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Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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I also don’t think fully written out shorter matches will solve the issue of how long it takes for it to get back to me because it still takes the same amount of energy and thought process to write out a full match whether be short or longer the difference would only be a couple hours if they’re already sitting down writing a match and not everyone is in the headspace to be able to think out a start, a middle and end to a match so that’s what hold people up, but if all you have to do is just jot down is the basic story, here’s a spot, here’s the finish most people can probably get that to me within a day I would assume.

Ricky Smarks

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And most of the time I give the writer the story and finish.


Neo Genesis
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I also don’t think fully written out shorter matches will solve the issue of how long it takes for it to get back to me because it still takes the same amount of energy and thought process to write out a full match whether be short or longer the difference would only be a couple hours if they’re already sitting down writing a match and not everyone is in the headspace to be able to think out a start, a middle and end to a match so that’s what hold people up, but if all you have to do is just jot down is the basic story, here’s a spot, here’s the finish most people can probably get that to me within a day I would assume.

You mean we can't write late 2000's/early 2010's era Diva's matches?!

Ricky Smarks

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So I could probably do recaps for any of the matches that need to be finished for results if a writer is held up.


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My only other experiences of E-Feds are LDW and RWK, both of which at the time I joined were writing full matches. RWK did, towards the end, start cutting their matches down a bit. I’ve got an example of an RWK match in a shortened format.


Ryder Parks vs Andersen Vega


As the bell rings, the Imperial Champion and the Old Bastard smile wryly at each other, both having enjoyed the unusual mind games that preceded this contest. Both stepforward slowly for a collar-and-elbow tie-up, but Andersen Vega quickly proves that he never intended to go down in admission of inferiority as he immediately strikes with a basement dropkick to the right kneecap that sends Parks down onto his front.

Vega quickly stands and, frantically starts stomping on the back of the same knee, eliciting a mixed crowd reaction consisting mostly of boos. As Parks starts to scramble away, the veteran grabs the leg and wrenches it desperately into a single-leg crab, trying to do as much damage as he can before the champion gets to the bottom rope. The Fallen King isn’t done, though, as he picks the Imperial Champion up to his feet and swiftly drops him again with a dragon screw to that right leg, that he follows with a brutal knee crusher!

Baker: This is incredibly smart strategy from Vega, and he appears to have caught the champ by surprise!

O’Connell: By his own admission, though, it might only be a matter of time before he can’t contain Ryder anymore…


As Vega goes for a right hand, Parks catches him and tries to pick up the pace with an Irish Whip. Ryder takes his older opponent over with an arm drag, then retaliates for earlier with a basement dropkick as the Old Bastard heads back towards him. With one of his Democracy Rules challengers down to one knee, the Imperial Champion bumps off the set of ropes behind Vega and plants him face-first with a reverse slingblade!

Ryder smiles wryly out into the crowd, before getting back onto the attack as his opponent stands by taking a rear waistlock. Vega elbows his way out of the German Suplex and tucks Parks’ head under his arm for a DDT, but the champion reverses right back into a bridging northern lights!



Vega kicks out, and as Parks sits up he’s holding his right knee again, the bridge evidently putting further strain on his leg!


As both competitors find some distance, Andersen runs towards his opponent but is still the second fastest man in the ring as Parks gets into midair with a jumping high knee! Vega doesn’t go down though and quickly shrugs the strike off, as Ryder sits on the canvas cradling the compromised right knee that just collided with his opponent’s stubborn chin! Desperate to take advantage, the Old Bastard descends with a flurry of stomps, before dropping into full mount and letting off a rain of punches. After a few seconds, though, he remembers his promise of an entertaining match and stands, springboards off the second rope into a moonsault… and misses!

O’Connell: You don’t want to get into a high-flying contest with Seattle’s Favorite Son!

Parks rolled out of harm’s way and gets quickly back to his feet but, oddly, doesn’t respond to his opponent’s high-flying attempt in kind, instead struggling but eventually succeeding in getting him up into a fireman’s carry. He holds him there for a moment too long, however, as Vega takes advantage by wrenching the champ’s long hair, before manoeuvring off his shoulders and spinning off into a falling neckbreaker!

Baker: Slick reversal by Vega!



No - kickout by Parks at two and a half, as the veteran chastises himself for getting his hopes up!


As Ryder Parks is on top once again, a big cheer suddenly goes up from the crowd on the side opposite the hardcam! Parks is curious and turns around, looking into the crowd with an inquisitive eye. He doesn’t have to look too hard, however, as two giant signs have risen up in the floor seats - one is a gigantic drawing of Bigfoot, and the other is the Loch Ness monster!

Baker: The stars are aligning, exactly as Vega foretold!

Sure enough, the veteran is back on his feet and drawing courage from the distraction he surely arranged, before taking the fan favourite champion from behind with a rollup as he’s done a thousand times!




No, Parks kicked out just in time, but it was damn close!

The champion is somewhere between astonished and furious as he pops up to his feet, but he knows for sure that he wants to stick it to Vega for that, as he nails him with a hard front kick to the gut before hooking his arms and driving him spine-first to the mat with a sit-out tiger bomb!



Kickout! The Old Bastard survives!


It’s a rare occasion in this match, as Andersen Vega has the Imperial Champion flat on his back, stalking his younger opponent and looking to take his chance. He sets up in the corner, looking to nail the Avada Kedavra kick straight to the jaw… but he sidesteps in and misses as Parks throws himself onto his front to duck it! With a crazy display of athleticism, the champion rolls forward away from his opponent then flips back onto his feet, and begins unloading offence - the forearm, the body hook, the leg kick, the backfist and the knee strike completing the Mariner Melee!

O’Connell: Vega ate all of that! Here we go!

