and Konchu sitting at a table in the middle of a relatively modest laboratory, presumably put in place by practitioners of ancient Korean alchemy. But for now, the Mad Wizard and his trusted compatriot are dining on some freshly grilled bulgogi with sides of kimchi.

As Epsilon happily chows down on the delicious food while playing some kind of game on his trust tablet, Konchu’s focus in-between bites is on the game board and pieces that Epsilon had procured for his master.

The Baxter, Peacock, Marshall, and Halloween Knight figures are still kept in the rear, far away from the other three that represent Konchu’s opposition in his block. The figurine of Gerald Grayson, representing Xperienx, has been knocked over, a symbolic choice to punctuate Konchu’s crushing victory against him.

Konchu, deliberately, moves his own figure in front of the one representing Michelle von Horrowitz. Arguably, the competitor in his block that stands as the favorite, having succeeded in getting to the finals of the previous year’s F1 Climaxxx and winning the trophy…well, “winning” being an incredibly, overly-generous term for what Michelle did to rob Cyrus of the victory.

However, Konchu Hao isn’t Cyrus Truth.

Cyrus spent too much of his time trying to figure out Michelle, trying to understand how she works. How she thinks. It’s a talent of The Exile’s that has served him well time and again.

But Cyrus was looking for something when there was nothing there.

For as talented as Michelle is, for as many accolades as she’s achieved? Ultimately, she is a talented wrestler and a waste of time.

Michelle will never be anything other than the parasitic leech that will suck FWA dry just to sustain herself, just to give her life meaning.

Everything, from matches to promos to her interactions with her fellow wrestlers? Nothing more than a game to distract her from her inadequacies, to delude herself into thinking she’s something more than just a strung out junkie and hedonist who’s doomed to toss away her legacy and end up dead in a ditch.

Sometimes, people aren’t that complicated.

Sometimes, even the greatest of athletes are just shit people who can’t come to terms with their own deficiencies and choose to be assholes who get their jollies off tormenting and toying with people, even if their actions showcase their horrid souls for all the world to see.

And when dealing with those people? It’s never a good idea to play their games.

It’s better, instead, to just go for the jugular and watch them choke on their own blood.

Michelle von Horrowitz might make her way out of the pool to the Final Four of the F1 Climaxxx, as she had last year.

But if she thinks it’s going to be at the expense of Konchu Hao? If she thinks that the Mad Wizard’s going to play her games and dance to her tune?

Konchu Hao would remind her that rats, devastating as they can be by spreading their disease and tearing apart structures from the inside out?

They are NOT the apex predators at the top of the food chain.

And the cat’s claw will come crashing down on the rat who calls herself "Dreamer."​
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FWA Studios presents…

Episode 037 - “The March Begins”.



This was the biggest scene of Trixie’s young acting career. She had been told that everyone in the studio would be watching, and that whomever they thought delivered the best and most compelling performance in this - the latest episode of the hit TV Show, Fallout - would earn a leading role alongside the show’s biggest star, Jeremy Best, in the next big special episode, “The Grand March”.

This was Trixie’s big chance to show what she could do. She had put everything she had. All of her heart and soul into the goal of knocking this episode out of the park. Every acting lesson. Every mistake that she had learned from. Every tip and trick that her friends had taught her, she had tried it all… and as the scene came to a close, Trixie knew that she had blown it out of the park. She knew that she had earned the big opportunity.

As the show’s director, Jon Russnow, yelled “CUT!”, A wave of relief washed over the young woman. She had really done it. A scene that contained some of the show’s biggest and longest-serving stars in Cyrus Truth and Gabrielle Montgomery, and some of the best young talent in all of Hollywood in Jay Kenny and Johnny Johnson, Trixie truly felt as though she had blown them clean out the water.

Trixie exhaled a sigh of relief and smiled proudly as Blair and Celestia, her two best friends, ran over. Celestia jumped straight into Trixie’s arms and they exchanged a big hug, while Blair watched on, not exactly the hugging type.

“Trixie, YOU DID IT! YOU’RE GONNA BE A SUPERSTAR!!!” Celestia exclaimed overjoyed, earning frowns from Trixie’s co-stars in the scene, Cyrus, Gabi, Jay and Johnny, as they all went off to do their own things.

With her spine getting crushed in Celestia’s vice-like grip, Trixie managed to let out a weak “Th-Thanks…” with what little air she had left that hadn’t been squeezed right out of her.

“Alright, calm down, sis. You tryna suffocate the poor girl!?” Blair said with a smirk as Celestia released Trixie from her vice-like grip.

“Oops, sorry…” Celestia said as Trixie gasped for air and clutched her back in pain. “Uhh, great job, Trix. I’m super proud of you….”

Having managed to suck some air back into her lungs, Trixie let out a “Thanks, Celery…” along with a cute little giggle.

“You did great, kiddo. You stole the hell out of that scene… the others didn’t even come close!” Blair said, smiling.

Blair hadn’t been happy when she heard that Trixie would be receiving this opportunity, and she’d be lying if she claimed that she wasn’t still a little jealous, but right now, in this moment… in Trixie’s moment, Blair was proud of just how far her little dumbass friend had come. Trixie had proved that she was one of the best actors in the whole world.

“I can’t believe I really did it!” Trixie said, overcome with excitement at the thought of being the lead in one of the biggest episodes of the year!

“Well, technically Russnow and the Studio haven’t come to a decision yet, but if they choose anyone other than you to lead The Grand March, then frankly, they’re deaf, blind AND dumb. You killed it, Trix.” Blair said, patting Trixie on the shoulder.

Moved by Blair’s massive compliments, Trixie gave her friend an appreciative hug. “Thanks, Blair.”

“Yeah, don’t worry about their decision. The Studio Execs aren’t stupid. You got this… y’all fancy some catering while we wait for their decision? I think they got those pizza bread thingies in.” Celestia said, her mouth watered at the thought of pizza.

“Oooo, PIZZA!” Trixie’s eyes lit up. “YES PLEASE!”

Celestia smiled, and Blair nodded her agreement, and so the Trio headed for catering.

As Trixie and her friends chowed down on some delicious-looking pizza, they had been interrupted on a few occasions by members of the crew and fellow actors, all of whom congratulated Trixie on her stellar performance. Receiving the adulation from her peers meant so much to Trixie, who had looked up to many of them as people that she had aspired to become as great as. They told her how they thought she had killed it in her scene with Cyrus, Gabi, Jay and Johnny, and this filled Trixie with an immense feeling of pride and confidence. She had felt as though she finally earned the respect of her peers, and that she had finally earned the right to call herself one of them…

…Trixie was over the moon.

“Yo, Trixie! Come quick! They’ve made a decision on The Grand March!” One of the production staff called as half a pizza dangled out of Trixie’s face.

In a panic, Trixie devoured the last slice as quickly as she could, before the Trio rushed to the set, excited to hear the good news!

Arriving at the main set, the entire crew of camera-people, production staff, lighting staff, and the actors that she had shared her big scene with, were all gathered in front of Jon Russnow, the director of Fallout, who looks excited to share the big news.

“Alright, wonderful job on today's shoot, guys! And I’m excited to announce that myself and the Studio Execs have had a meeting, and we’ve come to a decision on who will star alongside Jeremy in the main arc of The Grand March.” Jon Russnow said, staring at the five incredible actors before him with a smile on his face.

Trixie’s heart stopped as she awaited the big reveal. She knew that she had done a better job than the others. Blair and Celestia, along with several of the crew and other Fallout actors had told her as much. She felt as though she had this in the bag… but for some reason, she couldn’t help but feel her nerves flaring up.

“I got this…” Trixie told herself. “I got this.”

“I’m proud and excited to announce that….”

Trixie waited with baited breath. THIS WAS IT! HER BIG MOMENT!

“...Cyrus Truth will be heading up the big Grand March special!”

Hearing the big news, Blair and Celestia turned to look at Trixie. Their expressions had turned from excitement and pride, to an overwhelming feeling of sorrow and pity for their friends… but they were shocked to see Trixie sporting a smile, though her eyes told them that she may not be entirely present in the room.

“Congratulations to Cyrus, a MUCH DESERVED opportunity. And to the rest of you… keep working hard, and I’m sure that one day, your opportunity will come. Thank you all, and have a good night.”
As the film crew and actors dispersed, Trixie sees Cyrus Truth walk past her with a smirk plastered on his face. Still sporting her smile, Trixie just turned and headed for the exit, not saying a word.

“Uh, Trixie… you okay?” Celestia asked, concerned.

Trixie didn’t respond. She just calmly walked away, with a forced smile on her face, and a great deal of pain, heartbreak, and something scary in her eyes as she headed for the exit.


Trixie Bordeaux in…

Still 01/27/2024

“I’m really worried about Trixie.” Celestia said, as her and Blair stood in the hotel elevator, heading for their room. “I’ve never seen her like that before. She usually has a little cry and we gotta talk her down and stuff, and then five-minutes later she’s all happy again, but that smile when Russnow made that bullshit decision…”

“Maybe she’s just learning to take things a little better. It’s about time she showed a little emotional maturity… she’s 23, for Lilith’s sake.” Blair responded wishfully. “But yeah, I can’t believe they gave Truth yet another lead. I swear the Studio Execs and Russnow have got some weird fetish for stale, middle-aged, crackhead-looking dudes who haven't given a crap in years, barely puts any effort in, and who’s way past his sell-by date.

“Yeah, it’s weird. He must have some blackmail material over them or something, because there’s no way they gave him this lead on the weight of his performance. Trixie blew his decrepit-ass out of the water in that scene.” Celestia said, still in disbelief over the decision of the Studio Execs. “But hell, I’m still proud of Trixie. She did so good!”

Blair smiled, a hint of pride in her eyes. “Yeah, she did. She’s come a long way… she’ll get her big break eventually.”

Celestia stared at Blair with a curious smile as the elevator came to a halt and the big metal doors slid open. The sisters walked out into the hallway and headed for their hotel room.

“I’m gonna go check on Trixie.” Blair said as she continued past the door to her room as Celestia unlocked the door. “Order us a McDonald’s or something, will ya?”

“Okie dokie. Should I order something for Trixie too?” Celestia asked, considerately.

“Yeah, a Happy Meal will cheer her right up.” Blair smirked as Celestia entered their room and shut the door.

Blair walked a few doors down, before coming to a halt outside Trixie’s room. Trixie’s reaction to the news wasn’t in-character for the usually hyper-emotional young woman. Blair was hoping that maybe Trixie had finally begun to learn to control her emotions, but she prepared herself for an onslaught of tears and screaming nonetheless. Better to be safe than sorry.

Blair sighed, before giving the door a musical knock.

Dun Dun DunDun Dun…

Rather annoyingly, Blair didn’t complete the universal knocking rhythm… but thankfully, from the otherside of the door, Trixie finished it for us…

…Dun Dun.

Blair smiled playfully as Trixie opened the door slightly and poked her head through, before Blair’s smile slipped as her eyes fell upon her dotty blonde friend’s face… it was clear that Trixie had been crying. The whites of her eyes were a shade redder, and her signature black mascara had become splodgy and unkempt from the moisture of Trixie’s tears and the young woman’s attempt to wipe them. This was all normal to Blair. She had seen Trixie in this state countless times. What wasn’t normal, however, was the brave smile that Trixie had once again sported. The same smile that had remained on her face upon her hopes and dreams of being the lead in the Grand March special being crushed by Russnow. Blair knew what a real Trixie smile looked like, and this was not it. Blair had never seen Trixie try so hard to contain herself… and this worried Blair.

“Oh, hello, Blair!” Trixie said, trying her hardest to seem in a good mood, not realizing that she looks as though she had been shot in the face with Homer Simpson’s makeup gun.

“Hey Trix, how are you holding up?” Blair asked, looking genuinely concerned.

“I’m okay…” Trixie responded… but her eyes tell a completely different story. “Whatchu need?”

“Oh, nothing really… just wanted to let you know that Celery’s ordering McDonald’s.” Blair said, using Trixie’s nickname for Celestia. “Do you mind if I come in?”

Trixie flinched slightly, and looked back into her room nervously.

“Uhh-... you can’t, sorry, I’m-... uhh…” Trixie’s mind scrambled to think of a suitable reason to keep Blair out. “I’m… naked.”

With Trixie’s long-sleeved, baggy sweater and denim pants clearly visible, it was quite obvious that Trixie had been lying. Blair looked Trixie up and down with a ‘really? That’s the best you could come up with’ look, before commenting…

“For an actress, you really do suck at lying, Trix…” Blair chuckled, before pushing her way past Trixie and walking into her room…

…and Blair understood immediately. The room looked as though it had been hit by a cyclone… the mattress had been dragged off the bed frame and thrown against the wall, mirrors were smashed, lamps broken, clothes and toiletries scattered all over the place. Trixie had wrecked the place.

Blair’s eyebrows raised as she turned her attention to Trixie, who looked wholly ashamed of herself.

“Yeah, you really seem ‘okay’, Trix…” Blair said with a stern look as she closed the door in order to conceal the damage. “Jesus, you’ve really had a go at this place. We need to fix this room before somebody notices… and by ‘we’, I of course mean you.”

Blair grabbed the mattress and dragged it back onto the bed frame, before she sat down atop it.

“...and while you’re fixing this mess, you can tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”

Trixie didn’t move right away. She stared at Blair, almost as if she’s asking for advice on where to start, but Blair’s stern gaze back told Trixie that she would have to figure that out by herself… and so, she began to slowly pick some of her clothes up and piled them back into her luggage bag, saying nothing as she works.

“Well?” Blair asked, annoyed.

“Well what?” Trixie answered, stroppily.

“Well, you wanna talk about what caused you to go all Incredible Sulk on this room?”

“Nope….” Trixie responded stubbornly, as she lifted her full luggage bag and plonked it on the bed next to Blair, and went to work trying to gather the shards of mirror glass off the floor.

Blair smirked. For all of her immaturities, Trixie had gotten into the habit of standing up for herself more, which is something that Blair was glad to see… but she wasn’t gonna let Trixie get out of this one.

“Fair enough. I guess that it’s no big deal… hell, it may be a good thing that you didn’t get the lead in the ‘Grand March’ special.” Blair said, a matter of factly.

“Whatchu mean?” Trixie stared at Blair, confused. How was missing out on what would have been the biggest opportunity of Trixie’s young career a ‘good thing’?

“What I mean is-... I mean, let’s face it, you’d have probably stunk out the entire episode anyway. You’ve only been doing this acting gig a year, Trix…” Trixie stares at Blair in shock and a great deal of hurt. Was Blair really suggesting that Trixie wasn’t ready for the opportunity? Seeing Trixie’s emotions come to the surface, Blair piles on, trying to provoke a reaction. “That Cyrus Truth has been at this since before cameras were invented. Maybe Russnow and the Execs were right to choose him over you… like, he’s got way more experience than you. He’s been the main character loads of times. He’s one of the greatest actors of all time, while you’re just…”

“JUST WHAT?” Trixie asked, getting worked up that her friend would doubt her ability to be the leading lady.

“’re just a pretty face they hired to look cute in the background. You’re not an actor, Trix, not like Cyrus Truth… maybe you just ain’t good enough.”

Trixie’s eyes widened as she glared a hole through Blair’s head, looking completely stunned and hurt that Blair would say these things to her. Not so long ago, when Trixie had started on her journey in acting and managed to get a role on Fallout, she never thought that she was good enough to make it… and a rather humiliating debut episode where Shawn Summers’ had acted rings around Trixie hadn’t helped her confidence. But over the past year, Trixie started to improve. Every now and then, she would do a good job in a scene. Sure, those good days on set were interspersed with those bad days where she would wind up not being able to match the performance of her co-star(s)... but these bad days started to disappear. Kleio, Blair and Celestia had taken Trixie under their wind, and slowly, Trixie would improve. She would find herself in the main plot of some filler episodes, and she would do well.

She got better, and better, and her confidence slowly grew. To the point where, when she was told that her character had been selected as one of the five that would head up the main plot of Episode 037 “The March Begins”, with the stipulation that the actor that gave the best performance would get to be the lead alongside Jeremy Best on one of the biggest TV Specials of the entire year… she actually thought that she had a chance. She actually thought that she could be the shining light in a scene that included Gabrielle Montgomery and Cyrus Truth, two of the most esteemed actors of their generation… hell, two of the greatest actors of all time, and you know what? She was. Deep within herself, Trixie still truly believes that she gave the best performance, and the fact that Blair would try to tell her otherwise, well, it pissed Trixie off.

“FUCK. YOU.” Trixie stood up off the floor and balled her fists defiantly, completely forgetting that she had several sharp shards of glass in her right hand. But Trixie didn’t seem to feel them pierce her skin. Her fists remained closed, and blood began to drip from her hand.

Seeing this, Blair couldn’t help but get a little nervous.

“Okay, Trix, calm do-”

“FUCK YOU!” Trixie yelled at the top of her lungs, causing Blair to flinch ever so slightly. “Not good enough? NOT GOOD ENOUGH!? REALLY!? Says who, huh? YOU!?”

“Trix, I didn’t mean-”

“NO!” Trixie took a threatening step towards Blair, who instinctively jumped to her feet, ready to defend herself in case this blonde ball of fury decided to charge at her. “Who do you think you are, huh!? Telling me that I’m not good enough, when I’m the only reason your stupid Coven story got any acclimation!”

“Watch your mouth, Trix…” Blair’s eyebrows raised, having seemingly taken offense to Trixie’s comment.

“WHY!?” Trixie yelled, standing her ground. “Why should I!? Telling me that I ain’t good enough, when I’m BETTER THAN YOU! And I’m better than that STUPID Cyrus Truth guy, too!”

Despite Trixie’s claims to be better than her, Blair couldn’t help but let out a little smirk as Trixie told her, and the whole world, that she was better than Cyrus Truth. Having noticed Blair’s smirk, and getting it in her head that Blair was mocking her, Trixie only got angrier.


“I’m not laughing at you, Trix.” Blair’s smirk grew as she stared at the furious and confused Trixie.


“Because I’m proud of you.”

Blair’s response took the seething Trixie completely off guard, and for a moment, her fury had wavered slightly.

“Look at you, Trix… six months ago, there’s no way in hell that you’d be standing there, biting my head off and telling the whole world that you’re better than one of the greatest actors of all time.” Blair smiled pridefully. “Hell, you nearly crapped your pants a couple of weeks ago when you found out that you were in a scene with that much riding on it, and yet here you are… you got through it. And even though you didn’t get the outcome you wanted, you didn’t come out of that episode empty-handed, Trix. You walked into that scene and went toe-to-toe with some of the best actors in the world, and you proved to the studio, to Russnow, to Cyrus Truth and the other actors, and most importantly, you proved to YOURSELF that you belonged there. You proved to YOURSELF that you ARE good enough.”

Blair’s words seemed to spark something in Trixie, who, despite her terrible mood, couldn’t help but let out a prideful smile as Blair continued.

“So, who gives a crap what those jackoff Execs think, right!?”

Blair smiled at Trixie, before repeating her sentiment.

“I said, who gives a crap what those jackoff Execs think, RIGHT!?”

A rush of confidence and motivation flooded Trixie’s entire being as she exclaimed.

“YEAH!” Trixie cheers.

“What!?” Blair yells, amping Trixie up even more.

“Yeah, fuck those jackoff Execs!” Trixie yells at the top of her lungs.

“One more time!”

“FUCK THOSE JACKOFF EXECS!” Blair cheers and applauds as Trixie shows her defiance.

“Yes, Trix! Do you feel better now?”

Filled with a seemingly never ending supply of sheer energy and euphoria, and being unable to contain it, Trixie just exploded…

“WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Trixie bellowed, releasing all of her pent up frustrations and emotions with a thunderous scream. “HOLY COW, THAT FELT GOOD!!! Where’s Cyrus Truth? I’m gonna punch him in the pee-pee!”

Trixie made a b-line for the door, as Blair tried to intercept her before she kicked the crap out of one of Fallout’s biggest stars, but, before Trixie could make it to the door…

*Knock knock knock*

Trixie and Blair halted their advance and looked nervously at each other, and then to the incredible mess that Hurricane Trixie had made of her hotel room…

“Hello, is everything okay in there? There’s been several noise complaints.” A voice calls from behind the door.

In unison, Trixie and Blair both uttered the most fitting words in the history of forever…

“Uh oh…”




Trixie was sitting in the backseat of a taxi, and headed for yet another hotel after Trixie had been dismissed from her last one for trashing her hotel room in a fit of rage. She wound up being forced to clean the room up as best she could, and had been made to pay several hundred dollars in damages for the broken mirror among other items. Her right hand was heavily bandaged as a result of her clenching her fist in rage, all the while forgetting that she had been holding several pieces of broken glass, which inevitably resulted in several deep lacerations in the palm of her hand. Fuelled by rage, Trixie hadn’t felt the glass pierce her skin at the time… but she damn sure felt it now.

Gently rubbing the bandages, trying to scratch an itch on her palm, Trixie seemed to have calmed down significantly in the past several hours. Gone was the overwhelming sense of rage and feeling hard done by, and gone too was the euphoria when she had bellowed her innermost feelings in that moment. Right now, at this moment, Trixie felt… tired.

She just wanted to curl up in a bed and drift off to sleep, which she could have done, had she been able to control her emotions. She had tried her hardest to keep herself in check… It took every fiber of her being not to drive her fist straight through Director Russnow’s pee-pee after he had revealed that Cyrus Truth had been given the opportunity that she truly felt, and still feels, should’ve gone to her.

She hadn’t thought about what she would do if she had failed in getting the big leading role in “The Grand March”. Maybe the FWA Studios and Director Russnow would just send her back to the Coven arc that she had been slotted into not long after she had signed to FWA Studios. She wouldn’t be opposed to this. Trixie truly enjoyed any and every opportunity to share the screen with Blair, Celestia, Kleio and Ethel, and she had come to consider those four women her “bestest friends in the whole world”... but she would be lying if she said that she didn’t want more.

Above everything, Trixie had wished, with every fiber of her being, to get the chance to prove that she could be a big star on her own. She wanted to feel like she had achieved something on the back of her own skill. She had tried her hardest to improve her acting abilities to get herself to the point where, if she had been granted an opportunity like the one she had been granted yesterday, then she would be able to seize it.

But for one reason or another, that opportunity had been granted to somebody else, and now, well… she felt directionless.

…well, that was until…

The Hex Girls - Hex Girl

Trixie’s ringtone blared out, startling the young woman, and snapping her out of her thoughts. Panickedly searching her various pockets, trying to find the source of the music, Trixie eventually retrieves her mobile phone and answers the call, not checking if she had recognised the number.

“Hello, Trixie? It’s Jon.”

“...Jon?” Trixie looked confused,
clearly not recognising the name.

“You know, Jon Russnow…
the Director of Fallout?”

Trixie’s eyes widened with recognition, and a contemptuous scowl formed on her face… she paused momentarily, making sure that her emotions had been put in check.

