I still don't think this will lead to Matt being behind the attacks. I think it will be where Matt's ego got the best of him and he didn't want his brother to have a major title if he didn't. But then that would lead where they will be two feuds for him. So idk whats gonna happen here. I'm still hoping Christian is somehow involved in all this. Even if its as a face it will be good.
I'm dying for SOMEONE to tell me....
How the hell are you gonna be able to write Christian into this as a face without making him look like a total sycophant upon his return by sympathetically kissing Jeff's arse? ...Even then, Jeff's just been screwed by his brother, he's not about to be trusting anyone in a hurry... Certainly not a former nemesis!
Similarly, bringing him in as a heel within this angle...
Question to the Christian marks; you wanna see your beloved Cage, looking like a pussy, sucking up to a mid-carder like Matt Hardy upon his debut?
It's best for Cage, when he finally debut's, to stay well clear of this Hardy storyline, have him re-establish HIMSELF, then have the bookers build him up, wait for the right time and have him have in extended world title fued with Edge.