With the veteran down and the crowd getting excited, there’s only one thing left to do, as the Imperial Champion scales the turnbuckles slowly and carefully. Parks stands, checks his mark, and leaps for the Shooting Star Press…

…and connects!



Baker: What?!

O’Connell: He kicked out! Vega kicked out of the Shooting Star Press!

As Parks is thrown off his opponent’s body as the Old Bastard escapes the pinfall at the last moment, the champion shakes his head in incredulous disbelief - he said he wasn’t going to underestimate his opponent, but even he didn’t expect this! Vega appears to be in poor shape, coughing and struggling to breathe as he clutches his ribs with both arms, but slowly getting back to his feet.

Slowly, Andersen Vega looks up at the man who just crushed his chest… and takes one hand off his body to flip him the bird in defiance! As he steps forward to continue the fight, though, he collapses back onto his knees, coughing and retching. The referee kneels down to ask if he can continue and Parks, too, steps forward in concern… and so makes a grave mistake! Vega pops up with a kick to the gut, and hooks both arms to plant the champion with Excalibur…

…but Parks isn’t caught totally by surprise! In a show of strength, he breaks his opponent’s grip and grabs the backs of Vega’s knees with his hands, lifting him with his back into position for the Parkway Driver! And before his right leg can collapse, he drops onto both knees to drive the veteran’s neck into the mat!




Winner: Ryder Parks
Like, it’s not too short that it lacks any sort of detail, but it’s not exactly an essay. You still get some meat and bones and some action/storytelling, but the match is sorta fast forwarded to key spots and whatnot. It worked well in RWK, and the shows got put out pretty much bi-weekly, so we could do something like that?

Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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You mean we can't write late 2000's/early 2010's era Diva's matches?!

I mean our shows are PPVs. Would you want 2 minute woman’s matches if you paid for it? :heston


Neo Genesis
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I mean our shows are PPVs. Would you want 2 minute woman’s matches if you paid for it? :heston

To be fair: WWE did that on PPVs too. Maybe instead we have 3 hour Triple H promos?

Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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That’s what I’d personally not want. A fully written shorter match would be like a 3 minute match where as a recap would be the same amount of writing, but you’d imagine a full fledged out 10-15 minute match if that makes sense.
Yeah, I get that.


Forever on Holiday
Feb 25, 2019
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Weekly Show example
Sonya LaBelle vs Amara Sterling
Sonya and Amara begin the match with a chain of technical wrestling, which Amara eventually gets the upper hand on. Amara hits a Drop Toe Hold and transitions it into a STF. Amara locks it in tight, but Sonya begins digging her nails into Amara's arms as she tries to resist the pain. Amara eventually lets go as her arms are dripping with blood. Sonya gets up and Amara goes for a Running European Uppercut, but Sonya ducks it and hits a Low Superkick to the back of Amara's knee. Amara is down, and Sonya rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair. Amara gets up and turns around, but is planted by a Chair shot with Sonya following it with a Standing Enzui Elbow Drop onto the chair. SOnya covers, but amara kicks out at two.

Amara is on her feet and grabs the chair as Sonya taunts her to hit her, but Amara throws the chair away. Amara hist a stiff European Uppercut as the two begin trading strike for strike. Amara gets the upperhand as she hits a Dragon Suplex followed by a Half Nelson. Amara lifts Sonya up and hits a Over-the-Shoulder Armbreaker, and Sonya wrenchs in pain. Amara keeps it going by hitting a Arm DDT, which she transitions it into a Fujiwara Armbar. Amara begins bridging back, but Sonya uses that extra force to roll Amara over for a pin attempt. Sonya only gets a two count.

Both women stare at the other as they have done everything they could think of, but Sonya heads outside and Amara goes to follow, but Sonya blinds her by throwing powder into her face. Sonya is quick throw in a Door and weldied double chair into the ring. Sonya is quick to place place them into the corner, and Amara is able to see. It is too late as Sonya whips her into the corner and nails the Liberty Belle Kick through everything. Amara is out, and Sonya covers. Sonya only gets a two-and-a-half count.

Sonya is stunned by this and Amara is slow to her feet. Amara and Sonya begin a heavy strike exchange with each woman becoming more and tired with each strike. Sonya hits a quick Roundhouse as Amara hits one right back. Both women are in corner as Sonya grabs one of the Chairs and runs towards Amara, but Amara hits a Front Dropkick nailing Sonya in the face. Amara is quick to get Sonya up and hits the Fortissimo DDT onto the steel chair. Amara covers, but Sonya was able to kick out at the last second.

Again, both women are stunned as it seems like neither one is willing to give up. Both women stumble to their feet and lean against the other. Amara hits a Headbutt stuuning Sonya, and runs to the ropes. AMara goes for a Sunset Flip, but Sonya counters it into From Whom LaBelle Tolls For onto the steel chair. Sonya covers Amara and gets the three.

Winner: Sonya LaBelle via From Whom LaBelle Tolls For (Kneeling Back-to-Belly Piledriver)

[Post match]
After match as Sonya is having her hand raised, Lynn and Gisle come running down and begin assaulting Sonya. A injuryed Brea Lombardi comes down to the ring and trys to help out. Suddenly, a retunring Savannah Sunshine jumps the barricade with her Jolly Rancher bat and soon The Hotline leave the ring as Savannah taunts them with her bat.]

Rowen Marcy W/ Nessa Reckless vs Gisele O’Dare
When the bell rung, Rowne quickly hits a Superkick to Gisele stunning her briefly. Rowen goes for running Crossbody, but Gisle counters it into a Moonsault Fallaway Slam. Gisle goes for a Springboard Moonsault, but Rowen moves out of the way and quickly his a Spinning Back Kick. Rowen lifts Gisle up and goes for the Decode, but Gisle ducks it and hits a Jumping Inverted DDT. Gisle runs and hits the Botox Injection. Gisle hits the Leadin Touch, and covers. Rowen kicks out at two-and-a-half.