“Oh, hello Mr. Director…
whatchu want?” Trixie said,
trying her hardest to be respectful.

“Just wanted to check if you
were okay… you left the studio
in quite a hurry yesterday after
you were made aware of mine and
the Execs’ decision to choose Cyrus
for “The Grand March” lead.”

“I’m fine.” Trixie lied,
wanting to end this conversation
as quickly as possible.

“That’s good to hear. Also, I
wanted to let you know how impressed
we all were by your performance
last episode. You did a terrific job, and
I just wanted you to know that it
didn’t go unnoticed.”

Annoyingly, Trixie couldn’t keep herself from feeling just the slightest bit better after hearing Director Russnow’s glowing review of her performance. She still wanted to punch him in the pee-pee, but maybe she wouldn’t punch him as hard as she had wanted to ten seconds ago.

“Thanks…” Trixie responded,
not wanting to sound too happy,
nor too angry, and still wishing for
this all to end as quickly as possible.

“You’re very welcome, Trixie…
also, I wanted to inform you
that myself, and the Studio Execs
would like for you to take the lead
for the next Fallout episode
alongside Brooklyn… sound good?”

Trixie’s eyebrows raised, and a look of excitement fell upon her face. They wanted her in the main story again!?

“Umm, o-okay… sure.” Trixie
responded, trying to play it cool
and hide her excitement.
“I know it’s not the lead
in the big TV Special,”
Russnow said, seemingly having been
fooled by Trixie’s ‘play it cool’ tactic,
“But it’s still a big deal. We don’t just give
The lead to anyone… if you put forth a few
more performances like the one you
delivered last show, then who knows,
maybe those big TV Special’s will find
themselves at your feet, eh?”

Trixie’s eyes lit up with the prospect of proving to Russnow and the FWA Studio Execs that she was ready for the big shows. If they don’t think she’s ready now, then by golly, Trixie was going to change that!

“Sounds good, thanks.”
Trixie responded, acting as
cool as a cucumber.

“Great. I’ll e-mail you the script.
great job on “The March Begins” again.
You killed it. See you on set!”

And with that, Director Russnow hung up, leaving Trixie alone with her thoughts once more, and the young woman, with a determined look about her, pumped her bandaged fist in celebration… for this was exactly what Trixie needed.

She may have lost out on the big TV Special to Cyrus, but she had another chance to prove to everybody… to Director Russnow, to the FWA Execs, to all of her peers, to her friends, and once again, she would prove to HERSELF, that she DOES have what it takes to make it big in this business. Trixie and Brooklyn were gonna knock it straight out of the park, and Trixie would do it over, and over, and over again. Home Run after Home Run, until it was TRIXIE’s face on all the posters. TRIXIE’s face on all the Blu-Ray Box Sets! “Starring TRIXIE Bordeaux” on every streaming service!

Trixie and Brooklyn were gonna put on a show, and by the end of that show, everybody would be looking at TRIXIE! The biggest TV star in the WHOLE WORLD!


Aug 14, 2023
Reaction score
Click Above to Read.


[For the purpose of this promo and based on his profession, John Buckman’s dialogue will be purple as Zander Marshall does not appear.]


Chapter 1

Winter sent a cold draft floating through the grandiose relic of architecture as the doors to the outside world swung open wide.

Why am I here?

What led Xavien Marshall to this ancient building on the east side of town was a mystery to the very man who had made the decision to come. He’d found himself reflecting more and more as of late. It was a reminiscent mindset that had the domino effect into him being here, but he couldn’t remember each individual domino now. He had given many thoughts to his childhood. Things were different as a child, and truth be told, Xavien missed the simplicity of the life he lived then.

FWA was an outlet. It also served as a career. Initially, Xavien hoped he could do… exactly what he had done. Use the FWA as a means to make money while legally assaulting people to the best of his ability with no fear of returning to the cage he had spent so long in. Relief passed over him after a victory, but deep down, Xavien wanted to be happy again. Not content. Happy.

Happiness had eluded him with the evasiveness of a mirage. He could never grasp it. He thought that winning the Tag Team Championships may grant him a sliver. It did not. The same idea had crossed his mind after winning the Gunfight One Ring, but to no avail. Each time he arrived home, the fury persisted.

Had Xavien been able to harness the anger, release it in the ring, and return home happy he would’ve been in the place mentally he had wanted for more than eight years. It simply was not unfolding as he anticipated.

The F1 Climaxxx was a challenge. It tested Xavien on multiple levels. He desired to win the tournament, both to carry the accolade of F1 Winner and North American Champion, and for his own ego. But the tournament carried a plethora of physical and mental turmoil along with it. With it came a sea of weight of psychological distress.

Being inside Xavien Marshall’s head was not a punishment most would wish to endure.

With some help, he had defeated Chris Peacock in under three minutes. Xavien took wins however they came to him, and in all reality, it saved him the wear and tear of a long contest heading into his second match of the F1. He would need it.

He had spent more time soul searching than he cared to admit as of late, sitting alone on the couch in a haze of smoke, considering phoning the counselor and wishing he could travel back in time. It felt like, to his clouded mind, that the memories of the time he yearned for only encompassed four or five experiences, standing out above the rest.

Back then, the negative aspects of his life were outweighed by the days of playing basketball with his friends at the local park, laughing and talking about girls. Today, each positive in his life felt like it was quickly held under the water by the bad, gasping for air until the memory of it had vanished.

Most of all, Xavien missed two things.


And his mom.

As it stood, there was only an opportunity to regain one of them. The counselor was a bad idea. She was a cop. The rules are simple. If you work for a cop, you’re a cop. If you work with a cop, you’re a cop. She could never be trusted and her intentions could never be verified.

The underlying theme of the life story of Xavien Marshall was that in his positive memories, he had his Mom. In his negative ones, she was gone. The night that he attacked the police officer and nearly killed him, she was nestled away comfortably in their home. As much as he wished she was, as much as he needed her and her guidance, she wasn’t there in the police car as when the blunt realization sat in that his life had forever been changed.

She wasn’t there when he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. She couldn’t bring herself to go to the courtroom and watch a Judge who only knew her sweet little boy by what a sheet of paper had concluded to be all he was worth, make decisions based solely on a bad moment.

This building was, in many ways, one of the few things he had left of the one person who had never let him down. She raised him here, inviting him to take part in the routines, and teaching him the traditions.

Those traditions had departed from him for so long now that it moved him back to the question in which he began.

Why am I here?

It was a desperate attempt to get the pieces of him back together that he had shattered with his own actions. A longshot chance to release him of his own anger and squash his paranoia.

It was a full-court heave with one second of the clock, with happiness at stake.

Unoiled gears of Xavien’s rampant mind screeched to an unplanned stop as the man pulled open the door of the room across from him. The man was old, likely in his sixties, and Xavien was certain he carried a familiar face. The man’s clothes gave a clue to where the familiarity came from. He sported a long cassock that covered him from shoulders to ankles. Around his neck hung a long, thin cloth, purple in color to signify penance. The design of his shirt made his role unmistakable. Its collar, buttoned to the very top, featured a small white square at the base of his neck.


Chapter 2
"Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained."
John 20:23

“I… is that Xavien? I have not seen you for quite some time.”

The raspy, friendly voice finally allowed the recognition to click. John Buckman had been as evergreen to this Parish as the pews in which his family sat. Early in life, Xavien recalled Deacon Buckman praying with his mother, supporting her when she lost her job or encountered hard times.

“Deacon Buckman… it’s been a while.”

“Father Buckman, now. It makes me most happy to see you today, do you remember how to begin?”

“It’s been quite some time, Father.”

The way he was expected to speak in these acts had always annoyed him. Then again, he had never seen a rule book. Nor had anyone directed him to talk this way.

“That’s quite alright, Xavien. Begin with the sign of the cross, Then go from there, if you do not recall, I will assist you.”

Xavien lowered his head, reflecting once more on the question he kept asking.

Why am I here?

How long had it been since he had even prayed? Thinking back, it had been prior to his final court date. A holding cell is the loneliest Xavien had ever been. In prison, he had been surrounded by others, albeit not people he desired to spend his days and nights with. The anxiousness in the holding cells were magnified by impending uncertainty.

Every time Xavien encountered uncertainty, his mind elected to envision driving on the long road to doom.

It was 7am when the correctional officers of the Cuyahoga County Jail opened the door to Cell Block 4 and beckoned his name. Usually, Xavien would have been enraged by being woken up an hour before breakfast, but on this day he had yet to fall asleep. In rapid order, he was given a bagel for breakfast, ordered to change into a more professional attire, and shoved in the back of a county transportation vehicle.

He arrived at the courthouse just before 8am.

His appearance in front of the judge was scheduled for 11:30.

Requiring him to wait was intentional. Nothing on Earth would ever convince Xavien otherwise. It was mental warfare. Mental warfare that had been weaponized against him. And he was losing. He was locked in a holding cell, surrounded by nothing but a block wall and metal toilet, with nothing to do but think. Thinking was his mortal enemy. In large part, thinking was why he sat where he sat.

Why am I here?

To free yourself of the holding cell that exists in your mind. To turn to the higher power and seek relief from the demons that control you.

Without a clock that morning, Xavien had resorted to listening to the sounds around him to estimate the time. When the Bailiffs would come down to retrieve other inmates, he estimated thirty minutes had passed. A new plaintiff was usually scheduled for every half hour. After this realization, he found that the half hours passed slower than he could ever imagine.

His lawyer had told him that there was a possibility of probation, despite his plea deal, due to his age. He argued that Xavien was the perfect candidate for probation. That decision came down to only the Judge. He had been young and impressionable, caught in the web of gang life that had chewed up countless teenagers before they ever had a chance to fathom success, and spat them back out to either die in the streets or waste their twenties behind bars.

Torture was the only appropriate word to describe the last half hour, by Xavien’s estimates, that he spent in the holding cell. Was the judge in a good mood? Had the officer’s family come to speak out against him? Was the officer even still alive? What if he walked upstairs to find that the cop was dead and he was charged with murder. Every possibility had sprinted through his mind without consideration for logic.

When the half hour felt like it should’ve been over, he prayed. If anyone could put the life that Xavien had lived for three years behind him, it was Jesus. He forgives. He loves you. Jesus would be in control. He’d weigh heavily on the judge’s subconscious, make him realize that the man who stood before him wasn’t a man at all. He was a boy. A kid.

Ask and you shall receive. His mother repeated it to him often, every time he wanted to get a little bit taller or faster. Just pray, she said. So he did. He asked. Then he begged.

And then he cried.

What had he done? Who was he? What happened to Ms. Marshall’s little boy?

The bailiff finally opened his cell door and instructed him to put his hands against the wall. In front of the judge, Xavien trusted in God. He believed. He had faith.

Until the world came crashing down. Fifteen years. He would belong to the Ohio Department of Corrections until he was 32.

His faith was gone.

“Ahem. Xavien, you do remember the sign of the cross?”

Xavien was jarred back to reality by Father Buckman’s voice. Of course he remembered the sign of the cross. Now, he remembered exactly why he hadn’t done it in so long. Jesus failed him. His prayers were unanswered. He was forced to grow up. One day a boy, the next a convict. His pleas fell on deaf ears.

Why am I here?

Then again, he only talked to God when he needed a favor.

Who would answer in that situation anyways?

With a sigh, Xavien moved his hand to his forehead.

“In the name of the Father,”

His hand traveled to his chest.

“And the son,”

Then to his left shoulder, over to his right mid-sentence.

“And the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

With hesitation, Xavien glanced across from him at Father Buckman, the man who prayed over his Mother at her worst. This was the closest he could be to the old Xavien Marshall.

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”


Chapter 3
"So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God."
James 1:19-20
The clergyman began with a prayer.

"God, our loving Father, You sent Your Son into the world to save us from sin and lead us to a life of grace and holiness. As we stand here in Your presence, grant this your child the courage and humility to confess their sins sincerely. May the Holy Spirit enlighten his heart and mind, revealing the ways they need Your healing and forgiveness. Help him to understand Your infinite mercy and love, which never falters, no matter how far we stray. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. What would you like to confess?"

With the velocity and reckless abandon of a second place driver on the last lap of the Daytona 500, a thousand thoughts flooded Xavien’s mind. Where should he even begin? Could he recap the entire last eight years of his life? What damn difference does it make?

Why am I here?

Xavien couldn’t shake the feeling of chasing something he could never catch. The past was gone. The anxiety that riddled his mind, the anger that controlled his temperament, all of them couldn’t be washed away now. It was his cross to bear, and his struggle to survive through.

What you’re doing isn’t working. Have faith.

He allowed his mind to rest. Have faith, he thought once more, a singular vehicle on what is usually the Autobahn. Now, where to start? Anger. Start with the anger.

“Father, I feel like my anger controls me.”

Why the hell is he talking like this again? He’s a former gang member. One of the most inexplicably violent wrestlers on the entire FWA roster, yet here he sits, talking like an old white dude… to an old white dude.

“Thank you for confessing this to me, Xavien. God’s grace can free us of our struggles with negative worldly emotions. Can you explain further, Xavien, how has this fury pushed you astray from our Lord? Allow me to steer you towards relief from the weight of this anger.”

Eight years ago, it wasn’t anger that propelled him at all. So, he thought, you’re mad all the time. What’s the best example of that? Was it imagining himself as a gruesome murderer decapitating all of his previous opponents, culminating in slicing Chris Peacock’s head off it’s shoulders with a wicked grin across his face?

Earlier in the day, he had thought about the F1 Climaxxx. Validation was his escape. The escape, however, was temporary. Being locked in the darkest dungeons of his own mind, even a few hours away was worth it. The other seven competitors, albeit indirectly, were trying to pry that from him. Winning validated him. He needed to win.

The prospect of defeating another opponent in a regular wrestling match was not enough. It’s just business, he kept telling himself, but it was a lie. It’s just business was a self-serving fallacy. An act of trying to lie to himself. It was personal. Every person who stepped inside the squared circle with Xavien Marshall had inadvertently made it personal. Because they were trying to steal his validation.

“I… I want to destroy people, Father. I want to beat them lifeless. I want to leave them in a pool of their own blood. Even when winning a sanctioned, organized wrestling match would be enough… it’s not. I picture myself beating the life out of them. This week, I face a man named Bryan Baxter, and I want to end his existence just for standing in my way.”

The Priest takes a long pause at the conclusion of Xavien’s statement, absorbing the vitriol laced onto every word.

Xavien had structured his thought to sound as tame as possible. Baxter, or Big Bryan Bastard, presented a mountainous challenge. He had the North American Championship. He had won six straight F1 Climaxxx pool matches.

It was time to make another statement. It was time to decapitate Big Bryan. Xavien’s train of thought tore recklessly through the tracks of his mind focused solely on his opponent before Father Buckman derailed it.

“Child of God, it's very important that you've brought these feelings into the light. It's crucial to address these issues for your spiritual and emotional well-being. First and foremost, remember that every person is made in the image of God, and every life is precious.
It's important to find the root of these feelings. Often, such intense anger can stem from unresolved issues or deep-seated hurt. I gather you are a professional wrestler, you must find the balance between competing for work and true evil and hatred. Focus on prayer and meditation in your time away from the ring.

God's mercy is infinite, Xavien. He loves you and wants to help you through this. You're not alone in this struggle, and with the right help and support, you can find a path to peace and self-control.”

The words float through Xavien’s left ear and back out the right. He continues to think about his history of violence. In five minutes, he had beaten Jay Kenny so viciously that the referee had to stop the match. It was a twofold action - firstly, it served to put the FWA on notice of what he was capable of. Secondly, he enjoyed demolishing someone unsuspecting, that he had lured to comfort before the attack.

Focus, he thinks, we’re trying to leave this shit behind.

The heat was suffocating. Within the stifling confines of Cuyahoga County Jail, the rule mandating t-shirts seemed superfluous at any time, but especially now. Soon enough, it was lifted. Inmates roamed the dorms in minimal attire, their aggravation evident in the sweltering air. The conditions were more than uncomfortable; they were dehumanizing. Xavien, just eighteen, was caged with thirty-six strangers, the walls of his cell seeming to close in on him as each day passed. His frustration simmered dangerously close to the surface. The weekly visitation rule only compounded his isolation, since his mother hadn’t been able to visit. The wait to be transferred to prison was excruciating. Six weeks had crawled by, though he was told it would only be two.

The identity of the man Xavien targeted in his memory was now blurred, unimportant. He was merely a stand-in, chosen for his unassuming nature. The man was big, easily over 300 pounds.

Just like Bryan Baxter.

The urge to release his pent-up aggression was overwhelming. Xavien found his opportunity.

As the randomly-chosen inmate ambled unsuspectingly into the bathroom, Xavien was there, waiting. The attack was swift and brutal. A single punch to the mouth sent the man staggering. As he fell, Xavien's instincts took over. He pounced, elbowing his victim fiercely, then relentlessly slamming his face against the metal sink. Each impact was delivered with a chilling disregard for the man's life.

Just like Bryan Baxter. It was so fun.
It would be so fun to do it again.

He shook his head violently, as if to remove the thought by force. He wanted to be freed from the very mentality he had just looked back on pleasantly. Yet, here he was. Envisioning a scenario that he should be trying to forget. The smile faded from his face, it was time to make a decision.

Do you want help? Or do you want to continue to lose control of your psyche?

He pulled his lips back into his mouth, feeling the remnants of the day-old-shave of his mustache prickling against his bottom lip. He tried to place himself back to where he was mentally when he had made the decision to travel here today. Find the old you, Xavien. He channeled the desire to be fixed.

The Priest’s words, the ones he initially felt that he had ignored entirely, came back to him, echoing in his head as if God himself had placed them on a loudspeaker.

God wants to heal you. God loves you. God wants to help you through this.

He merged back on to the path towards healing.


Chapter 4
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

“Father, I’m also dealing with paranoia. And anxiety.”

Xavien wasn’t sure he’d ever admitted that out loud. Paranoia had become part of his life before he had gotten arrested, but the feelings had amplified greatly since then. Resentment crept in that his usual paranoid feeling hadn’t dissuaded him from going with Lucky Jay that night.

His outer shell remained perpetually stoic, but he froze at the sound of sirens. It was embarrassing. It was the hardest thing for him to admit in the world. He had a weakness, he was not untouchable.

Xavien Marshall has fears.

Every night, the sound of sirens would blast through the thin space between his window and its frame. Instantaneously, his heart began to pulsate. Fast. He could watch it visibly pulsate on his chest. Then, he became paralyzed. Unable to speak or move, he would sit by the window and watch to see whatever emergency vehicle that had sparked the fear blaze by. Once it passed, he could return to his daily life.

The problem was, it became hard to live his normal life after falling under the distress of anxiety that could be triggered by a solitary sound. The next day, he would return right to the very activities that created the fear of the police stopping at his house to begin with. When you’re paranoid about everything, you push through anything. It all feels like you’re making a mistake.

In fact, it was in large part the reason he hadn’t walked out of this cathedral before Father Buckman ever arrived. Xavien was well versed in the art of ignoring your inhibitions that were crafted by anxiety. Do it and you’ll be fine, he told himself. He had the same thought before he went with Jay that night.

Fuck that motherfucker, he thought.

Is he allowed to think curse words while in confession? He’d confess it later.

“Do you believe these things are a result of sin, or have you sinned because of them?”

These are the questions he was hoping the Priest could answer for him. The recent self-reflective journey hadn’t enlightened him on this part fully.

“I would say that, uh, I’m not sure, but I’d lean towards just saying that I don’t want to feel them anymore.”

Xavien hated who he was at that moment. He wanted to find a way to quell the negative thoughts and emotions inside his head. He wanted to be more like who he was when he was just a child. Instead, he felt like a dumb child, confessing stupid things because he was supposed to, because saying them to some man would simply send a word to God and fix it all.

Have faith, Xavien.

He had nothing to lose at this point. At worst, nothing would happen and he could learn to live with his mental issues. At best, he would feel happiness again.

“Xavien, I do hope you understand that experiencing paranoia and anxiety is not in itself a sin. These feelings can be a part of the human experience, often intensified by our experiences and struggles. However, it's how we respond to these feelings that can lead us towards or away from sin. It's commendable that you're seeking to understand and address these emotions.
Remember, God is with us in our struggles, including our mental and emotional battles. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. I encourage you to consider speaking with a mental health professional about these experiences.

In addition to prayer, practices like meditation, reading Scripture, and participating in community support can be beneficial. It's natural for our minds to wander, even to thoughts of frustration or anger. What matters is not so much the thoughts themselves but how we handle them.

Remember, Xavien, hope is always present, even in our darkest moments”

The advice resonated this time. Although, admittedly, Xavien could’ve settled for the cliff notes versions of the word salads that Father Buckman repeatedly served him. He allowed himself to absorb the words slowly.

Seeking help is a strength, not a weakness.

Hesitation was natural when he was invited to the F1 Climaxxx. Xavien carried himself in a way that didn’t reflect his feelings. He had learned a long time ago to carry himself how he wants to be perceived, not who he is.

He wanted to be perceived as bulletproof. A steady, confident force who would go to any lengths to succeed. The latter part was correct. Self-doubt crept in before every match. Xavien knew only one way to eliminate it. Carry himself how he wants to be perceived, not who he is.

At the same time, he could not muster up a singular focus on as much as a Confession.

Once he made his way to the ring, the self-doubt was drowned out by the sound of the crowd booing him. It was the spark that ignited his best fuel. Hatred. Once lit, the flames of fury engulfed him. Then, he would win, and enjoy his validation.

Until the anger came back. At his life. At his circumstance.

Then the paranoia or the anxiety, as if the two played roshambo to decide which one would torment Xavien each day.

There was no peace. There hadn’t been in a long time.

Xavien steps into the ring confidently, his long fur jacket over his torso and extending to his knees. He relishes in the jeers of the crowd, taking them all in. There is no fire. The anxiety persists. Is he good enough to be in this ring? Is he going to fuck this up? He always does. He fucked up football. He fucked up his teenage years. He fucked up his family. He fucked up his Mom’s life. He fucks everything up. Why would FWA be any different?

The bell sounds and he engages in a collar and elbow tie-up with Bryan Baxter. Baxter uses his weight advantage instantly, tossing him to the ground, eliciting an audible “Oooh!” from the crowd. Xavien bolts to his feet instantly. Now, feeling angry, he runs and attempts a shoulder block. He is flattened by the bigger Baxter.

Xavien tries to ignite the fire. There’s no match. There’s no fuse. There’s no gasoline. He runs towards Baxter and fires a kick, missing completely and crashing onto the mat.

Baxter lifts him from the mat and launches him into the corner like a small child. He quiets the crowd and delivers an open hand chop, the sound of his meaty hand slapping across Xavien’s chest creating an echo throughout the arena. He does it twice more, then runs across the ring and connects on a full force splash before Xavien falls to the canvas.