Both women are back on their feet and stare at the other. Gisle goes for a Short-Range Clothesline, but Rowen ducks it and hits a Snap German Suplex followed by a Snap Dragon Suplex. Gisle is down, but Rowen lifts Gisle up and goes for the Misery Business. Gisle ducks the move and rolls out of the ring. Rowen is demanding Gisle get back in as the referee begins his count, but Gisle smiles as she walks away. The referee gets a ten count, and calls for the bell.

Winner: Rowen Marcy via Count Out

Jessica Rose vs Chelsea Wakefield
The match started off hot as Chelsea was on fire and Rose barely could do anything in, and was always on the defensive. Chelsea was abale to the Hits Chelsea's Comet followed by the Avada Kedavra. Chelsea covers, but Rose kicks out at two.

Rose manages to begin to get some offense in, and unleashes a furry of elbows before hitting a stiff Roundhouse Kick. Rose manages to not one, not two, but three Eat Shit and Die Curb Stomps as Chelsea's seem lifeless. Rose lifts Chelsea up and hits the Rose Trigger. Rose covers and gets the three.

Winner: Jessica Rose via Rose Triger (Running Bicycle Knee)

Illuminate Eliminate Devastate w/ Lena Skye vs Powah Punk Gurlz
Izzy and Elanor began match with Izzy hitting a Low Dropkick followed by a Snap DDT. Eleanor is quick to recover, but Izzy hits a Springboard Gamengiri onto her. Elanor recovers from the kick, but Izzy isn't done and goes for a Running Enzuigiri. Elanor dodges it and lifts Izzy up by the leg and slams it down onto the mat. Elanor doesn't let it go as she locks in a Ankle Lock. Izzy is struggling to the ropes, but makes it forcing Elanor to break the hold. Izzy get back on her feet, but Elanor is quick to hit Shotgun Chop Block causing Izzy to buckle. Elnor gets on the back of Izzy and locks in a modified Dagon Sleeper. Izzy looks like she about to tap, but Nixie flies in with a Missile Dropkick causing Elanor to break the hold. Nixie grabs Izzy and grabs her to the corner before tagging herself in.

Nixie is quick to unleash a furry of Strikes to Elanor, and even hits a Sprongboard Moonsault. Nixie goes for a nother, but Elanor is quick to counter it into a Sitout Reverse Piledriver. Elanor drags Nixie to her corner as she tags in Victoria. The two women hit God's Guillotine as Victoria follows the tag move with Sword and Steel. Vicoria goes for the Exterminatus, but Nixie counters it into a Frankensteiner. Victoria is quick to cover, but Nixie hits a Shining Single Leg Front Dropkick. Nxie is quick to tag in Izzy and the two go to say Farewell II Flesh, but Elanor comes in and stops them by hitting a Backdrop Driver onto to Izzy.

Elanor looks at Lena on the apron and looks back at Victoria as Lena throws in chairs, and Lena gets int he ring. The referee warns them, but all three women begin wailling away on PPG. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Powah Punk Gurlz via DQ

Mara Jade Miller vs Veronica Jones
As soon as the bell rung, Mara was quick to hit a Superkick followed by a Seated Leg Lariat. Mara scouts Veronica and hits The Wargasm. Mara covers and gets the three count.

Winner: Mara Jade Miller via The Wargasm (Corkscrew Scissors Kick)

Josslynn Spencer vs Tiffany Santana
Tiffany started the match right from the gate by nailing a swift Running Clothesline to Josslynn followed by a One-Handed Bulldog. Tiffany doesn't let up as she nails a quick Swinging Neckbreaker followed by a Running Senton. Tiffany grabs Josslynn and places her on the ropes and nails the 718 before heading up to the top rope on the outside. Tiffany goes for the Cuban Missile, but Josslynn rolls out of the way.

Josslynn is quick to hit a Snap DDT and follows it with a attempt at the future, but Tiffany dodges the curb stomp. Josslynn and Tiffany both begin a vicious strike exchange before Josslynn hits a Inverted Foot Stunner followed by another Snap DDT. Josslynn goes for The Future again and nails it. Josslynn covers and gets the three.

Winner: Josslynn Spencer via The Future (Curb Stomp)

Hana Kaneko vs Ricki Sparx
The opening match started with a strike exchange between Hana and Ricki with Ricki soon getting a slight advantage by getting a wristlock on Hana. Ricki hits a knee lift and goes for Sleeper Hold, but Hana is quick to move and stop the hold. Hana hits a Buzzsaw Kick followed by Reverse Buzzsaw Kick followed by a Ripcord High Knee. Ricki manages to shake off a Dragon Suplex attempt from Hana and hits a quick Sinderella. Ricki gets a two count, but Hana rolls Ricki up and gets the three count.

Winner: Hana Kaneko via Roll-Up​
PPV Example
(Entrances would go here)
James King: The bell has rung and both Yukiko and Nixie stare at the other not even attempting a lock up or a strike. Yukiko taunts Nixie, but Nixie replies with double middle fingers. Yukiko slightly smiles at this as she feints a Low Roundhouse, but Nixie doesn't comply.

Bull Connors: If you want my prediction, King. This match will be a chess match against two strategists of the game. Both women know what is on the line, but the better question is who will out maneuver who and get the checkmate.

James King: Bull, I am impressed at how poetic that was. Nixie and Yukiko seem to have rolled out of the ring and are looking for weapons. Both women come back into the ring, and Nixie is holding a Pizza Cutter and her other hand is closed, and Yukiko a Box Cutter!

Bull Connors: We are going to see a knife...well something like a knife fight now, King.

James King: You are right, Bull. Nixie throws glitter right into the face of Yukiko and begins slicing away at Yukiko! Yukiko manages to get a few slashes in of her own, but Nixie isn't letting up. Nixie has Yukiko against the ropes and hits a stiff Forearm strike as Yukiko drops the box cutter. Nixie places Yukiko on the middle rope and...runs the pizza cutter across her forehead and her mouth! Yukiko is bleeding! Nixie isn't done as she runs and hits a Double Foot Stomp to the back of Yukiko driving her throat into the rope! Nixie holds up the Pizza Cutter and...

James and Bull: She licks the pizza cutter! Why!? What is wrong with this woman!?

Bull Connors: Guess, she has a taste for blood?

James King: Bull, now is not the time to make jokes or puns.

Bull Connors: Then when is King? Nixie turns to Yukiko, but manages to hit a legsweep stopping Nixie from getting closer to her. Yukiko grabs the box cutter and...locks in a Camel Clutch and drives the Box Cutter into Nixie! Yukiko is slicing away like Nixie did to her. Both of these women are more worried about drawing blood from the other than actually winning the match. Yukiko get a sadistic smile as runs the box cutter across Nixie's mouth and drops her to the mat! Yukiko seems proud of what she has done and licks the box cutter like Nixie did! These women are truly showing who they really are tonight. Two women who live on being sadistic. Nixie gets up and you can see a crimson print of her face on the mat and her hair now stained with red as well. Nixie hits a step-up enzuigiri sending Yukiko to the ropes, but Nixie hits a Single Leg Dropkick sending both women to the outside!

James King: There is no count out in this match so now these women can do anything they want out here. Given what we have seen so far, I am afraid of what that will entail. Nixie is on her feet first and slams Yukiko's head into the corner ring post on the outside! Nixie isn't done as lifts Yukiko back up and places her on the apron...Nixie hits a modified Deadlight Suplex! Nixie hist the Northern Lights Suplex, but twisted it into a Neckbreaker! Nixie goes for a Springboard Back Elbow Drop, but Yukiko rolls out of the way and Nixie crashes hard. Yukiko begins kicking away at Nixie's side before going around the ring and pulling out a table wrapped in barbed wire. Yukiko sets it up as she goes back and throws Nixie into the barricade. Yukiko follows it with a Running Front Dropkick and a throat chop!

Bull Connors: Yukiko is doing everything to show Nixe that you can't put her down easily. Yukiko grabs Nixie by the hair by whips her into the table before getting on the apron with her. Yukiko gets in her position and...

James & Bull: Spike Brainbutser! Yukiko just nailed a Apron Spike Brianbuster through the table! Yukiko is covering!

Alexander Vega: One! Two!

James King: No! Somehow in Hell, Nixie kicked out of two! Yukiko is furious at this and begins a barrage of slaps and forearms on Nixie. Nixie manages to stop the barrage by spitting in the face of Yukiko.Yukiko gets off of Nixie and Nixie is slow to get to her feet as the barbs rip and tear Nixie's flesh. Nixie grabs a piece of the barbed wire and locks in the Rata-Tap-Tap! The Arm-Trap Crossface is locked in and Nixie is making sure to dig the barbed wire into Yukiko! Those barbs have to be digging into those cuts that Nixie did with the Pizza Cutter earlier! Yukiko is struggling to figure something out, but the more she struggles the more those barbs dig in.

Bull Connors: I think, this is going to be where Yukiko taps because there is no way she can escape. This will give Nixie a point, and if she can hold Yukiko off then she will be the new champion. Yukiko looks like she is about to tap...she reaches under the ring pulls out a Lighttube and smashes onto Nixie's head! Nixie let's the hold go, and Yukiko grabs more lighttubes from underneath and begins smashing them all over Nixie! Yukiko throws Nixie into the ring as she brings out several lighttube pallets and puts them in the ring as well. She grabs a bundle of Lighttubes and heads into the ring. Yukiko places the pallets together and places Nixie on top and heads up to the top rope. Yukiko goes for the Kage Jikko with the bundle behind her, but Nixie rolls out of the way!

James King: Yukiko crashed hard and glass went everywhere! Yukiko rolls over and glass and blood spread and lay across Yukiko's back. Nixie grabs Yukiko and applies a Grounded Top Wristlock and grabs a piece of the broken lighttube...she jabs it into Yukiko's forehead! Yukiko is screaming in pain, but Nixie has a sick sinister smile on her face! Nixie places the piece in Yukiko's mouth and hits a modified Curb Stomp! Nixie isn't done as she lifts Yukiko up and hits the P!nk Wasteland Slam! The Modified Lifting Swinging Reverse STO connects! Nixie covers!

Alexander Vega: One! Two! Thr--

James & Bull: No! Yukiko kicked out at Two-and-a-half!

Bull Connors: King, I am stunned by this! I was for sure that Nixie would have won right there. Nixie is the corner staring at Yukiko as she can't believe what happened and Yukiko is staring back. Both women are covered in blood, glass, and breathing like this is the fight for their souls. Both women soon get up making sure not to break eye contact with the other. The two women get in each other face and begin slapping the other before it goes into forearms and elbows. Both women managed to hit a massive clothesline on the other forcing them back from the other.

James King: It seems like these women have come to a stand still because neither seemed to have moved after their clothesline. Nixie heads to the outside, but Yukiko follows her and hits a Baseball Slide. Nixie is down, and Yukiko hits a swift Roundhouse kick to her to make sure she stays down. Yukiko goes underneath and brings out a Staple Gun! Yukiko heads over to Nixie and begins stapling away on Nixie! Yukiko even staples herself! Is she fucking mad?!