Trying to roll out of the ring, Baxter grabs his dreadlocks and pulls him back in. His smile is wide and mere inches from Xavien’s face. It infuriates Xavien. He attempts to chop Baxter’s hands off of his hair, but doesn’t have the strength. Instead, Bryan lifts him over his shoulders and applies the torture rack.

Xavien screams in pain, powerless to break the hold. He wants to tap. He wants to submit and end this embarrassment.

Submitting is not a word that Xavien has found in his vocabulary. He holds on as Bryan Baxter increases the force, bending and twisting his spine over his broad shoulders. Baxter drops him onto the mat, hits the ropes without hesitation, and delivers a senton. Xavien gasps for breath, finding himself unable to move.

Baxter picks Xavien from the ground and connects a Baxter Driver.


The reality of this possibility disconcerts Xavien. Would this be how he reacted without anger? A common jobber? Xavien Marshall is a competitor, he says to himself. A winner. If a life of hatred was the only way to continue to win the FWA, then perhaps it was a sacrifice worth making.

You can have both, damn it.

Have faith.

Suddenly, he found himself rewinding the tapes in the depths of his memory banks. For with God, Nothing Shall Be Impossible. If he wants to have both, he must do it with God. Through God. With God.

Like a tag team.

These were the very words he was raised on. Nothing is possible without God.

“Is there anything more you’d like to confess?”

Father Buckman’s words sliced through the steady stream of thought in Xavien’s mind. There was so much more. He thought about everything he had done in prison. Most of those tales were lodged in the back of his mind - a self-reminder of what he is capable of, but better not to be told in the light of day.

Deception was a part of his daily life, too. His closest friend in prison was whoever had money. He would look out for them. As long as Xavien was around, they had nothing to fear, for the low cost of whatever they could bestow upon him. And if their money was evident and they weren’t helping Xavien, they were in danger. He and his friends, usually fellow gang members, would circle. Like sharks smelling blood, they would give anyone an ultimatum. Either pay your dues, or get ready for a hospital trip.

Xavien had plenty of examples of each side of that non-negotiable demand.

And if honesty was of the essence at this moment, Xavien’s intentions with Jay Kenny were to deceive him. He wanted to put him in a dangerous situation in Cleveland that night. Sink or swim. Jay swam. Jay Kenny showed he was someone could trust. So, he did. He trusted Jay. Maybe not fully, but he realized they could accomplish a lot together.

There was the matter of greed - spinning into deception, he had done whatever it took for money. Theft was an option, too. He had robbed more people than he cared to admit. Old women who turned away from their purse were inviting him to explore the inner-working of their wallets. It wasn’t the proudest part of his teenage years, but he had done it. The peace of mind he wanted was the same peace he had stolen from so many before him.

Pride. It was another sin. One of the seven deadly ones. Guilty as charged. Being unwilling to submit to God.

Xavien reflected on the story of Lucifer. The angel who wanted to be an equal to God. In a lot of ways, Xavien felt he himself was equal to God. Judge, Jury, and Executioner. That’s how Xavien saw himself. If he decided it was time for you to go, he’d take your life. It was empowering.

He then considered envy. Man, was he envious. He was envious of the other kids on his football team who got to continue their dream. He was envious of everyone who still had their mother. He was envious of people who were happy. He was envious of Tommy Bedlam having the X Championship and anyone else who had a Championship that he did not. He was envious of those with faith. He was envious of people who got to chase their childhood dream. Hell, he was envious of those who got to finish out their childhood.

He was also envious of Bryan Baxter.

Bryan Baxter had the one thing he did not. Friendship. The friendship between Jeremy Best and Bryan Baxter was a rocky one. But the two came back together. That’s how friendship works, Xavien thought. It isn’t always going to be great, but you always find your way to persist through the bad times.

Lucky Jay was once Xavien’s best friend. Lucky Jay was once the most prominent part of Xavien’s life besides his Mom. They had fought once. It was an intense basketball game at the park and Xavien fouled Jay as hard as he could. Before he knew it, his best friend punched him in the mouth. They battled all over the park, Xavien trying his best to knock him out but not kill him.

They made up shortly thereafter. Xavien, in retrospect, could never shake the feeling that Jay had ulterior motives. Maybe this was an idea he’d created to make the fracture of the friendship easier to process. But, he had reasons to ask questions. Xavien was his bodyguard. It was evident to anyone around them that Lucky Jay was a little more bold with Xavien around.

Then, he ratted him out to save himself. Xavien missed his high school graduation and his senior year of football. He had missed getting to tell his Momma goodbye, and he had missed eight years of life.

Fuck that motherfucker, he thought once more, there was no repairing that.

He was envious of Bryan Baxter.


Chapter 5
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Hebrews 11:1

Awkward silence hung between Father Buckman and Xavien. From the Priest’s point of view, he was careful to not interrupt a prayer, while Xavien had not allowed a single perspective besides his own to pass through his mind.

“Father, I have… I lost my faith. I felt like God let me down.”

Xavien couldn’t imagine uttering those words to his Mom. He was sure the Priest would talk him through it, but his Mom would’ve had her belt removed before he could think. He wanted to have faith. He wanted to believe in God’s plan. Life had taken that from him, but as he sat, he was trying to get it back.

Father Buckman leaned forward and spoke with a soft tone.

“Does this relate to your… legal mishaps?”

The question annoyed Xavien. What does it matter what it relates to? He confessed it. Pray. Do whatever it is that you do. Help me.

“It relates to my life, in general. I don’t have as much faith as I used to.”

The Priest gazed into Xavien’s eyes. He saw hurt. Life had been hard on this young man. Many of the youth of Cleveland were raised in this very church. And many of them had gotten lost in the streets, being sent to jail or prison and never came back. This was pivotal. The right words might bring Xavien’s soul to salvation, the wrong words could send him on a downward spiral.
"Foremost, I will apologize for the length of the response you are about to receive, but I encourage you to listen closely. Doubt and loss of faith are not enemies, but rather a part of the human journey towards understanding. Remember, even Mother Teresa experienced what she called 'the dark night of the soul.' It's in these moments of doubt that our faith can actually deepen."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

"You feel God has let you down, and it's okay to feel this way. It's a testament to your relationship with Him – a relationship where you can express your deepest doubts and fears. Faith isn't about a constant state of certainty; it's a voyage, often through stormy seas, leading to a deeper and more profound understanding of the divine."

Father Buckman leaned back, his gaze still fixed on Xavien.

"God's plan is often a mystery to us. In times of struggle, it's hard to see any plan at all. But sometimes, our trials are not punishments, but lessons, or even open doors to new paths we could never have imagined. Your journey back to faith might not be easy or quick, but it will be your own unique path. And remember, this church, God, and I, we are all here for you on this journey. You're not alone, Xavien."

God’s plan wasn’t just a Drake song. He had believed it in his heart at one time. Father Buckman was right, too, that he knew trials and tribulations were part of his journey. God never promised that it would be an easy journey. In fact, Xavien’s own actions were what derailed the plans He had made for Xavien. Hearing those words created clarity. The greatest source of anger in his life was the resentment he held for everyone who failed him.

Yet, he held no disdain for the man who had failed him the most.


Xavien perched on a round metal stool, its base firmly anchored to the table to prevent its misuse as a weapon. He sat before an elongated table that spanned the length of the room. His hand reached for a plate in front of him, lifting a slice of pizza and bringing it closer to his lips with a grin.

Twice annually, the prison allowed inmates' families to bring “outside food” meals and dine together during visits. When his mother inquired about his preference, Xavien, not wanting to disappoint her, hesitated. He feared he would hurt her feelings by asking for pizza from Shay’s Diner, his favorite post-church spot since he was only a little boy.

To his relief, his mother wasn't the least bit upset. 'Anything for my baby,' was her motto. She procured two large pizzas and journeyed to Columbus, her car filled with the scents of pepperoni and sausage. His mom was his Superhero. Only she would walk inside a prison with two pizzas that had traveled three hours and demand them be heated up.

And not many people could entice the staff to oblige.

During their four-hour visit, Xavien devoured an entire pizza. He had fasted for 18 hours to fully relish each bite. His mother sat by him, content with only two slices, her eyes alight with joy as she watched him eat.

Visits were bittersweet. Returning to his cell meant a thorough search for Xavien, and his mother underwent the same upon entry. Their goodbyes were tearful, filled with dreams of a future reunion, yet they cherished the moments of togetherness.

They spoke every other day on the phone; more frequent calls were a luxury beyond their means. Conversation topics thinned by the end of their four-hour visits, but the joy of being together in person was enough.

His mother was a devout believer in miracles, but Xavien was unable to match her conviction. If miracles were real, why was he here? But his Mom had unwavering faith in God's plan, preaching patience, resilience, and faith. "Don't count the days, count the months," she would say, marking each month as a step closer to his return home.

Whenever Xavien felt down, she reminded him of his responsibility for his actions, careful to enforce accountability without beating her son while he was down.

The parole board had rejected Xavien's release, postponing another chance at freedom for three more years. His mother was heartbroken but maintained her faith, hopeful for a reassessment, as some inmates were being released due to COVID. She clung to myriad possibilities, all anchored by a singular belief: God would find a way.

The correctional officer waltzed into the room with a smile on his face seemingly elated with the chance to separate families. He announced that only ten minutes remained of visiting time.

Xavien’s mom closed this visit the way she always did. With prayer.

He didn’t partake, but he allowed her to. She begged God, pleading to let her son come home before three years were up. She asked God to allow him a second chance at life. She had faith.

And as she finished her prayer, trying her best to hide it from her son, a tear ran down her face.

With the same slyness, a tear ran down Xavien’s too.

She hugged him as time expired and reminded him of one thing.

God will bring us together soon.

It was the last time he ever saw her.

The last words that his Mother had ever said to him ran through his mind, echoing from each chamber of his brain and glaring in his ears.

God will bring us together soon.

Except, God did not. A few months later, she hadn’t answered his calls. Then, she missed her first Saturday visit in five years. Before he knew it, he was being called to the Captain’s office. His mom was dead. He cried then, and he cried now. He missed her more than he could explain.

Why am I here?

To try to reignite the faith inside him that had burned inside his mother.

And what good did it do for her?

Silently, Xavien raised himself from the chair in which he rested and pushed open the door. Father Buckman watched curiously, electing not to speak. Quickly, Xavien moved towards the door. The paranoia he often felt was gone. Instead, he was enraged.

Xavien Marshall failed Xavien Marshall

But God failed his Mother.

Xavien punched the door as he exited it. The light of the day felt amplified now, nearly blinding him despite the cloudy sky. He was furious. He turned to his left and moved towards his brother’s car. Yanking the door open, he threw himself inside and punched the steering wheel now. Over and over. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he refused to release them. His emotions were on a roller coaster, and he was in the midst of the biggest loop yet.

Throwing the keys into the ignition, he turned so hard that it nearly broke. He pressed the brake pedal down and slapped the engine into reverse. With no regard for the cars around him, he shot backwards, then he hit the brakes and floored the gas, tearing onto Euclid Avenue with a screech of the tires.

Father Buckman stood in the door frame of the Church, observing as the Camry tore through a right turn and zipped down the street. He blew it, he thought, Xavien would never come back. But he couldn’t decide what he had said that had lit the fuse. So, Father Buckman did what he believed, in his heart, that he should do.

Pressing the front door of the Cathedral back together, he walked towards the altar purposefully. He dropped to his knees, and quietly began to pray.

All he could do now is pray for Xavien Marshall.


Chapter 6
The GPS on his iPhone was set to no particular destination and the Camry cruised to wherever Xavien would take it. His eyes were deceived by his mind, everything in front of him carried a tint of red. Xavien’s paranoia had been overtaken by his anger. He spun the tires on to Shaw Avenue, not bothering to look for police cars, and hurried down the quiet street. Then, he tore back to his left on St. Clair Avenue.

His mind had picked a location. This one was consistent with where his mind had wandered all day. His speed never decreased for 3 miles, then he saw the sign for East 72nd Street. This road was familiar. Xavien whipped the car around the turn, sliding without giving a passing thought to the possibility of driving right through the Angela’s Diner front door. He lined the car out and accelerated forward, flying under the Detroit Shoreway overpass until he saw a sign.


The Cleveland Metroparks Lakefront Reservation was one of the frequent spots for residents of the city to absorb its natural beauty. Out of respect for the families around, he slowed the car as he entered. He turned slowly into a parking spot and leapt from the car.

Walking towards the water, Xavien’s mind slowed as his movement did. He ambled slowly, taking his time to not alarm anyone by sprinting. This area was a place that his mom traveled to often. It was her getaway. It was her escape from the harsh realities of a single mother.

Now, Xavien desired to feel close to her. The Priest had not done so. Father Buckman, instead, made him feel that his Mother was treated unfairly. He crossed the asphalt strip between rocks and stepped onto the pier overlooking Lake Erie.

The sky was clear and the wind was light. It was a warm day for Cleveland winters, one that still required a light jacket but did not send residents outside of the house dressed like Randy in “A Christmas Story.” These winter days were few and far between, and everyone knew to cherish them while they were around.

Clouds lightly whitened patterns into the blue sky as the Lake Erie water danced beneath him. The scene was peaceful. It was the exact type of scene that his mother used to visit this place to see. Her own slice of peace.

Xavien took the scene in, and continued to do the one thing he had done consistently all week.

He thought.

The one prevailing thought that he could not escape seemed to reverberate in his head like thunder.

God failed my Mom.

Zander and Xavien sat intently with fishing poles in their hands. Neither of them enjoyed fishing, but their mother didn’t expect her small children to sit quietly here without something to occupy their minds. The boys laughed as ducks passed behind them, reflecting on the time a few ducks had chased Zander. Xavien taunted him over it often. The sound of her kids having fun, mixed with the quiet sound of the distance from the city was enough to serve as a nirvana for Ms. Marshall.

She had worked 13 hours that day, tirelessly punching holes into thick sheets of metal. Her hands physically ached, her back falling in line behind them. Listening to her kids, she remembered why she did it. Xavien and Zander were all she had, and she promised herself during each of their births that they’d live a better life than she did.

The sun started to move down, seemingly plunging into the Lake, and casting refractions of colors in each and every direction. It was a picture that she needed. It served to remind her that there was always peace and beauty in the world, she just had to seek it. It wouldn’t be hard forever, she thought. God would bless her and her boys.

She moved towards her children and told them to begin gathering their fishing poles, an order they did not object to, and talked to them.

“Times are hard, babies. Sometimes Momma has to come down here and refocus. You’re going to find out as you grow, it’s very hard to keep perspective on your bad days. That’s why I come here sometimes. God shows me a beautiful scene to calm me. I get to listen to my boys have fun together. It brings me right out of the dumps.”

She weaved words that her kids did not yet understand, but they listened intently.

“One day, you two boys are going to be successful. I’m going to give you every chance. You will have food to eat and all the help you need in school. I don’t know what path God will take you on, but if I can help it, you will be successful.”

Maybe she was right.

God failed my Mom.

It drifted once more through the inner workings of his mind. Perspective, he mused. Gazing out over the water, he watched birds soar and observed the clouds' reflections shimmering on the surface.

I failed my mom.

Casting blame to the Higher Power was misguided. It was time for Xavien to take accountability. It was not a responsibility he was thrilled to take, but it was time to direct his anger in the right place. He had let her down. She would never have had to wait for him to get home if he had never left to begin with.

He tried to gather the anger, letting it build in his heart. With no explanation, he reached his hand out towards the sky, and spoke to the air.

“I love you, Mom. I’m so sorry.”

A tear trickled down his cheek, followed by one on the opposite side. He meditated on his Mother’s words once more.

You will be successful.

He wouldn’t fail her twice.


Chapter 7
Father Buckman had developed a sense for hearing a car arrive at the old Church. He could not explain how rubber on pavement outside could be heard inside a building of this magnitude, but he considered that it may be a gift. He drifted towards the window, finding a square of the stained glass to peek out of, and was surprised to see the same Toyota Camry who had left not long ago.

A moment later, Xavien Marshall once again entered the church. He pressed the door open softly and walked calmly down the aisle.

Thank you, Father. Buckman thought as he saw Xavien arrive once again so soon.

Now, however, Xavien was dressed in a black suit - pitch black from his jacket to his shoes. Under the coat, a white dress top appeared to be tailored to Xavien’s exact dimensions. Peacefully, he moved towards the altar.

Father Buckman followed him, careful to not misgauge Xavien’s intentions. He had been a hot head since he was a child, and he had left with his temperament on full display.

“I apologize for how I left. I’m ready to talk a little more.”

“Do you wish to return to the confession booth?”

Xavien glanced around. No one was present but himself and the Priest.

“Nah, we’re good right here. I’d like to say my Hail Mary’s.”

The Priest looked at him, still unsure of Xavien’s mental state. He opted to play it safe.

“Three should do, Xavien.”

Once more, Xavien crossed himself. Then, he glanced up, not at the roof of the church, but to the Heavens far past it.

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen."

John Buckman nodded, a grin on his face not daring to transform into a full smile.

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen."

Xavien nodded back, now, and displayed his own smirk.

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of his death. Amen."

Following his final Amen, Xavien moved right back towards the door. Father Buckman noted the change in words and elected to elicit more information.

“Uh, Xavien, where are you headed now?”

Xavien stopped in his tracks. He turned back towards Father Buckman and glimpsed down to his suit, inviting The Priest to observe it as well.

“A funeral, Father.”

The Priest was curious.

“I’m sorry to hear that, Xavien. Do you mind if I ask who has passed away?”

Xavien allowed his smile to grow from ear-to-ear, displaying his imperfect teeth widely for anyone to see.

“No one, yet, Father, but I got a promise to keep to my mom. I do need one more favor.”

The Priest leaned his head forward, welcoming Xavien’s request.

“Let God know that when Bryan Baxter gets there, I’m the one who sent him. I’ll see you in a week.”
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The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the quiet suburban neighborhood. Bryan Baxter sat nervously in his living room as he stared at his tablet. On the screen of his tablet was a split screen of different views from the interior and exterior of his home. The output from the multiple security cameras he has had installed around the perimeter.

He glanced at the clock.

And then back to the screen.

He took a deep breath as he caught a glimpse of Kristy's Toyota Corolla turning into his street. A sense of relief washed over him; they were finally here.

The doorbell rang, prompting Bryan to pocket the tablet and take another deep breath. He sat up, taking a moment to adjust his clothes. Not one to usually care about his appearance or give a damn about people's thoughts of him, something about the presence of these two always had him more aware. Or at least more wanting to impress.

As he opened the door, he was greeted by Kristy, looking elegant in a tastefully chosen dress that accentuated her features. Audrey stood beside her, a vision of innocence with her charming smile and a gold necklace featuring a captivating red charm.

"Hey, hey there..." Bryan awkwardly greeted the pair. "Come on in."

"Bryan!" Audrey jumped for joy, "I can't believe we're actually having a sleepover! This is sooooo cool!"

"Yeah," Kristy said with some trepidation. She was still unsure about renewing a relationship with her ex, even if it was platonic. But they both had come to the agreement that it was what was best for Audrey. But she still wasn't quite comfortable letting a man with the past of Bryan Baxter alone with her for too long. So she agreed they'd both spend the evening with him. "Gotta say though Bax, this is all very surprising."

Bryan shut the door behind them as they entered his home. "Huh?" He locked the door and then briefly glanced up to one of the security cameras positioned at the door. "What do you mean?"

"I just figured you'd be workin' ya know. You've barely been around lately with all the hours you're puttin' in at the office. Audrey's missed ya, you know."

"Oh yeah, just Audrey?" Bryan lightly joked as he walked them into the living room.

"I said what I said."

"Right," Baxter's smile fading at how quickly he was shot down there. "Well, I'm just tryin' to make an effort, y'know. I see she got my gift." Bryan referenced the gold necklace around the young girl's neck as she frolicked around the room, a bundle of energy to say the least.

"Yes! Thank you! Thank you! It's sooooo amazing!"

Kristy raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, that's quite the gift, Bryan. How did you even afford something like that?"

Bryan shifted on his feet, a subtle unease in his demeanor. "Well, uh, it's like you said. I've been puttin' in a lot of hours at work."

A thoughtful silence lingered before Kristy reluctantly admitted, "Well, I suppose I'm proud of you, after all. You've come a long way since we first met. I honestly thought you'd end up in jail or worse after we split up."

Bryan took a seat at the dining room table. "Heh... yeah... I know. Me too honestly. I made my fair share of mistakes and yeah, I ain’t perfect now either, but I swear to ya, I’m doin’ whatever I can do to make sure I can give her a good life. And hey, maybe you too.”

Kristy rolled her eyes. “I told you I don’t want no handouts, Bax. Let’s just try to enjoy the evenin’. How’s that for a start?”

“Alright, alright. I’m gonna order some pizza and we can watch a movie or somethin’.”

“Pizza? Really?”

“Hey, you know I’ve never been much of a cook.”

Kristy chuckled lightly. “Yeah, you’re right about that. It’s fine. Audrey will definitely be happy with that.”

The evening unfolded with laughter, the scent of pizza filling the air as they settled in the living room. Audrey picked out the movie they'd be watching, "The Incredibles," which brought a smile to her face as she sat, eyes glued to the television.

Despite the apparent warmth of the moment, Bryan couldn't shake a lingering nervousness. Periodically, he checked his security cameras on his tablet, eyes darting between the screens as if expecting something unseen. Each time he glanced at the device, a hint of tension tightened his shoulders.

As the night came to a close, Bryan graciously offered up his master bedroom for Kristy and Audrey while he retired to the couch.

Once the house was hushed in darkness, Bryan sat back on the couch. But he wasn’t going to sleep.

Instead, he sat up, lighting up a cigarette as he watched his tablet. The security cameras flickered on the screen, casting an eerie blue glow on his face.

Someone was coming.

He knew it was only a matter of time.

He just had hoped it wouldn't be tonight of all nights.

"I dunno, this a bad idea bruv," Kenny glanced out the window nervously as Marshall drove their unmarked black van through a suburban neighborhood, the low hum of the engine filling the air as they approached their destination. The flickering of the streetlights as they drove by showed the concern on Kenny's face but for Marshall it was nothing but determination in his eyes.

"Man said this was a bad idea, he did. I don't wanna disappear, bruv."

"Don't be a pussy, Kenny," Marshall scoffed, his harsh voice cutting through the tension. "You saw what I did to Chris, didn't you? Fucked him up real good. Who's side you wanna be on, huh?"

Kenny didn't respond, insead simply nodded and shifted uncomfortably in his seat; Marshall's dismissive tone silenced any further objections.

"That's what I fuckin' thought. Here it is... this is the place." Marshall pulled the van over to the side of the curb, bringing the grumbling engine to a halt as he parked just outside the house that belonged to Bryan Baxter.

"C'mon, let's do this."

Kenny nodded as he unbuckled and opened the door to the van.

Exiting the van, Marshall exuded a menacing aura, while Kenny seemed more reluctant, glancing around nervously. Marshall, with an air of arrogance, tucked a handgun into his waistband, catching Kenny's uneasy gaze.

"Yooooo, brruuvv - you thinkin' we really gonna need that thing?" Kenny asked, eyeing the weapon.

Marshall shot him a withering look. "Stop fuckin' around. Just shut up and follow my lead, okay? This is a piece of cake. No one's even home... we get in, we get what we came for and we get the fuck outta there."

The two shadowy figures approached the side of the house, Marshall leading the way with a confident stride. However as they rounded the corner of the house, Kenny caught a glimpse of the soft glow of one of the security cameras attached to the side of the home. "Yo, M..." Kenny got the attention of Marshall.

Marshall seemed unphased by the camera. "Really? You think a little fuckin' camera scares me. I ain't no beginner, Kenny. Watch and learn."

At the side of the house, Marshall deftly opened the electrical box, revealing a chaotic jumble of wires. From his pocket he pulls out a pair of wire cutters which he then proceeds to sever the connections. The blinking red light on the camera quickly faded. Marshall grinned maliciously. "No power, no cameras. Now let's get what we came for."

Bryan's eyes snapped open as the sudden darkness in the house pulled him from his restless slumber.

He was out of sorts, confused about what had happened. "Shit," he muttered to himself upon the realization that he had dozed off while he was on watch. But he was even more disheveled by the fact that he was now in complete darkness, only the light embers of his extinguished cigarette in the ashtray beside him offered any kind of light.

Panic began to course through him as he grabbed his tablet, pulling up his security system app but now all the screens were shrouded in black. "Fuck.. fuck... fuck..."

This was what he was worried about.

He was no stranger to people seeking him out. People tracking him down. People wanting to come after what he has.

It's all part of what he does, really.

But not tonight. This was the one night he needed a peaceful night with no action.

His mind racing, Bryan leaped up from the couch. He hurriedly made his way to the bedroom where Kristy and Audrey were sleeping peacefully, unaware of the imminent danger.

He shook Kristy awake, urgency in his voice, "Kristy! Kristy! Wake up!"

Kristy groggily opened her eyes, sensing the urgency in Bryan's tone. "Huh, what's going on?"

Audrey stirred beside her, rubbing her eyes. "Huh? Is it morning already?"

"No... look, I don't really have time to explain but I need both of you to come with me."

"Bryan..." Kristy's voice expressed a mix of concern and some anger about what Bryan is hiding. What he may not have been telling her all along.

"I'll explain in a minute... just come with me."

Bryan navigated through the darkness with only some light filtering in through the windows providing any type of illumination as he led them to a seemingly ordinary closet at the end of the hallway. He swung the door open to reveal a reinforced steel door.

"What the Hell is this? A panic room?"

"Uhh... yeah, kinda."

"Why... why do you have a panic room?"

"Just in case."

"Bryan," more concern in her voice as she clutched Audrey close to her. "What is going on?"

Bryan pulled the door open. "Someone's here... I don't know who they are but they're not here for you, they're here for me. So go in here, shut the door behind you and press the red button. That'll secure the door and the only way it can be opened is from the inside. There's some snacks in there and a place for ya'll to rest."

Bryan helped Audrey through the door and cut on a series of battery powered lanterns that lined the walls. Kristy stepped in as well. "What about you?"

"I'm going to go get rid of whoever it is."

"But..." Kristy tried to object.

"I got this. Just stay here and only open the door when you hear my voice, got it?"

Kristy, now full alert, nodded solemnly. "Okay... got it."

Audrey, her eyes wide with fear, clutched the gold necklace Bryan had gifted her earlier. "Bryan... be careful."

Bryan managed a reassuring smile, "You think anyone can mess with me, kiddo? They don't know what they've got themselves into."

As Kristy and Audrey disappeared into the panic room, Bryan closed the heavy steel door behind them, securing it with a resounding click. He took a deep breath, the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders as he turned to face the encroaching threat. In the darkness of the house, Bryan moved stealthily, his senses heightened, ready to confront whoever dared to trespass into his home... with his... family.

Bryan's eyes narrowed as he slowly made his way back down the stairs and crouched down in the hallway, watching the side door as he could hear the sounds of the intruders prying at it. His pulse quickened as the anticipation and dread boiled together in the pit of his stomach. He reached into the hallway closet to pull out a baseball bat that he gripped tightly in his hands.

The door popped open allowing some of the lights from the streets outside to shine in, revealing two masked men as they entered, each with a flashlight in their hands. Bryan immediately stepped forward from the shadows, pointing the bat at the intruders.

"You two fuckers picked the wrong house."

Both of their eyes widened in surprise with the appearance of the homeowner. Kenny nudged Marshall, "Oi, bruv, I thought man wasn't gonna be home!"

Marshall shrugged his shoulders. "No biggie." Marshall stepped forward, not intimidated by Baxter's threatening pose. "Well, if it isn't Bryan Baxter," he sneered, his tone laced with arrogance.

Bryan didn't back down. It also didn't surprise him when the intruder mentioned his name. After all, this wasn't unusual. He had the security system installed for a reason. He had the panic room for a reason. Bryan had made plenty of enemies in his line of work. And he also had something many people wanted.

"Yeah, it’s me. Familiar with my work, are ya? Figures. But if you know me, then you probably know you're not the first to come after me... and you probably know what happened to the ones who did before."

"You ain't never met a mothafucka like me, you fat bastard."

"Nah, you're all the same. You all think you can take what's not yours... but feel free to see what you can do."

"Get 'em, Kenny!" Marshall volunteered his partner to strike first. Kenny was caught by surprise but he moved forward only to get a jab to the ribs from the bat. He then swung around and smacked Marshall across the shoulder with the bat. Bryan took Kenny, pushing him into the wall, bringing the bat across his throat.

"I'm gonna give you both one chance to turn around and get the fuck outta my house... and never come back..."

Bryan increased the pressure with the bat, choking Kenny. "Bruv.... ple...ase..."

While Kenny pleaded, Marshall pulled himself up and regained his composure. With a cold and calculating glare as he retrieved the handgun from his waistband.

A gunshot echoed through the house.

Bryan staggered back, pain radiating from the gunshot wound. His grip on the baseball bat slackened, the bat falling to the floor, rolling away as Bryan fell to his knees, clutching his side.

Marshall approached Bryan, pulling off his mask. "You see this face, mothafucka? You see who I am? Everyone keeps underestimating me! THAT'S THE REAL MISTAKE!" Marshall lifted up his boot, kicking Bryan in the face, knocking him down to the floor, blood rushing from his body until a pool beside him.

"C'mon Kenny, we don't gotta worry about that bastard. Let's find what we came for."

One Month Ago

Bryan Baxter walked down the hallway toward a large open room inside an otherwise abandoned building in the outskirts of town. He didn't really know what he had been summoned for, but given that it was from Jonathan Russnow, he wasn't about to turn it down. Russnow was a powerful politician who had paid Bryan handsomely in the past for some of the jobs he completed for him. Taking care of some business that Russnow himself wasn't willing to do.

But Bryan was never one afraid to get his hands dirty.

Especially if there was a nice payday involved. He had a daughter now that he was trying to provide for, after all.

Bryan was not pleased when he walked into the back room to find that he wasn't alone. Inside the room was an eclectic group of individuals.. many of which Bryan was quite aware of. Some were newer faces, but each were people also involved in some of the dark underbelly of the city.

Among the group included the snazzily dressed Peacock. By day Peacock was well known about town for his dance studio and his disco dancing championships, but by night he was in charge of one of the biggest crime syndicates in the city. Another chair was occupied by the petty thief, Parr. There was the calm and confident conwoman, Michelle, smoking a cigarette in the corner, not interested in any interaction with the rest of the group. Not that Bryan blamed her as he took a seat far away as well.

A couple of mysterious masked men joined the fray. While Bryan had seen some of Hao's work in the past, he was less familiar with the skull masked Hal. The flamboyantly dressed X was known to work the redlight district.

And then there was another newer face, Marshall. Recently released on parole, Marshall was looking to quickly make a name for himself.

The atmosphere crackled with mutual animosity as the group questioned why they were here and what they had in common. Despite their disdain for one another, they were all top-tier criminals, conmen, swindlers, and thieves in their own right.

"Well isn't this quite the reunion? Right Michelle?" Peacock grinned and waved to Michelle in the corner. Michelle simply responded with the middle finger.

"Fellas... and lady... can't we all just get along..." X grinned, "how about we all head to my place after whatever this is?"

No one seemed particularly interested in the offer, however.

"Baxter, nice to see ya," Parr said with zero sincerity. "Surprised you'd even show your face... especially knowin' you got something I want."

Bryan leaned back in his chair, unphased. "Get in line, Parr. Back of the line though."

Before things could get much more heated amongst the group, the door creaked open as Jonathan Russnow walked in, adjusting his business suit. He whispered something to his assistant that was with him, but the assistant quickly left, shutting the door behind him.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice!" Russnow welcomed the group. "I see some of you know each other already. Wonderful!"

"We're not here to make friends, are we?" Marshall muttered under his breath, earning an amused smirk from Peacock.

Russnow, with a casual demeanor, acknowledged the skepticism. "I know you all have your issues with one another. But each of you have brought something to the table for me in the past. You each have unique sets of skills that I find quite desirable."

"Desirable you say?" X smirked.

"Not right now, X,'' Russnow chuckled coyly. "But as I was saying... I've brought you all here because I once again need your assistance. I'm sure you are all aware of my growing collection of gems and jewels for my... 'charitable donations' - well, I've found what I want next for my collection. It's called the F1 Diamond and it's a cut of diamond like anyone has ever seen before. And I believe you in this room will be able to retrieve it for me."

"I'm not working with these people," Michelle was not one to be afraid to voice her opinion.

"Yeah, Jonny boy," Baxter added, "this ain't Ocean's 11."

Russnow chuckled, offering a straightforward solution. "Of course not. This is a one-shot deal. Only one of you can get it to me... I just didn't want to give this presentation eight different times. I'm a busy man, after all. And I have an election to buy.. I mean... worry about. So, whoever brings me the F1 gets a cool ten million dollars. Simple, right?"

This revelation certainly seemed to get the attention of the room. "I thought that might change your mind on things. So let's keep it short and sweet... get the F1... bring it to me... get the reward. Here's my card. I look forward to seeing... well, one of you."

As Russnow left his contact information, some members began to depart, not sticking around longer than they had to with this group. Bryan was among those who were quick to depart, though followed closely by the masked Hal, who seemed to have his eyes locked on the bigger man as they left.

Soon, Russnow was gone as well and the last to leave included Marshall and Peacock. Marshall stood up confidently. "The F1, huh? Yeah... yeah... I'll get the F1 alright. But fuck him if he thinks I'm just gonna hand it over. Ten million dollars? Nah, I'll keep it for myself. That shit gotta be worth at least double that, am I right?"

Peacock, leaning back in his chair, just laughed. "You got a lot to learn, newcomer."

"Fuck you say?" Marshall retorted, staring down at Peacock.

"Easy big fella! You're an intense dude, you know that? I'm just sayin'... the F1 is nice and all... but there's more than one prize to be had... and there's something else I got my eyes on that someone in this room has. Something I've been eyein' for a while."

"Fuck you talkin' bout? What is it?"

"You think I'm tellin' you? Like I said, you got a lot to learn about this business, newcomer," Peacock jeered, leaving Marshall fuming. Peacock walked out, leaving Marshall angry as he slammed his fists down on the table in front of him.

“Don’t you walk away from me, bitch!”

"C'mon, where the fuck is it!" Marshall took a knife to Bryan's leather couch, digging into the insides of the couch.

Chaos was reigning inside the home of Bryan Baxter, who lay motionless after taking a gunshot from Marshall. Marshall and Kenny were on a destructive rampage across the lower story of the house.

"Uhh, bruv, I'm thinkin' you better come see this," Kenny said from the dining room.

"What is it?" Marshall asked, annoyed.

"Does man live alone here?" Kenny inquired.

"The fuck? How should I know? I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to live with that fat piece of shit though."

"Well uhhh... bruv... looka what I found," Kenny walked toward Marshall holding a child's school backpack and a woman's purse.

"Who the fuck cares?" Marshall was indifferent toward the revelation that there may be more people in the house. "I don't matter. If I see 'em, I'll shoot their asses too. Ain't nothin' stoppin' me, got it?"

Meanwhile, inside the panic room, the sound of the gunshot had Kristy very concerned about Bryan's wellbeing. Her hate raced as she worried about what happened. Did Bryan own a gun? Maybe. She could see that. Plus there was obviously a lot she didn't know about him after all knowing someone had come looking for him tonight.

"What's going on out there, Mommy?" Audrey worried as the sound of glass shattering and furniture being tossed could be heard through the walls.

Kristy, attempting to mask her own apprehension, offered a strained smile, "It's probably nothing, sweetheart. Just some noise. We're safe in here." Despite Kristy's attempt to reassure Audrey, the panic in her eyes betrayed her own unease. "But... just to be safe, maybe I should go check on Bryan."

"What? No..."

"It's okay... I'm just going to go out and make sure he's okay... and I'll be right back, okay? Remember, you're safe in here. Just hit the red button when I go out and then only open the door back up for my voice or Bryan's voice. Okay? Can you do that for me sweetie?"

Audrey sobbed as she nodded her head. With a quick press of the red button, Kristy unlocked the door and cautiously opened it, slipping into the dark hallway. She cast a fleeting glance back at Audrey, urging her to remain hidden and safe. The door closed silently behind Kristy and she waited as she heard the sound of the door locking behind her.

Slowly she made her way down the dark hallway to the stairs. She gently placed the tip of her toes on the top stop, grabbing the railing as she remained as quiet as humanly possible. As she reached the halfway point of the stairs, she was able to see an obstructed view of what was going on downstairs. She saw the wreckage of what used to be Bryan's living room. She saw shattered glass from the cabinets in the dining room. But more importantly, she saw Bryan lying on the ground with a puddle of blood next to him.

A gasp caught in her throat, but she quickly covered her mouth to stifle any audible sound.

She refused to believe it. Bryan was too strong to be taken down so easily. She may not have known everything about his life since they had split up, she definitely knew that much about him.

"Ey bruv, gonna check the upstairs."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Kristy panicked. With no time to spare, she swiftly ascended the stairs to the top. She could hear the heavy footsteps of the intruder making their way up. Getting closer... and closer...

She couldn't let them get away with what they did to Bryan. And she had to protect her daughter.

It couldn't have just been Bryan they came here for. Otherwise what were they doing there still? They were destroying the house but they weren't taking anything. It's almost as if they were looking... for something specific?

One Month Ago

"Nah, you ain't just walkin' away like that."

Marshall stormed out of the dilapidated building that Russnow had summoned him and the rest of the "criminal masterminds" to, not satisfied with Peacock blowing him off inside. Peacock had teased another prize to be had but seemed interested in keeping that information to himself. But that wasn't okay to Marshall.

"I SAID… don't you walk away from me!"

But Peacock did not obey the order from Marshall, instead picking up the pace to get to his car. Marshall sped up as well, and as Peacock went for his keys, Marshall pushed him from behind, slamming Peacock into the car, his head bouncing off the glass. A crack formed on the window from the force of the blow from Marshall.

Marshall spun Peacock around, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "Don't you fuckin' ignore me! I want answers. What the hell were you talking about in there?"

Blood trickled down from Peacock's forehead. "Fuck off," Peacock responding, spitting in Marshall's face.

Marshall responded by pulling Peacock forward and then slamming him back into the car door again. "Boy I'mma beat your ass right now if you don't talk."

"You think you can just show up and make demands? Get in line, newcomer. You're still wet behind the ears. Let the big boys handle their business and you can get our scraps."

Those words, dripping with condescension, struck a nerve with Marshall. The dim glow of the streetlamp caught the intense look in his eyes as he lunged at Peacock. Marshall delivered a flurry of punches to Peacock's face while his other arm pinned Peacock up against the car. The beating was merciless and unrelenting.

A black van pulled up to the building, being driven by Marshall's associate, Kenny. "Woah, woah, woah, bruv what's goin' on here?"

"Getting answers," Marshall responded nonchalantly as he delivered another punch right to Peacock's nose. His face now bruised, battered, and bloody.

Kenny opened the door, jumping out and running over to the two men. "Gonna kill the man!"

Marshall shrugged and delivered another vicious punch before pulling him away from the car and now slamming him down to the ground. Marshall mounted the defenseless Peacock, pulling out his handgun from the waistband of his pants, placing the barrel up against the side of Peacock's head.

"This is your last chance, bitch. Talk. Tell me what you know or your brains are gonna be all over the ground!"

Peacock coughed, trying to get the words out as he spit up blood. "Bryan... Baxter... he has what you want."

"That fatass? What could he possibly have that I would want?"

"...The... Jewel... of North America.... He... took it... over a year ago..."

Marshall lowered his gun. "The Jewel of North America, eh? I like the sound of that."

"C'mon bruv, we gotta get outta here," Kenny said, jumping back into the van.

Marshall stood up, standing over Peacock. "Aight, not only am I gonna get the F1 but now I got my eyes on Baxter... we gonna get that jewel."

He started to walk away as Peacock began to laugh on the ground while coughing up more blood at the same time. Marshall stopped in his tracks and turned around. "What the fuck is so funny?"

"Go ahead... go after Baxter... just know... anyone who has tried to... get that jewel... from him... never been seen... again."

Marshall scoffed. "Motherfucker ain't met me."

Marshall gave one last stomp to Peacock's face before joining Kenny in the van.

At the top of the stairs, Kristy crouched in the shadowy corridor, her heart pounding like a drum in the silence of the house. The only sound was the rhythmic echo of her own breath, rapid and shallow. Beads of sweat rolled down from her forehead, the anxiety almost unbearable as the footsteps grew closer and closer. Her senses heightened, every creak of the floor beneath her, every distant sound in the house, magnified in the anticipation of Kenny's approaching footsteps.

She glanced down the hallway to the secret closet that contained the door that protected Audrey. Kristy wondered if she had time. If she could dart down the hallway, into the closet, and have Audrey open the door in time to get back in.


She wasn't running. She wasn't going to hide.

She was going to fight back.

Her hands clenched around the edges of the mirror she had snatched from the wall beside her. She could feel the cool surface against her trembling fingers as she anxiously waited for Kenny to finish his long walk up the stairs. To her it felt like ages as each step seemed to move in slow motion while the sounds of his feet echoed louder and louder, matching the pounding of her heart in her chest.

Finally, Kenny got to the top of the stairs. Fueled by adrenaline and fear, Kristy jumped out from the corner of the hallway, swinging the mirror with a swift, calculated motion. The glass shattered as it connected with Kenny's head, the shards shattering and cascading through the air to the floor.

"THE FUCK?!" Kenny shouted out, easily alerting the other intruder but Kristy was focused on Kenny. She launched a relentless assault, jumping onto Kenny's back and digging her fingernails into his eyes. The long, claw-like nails of the mother drew blood from the intruder as he reached back trying to fight to get her off his back. He ran backward, slamming her into the wall to break her death grip.

Kenny backed away from his attacker, trying to regain his composure. But Kristy wasn't done as she too shook off being slammed into the wall. As Kenny staggered down the hallway, she charged at him with a spear that slammed Kenny back first into the hallway closet door, leaving a big hole in the door.

However, the victory was short-lived. In the midst of the struggle, Marshall appeared like a malevolent specter. Kristy, momentarily caught off guard, felt the blunt end of Marshall's gun collide with the back of her head. The world spun and her body crumpled to the floor.

"Bitch!" Marshall said as he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her away from Kenny.

Marshall tossed Kristy into the threshold between the hallway and the master bedroom. "Well, I guess fatass did have a lady friend after all." Marshall stalked over as Kristy reached up and grabbed the back of her head in pain. "Daaaaaaaaamn... not sure how he scored such a nice piece of ass, either."

Kristy crawled backward into the room, but Marshall continued to walk toward her, licking his lips as he reached down and grabbed her by the throat. "I'd hate to hurt a pretty little thing but you, but I need to know where the fuck the jewel is and I bet you know."

"Fuck you!" Kristy responded, not having any idea what her attacker was talking about to begin with.

Marshall smirked, "maybe if you play your cards right. But right now I only care about the jewel." He lifted her up by the throat. "Now... where is it?"

"I..." she struggled against his grip. "...have no idea..."

"Well I... don't... believe you!" Marshall delivered a headbutt to Kristy, sending her falling back to the ground.

"Bruv..." Kenny said from the hallway.

"What now?" Marshall asked again, clearly annoyed with his partner.

"Man gotta see this."

"Be right back sweetheart," Marshall said with a sadistic tone as he left Kristy lying on the floor of the bedroom to walk into the hallway to see what Kenny was talking about now. Kenny led Marshall to the damaged door that now revealed the reinforced steel door of the panic room.

"Man, this gotta be it. Bruv you just know they hidin' the jewel in there," Kenny said with a smirk, proud of his discovery.

Marshall's face lit up and he gave Kenny a pat on the back, causing Kenny to wince due to the injuries he sustained from attacks from both Bryan and Kristy. "Good work, Kenny. Good work."

Marshall examined the door, quickly realizing that there was no easy entrance past the door. He turned back to Kristy. "How do we get in there?"

Kristy, battered and bruised but unbroken, glared at Marshall. "You're not getting in. That door only opens for me or Bryan. And I ain't tellin’ you shit."

Unfazed, Marshall revealed his twisted trump card. "Oh, sweetheart... you've just told me everything I need to know." He had a sadistic grin on his face as he pulled out his phone from his pocket. "I wanted to make sure I had a little souvenir from tonight... a way to remember the night I took out the bastard himself..." Through a couple button presses on the phone, Marshall played Bryan's voice...

"Yeah, it's me."

Marshall had been recording the entire invasion.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Marshall didn't answer, and instead turned away and walked to the door. Kristy began trying to crawl out of the room, but Kenny cut her off, holding her down. "Noo!" she cried out but she couldn't stop Marshall as he knocked on the steel door and played the sound.

"It's me."

Baxter's voice rang out from the phone through the door for Audrey's listening ears on the other side.


The door unlocked.

Marshall quickly grabbed the door and helped slide it open.

As the door slid open, revealing the hidden sanctuary within, Audrey stood there, wide-eyed and terrified. Terror filled her eyes when she saw the face of the intruder and not that of Bryan.

"Audrey!" Kristy cried out, getting her daughter's attention. She rushed past Marshall and ran to her mother's arms for an emotional embrace. Marshall, meanwhile, wasted no time entering the room with little care about the reunion between mother and daughter.

"Come on, come on!" he repeated over and over again as he scoured the room.

However, his hopes were quickly dashed as he discovered only snacks within.

"It had to be fuckin' in there! Why else would have a fuckin' vault in his house??"

While Audrey clung tight to her mother, Kenny looked down, noticing the gold necklace dangling from her neck. "Bruv, this gotta be it!" Kenny exclaimed, ripping the necklace off Audrey and tossing it to Marshall.