Bull Connors: King at this point...I have no damn clue.

James King: Yukiko seems pissed that the Staple Gun has ran out and throws it at Nixie! Yukiko grabs another lighttube pallet and places it against the apron. Yukiko grabs Nixie and goes to whip her into the pallet, but Nixie reverses it and sends Yukiko face first into the pallet instead! Nixie follows it with the Total Mayhem! The Reverse Roundhouse kick connects to the back of Yukiko's head! Nixie gets Yukiko on the apron...

James & Bull: Enjoy Your Slay! The Swinging Neckbreaker connects! Nixie covers!

Alexander Vega: One! Two! Three!

James King: No!

Bull Connors: How the fuck!?

James & Bull: Yukiko kicked out at the last second she could have! Nixie can't believe it either! Nixie is arguing with the Alexander, but he is standing by his call.

Bull Connors: I know, one thing King. If none of these women get a pinfall or a tap then we are going to sudden death in this Iron Woman Deathmatch. Yukiko is up and Nixie is staring at her like she has seen Death itself. Nixie charges at Yukiko, but Yukiko hits stunning Headbutt that takes both women back. Yukiko has had of this and brings a table wrapped in Razor Wire! She isn't done yet as she brings a glass plane as well! No She still isn't done as she brings out two space rocks and lighter fuel! What the hell is she thinking!?

James King: The end, Bull. That is what she is thinking because she has lost all sense of sanity, and has reached the point of no return. Yukiko throws Nixie into the ring and hits a Slingshot Senton Bomb onto Nixie. Yukiko throws Nixie into the corner and sets up the space rocks followed by the glass plane and places the table over it. Yukiko smiles devilish as she begins spraying the lighter fuel and lights the table on fire! Yukiko turns around to Nixie...

Bull Connors: Nixie hits Total Mayhem, but Yukiko shrugs it off and throws a fireball into Nixie's face! Nixie is blinded and Yukiko takes this time to hit the Steel Feather! Yukiko climbs up to the top rope and lifts Nixie up to the second rope...

James & Bull: Blood Angel! Blood Angel! Yukiko hits the Fireman's Carry Powerbomb from the top rope and through the contraption she made! Yukiko covers!

Alexnder Vega: One! Two! Three!

(Ding! Ding! Ding!)​
This is what we did for weekly and ppv matches, and we were constant on getting shows out especially since I was the only writer. This may not be the perfect example/comprise for the problem, but hey I offered a solution
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Neo Genesis
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Going off of what @King Switch mentioned, I'm going to write a little example of how a match like that would possibly work, like a slightly more detailed version of the Juicyverse mixed with some elements we have. I'll just use my two characters as an example. It is probably not exactly this idea, but I think this can be an idea to build on. Really what I am doing is taking literally what I do for most match plans and add detail to it. Use the move-sets to build the bigger spots it leads to, and try to highlight some character moments too. Since something people have enjoyed from longer matches is using them to flesh out people's characters and personality.

Ironically, this may probably be longer than most people's, haha.

Singles Match:
Cali Hayama vs Princess Nova

(Entrances and commentary)

Over a year after Cali Hayama pulled an upset win over Princess Nova in LDW as a rookie, they faced again in AMA after both competitors have undergone growth and they left off where they started. Cali Hayama immediately used her speed to try to get the upper hand, attempting some rope assisted arm drags, and even some hard kicks. However, none seemed to have done much on Princess Nova who was seemingly unaffected from each move early on. Given her mental state, we can only make assumptions to how. Eventually, Cali takes one risk too many and Nova kicks her leg out from under her on an early springboard attempt and hits a rope assisted hangman's neckbreaker. The TORN Angel took advantage for the early portions.

While Princess Nova can hold her own in regards to speed, the Heir of Fantasy grinds Cali down with some chokes in between her explosive moments of speed. A huge running corner dropkick lead to the first pin attempt of the match, but Princess Nova only got a one then immediately toys with Cali, tussling her hair around playfully and blowing a kiss. "What's wrong, dear? Don't want to play?" she teases Cali and that gets the Slayer-Queen frustrated and she manages to catch her with some hard kicks.

Taking advantage of an exchange of strikes, Cali slides between Nova's legs and quickly hits a snap German Suplex followed by a springboard crossbody and Princess Nova is forced to retreat to the outside. Cali Hayama fakes a dive to the outside, flipping back into the ring off the middle rope, and gets the TORN Angel to flinch. She followed that with a diving dropkick between the ropes and takes it to the outside.

Cali Hayama throws Princess Nova around and even mockingly blows a kiss her way. The Princess manages to get some fight in, but as she attempts to throw Cali into the steps, the agile gamer leaps over and then quickly uses it as a launching pad for a hurricanrana then finally gets back into the ring. Hitting a springboard forearm and getting a near-fall.

Quickening the pace, Cali Hayama attempts some unique pinning combinations, forcing Nova to wear herself out trying to kick out of each attempt. Nova finally gets a hurricanrana on her opponent, but Cali rolls through and follows with a superkick. Going high risk, Cali goes up top for a moonsault, but Princess Nova rolls out and despite landing on her feet, Nova chops Cali's leg out from under her.

Changing her strategy, Princess Nova focuses on the legs of the Slayer-Queen, remembering how much of her offense relies on her moving.. Trapping her leg in the ropes, a figure four attempt around the post, and general attacks, Princess Nova giggles as she tears apart the limbs. Cali Hayama doesn't quit though and tries some hard forearm strikes and chops. She finally catches Nova with a Northern lights, but with some damage on the legs, she can't bridge. Taking a second too long to capitalize, Princess Nova hits her Springboard Cutter, Elevate and ReNovate for a two.