"No!" Audrey pleaded, "that was a gift from Bryan."

"A gift, eh?" Marshall said as he caught the necklace and examined it. "Quite the fuckin' gift." He ran his finger across the red gem that the necklace held. He brought it up to his mouth and grinded it against his teeth before looking at Kenny. "Kenny..."

"I know, I know... good job, man."

"You fuckin' idiot!"

"What you mean?!"

"This isn't the jewel! It's just a fuckin' knockoff. A store-bought synthetic gem-stone. You idiot!" Marshall shouted out, seething with irritation.

In a swift and ominous turn, Marshall withdrew his gun, pointing it menacingly at Audrey and Kristy. His voice, cold and unforgiving, sliced through the air. "You have until the count of three to tell me where the real gem is, or I'm gonna kill ya both. Got it?"

Audrey buried her face into her mother's shirt, crying for help.


"Please.. I'm telling you.. I got no idea what you're talking about..."


"Bruv... I dunno 'bout this..."



The gunshot echoed through the room. Audrey shut her eyes and prepared for her fate, rolling on top of Audrey to shield her from the impact.

But it was not Marshall who pulled the trigger.

Instead, the air filled with the metallic tang of gunfire as an injured Bryan Baxter emerged in the hallway. His arm extended, holding a handgun, and the other clutching his side where blood stained his clothes. His face displayed a grim determination as the bullet found its mark, dropping Marshall to the ground.

Bryan, not leaving anything to chance, fired three more shots into Marshall's fallen body, ensuring he wouldn't be getting up anytime soon.

The tension in the room lifted as Kenny, realizing the tides had turned, surrendered, raising his arms in submission. "Bruv, please don't hurt me! Man made me do it..."

Bryan lowered the gun. "Go. Get out. And don't ever think of comin' back."

"No way, no way," Kenny repeated, relieved as he ran past Bryan, down the stairs, out of the house and out of their lives.

Bryan rushed over to Kristy and Audrey, the atmosphere now pereating with a mixture of relief and tension. "You guys okay?"

Audrey was quick to embrace Bryan, her hug causing him to wince as she brushed up against his wound. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Me too," Bryan laughed through the pain as he dropped down, taking a seat next to them.

Bryan glanced over to Kristy, who's face expressed both relief but also frustration. "Yeah... I know..."

"What the fuck was this, Bax? What did they want? What have you done?"

"I didn't want to put you guys in danger... I swear..."

"Then what's going on?"

Bryan sighed, the weight of his own secrets pressing upon him. "Guess I've got some explaining to do."

One Month Ago

Back outside the abandoned warehouse of the Russnow meeting, there were still several cars in the parking lot. Baxter had left much earlier than Peacock and MArshall had, but he wasn’t the only one who got out as soon as possible.

“Leaving in a hurry huh?”

Baxter turned around just as he was getting to his truck. It was Parr.

“What do you want, Parr?”

“I think you know.”

“Yeah, well you can’t have it.”

“You know it belongs to me, right?”

“Not anymore it doesn’t. That’s how these things work right?”

Parr smirked. “Maybe. But you better believe I’m coming for it. That jewel was mine. I got it fair and square but you just couldn’t live with it could you? You took something that didn’t belong to you… and your time is running out.”

“I took you out before…”

“And you didn’t finish the job. Maybe you should work on finishing the job.”

“Yeah, well next time I will. You wanna do it now?”

“Nah, I’ll let you know when. Just sleep with one eye open, Baxter. Because as much as I want that jewel… I’m not the only one. Others will be coming for you. People just as if not more dangerous than me. So watch yourself… because I wanna be the one to take it from you… not one of those guys in there.”

Baxter brushed Parr off. “Thanks for the warning,” his voice sounding sarcastic but truthfully Bryan took Parr’s words to heart. And there was someone watching and listening at that moment.

The masked Hal from the F1 Diamond meeting had followed Baxter. He had heard the rumors.. But he overheard Parr and Baxter. It was true.

Two Week Ago

Bryan Baxter, mindful of the increasing danger surrounding him, took matters into his own hands. The decision to install a state-of-the-art security system in his suburban home had become a necessity. As he sat upon the ladder, screwing in a screw to one of the crimes... he heard a chime.

"Front door open," the robotic voice from the security system rang out.

Descending from the ladder with a stern expression, Bryan found himself face to face with Hal, the masked man from the F1 Diamond meeting. Hal's presence caught Bryan off guard, but the ominous warning about the jewel echoed in his mind.

"Nice set up you got here," Hal said, motioning to the cameras. "Good idea. You just never know when some weirdo might just walk in off the streets."

"What do you want?"

The masked intruder didn't mince words. "I think you know why I'm here. I know you have the jewel."

Bryan certainly wasn't surprised. "Fine, you want it. You'll have to go through me to get it. So let's go."

Hal nodded, prepared for battle. Hal attempted to strike first, but Bryan deftly dodged a lunge from Hal, causing the masked intruder to collide with the kitchen counter. Seizing the opportunity, Bryan swung a frying pan off the wall, aiming for Hal's head. Hal, agile and relentless, ducked just in time.

The fight intensified as Bryan grabbed a kitchen towel, attempting to blind Hal temporarily as he wrapped it around Hal’s face. Hal retaliated by swiping a set of knives from the counter, pulling out a knife and then swinging backwards, tearing into the towel and freeing himself from the grip from Baxter.

As Hal attempted to strike with the knife, Baxter blocked it with a rolling pin before swinging the pin and connecting with Hal's hand - sending the knife flying. With Hal disarmed, Bryan ran with a shoulder tackle that sent Hal colliding into the kitchen island. Bryan took the rolling pin and brought it down onto Hal's throat. He strangled the masked man violently until the masked man ran out of air, slumping over to the floor lifeless.

In the aftermath, Bryan, panting from the adrenaline, moved swiftly to secure the precious jewel. Retrieving the charm necklace intended for Audrey, Bryan moved his hand to the large fake gemstone that the gold necklace held in place.. and gave it a slight twist, revealing a secret compartment. Bryan opened up his kitchen drawer, pulling out the Jewel of North America contained within a protective cloth. He slid the actual jewel into the fake one before closing it shut.

With the jewel securely locked away, Bryan placed the necklace in a gift box labeled "To Audrey."


Kristy left a handprint across Bryan’s face.

The sting of her palm meeting his cheek echoed the turmoil in her heart. She couldn't fathom the risks Bryan had taken, putting their daughter in the line of danger by hiding the gem in her necklace.

"I probably deserved that," Bryan admitted as he rubbed his face.

"PROBABLY? What the Hell were you thinking, Bryan? You put Audrey in danger! She could've been hurt... or worse!"

"I really thought it'd be safe with her..."

"It was a bad idea! And here I was thinking you'd turned things around. But you're still the same Bryan who doesn't think about the consequences before he acts. Still the same Bryan who cuts corners and is clearly into some real bad shit."

"Yeah... but I'm doing it for her this time..."

"That doesn't make it better! You can't play fast and loose with our lives."

Bryan stood up, helping them both up to their feet as he absorbed the impacts of her words. "I'm in too deep to stop now. This jewel is going to change our lives... but it's my burden to carry. You keep your distance for now while I deal with the others coming for me."

Kristy, still fuming with a mixture of anger and concern, reluctantly nodded. The danger Bryan brought to their doorstep was undeniable, and for now, their safety lay in keeping their distance.

He had taken care of threats from Hal and from Marshall... but there was more coming. He knew Parr was waiting for him. He knew Peacock, Michelle, and the rest would love nothing more than to be the ones to finally take him down.

But he wasn't going down.

They would go down at his hands. He would eliminate the treats and return to his family with no more danger to threaten them. But more importantly..

The F1 would be his.
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The Golden One

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Sep 13, 2022
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The date is Sunday, February 4. XYZ and The Menage have been traveling through Mexico City for more than a week, going park to park looking for Wild Jerry. The Magic School Bus – which can no longer fly – has been travailing through the city on its last legs, its final fumes, of which have been spitting out the exhaust pipe every three minutes like black smoke. It’s an automobile’s version of the bubble guts.

Point being, things are not looking up for XYZ and his band of comrades. Things haven’t been looking up for them for quite some time.

There are probably dozens of parks and many more public green spaces that can serve as miniature parks in Mexico City. The Menage has visited damn near every one of them the past 9 or 10 days.

Yet … nothing. No Wild Jerry. Not even someone who knows Wild Jerry.

So, on Sunday, February 4, in a beautiful afternoon through one of the suburbs of Mexico City, the members of The Menage are just about done with this. Frank’s eyes are unfocused as he looks out the window. Sierra is napping in the back seat. Lizzy Golden is gleefully playing with one of PacMan Bert’s backup handheld PacMan games. Christian Howard has even given up, looking out a window on the opposite side of Frank, also with unfocused eyes.

Yet, XYZ is as focused as ever, and he has another park on the list. This one is in the northwest sector of the city, in one of the poorer neighborhoods. And as he pulls into the parking lot, he hears another of those bubble gut farts from the Magic School Bus, only this one was a last hurrah.

The car sputters once, jolts forward – catching the attention of everyone in the bus – and then sputters a second time before jolting forward a second time. Then the engine goes silent, and the wheels come to a stop.

“Is that … it?” Christian Howard asks, a question with an obvious answer.

“The Magic School Bus finally broke down,” Frank says.

XYZ lays against the driver’s seat, slouching down. Finally, it seems, the quest has taken his last ounce of belief and motivation. He is no mechanic, and he cannot fix a flying school bus that not only does not fly but now does not drive.

What can a man with a green cloth tied around his neck possibly do to fix this situation? XYZ is just a man who wants to help the helpless. He’s certainly no mecha…

“There he is.”

Frank’s eagle eye spots a group of about 20 men playing soccer in one section of a large grass field in the park. The grass is poorly cut, with some dead patches, and groups of trees nearby to provide scattered shade. The February sun combines with a gentle, cool breeze. The men playing all have either long pants or a long, athletic shirt on – some have both.

One of them, a man of about 5 feet, 8 inches playing what he believes is “midfield”, attempts to pass the ball to a teammate, only to miskick it off his toe and watch as the black-and-white patterned ball rolls past a single “sandalias” serving as an out-of-bounds marker.

Wild Jerry drops his head and casually jogs back. Then he’s approached by another man, who was on the sidelines, and has subbed himself in for Wild Jerry.

Jerry defeatedly walks to the sideline and as he’s about to sit down, he looks up and sees the eyesore known as the Magic School Bus off in the distance. Then his eyes spot XYZ and The Menage all waving to him.

“I think he’s coming over.”

Sure enough, Wild Jerry walks toward the group. The Menage members are temporarily excited to see their friend, whom they have not seen in a month, since he walked out at the Crossfire Christmas show.

XYZ steps forward, hoping to embrace Wild Jerry first. But before he can say a word, he hears Wild Jerry’s harsh tone.

“Cabrón! CA-BR-ON! Estupido, man. Estupido estupido! Why?! Why?! Why y’all here?! Why ya’ here?”

Wild Jerry reaches the parking lot where everyone is and stops short of XYZ by about 5 feet. He holds out his arm, palm open, a signal for XYZ to not come any closer. The rest of The Menage pick up on the tension, and their excitement fades.

“Why ya’ here, X? Why ya’ bring everyone?”

“I wanted to talk. Wanted to find you. We want you to come back with us.”

“I ain’t wanna be found, amigo. Ain’t wanna be found by y’all … ‘n by you especially.”

“Where’s PacMan, Jerry?”
Frank shouts from afar.

“He doin’ his thing. Don’t worry, yo.”

XYZ puts a hand up, a silent request for Frank to let him run point.

“Wild Jerry, I understand it has been a rough patch, but The Menage is a fami…

“Don’t say that! Don’t you dare fuckin’ say that word! It ain’t no family! It just you babblin’ about stupid shit ‘n everyone followin’. We had a family with Sauce Man. Then he was turned to pixie dust and we ain’t have no purpose. But what is this? This ain’t no purpose, either. We just runnin’ around planet to planet while you try to figure your shit out. We ya’ therapists, X. That’s all we are!”

XYZ turns around and looks at the rest of The Menage, who are whispering amongst themselves. Jerry’s voice carries well outside, and they can clearly hear him.

“Big Al was a recreation of your dog, yeah? Well, we’re just recreations of ya’ damn therapist ‘n shit then. Hell, maybe Sierra is a recreation of ya’ foster mama! Then Lizzy is a recreation of some kid ya’ knew in the home. Maybe all of us are, yeah? That’s why Frank is black ‘n I’m Mexican, right? Minority representation since that’s probably what ya’ saw in those homes!

Man, X, that was about as much a family as you ever had. Ya’ mama sure ain’t ya’ family. She kicked ya’ ass to the curb ‘cause she didn’t want no family with ya’.”

That last line stings, and it causes XYZ to ball up his fist. Anger takes over, and his hand flinches, a momentary movement to swing it at Jerry. But after that moment, XYZ collects himself.

“We ain’t ya’ family, X. We just recreations of whatever ya’ had as a family back when ya’ were a kid. That’s all. That’s why we here. It’s why ya’ have brought us along through the damn galaxy. We just ya’ therapist ‘n ya’ comfort of memories long ago.”

XYZ nods. He’s speechless. How can he reply to this animosity from Wild Jerry? He has nothing to say, no words to defend himself. Is he right? Is X using the rest of The Menage for his own benefit through his quest? Wild Jerry interrupts X’s internal monologue.

“Man, X, ya’ shouldn’t have come here. Ya’ got me all fired up, X. Now I’m rollin’, ‘n I’m comin at ya’ hard.

Disband The Menage, X. It ain’t work, yo. It ain’t work ‘cause you ain’t no leader, X. You leadin’ them into nothin’land. You led me into nothin’land.”

Wild Jerry steps around XYZ and looks into the anxious faces of the rest of The Menage.

“Y’all all gonna stay in nothin’land with this gringo! You better off splittin’, doin’ ya’ own thing. Figurin’ it out.

But if X was really ya’ friend, if y’all was really family to him like he says, he’d split on his own. He’d know he ain’t goin’ nowhere and ain’t bringin’ y’all nowhere. He wouldn’t keep y’all as his therapists.”

Wild Jerry turns back to XYZ and is now a foot from his face, his own fist balled up for a possible physical confrontation.

“You got Gabrielle on Fallout, yeah? Gabrielle?! Hall of Famer? Multiple World Championship wins? Her against … whatever ya’ are now? That’s easy money, yo. Eeeeeeeeeeeasy money.”

“I think you underestim…”

“What?! WHAT?! UNDERESTIMATE?! Ya’ think ya’ gonna beat her?! GA-BRI-FUCKIN-ELLE? She got more wins each year she been wrestlin’ in the FWA than you in ya’ whole-ass career, X. Ya’ haven’t won a match in 2024. Ya’ haven’t won a match in … hell, I can’t even remember. How ya’ think ya’ gonna beat Gabrielle fuckin’ Montgomery?


The only one of them who responded, even with a shake or nod of the head, was Lizzy, who presumes she is the “children-of-the-corn kid.” She shakes her head confidently, that, no, X will not beat Gabrielle.

“Yeah, I thought. If so … if y’all do think he’ll win … then y’all deserve him. Y’all deserve to stay in nothin’land with this stupid-ass gringo.”

“I know you’re upset, Wild Jerry, and it’s okay to be upset.”

“What is this? A passage from a 21st century gentle parenting guide?”

“But you’re underestimating me, and The Menage as a whole. You’re underestimating my estimation of Gabrielle. She’s a survivor. And I don’t mean she has survived for however long it has been since she started wrestling in the WA of Fs. I mean she is a survivor of the darkness. I remember. We all remember. Gabrielle was troubled. She was struggling. She was walking alone in the night with nothing but the stars above leading her to safety and comfort. She had to fight through those treacherous waters within, the demonic horse-whales that come for those who are on the edge. I was one of them. I now try to save them now. There are so many others. They face the gremlins of the east with a cocktail of courage and fear. Do you know how hard that is, Jerry? Have you ever been where Gabrielle has been?

No. You haven’t. What? You think because we lost a few matches in a row that you and all of us have it tough? You think your life is difficult? You fly to space! You have stepped foot on planets in other galaxies! You have spent an entire week skateboarding on the icy rings of Saturn! None of us have it now like Gabrielle had it.

But I … once … did. I was there. I survived. Barely. Gabrielle survived, too. And someone who survived is strong. Gabrielle is strong. More than championship wins or her being in the Famous Hall, or any of her other accolades, she is strong for that.

No, I don’t underestimate her, Wild Jerry. I properly estimate her. I know exactly who she is and what I’ll have to do to beat her.”

A beat as XYZ smirks in his confrontation with his comrade.

“I have to ride the tide of the fiery sand snails through the westward mountain. I have to throw the thunder into the bullet train that’s heading for the town made by ants and lived by bears. I have to RIDE THE POGOSTICK THAT TRAVELS UP THE RAINBOW STEPS TO THE COLUMN OF ICE DRAGONS! There … I can absorb the winter’s wonderbread and step up to the palace of intrigue.

I have to do all of that … to beat Gabrielle. And I can do all of it. If you think I cannot, then you underestimate me, Wild Jerry, in the same way you underestimate my estimation of Gabrielle.”

Usually, there’s a perk in the rest of The Menage’s collective energy after one of XYZ’s speeches. However, this one gets a very subtle groan from Frank. Christian Howard, sensing troubled waters, claps and forces a “I’m with you!” reply. Sierra also applauds, trying to bring the light back to the group. Lizzy Golden applauds, but more so mockingly.

Wild Jerry rolls his eyes in reply as XYZ senses his “charm” did not hit in the way it has in the past. The smirk he had just moments ago has faded.

“I ain’t gonna get sold no magic beans no more by you, X. I ain’t gonna let you trip me on ya’ damn bag of marbles with ya’ little speeches ‘n shit that don’t mean nothin’. Just a bunch’a nothin’land shit.

Ya’ leave me out of it, aite? I don’t wanna see ya’ or ya’ broken-ass flyin’ bus anywhere in my sights, or I’ma have to actually make it where ya’ peace out of this shit, aite? I ain’t ya’ enemy right now, but I will be if ya’ don’t listen to me.

And listenin’ to me also means … that ya’ will realize ya’ ain’t who ya’ say ya’ is, and ya’ let my friends go. Ya’ set them free from whatever trick charms ya’ have on ‘em all. I hope ya’ listen to me. I ain’t messin’. Now go.

Be real with it, X. And leave me ‘n all them be. Ya’ got until Fallout. I’ll be watchin’ to see what ya’ do.”

Wild Jerry turns his back to XYZ and walks to the group playing soccer, his new passion project as he searches for meaning in his crazy world he’s been implanted into. XYZ watches – somewhat proudly – as Wild Jerry jumps into the fray of 8v8 action and immediately gets nutmegged by a much more skilled player, who seemingly has the ball tied to his feet by a string. Wild Jerry sees X and processes that his former “amigo” witnessed this failure, which irritates Wild Jerry further.

He shouts something in Spanish towards XYZ, who can only interpret the harsh tone of Jerry’s voice. Maybe a “perra” was in the rant, but it’s tough to make it out from the parking lot, an easy 40 yards from the game.

X turns back to the rest of The Menage, who look like a punk rock album cover, all disheveled and depressed as they lean against the broken-down school bus.

“I don’t know if you all heard that, but if you did …”

“We did,”
Christian says.

“Wild Jerry talks loudly,” Frank continues.

“He’s the loudest-talking person I’ve ever met,” Sierra offers.

“He even talks loudly in his sleep!” Frank exclaims.

“Well, he said some … harsh things. It’s okay. He’s going through a life crisis, and I want him to have the space he needs to … explore his happiness.

But I don’t agree with what he said about The Menage or where we’re headed.”

XYZ looks at Frank, Sierra, Lizzy, and Christian, all looking unmoved by X’s monologue thus far. There is no perk in their posture. No motivation in their vibe. XYZ feels it’s an uphill climb from here.

“I still believe in us. I still believe in what we’re doing. I still believe there are people out there – people like us – who need us. There are people who are struggling, who are fighting the night sky, the dark shadows, the roads with no street lights. They’re fighting to find shelter. They’re fighting to find their way home – their way to a new home.

These people need us, and in a way, we need them.

But I don’t want you all – my friends – to be stuck with me when you could be doing something else, something better.

I have a few days to think before Fallout. So … I will. Christian … take the bus and everyone back to the Island of Tsushima in Japan.”

Amid an attempt at a passionate speech that felt to the four-person audience like more of the same, that last line gets their attention. Frank’s eyes widen. Sierra stands up straight and looks at Frank, the most senior member of the group and possibly the one who should respond. Christian Howard also stands upright and looks to both Sierra and Frank, who both have seniority over him and also more strength in their words.

“I’m gonna walk.”

Frank immediately steps forward with a “wait, wait, wait.” Sierra also tries to chime in and voice her opinion against XYZ’s plan. Lizzy Golden watches on in silence, turning to her left and seeing Christian Howard’s hand shaking for some reason.

“But … the bus can’t make it to the Island of Tsushima … because it’s an island … and the bus doesn’t fly anymore,” Frank interjects.

“Plus, how are you going to walk there?” Sierra asks.

“I’ll figure something out.”

“You can’t miss another show,”
says Sierra, who offers a genuinely worried expression on her face. “Like … we’re serious, X. You can’t. Fallout is less than a week away. This is Gabrielle. People would love to have an opportunity to wrestle her. You’re on thin ice as is. You no-showed a match with the FWA Television Champion. Like, literally didn’t even show up. Do you know how big of a deal that is? People who no-show matches get fired. They get released. Snap of a finger.

Kleio de Santos is calling for your head on a spike, X! She wants it done. She wants you done. And I don’t want to scare you, but people have been fired for much less in the FWA than what you did last Fallout. I’m just saying … if you do this again ....”

“And if you walk, you won’t make it in time,” Frank pleads, unsure if X is serious about his plan to walk.

XYZ starts walking away, lost in thought, although he heard Sierra’s spiel and processed the significance of the upcoming match. Christian remains speechless, nervous about what’s going to happen to not only XYZ but also him.

“I guess we’ll see you at Fallout?” Sierra says with an inquisitive tone.

“Yo, how are we gonna get to Japan from Mexico City?”

“I guess we gotta buy a plane ticket. I wonder how much this damn bus could sell for.”

Frank kicks the metal exterior, and one of the hubcaps falls off of a front wheel.

“The dream never dies, eh?” Lizzy says, mockingly, her first comment of the day.

Within seconds, everyone in the group’s cell phones make a buzzing vibration sound at the same time or a second or two apart. One phone – Christian’s – chimes along with a buzz, and he takes the lead at unnecessarily announcing what everyone is capable of reading on their own.

“Text message from X. ‘The dream never dies.’”

“Maybe he heard you,”
Frank says to Lizzy, who sports a sheepish and suspicious expression. She looks to her left and right in quick succession, then up to the sky, as if she’s trying to spot something … or someone.

“These walls are thin then,” Lizzy says.

“We ain’t inside, yo.”

“Or … are we…?”
Lizzy says with a Twilight Zone-type mysterious tone in her voice.

“You are definitely your father’s daughter,” Sierra replies, smiling and pulling Liz in for a sideways hug.​
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(Click on Workhorse logo for RP)
Episode 2:
It's Just My Mentality.




Episode 2:
It’s Just My Mentality

Episode description: In the upcoming episode of "Workhorse," viewers will get a glimpse into the enigmatic past of Brooklyn Steiner as we're introduced to his mother, a figure shrouded in mystery and significance. Steiner's relationship with his mother is revealed to be a sensitive and complex topic, hinting at the origins of his relentless work ethic and determination.

But that's not all – in a surprise twist, Steiner makes a sudden appearance before embarking on his Japan tour dates with FWA. With tensions running high and speculation mounting, Steiner is poised to address his standing within the organization and confront his upcoming opponent for the highly anticipated FWA Fallout main event match.

As the drama unfolds and secrets come to light, fans won't want to miss a minute of the action-packed episode of "Workhorse."


Workhorse TV Show Theme
Love Is A Long Road
By Tom Petty
Opening shot - A dimly lit wrestling ring, surrounded by cheering fans. The spotlight focuses on Brooklyn Steiner, standing tall and determined.
(Tom Petty's voice echoing)
♫ "You've got to love and hate and change, and tear it down and build it up again..." ♫
Quick cuts - Brooklyn Steiner training in a gym, throwing punches, lifting weights, and working on his wrestling skills. The intensity in his eyes is undeniable.
♫ "It's a long road, and we're all trying to find our way..." ♫
Montage - Brooklyn Steiner in various scenes – from a Hollywood movie set to the vibrant lights of the FWA wrestling arena. The juxtaposition of his acting and wrestling careers is evident.
♫ "You've got to take chances and make mistakes, keep on learning each and every day..." ♫
Transition - Brooklyn Steiner dons his wrestling gear, the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance logo prominently displayed. He steps through the curtain, entering the arena as the crowd roars in the background.
♫ "It's a long road, love, but we're all on our way..." ♫
Cut to a sequence of Brooklyn Steiner in the ring, executing powerful moves and thrilling the crowd. The TV show's logo, "Workhorse," flashes on the screen with the HBO and FWA logos.
♫ "Love is a long road, but it's worth every mile..." ♫
Closing shot - Brooklyn Steiner, triumphant in the ring, raising his arms as the crowd cheers. The screen fades to black with the show's title, "Workhorse.



As the camera pans. with Brooklyn Steiner standing before the weathered facade of a once-thriving restaurant. Sporting a classic Yankee hat, Nike sneakers, and a sturdy Carhart jacket, he casts a solemn figure against the backdrop of the rundown establishment.

The faded sign above reads "The Steiner," a stark reminder of the glory days that have long since passed. Steiner's gaze lingers on the plaques adorning the window, each bearing testament to the restaurant's former accolades, including the prestigious title of "Best Italian Restaurant of 2018."

As Steiner takes in the sight, a wave of nostalgia washes over him. It's clear that this place holds deep significance in his heart, evoking memories of his teenage years. This was his mother's restaurant, a culinary haven where Marie Steiner once reigned as one of New York's finest chefs.

Standing before the shuttered establishment, Steiner grapples with a mix of emotions. It's been years since he last set foot in this place, yet the memories remain vivid, serving as a poignant reminder of his roots and the indelible mark left by his mother's legacy.

Inside the restaurant, Steiner stumbles upon a treasure trove of old family photos, each one a poignant reminder of happier times. Among them are snapshots of him and his mom, as well as moments captured with his dad, serving as a sharp reminder of the once-happy family he had.

Venturing further into the establishment, he steps into the kitchen, only to be greeted by a scene of devastation. Graffiti mars the walls, and trash litters the floor, evidence of senseless vandalism by unruly youths. Yet, despite the chaos surrounding him, Steiner finds himself drawn to a familiar spot—the center of the kitchen.

As he settles into a chair, memories flood his mind, transporting him back to a time when the kitchen buzzed with activity.

- Flashback -

Transported back in time, Steiner finds himself immersed in a vivid flashback. As a young boy, he's huddled in a corner of the bustling kitchen, his small hands clutching a handheld video game. The air is alive with the sizzle of pans and the rhythmic clinking of utensils, while the aroma of savory dishes wafts through the air, creating an intoxicating symphony for the senses.

In the heart of the chaos stands his mother, Marie, a beacon of strength and elegance amidst the flurry of activity. With a flick of her wrist and a radiant smile, she orchestrates the intricate dance of chefs and servers, her every movement a testament to her mastery of the culinary arts.

Despite the frenzy surrounding him, there's a sense of serenity in Steiner's memories—a warmth that emanates from the shared bond of family. In the kitchen's bustling embrace, love and laughter intertwine, weaving a tapestry of cherished moments that Steiner holds dear in his heart.

As he lingers in the reverie of days gone by, Steiner can't help but yearn for the simplicity and joy of his youth, longing to reclaim the innocence and camaraderie that once defined his family's restaurant.

Marie Steiner walks over with a freshly baked pizza, the savory aroma filling the air. She places it on the table and sits down next to her son, Brooklyn. With a warm smile, she begins to slice the pizza into perfect slices

Marie Steiner: Pizza's ready, kiddo. Help yourself.

Brooklyn eagerly grabs a slice, his eyes still glued to his handheld game. She noticing Brooklyn's distraction

Marie Steiner: Hey there, champ. What's going on with that homework of yours?

Brooklyn pauses, guilt evident in his expression as he reluctantly puts down his game.

Young Brooklyn: Uh, I haven't finished it yet, Mom.

Marie Steiner: You know the rules, Brooklyn. Homework first, then fun stuff. You can't let your games distract you from your responsibilities.

Brooklyn nods, a hint of sheepishness in his demeanor as he reaches for his textbook. She places her hand on Brooklyn's shoulder
Marie Steiner: Hey, Brooklyn.?
Young Brooklyn: Yeah, mom.
Marie Steiner: I wanted to talk to you about something important—something that I hope you'll always remember.
Young Brooklyn: What is it?
Marie Steiner: It's about hard work, Brooklyn. You see, in life, there's no substitute for it. No shortcuts, no easy ways out. Hard work is what sets the successful apart from the rest.
Young Brooklyn: But what if someone's just naturally good at something?
Marie Steiner: Being naturally gifted is a blessing, no doubt. But talent alone can only take you so far. It's hard work that turns potential into greatness. Remember, Brooklyn, hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.
Brooklyn absorbs every word his mom shares about the value of hard work, his attention unwavering as he hangs onto her every insight like a sponge soaking up water.
Young Brooklyn: So, I should always work hard, no matter what?
Marie Steiner: Exactly. Whether it's school, sports, or anything else you set your mind to, never settle for mediocrity. Give it your all, every single time. That's the only way to truly succeed in life.
A young Brooklyn observes the fierce determination in his mother's eyes, recognizing her unwavering commitment to excellence. As the proprietor of one of the world's top restaurants, she refuses to entertain the notion of mediocrity. Instead, she imparts upon Brooklyn the invaluable lesson that hard work is the sole path to success.
Young Brooklyn: Got it, Mom. I'll never let anyone outwork me.
Marie gently grasps her son's hand, a proud smile spreading across her face as she witnesses his receptiveness to her message. She sees in him the potential to embrace her ethos of hard work and dedication, regardless of the path he chooses in life. With a loving squeeze, she rises from her seat, returning to the bustling kitchen of her restaurant.
Meanwhile, Brooklyn finishes his slice of pizza, setting aside his handheld device in favor of his unfinished homework. As Marie kisses him on the cheek before departing, a sense of pride fills the air, signaling a shared understanding between mother and son about the importance of diligence and determination.
Marie Steiner: That's my boy. I believe in you.
With a heavy heart, Marie steps away to make a call to her then-husband, Kirkman Scott, hoping he'll come to pick up Brooklyn as planned. However, her call goes unanswered, leaving her feeling disappointed and worried. As the day slowly transitions into night, Brooklyn remains by his mother's side, steadfast and loyal.
Despite the absence of Kirkman, mother and son persevere, working together to close up the restaurant for the night. The dim lights flicker off one by one as they tidy up the last remnants of the day's hustle and bustle. With a shared sigh, they lock up the shop and step out into the night.
As the years pass by, a captivating montage unfolds, revealing the evolving bond between Brooklyn and his mother, Marie, within the walls of their bustling restaurant. The scene opens with a young Brooklyn, clad in an apron, diligently scrubbing the countertops and sweeping the floors alongside his mother.
Amidst the backdrop of sizzling pans and savory aromas, Marie takes Brooklyn under her wing, imparting her culinary wisdom with patience and love. She guides his hands as he learns to wield knives with precision, stir pots with finesse, and master the art of creating culinary delights from scratch.
Through tireless effort and unwavering dedication, the restaurant blossoms into a thriving hub of culinary excellence, attracting patrons from far and wide. With each passing day, Brooklyn's skills in the kitchen grow, mirroring his mother's passion and expertise.
- Flashback -

In the present day, Brooklyn Steiner stands amidst the familiar confines of The Steiner, his childhood haunt and the legacy of his mother's culinary prowess. Surrounded by memories etched into every corner, he gazes around the once-thriving establishment, now cloaked in the shadows of time.
Brooklyn Steiner: (Inner Monologue): My mom, Marie Steiner, was the epitome of hard work. From the days here at The Steiner to even when she was sick, she never wavered in her commitment. Her work ethic was like no other, and it's something she instilled in me from a young age.
With a tender reverence, Steiner places his cherished FWA TV title on a nearby table, a symbolic gesture of respect for the journey that led him here. As he rolls up his sleeves and reaches for a dust cloth, a wave of nostalgia washes over him, mingling with the lingering scent of his mother's signature dishes.
Brooklyn Steiner: (Inner Monologue): Her legacy lives on in me, guiding me through every challenge, every obstacle. And even though my dad's last name, Kirkman Scott, carries a rich history, it's the name Steiner that holds true meaning for me. It's a name I'm proud to carry, a name that represents everything my mom stood for.
With meticulous care, Steiner sets to work, methodically dusting off the neglected surfaces and polishing the tarnished fixtures. Each stroke of the cloth is imbued with a sense of purpose—a silent tribute to the countless hours spent alongside his mother, laboring to breathe life into their shared dream.
Brooklyn Steiner: (Inner Monologue): In the world of wrestling, it's no different. The lessons my mom taught me about hard work, dedication, they're what drive me to succeed. Every match, every moment in that ring, I'm carrying on her legacy, proving that the name Steiner will be synonymous with greatness.
Outside, the once-faded sign of The Steiner hangs proudly, its weathered letters now infused with renewed hope and determination. As Steiner meticulously tends to the restaurant's restoration, the promise of a fresh beginning looms on the horizon, beckoning with the whispers of possibility.
Brooklyn Steiner: (Inner Monologue): And as I step into the ring in Japan, I'll do it with the same unwavering determination that my mom instilled in me. Because in the end, it's not just about winning or losing. It's about honoring her memory, carrying on her legacy, and showing the world what it means to be a Steiner.
In the fading light of day, the scene draws to a close, leaving Steiner bathed in the warm glow of anticipation. With every stroke of the cloth and every whispered promise, The Steiner begins to stir from its slumber, poised to reclaim its rightful place as a beacon of culinary excellence in the heart of the city.



The scene opens up in a small gymnasium in Chicago. It is packed to the brim, every seat filled with enthusiastic fans cheering at the top of their lungs. The electrifying atmosphere crackles with anticipation as the main event of the Independent company WrestleClique Wrestle Pro event
“Wrestledream” reaches its climax.

Chicago, Illinois

In the ring, Johnny Meep, the company's top wrestler, stands triumphant, the company's championship belt held high above his head. The crowd erupts into a frenzy of cheers and applause, celebrating Meep's hard-fought victory.

But just as the celebration reaches its peak, the lights suddenly dim, casting the arena into darkness. A hushed silence falls over the crowd, anticipation hanging in the air like a thick fog.

Then, in a flash of light, the ring is illuminated once more, revealing a figure standing in the center. It's none other than the FWA TV Champion, Brooklyn Steiner.

Dressed in Jordan sneakers, denim jeans, and a denim jacket adorned with the FWA logo, Steiner exudes an aura of confidence and determination. The crowd's excitement reaches fever pitch as they realize what's about to unfold.

Steiner and Meep lock eyes, their faces inches apart as they stand toe to toe in the center of the ring. The energy electric as the crowd watches with bated breath, waiting to see what will

Steiner strides confidently to the center of the ring, his gaze fixed on Johnny Meep, the masked wrestler holding the coveted Wrestle Clique Wrestle Pro championship. With a determined expression, Steiner reaches for a microphone, drawing the attention of the crowd and Meep alike.
Steiner strides confidently to the center of the ring, his gaze fixed on Johnny Meep, the fish masked wrestler holding the coveted Wrestle Clique Wrestle Pro championship. With a determined expression, Steiner extends his hand in congratulations, drawing the attention of the crowd and Meep alike.
Brooklyn Steiner: Congratulations, Meep. That win? It's the stuff of legends. Dedication and perseverance? They're timeless, my friend.
Meep nods appreciatively, acknowledging Steiner's words.
Brooklyn Steiner: Meep, there's a fire in you. I see it. That same spark that drives me, that relentless effort, that undying determination. We're cut from the same cloth, my friend.
Meep's masked face shows a hint of curiosity as he listens intently to Steiner's words.
Brooklyn Steiner So here's the deal. When I come back from my shows in Japan, I want to face you in that ring. One-on-one. Man to man. And if, by that time, I'm still the holder of the FWA TV championship...
Steiner pauses, letting the anticipation build in the air.
Brooklyn Steiner: I'll give you a shot at the title.
The crowd erupts into cheers and applause, energized by Steiner's bold declaration. Meep nods, accepting the challenge, as the stage is set for an epic showdown in the future once he gets back from Japan.
As Meep exits the ring, leaving the spotlight to the unexpected guest, Steiner takes center stage. With a confident stride, he turns to face the crowd, his presence commanding the attention of both the live audience and the viewers tuning in via the internet stream.
Brooklyn Steiner: This is what being a fighting champion looks like, I want the best, I want the competition, that is why I’m coming back because I see the talent here and I want to face it. The hunger that is here, you just don’t see it in FWA.
Steiner, caught in the moment and fueled by the adrenaline of the crowd, seizes the opportunity to shift the spotlight onto FWA business. Though admittedly self-serving, he capitalizes on the live microphone in his grasp, fully aware that his words will reverberate throughout the wrestling world.
Mid-rant and unapologetically bold, Steiner redirects the attention to matters concerning FWA. His actions may be seen as selfish, but in the heat of the moment, he's determined to make his voice heard, regardless of the platform.
Brooklyn Steiner: Too many wrestlers who act like they are better than they actually are. Too many wrestlers refusing to stand aside and let the future, let the new wave come in and set the standards for what wrestling should be, as this here in this company, this is what wrestling should be. HUNGRY! For competition, not over there where half the talent pool look like they came from a canceled MCU disney plus series.
Steiner takes a moment to collect his thoughts, a flicker of disdain crossing his face as he contemplates the direction FWA is headed. Unimpressed and disenchanted with the current state of affairs, he's determined to make his sentiments known.
With a pointed finger and an unwavering gaze, Steiner calls out the juvenile antics he perceives within FWA, contrasting it sharply with the more serious and competitive atmosphere he's encountered elsewhere, like Wrestle Clique Wrestle Pro. In his eyes, there's no room for frivolity when it comes to the business of professional wrestling.
Brooklyn Steiner: I want to fight, I want to punch people, and, you will be sure to know I’m furious over my forfeit victory. Too much nonsense and nowhere enough opportunity to take my fist and lay someone out. So XYZ, just like Deathwalker, I owe you one and I will collect it. You stole an opportunity for me to beat your ass and I won’t forget it. One day, we are going to be in the same ring again and I’m going to drop you, you don’t waste my time. My time is precious and maybe you feel that yours isn’t, but that’s on you.
Frustration etches across Steiner's face as he reflects on his recent victory by forfeit in FWA. The taste of victory is soured by the bitter realization that his hard-earned training was met with an anticlimactic ending.
With a fire in his eyes, Steiner refuses to let this setback go unnoticed. XYZ remains a thorn in his side, a wrestler he's determined to face and defeat, as he feels robbed of the opportunity to prove his mettle in the ring.
Addressing the live crowd, Steiner vents his annoyance, emphasizing that no one should tolerate having their time wasted. His passion and determination are beyond apparent.
Brooklyn Steiner: Now this brings me to my FWA dates in Japan, and, my first ever main event for a FWA show, as I take on Trixie Bordeaux, and I know she will bring it, I know she will show and I have a hard fought match coming up against me. Though I look into her eyes, and I see her coming up short in the 5 way main even and failed to get her shot at the FWA world title, and you know, and I’m just talking, but I see the defeat in her eyes, I see that she isn’t really thinking about our match. The wrestlers in FWA never felt rock bottom before, and you know, Trixie, you may never get a chance for an opportunity for the FWA world title again.
With his upcoming match against Trixie looming on the horizon, Steiner wastes no time diving into the heart of the matter. As he stands in the ring, his thoughts fully on his opponent, he feels the weight of anticipation in the air.
As he addresses Trixie, his attention is drawn to a sign in the crowd "When In Doubt Punch Em’ in the PEE PEE" A smirk tugs at the corner of Steiner's lips, a silent acknowledgment of amusement that he finds in the sign.
Turning his focus back to Trixie, Steiner launches into a passionate tirade, his words dripping with disdain and raw honesty. There's no holding back as he lays bare his thoughts and feelings towards his opponent, unapologetically expressing his opinions with every word
Brooklyn Steiner: You should have had a shot at the world title already, but, now Trixie, how hard will you work? Let go of that witch nonsense, and get your ass on the grind and fight and crawl to where you get a world title shot. Though, while I see what you need to do to get back there, I doubt you have into you Trixie. Do you really want Trixie? Because when it comes to FWA and when it comes to how bad you really want it, I’m the measuring stick in FWA, because I said it once and I’ll say it till my last breath. NO ONE WORKS HARDER THAN ME! Ask KDS, your leader, I mean, she is the leader of the Coven, right? Ask her, she will tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, that Steiner is the real deal. Believe me when we meet in the main event of Fallout in Japan, I will do what I feel like I need to do, and expose you. Expose the fact that you are not ready. You don’t want it. You want to be clever more than you want to be the best and everyone sees that in you Trixie, you reek it, you reek of the stench of mediocrity. You may think it’s okay for you to be average as long as you are having fun. But listen to me, as my words are as true as the fact we need oxygen to survive, there isn’t nothing fun about being average.
The atmosphere at the indie show reaches a fever pitch as Steiner's unfiltered opinions on Trixie electrify the crowd. Raw and unapologetic, Steiner's words strike a chord with many, resonating with those who share his sentiments.
But amidst the sea of cheers and jeers, a chant rises from the crowd: "Trixie is average." It cuts through the air like a knife, momentarily catching Steiner off guard. Despite his initial surprise, he quickly regains his composure, doubling down on his verbal assault against Trixie.
With unwavering conviction, Steiner drives home the point that no one works harder than him. Each word is delivered with the fervor of a true believer, as if he's speaking directly to Trixie herself, urging her to acknowledge the truth of his words.
As the crowd's chant continues to echo through the arena, Steiner remains undeterred, determined to make his message heard loud and clear, both in the ring and beyond.
Brooklyn Steiner: Mediocrity is the enemy of excellence. In a world where greatness beckons, settling for average is a betrayal of your true potential, Trixie. I will love for you to prove me wrong, to prove that you want it just as badly as I do, but I know you don’t because no one does. That is why I ‘m here in a damn indy company ring looking for the next top talent, just to keep me working, to keep me getting better, to keep me ahead of the game, and Trixie, there are many things inside you, but that kind of will to succeed just isn’t. These fans here know that Steiner stands for hard work, that Steiner stands for waking up at 3 am just to train to just come here, lay the challenge to their company champion, leave, go to an airport fly over to Japan, train again, and again and again just to meet you in the ring come Fallout. I reek hard work, you reek nonsense Trixie, you reek excuses, and you reek failure. And that stench will be undeniable come Fallout, where once again, you fail to win when it matters because you fail to prepare and you fail to take it seriously. And you simply, just fail! I mean, you can prove me wrong, right? See you in Japan.
As Brooklyn Steiner's theme music reverberates through the arena, electrifying the crowd, he takes a moment to soak in the atmosphere, his confidence palpable. With the microphone in hand, he delivers a scathing assessment of his upcoming opponent, Trixie Bordeaux, his words dripping with conviction.
Each syllable resonates with the certainty of a man who knows he's the hardest worker in the business. Steiner's gaze pierces through the camera lens, challenging Trixie to defy his expectations.
With a flourish, Steiner drops the microphone, the sound echoing across the arena as he strides confidently out of the ring. The crowd roars with approval as he makes his way up the ramp, reaching out to high-five fans along the way.
At the top of the entrance ramp, Steiner pauses, his eyes fixed on the camera, a silent message directed at Trixie. With a defiant smirk, he lifts the FWA TV title high above his head, a bold declaration of his dominance.
As the curtains close on Wrestledream, Steiner disappears backstage, leaving behind an ignited audience.

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What A Maneuver!
Jun 27, 2019
Reaction score
Badlands Trailer Park

Click the link to view in PDF format^

“Are you sure that you two can handle this?” Her words were meaningless. There was no way that Tommy Bedlam and Chris Crowe were going to turn down an opportunity like the one ahead of them. For years, they had heard about the beasts that roamed loose on Isla Nublar, but there had never been a chance for them to go do something about them.

“I promise, I won’t let anything happen to your boy toy.” Chris’ sarcastic quip went unanswered but was certainly unappreciated.

“We will be fine. Do you realize the beasts we’ve fought before? There’s nothing on Isla Nublar that scares me.” Tommy had never been one to acknowledge fear, and he certainly wasn’t going to start at that moment.

Of course, she was angry. She was always angry when he took off on one of these dangerous trips, but she was also resigned to the fact that there was no stopping him. She was annoyed that he would run off to God knows where to fight God knows who and what with Chris Crowe by his side. Tommy had a family at home, but he continued to risk life and limb in the name of fighting whatever beast was out there. Crowe didn’t have those things tying him down, so she could rationalize his behavior. If she didn’t love Tommy so damn much, she’d tell him to leave and not come back. But they both knew that wasn’t going to happen.

Chris and Tommy bustled around the cramped office, grabbing maps, satellite phones, and everything else they thought they might need for the trip. Randi, resigned to her role as the “supportive fiance” finally stepped to the side and watched.