Cali sits in the corner, trying to pull herself up, and slowly walks up to her, and helping her up. She attempts a kiss of death, but Cali pushes her off which results in Nova hitting a big thrust kick to her leg. Nova brings Cali to the top rope, trying for a top rope spanish fly, but Cali pushes her off and hits a beautiful Barrell Roll, knocking the Princess down and getting a two.

Realizing the damage on her legs is limiting her, Cali Hayama goes back to trying some unique pinning combinations, just trying to get the win before any more damage is had. Eventually Nova reverse a couple into some of her own and the two athletic women are exchanging pinfall attempts. Princess Nova attempts to break up the monotony and tries to go Insult to Injury, but Cali Hayama rolls out of the way, forcing Nova's knees to crash into the mat then rolls her up into a Listo Kick, some Chaos Control.

Usually that is a perfect set up for a Skull Cracker, but the damage on her legs forces Cali to have to ease her way into it, trying to get feeling back into her legs. This extra time gives Princess Nova a chance to roll away to the ropes. Cali charges at her as fast as her sore legs can take her, but Princess Nova backdrops her over the ropes and pulls her back into the ring for a Heatseeker, Clean Slate! It is a one, two, close three as Cali Hayama powers out.

Dragging Cali towards the middle of the ring, Princess Nova attempts her Queen's Hand submission, but Cali Hayama keeps the satin glove out of her mouth for Nova's rings of saturn/mandible claw combination. She eventually rolls out of it and catches Nova for a Spanish fly, another close fall.

Getting a bit desperate, Cali Hayama grabs Nova by the arm and repeatedly kicks and stomps on her head. The official has to step in and Princess Nova appears hurt. Eventually, Cali gets frustrated and gets between the official and Nova, but that is where Princess Nova finally seals Cali's fate with a kiss of death! The mysterious kiss stuns Cali Hayama and Nova nails her high impact elbow to the back of the head, the Excecution Elbow and that finally keeps the Gaijin-Joshi down for the one-two-three.


Princess Nova

Then after would be what happens post match, like Nova celebrating, commentary talking about the match, Nova toying with Cali during it, and having to play some mind-games and use her mysterious kiss to put Cali down for the three. Let me know what you guys think!​
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Samoa Looch

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Better, but still WAY to detailed, I think.

Or better said, that can be done with even less fat, without losing the taste. I mean you could shrink matches REALLY down and just write a short overall summary of how the match went down and only going into detail when something important for the overall story of the feud and/or character development is happening during the match. Because if you don't have stuff like that happening in a match, it doesn't really matter at all what kind of bigger move sequences (etc) happened.


Neo Genesis
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Better, but still WAY to detailed, I think.

Or better said, that can be done with even less fat, without losing the taste. I mean you could shrink matches REALLY down and just write a short overall summary of how the match went down and only going into detail when something important for the overall story of the feud and/or character development is happening during the match. Because if you don't have stuff like that happening in a match, it doesn't really matter at all what kind of bigger move sequences (etc) happened.

I'm a detailed writer, hence why I said it'd probably be longer than most people.

But I guess I'm always the type of person who likes using the matches to play off stories and characters. Something that makes sense. Of course, since this was just a random match off the top of my head, it is hard to do that as much so this was a touch move heavy. But I guess also the thing is if it is too short then there is ambiguity as to how a match happened. Like one person would go "OH, I DOMINATED" and another "NO! IT WAS CLOSE!" and I guess I like to know how a match was won. What happened, etc. Like this, Cali lost from Nova targeting the leg which limited what she could do and Nova's "Kiss of Death" and people can build on it whenever they have a rematch between them or in their future matches. Like are opponents going to be more wary of that from Nova? Are others also going to target Cali's legs? How is Cali going to counter it for next time? The match is part of the story in wrestling.

The match summary itself is also 919 words and like about a page and a half on a document which is less than a good chunk of promos. Like I'd imagine most of them would maybe be anywhere from 250 to less than 1000 on a show depending on the writer and the type of match which is honestly doable if you have like two or so to write in like 5 days, pending IRL stuff getting in the way.
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Neo Genesis
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Going off of what @King Switch mentioned, I'm going to write a little example of how a match like that would possibly work, like a slightly more detailed version of the Juicyverse mixed with some elements we have. I'll just use my two characters as an example. It is probably not exactly this idea, but I think this can be an idea to build on. Really what I am doing is taking literally what I do for most match plans and add detail to it. Use the move-sets to build the bigger spots it leads to, and try to highlight some character moments too. Since something people have enjoyed from longer matches is using them to flesh out people's characters and personality.

Ironically, this may probably be longer than most people's, haha.

Singles Match:
Cali Hayama vs Princess Nova

(Entrances and commentary)

Over a year after Cali Hayama pulled an upset win over Princess Nova in LDW as a rookie, they faced again in AMA after both competitors have undergone growth and they left off where they started. Cali Hayama immediately used her speed to try to get the upper hand, attempting some rope assisted arm drags, and even some hard kicks. However, none seemed to have done much on Princess Nova who was seemingly unaffected from each move early on. Given her mental state, we can only make assumptions to how. Eventually, Cali takes one risk too many and Nova kicks her leg out from under her on an early springboard attempt and hits a rope assisted hangman's neckbreaker. The TORN Angel took advantage for the early portions.

While Princess Nova can hold her own in regards to speed, the Heir of Fantasy grinds Cali down with some chokes in between her explosive moments of speed. A huge running corner dropkick lead to the first pin attempt of the match, but Princess Nova only got a one then immediately toys with Cali, tussling her hair around playfully and blowing a kiss. "What's wrong, dear? Don't want to play?" she teases Cali and that gets the Slayer-Queen frustrated and she manages to catch her with some hard kicks.