They threw everything they thought they would need into their satchels and started for the door. At the far end of the lot, they could hear the small Cessna airplane firing up its engines. Rocco was waiting for them. Tommy leaned in and kissed Randi as Chris was in a half-jog

By the time Tommy caught up with his enthusiastic partner, Chris had his eyes firmly set on the horizon and the adventure ahead. Tommy looked over his shoulder and took a long, hard look at Randi who was wiping a tear from her face.

Chris and Tommy had spent years waiting for an opportunity like this one, and nothing could stop them. They hopped onto the small bench seat in the back of the Cessna, dropped their bags at their feet, and strapped in. They put their headsets on and settled in for the 700-mile trip.

“Say, boys. I know where we’re going, but I can’t say that I’ve ever heard of it. What is so important on this little island that you have to fly 700 miles to the middle of nowhere? Wouldn’t you rather I drop you off in Costa Rica or something?”

“I mean, Costa Rica sounds good to me, but nah. I gotta hold off on the women and the partying, at least til this is over.”

“What is waiting down there that has Chris Crowe ready to take a raincheck on partying?”

“Dinosaurs.” Tommy’s gaze never broke from the window.

Rocco turned around with a smirk on his face, hoping that the guys were messing with him again. They both just looked at him blankly.

“Fellas, I don’t know how to tell you this, but dinosaurs have been extinct for damn near 65 million years. I don’t know where you think this plane can take you, but I’ve got about 800 miles to empty. This thing doesn’t go back in time.”

“It doesn’t have to, Rocco. Point this thing toward Isla Nublar. The dinosaurs are there, and they’re taking over.”

Rocco turned around without saying another word and pinched the bridge of his nose. The twin engines rumbled to life, and for a moment, it felt like the plane was going to fall apart. With surgeon-like precision, Rocco slowly pushed the accelerator forward and pulled back a lever that slowly raised the nose into the air. Things quickly smoothed out as the plane reached its peak at 5,000 feet.

No one on the plane spoke much. Rocco thought the duo in the back of his Cessna 172 were either insane or inebriated, and refused to rule out either option. Tommy and Chris were both quietly wondering what they were getting into but were more focused on how much their legend as a team would grow if they were able to stop the dinosaurs and save the world.

About two and a half hours after they had taken off from the States, Rocco guided the Cessna across the shallow waters and onto the shoreline where a makeshift landing strip had been built. With incredible skill, he put the plane exactly where it needed to be, shut off the engines and everyone climbed onto the soft, white sand.

They were immediately met by a disheveled-looking man. He wore a bright red jacket, hiking boots, and baggy khakis. He had a pair of wireframe glasses perched on the end of his nose. His long black hair was mostly pulled back in a ponytail. The hair that wasn’t pulled back was shooting out of seemingly every part of his head.

“Gentlemen! Welcome to Jurassic Park, or as I like to call it, my little slice of paradise. I am Dr. Harry Houlihan. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

As they reached out to shake hands, Tommy and Chris both jumped at a loud screech that came from deep within the tropical forest.

“You’re going to hear a lot of that. You might as well get used to it. That was the harmless screech of one of my herbivores.”

“Your herbivores? So wait, these things are your…pets?”

“‘Pet’ is a pretty strong word. A man can’t have a dinosaur as a pet any more than a man can own an ocean as a swimming pool. However, for all intents and purposes, I am the sole caretaker of these dinosaurs. Well, most of them. That’s why I’ve called you in.”

Rocco was hurriedly refilling the Cessna and doing a preflight check while the conversation unfolded just feet from him.

“You wanna stick around and check this out, Rocco?”

“Chris, there is nothing I would like to do less than spend time on a remote island full of dinosaurs. You boys can call me whenever you’re ready to get the hell out of here and back to a place where those things are extinct, assuming you survive.”

With that, Rocco fired up the plane as Harry, Chris, and Tommy stood back. They watched as he slowly ascended into the sky and out of sight on the horizon. Chris and Tommy looked at one another, neither saying a word, but both fully aware of the fact that they were stuck on this island with a man they barely knew and a bunch of dinosaurs, and they still weren’t fully aware of why they were there.

“Mr. Crowe, Mr. Bedlam, if you’ll just follow me to my office, I can give you more information about why you’re here.”

“Dr. Houlihan, how about we just go with Chris and Tommy? We’re on an island full of dinosaurs. I feel like we can skip the formalities.”

“That’s fine. You’ll call me Harry, then.”

He talked almost as quickly as he walked, and the two younger men were struggling to keep up with him as he zigged and zagged through the rainforest. He was unphased by the screeches and roars that reverberated around the landscape. Conversely, Tommy and Chris found themselves careful to not make too much noise. They were mindful of every leaf that crunched and twig that snapped under their boots.

After more than a mile of hiking, Tommy and Chris were drenched in sweat and hoping that they were getting closer to this office. Somehow, Harry never slowed down. Finally, he began to slow down as they stepped through a pair of tall trees and into a clearing.

“Gentlemen, welcome to my office.”

Chris and Tommy both froze for a moment as they realized that they were walking straight toward a small hut that was surrounded by dinosaurs.

“I’ve got a dog in my front yard. You’ve got a horse running around your place. This motherfucker has dinosaurs just hanging out around his office.”

“Yep. And I assume he’s got us here because he needs help with some of them.”

“How fuckin’ cool is this?!”

With that, Chris and Tommy sped up to catch up with Harry. As they stepped into his disorganized mess of an office, they weren’t sure of where they should sit. He quickly started picking up large stacks of papers and books, looking for ways to clear enough room for his rather large guests to sit down.

“Gentlemen, for years, I have worked here on this island. After discovering some ancient strands of DNA, I found that I was able to actually create my own dinosaurs. For years, this place has served as an attraction for those who love dinosaurs and the Jurassic Period.”

“Harry, I’m not trying to be an asshole here, but I’m doubting that you called for us because everything is going good. How about we get to why we’re here.”

“I was getting to that.”

He talked in such a frantic pace that it was hard to tell if he was just high-strung or in a state of panic. He turned a projector on and directed Chris and Tommy’s attention to a screen hanging on his wall.

“Somewhere along the way, something with wrong with the breeding of the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs that I created were purebred. However, something happened, and there are now two dinosaurs wreaking havoc on the island as a whole.”

“For instance, there was a night several months back when all the lights were out on the island. We’re still looking into what caused the lights-out situation, but when everything came back on, my Cyrusatops and Koncudactyl had both been mortally wounded. I didn’t take any pictures of their bodies, but it was bad.”

“Was that the first attack?”

“I wish. It was just the most recent. Before that, I had a pair of gorgeous female dinosaurs. I’ll save you the scientific name for the breed, but loosely translated, their name meant “Of the Coven.”

“Coven? Like…witches? You have witch dinosaurs?”

“Had, Tommy. I had two dinosaurs who I had reason to believe possessed some sort of supernatural power. One of them hasn’t been seen since. Here’s a photograph of the other.”

Tommy and Chris both recoiled at the sight of the lifeless dinosaur lying in a puddle of its own blood.

“Do you have any idea which dinosaurs are causing all this chaos? I mean, if you know which ones they are, why can’t you just…take care of them?”

“I know exactly which two dinosaurs are to blame. The problem is, they’re not as easy to ‘take care of’ as you seem to think.”

“Shortly before my 18th anniversary here on the island, they took out another pair of my dinosaurs. The Akasaurus and Keikoraptor were some of my favorites. The crowds that came to Isla Nublar would wait in line for hours just to get a glance at them. There were no security cameras in the area where I found them a few mornings before the scheduled anniversary celebration.”

Harry clicked a button on the remote in his hand and another image appeared.

“There’s more, but I think you both get the point. So, do you have questions? I’m sure that you do.”
“Plenty. Which dinosaurs are doing this?”

“If these two have managed to form some kind of team, why can’t all the other dinosaurs on this island team up and kill them before they have a chance to do this again?”

“How in the hell are we supposed to do what an island full of dinosaurs can’t?”

“Chris, your question first. Some of the other dinosaurs have formed alliances. A pair of them, one I call the Marshallatops and another called the Bruvaraptor actually won a fight with the two nefarious dinosaurs. But, they’re still hanging around. I’ve heard stories about your victories from the past, and I think you’re the right men for the job.”

“Tommy, you ask how you’re supposed to do what the dinosaurs can’t. That, in all honesty, I have no answer for. You guys will have to come up with your own plan based on information that you gather while you’re here. Is there anything I’m missing?”

“Yea. I asked which dinosaurs are doing this? I mean, you’ve studied these things for years. Shouldn’t you be able to give us something to go on as to how to kill them or at least get them off the island?”

“You would think that, but no. These two beasts are like nothing I have seen before. But, I do have pictures.”

Harry gave the remote another click and two images came up on the screen side-by-side.

“On the left, you’ll see the Peacockasaurus. Those things coming out of his back look like peacock feathers, but they’re actually scales. He’s mean and he’s dangerous. The other one is equally as dangerous. He is the Alydactyl.”

Tommy and Chris both stood up from their seats and walked closer to the screen to get a better look at the two terrorizing beasts.

“Harry, listen. I loved dinosaurs when I was a kid. But I don’t remember any Peacockasaurses or Alydactyls in any of my coloring books.”

“That’s because they weren’t there. I don’t know exactly what these two are or how they came to be. I’ve run DNA samples on them, but there’s nothing in my database.”

“How did you get their DNA? From the wounds of the other dinosaurs?”

“Some of it, yes. However, I’ve gathered most of their DNA from another…let’s say ‘sample’ that they leave behind.”

Tommy and Chris gave each other a confused look and then looked back to Harry, waiting for his explanation. Another click of the remote in his hand.

Chris and Tommy both started to snicker a bit as they looked at the semi-translucent, white, sticky substance dripping down the trees and onto the forest floor. Harry was clearly not as amused by the response to his photos as the team he had brought in.

“Gentlemen, I’m asking you as kindly as possible to be respectful. This is an incredibly serious situation.”

He clicked the remote again, bringing up yet another picture.

“As you can see here, this white substance coats the trees, the forest floors, and virtually everything else.”

“Professor, sorry, Harry, listen, I’m sorry. But you know that shit looks like somebody backed up a big ol’ truck of….let’s just say it, cum, and sprayed it all over the forest.”

“I am well aware of what it looks like, Chris. And there is some sort of DNA in this stuff, so I suppose it’s possible that we’re dealing with some sort of…reproductive fluid.”

“Cum. You’re telling me that you have two rogue dinosaurs that are spraying truckloads of cum all over the island?”

“That is certainly what it looks like. In the most severe of instances, they’ve sprayed this…substance on some of the dinosaurs that they’ve attacked.”

Tommy and Chris stood up, sure that the slideshow was over.

“We’ll get to work right now, but I gotta be honest with you, Harry, I’m not sure what exactly this might take. I’m not sure we’ve ever teamed up against something like this before.”

“I can assure you that you haven’t. I know that it might take drastic measures to get rid of them, but at this point, everything is in play. I’m losing more dinosaurs every day, and I’m not sure how much longer the island itself will be sustainable. You guys just do what has to be done. If you need anything from me, call me on your sat phone or come back and find me here. I’m usually around.”

Chris and Tommy shook Harry’s hand once more, fully aware of the fact that they may never see him again. They threw their backpacks on, checked their guns once more, and stepped out of the small hut and onto the rainforest floor. Somehow, the presence of other dinosaurs was already becoming more common, and most of the prehistoric creatures didn’t even seem to notice that they were there.

They started walking north, not for any particular reason, but just because it seemed like the direction to go. There was no rhyme or reason as to what the Peacockasaurus and the Alydactyl did, where they struck, or what part of the island got sprayed by their goo.

Tommy unfolded a map that Harry had handed them on their way out of the hut.

“Do you even know how to read that thing?”

“Yes, I know how to read a fuckin’ map, smartass. Thing is, I’m not entirely sure what we’re supposed to be looking for. I guess we just keep walking until we run across these two things that we’re hunting.”

“Did you ever think we’d be here? You know, dinosaur hunting?”

“Not really, no. But hell, the last year or so has put me in a lot of places I never thought I’d be. This can’t be that different.”

The two old friends walked for well over an hour deeper into the forest. The longer they walked, the more confident they became. Yes, they were on an island full of dinosaurs, but they were able to handle anything that came at them. Finally, as night began to fall, they saw a small hut similar to Harry’s office through a clearing.

“Looks like home for the night to me, partner. What do you think?

“I think it’d be a lot nicer if there were some ladies around here, but I’m guessing there’s not any of those. I sure as shit ain’t sleeping out here with the dinosaurs and the mosquitoes. So that’s about what we’ve got.

Tommy and Chris stepped into the small hut that was empty, outside of the dirt and dust that gathered in the corners and the cobwebs that ran along the ceiling. They threw their bags down, each using their light luggage as a pillow, and stretched out on the floor.

“You scared?”

“Fuck no. You?”

“Nah. I mean, I don’t really wanna get hosed down with some sort of dinosaur cum, but I’m not scared. We just gotta figure out how we’re going to kill two damn dinosaurs.”

“Yea, I’m guessing just shooting them won’t work.”

“Nah. If we’re gonna get rid of these two, we’re gonna have to do some shit that we’ve never done before.”

“We’ll figure it out, partner. We always do.”

For hours, nothing else was said. Neither man was comfortable, but they both quietly drifted off to sleep to the soothing sounds of the rainforest around them. The humidity in the air created a soupy-like atmosphere that made it impossible to stay comfortable for too long. The hard floor did neither man any favors.

Suddenly, just before 4 in the morning, Chris and Tommy shot to their feet at the guttural scream that echoed around the forest. In the pitch black of the hut, Tommy and Chris scrambled to their feet, each man reaching clumsily for some sort of light source. By the time Chris pulled a Maglite out of his bag, the noises were getting closer.

Tommy stumbled toward the door, and just as he did so, Chris shined the light upward and tackled him to the floor. A large beak, one clearly not belonging to a bird but to some sort of dinosaur burst through the thatch roof on the tiny hut, stopping only inches from Tommy’s head.


“I’m not sure pal, but I’m guessing it’s that damned Alydactyl.”

The Alydactyl let out a vicious screech that you could hear a mile away. The pissed off dinosaur easily dispatched the hut that Chirs and Tommy were trying their best to hang onto. Now completely exposed, Chris and Tommy had to think fast.

“Uhh, Showman. You got any ideas right now? This isn’t a Japanese ghost looking to flame my sack, there’s no floor to tackle me through…”

“Fuck, we gotta think of something…and QUICK!”

Quick was the right word to use, as the Alydactyl struck its beak right down in between Crowe and Tommy. The impact of the Alydactyl’s beak hitting the ground causes the entire island to shake. Trees fall down, vines tumble to the ground, and it knocks Tommy and Chris onto their asses. Suddenly, as if things couldn’t get any worse…

The Peacockasaurus comes sweeping down from out of nowhere! It is almost as if the two massive dinosaurs are working together on Crowe and Bedlam, and the Deathswitch duo is severely outmatched! The Peacockasaurus circles Chris and Tommy, stomping a massive hole in the ground with each step, while the Alydactyl skies above, patrolling the air. In unison, both dinosaurs let out a massive screech…

And let out the dino-DNA that Chris and Tommy heard stories about!!!

Chris and Tommy are drenched in the dino-DNA as there is a brief lull in the air. The Peacockasaurus and Alydactyl are subdued for the moment, but that doesn’t stop the ground from shaking. While Deathswitch tries their best to unglue themselves from the island floor, a MASSIVE EXPLOSION shakes everything to its core.

Off in the distance, the massive volcano that sits atop of the island EXPLODES! Smoke, dust, magma, the works, all flies out of the volcano.

“Are we the only ones not busting something out right now?”

Tommy asks as he and Crowe share a brief moment of levity, knowing full well that these Dinosaurs are ready for supper. Tommy and Crowe both get up, looking to figure out their next move.

“If we move that rock and prop it up against that fallen tree, we will create a natural bunker.”

The rock in question is a massive boulder, possibly weighing over a thousand pounds. Tommy decides to kick at it to test it’s weight…AND THE ROCK GOES TUMBLING OVER!!

“What the fuck?”

Crowe then decides to see if he can push the massive fallen tree…AND DOES IT WITH EASE!!

“Tommy! I think the dino-DNA gave us SUPER-HUMAN STRENGTH!!”

Crowe and Tommy are in awe of their super-human capabilities, to the point where Tommy jumps in the air and begins to fly.

“The dino-DNA backfired for these two! They’re in for it now!”

Crowe and Tommy give each other high fives as they begin running towards both dinosaurs. Bedlam decides to take the Peacockasaurus while Crowe flies through the air, wrestling with the Alydactyl in the sky!!

Crowe and Bedlam and their super-human strength are no match for the pair of dinosaurs, as Deathswitch easily takes down both colossal creatures. Tommy grabs a hold of the trees and pulls the biggest vine he can possibly find. Crowe kicks the massive 100 foot vine and splits it in half. While Crowe wraps the vine over Alydactyl’s neck, Tommy reverts to his cowboy days and lassos Peacockasaurus to the ground.

With both dinosaurs dispatched, there is only one thing left to do…

“Yeah, that fuckin’ volcano. We forgot about that…”

While the volcano explodes all over the island, lava flowing extremely close to Deathswitch’s ground, Crowe and Tommy can feel the super-human strength depleting from their body.

“I guess this shit doesn’t last too long. We gotta remember to take a jar of this with us when we leave here…”

“IF WE LEAVE HERE! FUCK! TOMMY! They’re starting to escape!”

Both dinosaurs are gnawing their way out of the vine. With one last ditch-effort left in both men, they hoist the mega-ton creatures over their shoulders and toss them as far as they can!

Both the Peacockasaurus and Alydactyl fly through the air, RIGHT INTO THE VOLCANO!!!

As both dinosaurs land inside the volcano, it lets out a whistling noise. The ground shakes to the point that Crowe and Tommy hold onto each other for dear life…and then poof…just like that…the volcano stops erupting. The dinosaurs are long-gone inside the heart of the volcano.

Crowe and Tommy look down at the lava flow which instantly stops a few inches from their feet. The lava instantly cools, and a shiny speck of gold forms…and then more forms…until the entire lava flow is PURE GOLD!! One step away from Deathswitch is the purest gold they have ever laid their eyes on…

“So, is this a sign of something? Like, if we beat FTN…”

“We’re one step away from gold!”

The two fist-bump as they decide to sit on one of the fallen tree’s stumps. The two just escaped death, got bathed in dino-DNA, but more importantly, know exactly what needs to be done…
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Oct 15, 2022
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Alyster Black & Chris Peacock

Part 1. Denial

Losing the World Championship is heartbreaking. It doesn’t matter how long your reign was, it doesn’t matter if you made any successful defences, it doesn’t even matter if you were instantly merced. Being the World Champion means that you climbed to the proverbial mountaintop. The pain of losing that title is the same as having a limb removed.

However, for Alyster Black this pain is not an issue. He’s dealing with grief the best way he knows how. Denial.

Denial that he ever was the FWA World Champion. How could he lose a title he never held? How could he then be afflicted with the pain of losing said belt?

Denial is the cure-all solution to all of life’s problems, and Alyster Black has embraced it head on. How he has done so will become apparent shortly but first we must establish our setting.

It’s a beautiful morning. The sun is shining, the skies are blue, and there isn’t a cloud in sight to rain on one’s parade. But clear skies don’t always mean that things are okay. There may not be any clouds up there, but there is a dark one hanging over Chris Peacock’s head. There it is, day and night, just above. Always looming, always inspiring dread.

The cloud started out small, a manifestation of life’s little stressors. But stress compounds and builds up. And eventually the shoulders bearing them cannot hold the weight anymore.

Losing the World Championship, losing the World Tag Team Championship, and the losing streak he was on, plus the familial issues that had flared in the last year were driving Chris closer and closer to his breaking point. This much was obvious to anyone that knew him. It was painfully obvious to his tag team partner and best friend in the world, Alyster Black.

This black cloud hanging over Chris’ head is why Alyster decided to cheer his friend up with a friendly abduction.

Chris was none the wiser to Alyster’s intentions. When the masked man showed up at his door Chris just assumed it was a friendly visit. How could he possibly predict that he would wind up tied and gagged in the trunk of a rental, being driven out to the middle of nowhere.

Something was off about Alyster though. His appearance was odd, instead of his usual casual wear he was instead sporting a pair of blue jeans, a buttoned up flannel shirt, with a leather vest and a small plastic cowboy hat. His usual faint Australian accent was also notably missing, replaced with a grating and forced Southern American drawl that was torture on the ears.

“Howdy partna’.” Alyster greeted his compatriot with a tip of his hat.

“What is this?” Chris motioned over Alyster, nodding his head as he examined his partner from head to toe.

“What do you mean? It’s me, Alyster Bedlam. Your trusty tag team partner in the Death Wish Initiative.”

“Alyster, I cannot deal with you having a mental breakdown right now. I’ve enough problems as it is.”

“Mental breakdown? This is how I’ve always looked and talked partna’.”

“Come on, Tommy doesn’t even sound like that!”

“Tommy? Tommy who? I don’t know any Tommy. Now get your shoes on, we’re heading out.”

Chris sighed and reached for the bridge of his nose, pinching gently whilst he tried to put his thoughts together in a way that wouldn’t offend his tag team partner. “Listen buddy, I don’t have time for this right now. But if you’d like to come inside and take a load off, maybe get a few drinks in you then that’s cool.”

“We ain’t got time to be drinkin’, at least not here anyway. Come on, we’ve gotta go.”

“And where do you want to take me, Aly?”

“That’s a surprise partna’, now come on.”

“Seriously, I don’t want to go. Not while you’re acting this way.”

“Damn it Chris, I was hoping it wouldn’t have to come to this.” Alyster reached beneath his vest and pulled out a revolver which he pointed right at the heart of his friend. “Now, you can come in hot or cold, it doesn't make a difference to me.”

“Fine, cold it is then.” Chris was unamused, nor did he believe that Alyster Black of all people would fashion a real firearm.

“Is that a fact?”

“A deadly one. Besides, we both know that isn’t a real gun. So will you please stop acting crazy and come inside?”


“Good man.” Chris turned his back to Alyster and took a few steps forwards, “We can talk about this over a few beers and get to the bottom of whatever’s troubling you. Don’t you worry about tha-”

The butt of the gun recoiled from the back of Chris’ skull and the last thing that Disco’s Last Warrior saw before everything went black was his tag team partner pulling a lasso from the back of his belt.

The car bounced over gravel and rock, waking Chris up from his slumber. He had no idea how long he’d been out for, nor how far Alyster had taken him. His head throbbed and his body hurt from the travel conditions.

When the trunk opened Chris was initially relieved to see daylight. But any positive emotion he felt quickly subsided at the sight of his partner.

“Well, here we are partna’.”

Chirs remained silent as Alyster helped him to his feet and began untying him.

“Come on now, you ain’t sore that I got the drop on you are ya? We’re both men, I know you can take it. Besides, it’s gonna be worth it, you’ll see.”

Still Chris remained silent.

“Well. I suppose I can’t blame you for being mad at me, what I did was mighty cowardly.”

The lasso was finally untied and fell in a neat circle around Chris’ feet. He took a moment to inspect himself, touching the back of his head then rubbing his wrists to get circulation back in. All while Alyster stood by waiting for his partner to say something.

That something wasn’t words so much as it was a straight punch to the face that dropped the crazed cowboy to the dirt road below.

“So where are we?” Chris’ tone was bored, he was already over today’s adventure but figured his best chance of getting home was to play along. It didn’t mean he had to be enthusiastic about it.

Alyster sat up, clutching his nose in pain whilst pointing beyond the car with his other hand. “I thought you could use some cheering up, so I’ve taken you to the carnival.”

“What the hell…”

Chris turned around, he wondered how he hadn’t noticed where they were before now. Behind him was a grand carnival, loud, bright and absolutely packed.

“Hold on a minute, this doesn’t make any sense. We were just in New York, and this…” He took in the sights surrounding the carnival. All that surrounded it was dirt and sand, as far as the eye could see. “is the middle of a desert.”

“It’s a special carnival.”

“Special how?”

Alyster shrugged his shoulders, that was a question he couldn’t actually answer, and that was entirely due to ignorance. “Does it matter? We’re just gonna spend the day here and it’s going to help with that black cloud hanging over your head.”

“I already told you I’m fine. Fuck there’s no point talking to you about this, let’s just get this over with.”

Part 2. True Grit

“Ain’t this exciting partna’?” Alyster beamed, twirling with his hands raised as he and Chris walked down the main road through the carnival.

“It sure ain’t.” Chris grumpily replied. He followed his partner, not out of excitement but because he had no real choice in the matter. He was here, at this carnival, trapped.

“Ah, you’re just being a curmudgeon. Cheer up and take a look around ya Chris, this is supposed to be fun.

“I told you, I don’t need cheering up, you psycho.”

“And I said I don’t believe you.” Alyster slapped his partner on the back playfully, chortling brightly as he did so. “Look, I ain’t gonna let you leave until we fix a smile on that mug of yours permanently.”

Chris’s face contorted into an ugly grimace from the hit, Alyster had slapped him particularly hard.

“Whatever, just don’t hit me again. If you hit me, I’ll have to hit you back.”

“That’s the spirit son.”

On they travelled, trudging through the dirt track, along the promenade. Taking in the sights of attractions and games. Until a particular booth caught Alyster’s attention.

“Now we’re talkin’.”

The masked man grinned as he grabbed his partner by the arm and dragged him along. Right up to a booth with a sign depicting a cowboy riding a machete called “Knife Rider”.

“Step right up folks, don’t be shy. Try your luck at the most dangerous game to ever come out of the old west.” A friendly carny bellowed in his attempts to lure marks. He needn’t have tried too hard to lure Alyster though, the new cowboy was enamoured with the scenery immediately.

The booth was the same as all the others structurally. Inside against the side walls was a variety of prizes, against the back wall sat five rows of mechanical hands, all racing back and forth toward gun holsters on either side of their tracks.

“How’re you doing folks, care to try your luck? Only ten dollars for five throws.”

“Sounds like a bargain to me. How do you win partna’?”

“The game is simple my friend, you throw five knives and your aim is to lodge at least two of them in two different hands racing along the tracks before they’re able to draw their pistols.”

“Well, I’m game. Chris, pay the man.”

“What? Why do I have to pay him.”

“Because we’re here for your benefit dummy. I swear if you weren’t so pretty then it’d be a shame how slow you are.”

Chris grumbled as he reached into his pocket and produced a Hamilton, handing it to the carny who snatched it away greedily.

“Thank you sir, and your knives…” The carny reached for the shelf below the ledge and pulled out five very sharp, very real throwing knives.

Alyster gleefully snatched the knives from the carny and readied himself, taking a wide stance whilst gently bobbing back and forth.

“I’m gonna win you that big bear on the wall there Chris, don’t you worry!”

Chris' response was cold, dry and completely devoid of passion, “And then I’ll have to carry that around all night. Hooray…”

Alyster paid him no mind, closing one eye so that he could aim. He reeled back and then threw the knife with dead-on accuracy, only for the knife to strike a hand handle-first and fall to the floor.

“Tough break friend, but you still have four more throws.”

“Aye, that one was just for practice.”

Alyster reeled back, same as before and launched another knife that missed the hands completely and lodged itself in the wooden frame housing the mechanical track.

“Oooh, so close!”

Alyster laughed it off, chuckling under his breath while Chris turned his back to the game and examined the other boots across the way.

A third throw proved as unsuccessful as the previous two. Eliciting an angry cuss from the masked cowboy.

Knife #4 is thrown without a moment's hesitation, and lands true piercing one of the hands. Alyster immediately throws his hands up and screams at the top of his lungs, “YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAH!”

Chris is forced to turn his attention back at his partner who is now celebrating as if he’s just reclaimed the FWA World Championship in the main event of Back in Business after winning the Carnal Contendership after having lost the previous year and ending his story.

“Oh great, you got one, can we go now?”

“He’s gotta land two to get a prize, and he’s still got one more throw.”

Alyster rises from his knees, having been thanking God for his miraculous throw then readies himself for his final attempt.

“Don’t you worry partna’, I’ve got this. In. The. Bag!” He throws, the knife flies through the air and goes straight for a hand, the point of the knife lines up with the middle of a slow moving hand and…it bounces off and lands on the floor.

The booth operator hisses, “Tough break friend. Want to try again? That’ll be ten more dollars.”

Alyster is devastated. His posture sinks and his left eye begins to twitch. But he’s not defeated. “You bet your ass I do! Chris pay the man.”

“The fuck? I don’t want to.”

“I said pay him!”

Chris begrudgingly produces another tenner and hands it to the carny who hands Alyster five fresh knives.

Five fresh knives that find themselves on the ground inside the booth.

Another ten dollars is exchanged.

Chris Peacock stared up at the sky from down on his back, watching as twilight slowly transitioned into darkness. All the while Alyster Black was still at work throwing knives at slow moving mechanical hands.

“I just need ten more dollars then I’m going to win you that bear Chris, I swear it.”

“You’re going to pay me back, I hope you realise that.” Chris said as he handed another ten dollars to Alyster. “You’re into me for a grand, and you’re lucky we’re friends otherwise I’d be charging points.”

“It’ll be worth it.” Alyster’s eyes had dilated, his skin was covered in sweat. Throwing knives had become an obsession. One that was consuming him. But still he persisted, throwing every knife damn near perfectly only for them to strike the hands and bounce off. On occasion a knife would pierce a hand and remain but never two out of five.

After another unsuccessful round Alyster began screaming at the top of his lungs. Screaming and kicking at the booth.

“Hey! Hey! Stop it! My booth!”

Chris sprung to his feet and grabbed his partner, prying him away from the booth.

“Okay partner, I think you’ve had enough. It’s time to move on.”

“Move on? Move on? Like hell I am. I am not leaving here until I win you that bear.”

Chris sighed and turned to the carny. “Come on buddy, we’ve dropped a grand on your rigged game, just hand over a bear so I can get out of here.”

“No can do friend, you’ve got to win one fair and square. Dem’s the rules.”

“Fuck! Your game is rigged, I know it. I’ve been throwing those knives perfectly and they keep bouncing off the hands.”

“Yeah, of course it’s rigged dude. It’s a carnival. That’s the scam.”

“You knew this?”

“Everyone does.”

Even the carny nodded his head in agreement.

“Then why the fuck did you let me play?”

“To pay you back for dragging me out here.”

Alyster remained silent for a few moments, the air became tense. Finally the masked cowboy opened his mouth. “One more round my good sir.” He said as he pulled a large wad of cash from his pocket. Producing a ten dollar note and handing it to the carny.

“What the hell is that?”


“That wad of cash!”

“It’s money.”

“I know that, I mean why have you been making me pay for this when you have that?”

“Oh, to pay you back for paying me back for dragging you out there.”

Complex computations began to run through Chris’ mind. He was stunned silent and could not shake it.

“Don’t fret partna’, I’m getting you that bear right now.”

Alyster readied a knife, reeling back and then threw it right at the carny's face. The knife hit the carny between the eyes, piercing deep and dropping him dead.

“Jesus Christ!” Chris screamed in abject horror whilst Alyster leapt over the edge of the booth and reached into the carny’s pockets. He pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to his partner before pulling a giant stuffed bear from the wall and handing that to him as well.

“All right, let’s get the fuck outta here.” Alyster remained aloof and casual as he lept back over the bench and continued to prowl down the main promenade.

Chris followed him in shock, “Alyster, you just killed a guy.”

Alyster simply shrugged his shoulders in response.

Part 3. A Herculean Effort

There was a contrast in the speed in which both FTN members navigated their way through the other carnival goers; Chris’s power walked in order to get away from the scene of the crime whilst Alyster lagged behind at a more leisurely pace, keen to take in as many of the sights as he could, “I don’t know what the rush is! Let’s enjoy ourselves whilst we’re here, partna’!”

Chris doubled back and got into Alyster's personal space. Their faces were literally millimetres apart. “Because, if you didn’t notice, you just,” Chris somehow managed to get even closer and spoke in a hushed tone so no one could hear, murdered someone. Do you not think we should be getting the fuck out of here, man?!”

Alyster did not reply. In a fit of frustration, Chris swiped the comically small hat from his partner’s head and threw it to the ground. All Alyster could muster was a pained gasp before Chris stomped on it, causing it to shatter into several pieces.

“What the fuck was that for?!” Alyster had reverted to his usual speaking style and he stood with his hands on his hips.

“Can you start taking this seriously, please. A man…” Once again, Chris got closer. Alyster’s mask was the only thing stopping their lips from touching, A man has died, Alyster.

“Oh for fuck’s sake, what is the worst that’s going to happen? Tommy Bedlam straight up killed a guy - allegedly - and no one batted an eye. I’m sure no one is going to get up in arms about some wanker from a carnival. Can you also back it up a bit? Why are you so close to me?”

Chris stepped back and looked around the carnival around him. His attention was grabbed by the sound of a bell ringing followed by some energetic music and frenetic cackling. “What’s that over there?” Chris asked with a point in the direction of the contraption from which the sound emanated.

“That’s one of those strength test things. Hit the shit with the mallet and the thing goes up and ding. Want to try it out?”

For an unknown reason, Chris felt drawn to this particular amusement. When they arrived at it, they both examined what was required of them. Chris confidently picked up the mallet, but dropped it after being made to jump by a loud and grating voice shouting.


“What did you say?”

Chris blinked three times before scrunching his face, “That obviously wasn’t me.”

“Was it him?” Alyster asked as he pointed up to the top of the strength tester.

“That’s a bird.” Chris was thoroughly sure that the bird was not the source of the taunting question, but he had been wrong more than once today.

The bird in question was a large crow perched on top of the bell resting at the top of the vertical piece of plywood. The crow opened its beak wide, “CAAAAAAWWW! WHO ARE YOU THEN?”

Chris sighed deeply, this day had been tiring for him and the current situation was only exacerbating his condition. “Of course it was the bird.” He mumbled quietly to himself before addressing the winged creature. “I am Chris Peacock and this is Alyster Black-”

He was interrupted by the man he was introducing, “Alyster Belum!”

“You’re not even wearing the hat anymore!” Chris spat at his partner before turning back to the crow. “I’m Chris and that’s Alyster Black, and we would like to play this game.”

“Very well, Alyster Black and Crispy CAAAAAAAWK! The game is simple; use the mallet to hit the clown on the nose and if you hit it hard enough, you’ll knock me from my perch atop this bell.”

It was Peacock that stepped forward first. He looked at the chipped paint on the cheap wood, expressing a clown. Its nose was lit up red and clearly connected to some sort of mechanism which would send the weight up depending on how hard it was hit. Chris took a look at the clown and then the crow watching over them, and shook his head when he remembered who FTN were slated to face on Fallout, “On the nose? That’s a bit of an understatement…”

Nevertheless, Chris swung the hammer and got a solid enough connection with the clown’s nose, but the hit barely managed to register. The crow began to laugh heartily, cawing and shrieking loudly.

Chris grumbled whilst holding the mallet out of Alyster’s reach. He was determined to try again, but his second attempt also failed to cause the weight to travel up the board more than a quarter of the way. As did his third, fourth, and so on…each time, the crow mocked him for his failure.

Much like Alyster had become obsessed with the knife-throwing game earlier, Chris was determined to prevail over the test of strength. More so to shut this bird up than anything else. Alyster was content to just watch, though he did on occasion offer to take a stab at it, observing that Chris looked like he was getting tired. The disco dancer simply ignored his partner’s requests.

“CAAAAAW!! After eighty-three turns you’d think you’d have the hang of this by now! Let your friend have a turn…”

“No, I can do this,” said Chris defiantly. He wiped the sweat from his brow and tried again. Attempt eighty-four went as all of the preceding ones had.

Alyster edged forwards, “Maybe I should have a turn?”

“That’s right! CAAAAAW! You’ll give yourselves more chances to win if you try with different people!”

This got Chris thinking about Fallout.

“Aly, how fucked is it that Crowe - not this prick, the one we know - has a tag title shot in the bank with Ramon but he’s still rolling with Tommy for matches like this?”

“Not as fucked up as Tommy killing a guy!”

“Hey, even if that did happen, it doesn’t mean that you also didn’t kill a guy. Understand that. But for real, how invested can either of these guys get in each other?”

“Not as much as us, that’s for sure,” Alyster affirmed. As Chris contemplated how it would affect their upcoming match, Alyster robbed him of the mallet. Chris reacted too slowly, and Alyster struck the clown’s nose with such force and accuracy that the weight shot up from the ground. Upon contact with the bell, the weight detached from the strength tester and struck the bird on the neck.

The crow fell from its perch and landed on the ground, dead. Black feathers scattered on the ground. As with the first casualty, Alyster acted nonplussed and unaffected by his actions, whilst Chris fretted, “You kill birds now as well!?”

The masked man couldn’t help but to shrug his shoulders. Chris couldn’t help but to smile. As annoyed as he was that he wasn’t able to do it himself, he was still glad that the crow had met its end.

“Fuck that bird, honestly. Annoying piece of shit.”

Part 4. The Call

Seeing that bird perish had lifted Chris’ spirits somewhat. Enough that he agreed to take a ride on the ferris wheel with Alyster. The ride in question was questionable at best. Rust was prevalent on every joint, the bolts holding the framing together looked bent out of shape, and the seats swung with a high pitched ringing as the metal joints grinded against each other.

The ride was a death trap, but Alyster didn’t mind and Chris didn’t pay enough attention to care.

They took their seat beside one another and the ferris wheel came to life, playing a nauseating jingle as it slowly spun, raising their chair high into the air.

“Isn’t this great, partna’? Just you and me, enjoying a day out with no distractions, no drama, and not a care in the world.”

“What do you mean no drama? Our day started with you kidnapping me before you killed a guy.”

“That guy was a carny Chris, he hardly counts as human.”

“Not to mention the bird you just killed too.”

“Sure, but like, you wanted to do that yourself.”

“Maybe, I didn’t though. Between the two of us only Alyster Black-”

“Alyster Bedlam.”

“Only Alyster Black has ever willfully killed not just one animal but many.”

“What? Name one other occasion where I’ve ever harmed a poor defenceless animal?”

“Need I remind you about your issue with barking animals?”

“Oh yeah.”

Chris rolled his eyes as the ferris wheel slowed and eventually stopped with their seat hanging right at the top. “Oh yeah he says. You’ve got some issues pal, I think you need some counselling.”

“I’m fine.”

“I mean it, who does what you’ve done today? Who forces their best friend to attend a carnival, a shitty one no less, at gunpoint?”

Alyster was left speechless for a moment, “You know, I have no idea what compelled me to do that.”

“I think you’ve gone off the deep end.”

“Nah, it’s not that. I dunno what happened, I felt like this otherworldly presence guiding me. I couldn’t shake it off.”

As Alyster spoke his voice trailed off, in the distance he spotted a haunted house, a small makeshift roller coaster with a large sign depicting a man with his arms stretched out, inviting people to come inside.

“Jesus Chris, look at that.” Alyster tapped Chris on the shoulder then pointed at the attraction.

“Oh my God, that’s awful.”

The sign bared an uncanny resemblance to Uncle J.J.Jay! Its face was a skull with hanging tentacles.

“You know, this whole carnival is a little off, you don’t think?”

“Nah, it’s just a coincidence. I don’t think we’ll ever have to deal with that monster again.”

Both men felt uneasy. Doubly so when the ride roared back to life for just a brief moment before short circuiting. Sparks flew out of the controls, shocking the operator. All the bright lights burned out and the nauseating jingle slowed down, sounding demonic for a moment, before dying out.

“Fuck!” Chris bellowed, “What happened?”

“Looks like the ride broke down.”

“Not just this ride…”

Sure enough the entire carnival had blacked out. Screaming could be heard from every direction as patrons panicked. The lights had gone out, the inviting music had died, and chaos was prevailing.

Of course, FTN was stuck on the ferris wheel, and right at the top no less. Their chair swung gently in the breeze as they surveyed the chaos down below.

“At least we have a good view to enjoy.” Alyster remarked dryly.

A creaking noise emanating from the joints holding their chair made Chris’ stomach turn, “Oh yeah, totally, a good view. It’ll definitely be worth dying for.”

From up high, even in the darkness, it finally occurred to Alyster just how dank, decrepit, and disgusting this carnival was. Why he was ever compelled to come here was a mystery to him. For Chris, his prior impression of this place was only affirmed.

Under the moonlight they could still see everything, all the attractions, all the makeshift buildings, every pile of trash. Weirdly though beyond the threshold of the carnival, past the wire fencing, they couldn’t see a thing. All that surrounded the carnival grounds was a void. Even the dirt parking lot where they’d arrived from seemed to be missing.

“Is it just me or is thing place a little bit…off?”

“You know what, I’ve noticed it too.”

“It’s not just the haunted house that looks like Uncle. It’s everything right?”

“The talking crow, the knife throwing game with the very real, very sharp, and very dangerous knives, not to mention this travesty of a ferris wheel.”

“Okay, I was just worried that we might not have been on the same page. You were acting weird earlier. Speaking of, what was up with that whole cowboy thing?”

“Eh…I don’t really want to talk about it.”

“Come on buddy, if you won’t see a therapist then I’m the next big thing. I know you’ve taken losing the World Title badly bu-”

“World title? What are you talking about?”

“The FWA World Title? You know, the belt you won from…from me.”

Alyster turned his blank stare toward his partner.

“Is this some sort of coping mechanism?”

“I didn’t lose the world title, or the tag titles. I can’t have, I’m about to be redacted.”

“You are now? How is that going to happen? Don’t tell me you plan on becoming a rich perverted fuck.”

“No, I’d never do something so heinous. I’m going to get myself erased from the history books in the simplest way I know how. I’m going to rip off someone better than me. I’m going to become Tommy Bedlam, then they’ll cast me out into the void.”

Chris grimaced. That fate was worse than death as far as he was concerned. It was then that he noticed some movement in the void. A tall creature, possibly an NBA player, lurking beyond the confines of reality.

“That’s pretty grim, Alyster bud. And I don’t quite understand what you’re getting at. Why would you want them to erase you from the history books?”

“It’s simple really. If I never existed then I can never have lost to Jeremy Best. And…I don’t think I want to die in the ring anymore. I think I’d rather have just not existed at all to be honest.”

“Don’t want to die in the ring anymore? That’s crazy, you belong in that ring, dying peacefully in bed in your old age doesn’t suit you. Also, you being redacted won’t erase what you’ve accomplished. Too many people like you to let that happen. Also why the hell would you rip off Tommy Bedlam to achieve that?”

“I dunno, I got a kick out of it. Reminded of better times. You know, when I was X Champion, on top of the world. The scariest mother fucker roaming the locker room and all that jazz.”

“Eh, it kinda feels like Tommy is a pale imitation of you to be honest.”

“Yeah well, I don’t think I could really get away with killing a guy like he did.”

“I suppose. At least your tag team partner isn’t cucking you to get himself a tag team title shot.”

“That is seriously fucked up.”

“And teaming with Randy Ramon no less. How little respect does Chris Crowe have for himself?”

“You’re the better Chris Bird in the FWA anyway.”

“Thank you!”

“And you know what…” Alyster was beginning to get fired up, “Fuck Deathswitch, they’re a shitty ripoff of FTN anyway.”

“They were around before us to be fair.”

“Fuck em anyway. What have they ever done? They haven’t reached the heights we have. They haven’t even tried. They haven’t conquered their enemies, not like we have, we killed the Nephews.”

“Killed ‘em dead.”

“We won the tag titles!”

“They haven’t.”

Alyster can’t help but to ball up his fists, he’s almost worked himself up into a frenzy, shaking with anticipation for their upcoming tag team match. So much so that the chair they’re stranded in swings more and more. The creaking gets to Chris who quickly changes the subject.

“Back to that void thing though, it’s clear to me that you’re still bloodthirsty as hell. So why the hell would you want to walk away from all that?”

The masked man calms down somewhat, enough that the chair stops swinging and Chris’ mind is put at ease.

“I don’t know, I thought about it and I even tried. But I just can’t bring myself to do it.”

“I hear that. It’s like there’s a gaping hole in your heart and the only way you can fill it is with that rush you get when you win. Like, there isn’t a bigger high than raising a title belt up high.”

“You get it, and you get me. That’s it, there’s a hole that needs filling and it’s fucking hard to do it.”

“Maybe for Deathswitch, but not for FTN.”

Alyster smirks before offering Chris a fist bump which his partner happily responds to in kind.

As they reaffirm their bond and reason for being blue and red flashing lights invade the corners of their vision. Illuminating the void.


Safe on the ground having just been rescued, Alyster and Chris watch on as carny after carny is viciously beaten down by men in blue. They’re not quite cops, but they have an air of authority about them.

Their response was swift and brutal. First they went to work rescuing every patron of the carnival, then they went to work beating the carnies.

FTN watched on as they carted off scam artist after scam artist. Including one that was carried out in a body bag.

No one seemed to care that he had been killed.

“Well, this has been a harrowing experience.”

“Yeah, I wonder what the point of it was. I mean, did we learn anything?”

Chris grabbed Alyster by the shoulder, “Nothing we didn’t already know. You see, the thing about Deathswitch is they’re a pale imitation of FTN. And what they do isn’t real, it doesn’t mean anything. They’re fake like these carnies. And going up against us? Well they’ve just got a Death Wish now don’t they?”

“You know what they say, be careful what you wish for.”

They both break out into laughter as they saunter out into the void. Disappearing into the darkness where they and only they shine bright. The best tag team in FWA.

- Fin

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