Taking advantage of an exchange of strikes, Cali slides between Nova's legs and quickly hits a snap German Suplex followed by a springboard crossbody and Princess Nova is forced to retreat to the outside. Cali Hayama fakes a dive to the outside, flipping back into the ring off the middle rope, and gets the TORN Angel to flinch. She followed that with a diving dropkick between the ropes and takes it to the outside.

Cali Hayama throws Princess Nova around and even mockingly blows a kiss her way. The Princess manages to get some fight in, but as she attempts to throw Cali into the steps, the agile gamer leaps over and then quickly uses it as a launching pad for a hurricanrana then finally gets back into the ring. Hitting a springboard forearm and getting a near-fall.

Quickening the pace, Cali Hayama attempts some unique pinning combinations, forcing Nova to wear herself out trying to kick out of each attempt. Nova finally gets a hurricanrana on her opponent, but Cali rolls through and follows with a superkick. Going high risk, Cali goes up top for a moonsault, but Princess Nova rolls out and despite landing on her feet, Nova chops Cali's leg out from under her.

Changing her strategy, Princess Nova focuses on the legs of the Slayer-Queen, remembering how much of her offense relies on her moving.. Trapping her leg in the ropes, a figure four attempt around the post, and general attacks, Princess Nova giggles as she tears apart the limbs. Cali Hayama doesn't quit though and tries some hard forearm strikes and chops. She finally catches Nova with a Northern lights, but with some damage on the legs, she can't bridge. Taking a second too long to capitalize, Princess Nova hits her Springboard Cutter, Elevate and ReNovate for a two.

Cali sits in the corner, trying to pull herself up, and slowly walks up to her, and helping her up. She attempts a kiss of death, but Cali pushes her off which results in Nova hitting a big thrust kick to her leg. Nova brings Cali to the top rope, trying for a top rope spanish fly, but Cali pushes her off and hits a beautiful Barrell Roll, knocking the Princess down and getting a two.

Realizing the damage on her legs is limiting her, Cali Hayama goes back to trying some unique pinning combinations, just trying to get the win before any more damage is had. Eventually Nova reverse a couple into some of her own and the two athletic women are exchanging pinfall attempts. Princess Nova attempts to break up the monotony and tries to go Insult to Injury, but Cali Hayama rolls out of the way, forcing Nova's knees to crash into the mat then rolls her up into a Listo Kick, some Chaos Control.

Usually that is a perfect set up for a Skull Cracker, but the damage on her legs forces Cali to have to ease her way into it, trying to get feeling back into her legs. This extra time gives Princess Nova a chance to roll away to the ropes. Cali charges at her as fast as her sore legs can take her, but Princess Nova backdrops her over the ropes and pulls her back into the ring for a Heatseeker, Clean Slate! It is a one, two, close three as Cali Hayama powers out.

Dragging Cali towards the middle of the ring, Princess Nova attempts her Queen's Hand submission, but Cali Hayama keeps the satin glove out of her mouth for Nova's rings of saturn/mandible claw combination. She eventually rolls out of it and catches Nova for a Spanish fly, another close fall.

Getting a bit desperate, Cali Hayama grabs Nova by the arm and repeatedly kicks and stomps on her head. The official has to step in and Princess Nova appears hurt. Eventually, Cali gets frustrated and gets between the official and Nova, but that is where Princess Nova finally seals Cali's fate with a kiss of death! The mysterious kiss stuns Cali Hayama and Nova nails her high impact elbow to the back of the head, the Excecution Elbow and that finally keeps the Gaijin-Joshi down for the one-two-three.


Princess Nova

Then after would be what happens post match, like Nova celebrating, commentary talking about the match, Nova toying with Cali during it, and having to play some mind-games and use her mysterious kiss to put Cali down for the three. Let me know what you guys think!​

And something to remember, with the example I made, it isn't one person writing 10 matches. It'd probably be like 3-5 people writing them. So if someone has more time and wants a touch extra detail for spice then so be it. But everyone doesn't need to be nearly that long and really just depends on what the person writing feels more comfortable with. If someone can do it in shorter, they can do it shorter. The key isn't the specific length, as it is going to vary. The key is the general format. Which is this.

-State what match it is so if someone needs to go back and find a specific match result, they can find it easily.

-Entrances which can always be added after just as a way to mention the story, and set a tone.

-Summarize the match, state some key story moments, maybe some fun moments, but most importantly what generally happened and how it ended.

-"This person won in this amount of time"

-Then post-match stuff, what's the fallout and reaction?
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Going off of what @King Switch mentioned, I'm going to write a little example of how a match like that would possibly work, like a slightly more detailed version of the Juicyverse mixed with some elements we have. I'll just use my two characters as an example. It is probably not exactly this idea, but I think this can be an idea to build on. Really what I am doing is taking literally what I do for most match plans and add detail to it. Use the move-sets to build the bigger spots it leads to, and try to highlight some character moments too. Since something people have enjoyed from longer matches is using them to flesh out people's characters and personality.

Ironically, this may probably be longer than most people's, haha.

Singles Match:
Cali Hayama vs Princess Nova

(Entrances and commentary)

Over a year after Cali Hayama pulled an upset win over Princess Nova in LDW as a rookie, they faced again in AMA after both competitors have undergone growth and they left off where they started. Cali Hayama immediately used her speed to try to get the upper hand, attempting some rope assisted arm drags, and even some hard kicks. However, none seemed to have done much on Princess Nova who was seemingly unaffected from each move early on. Given her mental state, we can only make assumptions to how. Eventually, Cali takes one risk too many and Nova kicks her leg out from under her on an early springboard attempt and hits a rope assisted hangman's neckbreaker. The TORN Angel took advantage for the early portions.

While Princess Nova can hold her own in regards to speed, the Heir of Fantasy grinds Cali down with some chokes in between her explosive moments of speed. A huge running corner dropkick lead to the first pin attempt of the match, but Princess Nova only got a one then immediately toys with Cali, tussling her hair around playfully and blowing a kiss. "What's wrong, dear? Don't want to play?" she teases Cali and that gets the Slayer-Queen frustrated and she manages to catch her with some hard kicks.

Taking advantage of an exchange of strikes, Cali slides between Nova's legs and quickly hits a snap German Suplex followed by a springboard crossbody and Princess Nova is forced to retreat to the outside. Cali Hayama fakes a dive to the outside, flipping back into the ring off the middle rope, and gets the TORN Angel to flinch. She followed that with a diving dropkick between the ropes and takes it to the outside.

Cali Hayama throws Princess Nova around and even mockingly blows a kiss her way. The Princess manages to get some fight in, but as she attempts to throw Cali into the steps, the agile gamer leaps over and then quickly uses it as a launching pad for a hurricanrana then finally gets back into the ring. Hitting a springboard forearm and getting a near-fall.

Quickening the pace, Cali Hayama attempts some unique pinning combinations, forcing Nova to wear herself out trying to kick out of each attempt. Nova finally gets a hurricanrana on her opponent, but Cali rolls through and follows with a superkick. Going high risk, Cali goes up top for a moonsault, but Princess Nova rolls out and despite landing on her feet, Nova chops Cali's leg out from under her.

Changing her strategy, Princess Nova focuses on the legs of the Slayer-Queen, remembering how much of her offense relies on her moving.. Trapping her leg in the ropes, a figure four attempt around the post, and general attacks, Princess Nova giggles as she tears apart the limbs. Cali Hayama doesn't quit though and tries some hard forearm strikes and chops. She finally catches Nova with a Northern lights, but with some damage on the legs, she can't bridge. Taking a second too long to capitalize, Princess Nova hits her Springboard Cutter, Elevate and ReNovate for a two.

Cali sits in the corner, trying to pull herself up, and slowly walks up to her, and helping her up. She attempts a kiss of death, but Cali pushes her off which results in Nova hitting a big thrust kick to her leg. Nova brings Cali to the top rope, trying for a top rope spanish fly, but Cali pushes her off and hits a beautiful Barrell Roll, knocking the Princess down and getting a two.

Realizing the damage on her legs is limiting her, Cali Hayama goes back to trying some unique pinning combinations, just trying to get the win before any more damage is had. Eventually Nova reverse a couple into some of her own and the two athletic women are exchanging pinfall attempts. Princess Nova attempts to break up the monotony and tries to go Insult to Injury, but Cali Hayama rolls out of the way, forcing Nova's knees to crash into the mat then rolls her up into a Listo Kick, some Chaos Control.

Usually that is a perfect set up for a Skull Cracker, but the damage on her legs forces Cali to have to ease her way into it, trying to get feeling back into her legs. This extra time gives Princess Nova a chance to roll away to the ropes. Cali charges at her as fast as her sore legs can take her, but Princess Nova backdrops her over the ropes and pulls her back into the ring for a Heatseeker, Clean Slate! It is a one, two, close three as Cali Hayama powers out.

Dragging Cali towards the middle of the ring, Princess Nova attempts her Queen's Hand submission, but Cali Hayama keeps the satin glove out of her mouth for Nova's rings of saturn/mandible claw combination. She eventually rolls out of it and catches Nova for a Spanish fly, another close fall.

Getting a bit desperate, Cali Hayama grabs Nova by the arm and repeatedly kicks and stomps on her head. The official has to step in and Princess Nova appears hurt. Eventually, Cali gets frustrated and gets between the official and Nova, but that is where Princess Nova finally seals Cali's fate with a kiss of death! The mysterious kiss stuns Cali Hayama and Nova nails her high impact elbow to the back of the head, the Excecution Elbow and that finally keeps the Gaijin-Joshi down for the one-two-three.


Princess Nova

Then after would be what happens post match, like Nova celebrating, commentary talking about the match, Nova toying with Cali during it, and having to play some mind-games and use her mysterious kiss to put Cali down for the three. Let me know what you guys think!​

^ IMO, this style of match is probably the best way to go. It’s not too long as to take 2 months to write, and it’s not too short as to be missing any sort of character development and story. My problem with doing a match summary or, like a 3 paragraph match, is that I don’t see a way in which any match writer can have each character in the match show off their personalities/gimmicks, which to me, is the best part of reading matches…also, just saying, if people are expected to write a 1000+ promo in a week, then surely 3-5 writers can do 6-10 650-1000 word matches in 2 weeks? (Pending IRL stuff of course) ;)


Neo Genesis
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^ IMO, this style of match is probably the best way to go. It’s not too long as to take 2 months to write, and it’s not too short as to be missing any sort of character development and story. My problem with doing a match summary or, like a 3 paragraph match, is that I don’t see a way in which any match writer can have each character in the match show off their personalities/gimmicks, which to me, is the best part of reading matches…also, just saying, if people are expected to write a 1000+ promo in a week, then surely 3-5 writers can do 6-10 650-1000 word matches in 2 weeks? (Pending IRL stuff of course) ;)

And I don't think it is like a beat-for-beat match. It perhaps some of that near the end as things ramp up and I get drawn into it and I was legit writing it off the top of my head in like 15 minutes to a half an hour, but it is condensed and the highlights. I think maybe you have seen me do a match plan or two over the years and send them your way, this kind of felt like that. Bullet points, but rather than break them into full sections for an entire match with a couple paragraphs, it is more like a paragraph per bullet point, or one or two of them in a paragraph together, just expanding on it.

Edit: And honestly here, the length of promos vary depending on who is writing.
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