The very last thing I’m going to say is if Pendex quit because he had one back and forth in mafia for approximately 15 minutes despite not having issues with any other players or a bad experience in any prior game, then that’s his choice, but it’s rather meh. It’s mafia.
Also, Pendex didn’t play a single game in 2022 after playing I believe two games in 2021. So he wasn’t even regular here. I think over 3 years 4 games. So he probably would have disappeared regardless and CP threatened to quit the forum over Juice misbehaving. Who he was now defending. That’s his shtick. He’ll either mean it this time or he’ll return in 4 months to play. His choice.
Y’all are grownups. I think you should be handle mafia.
Hosts from this point forth will be much more vigilant with stopping back and forths before they escalate and if players don’t listen when told to cool it, more action will be taken against them in the future. So don’t worry.
We’ll take care of it. Mafia is a game. We’re not gonna tolerate anymore of these things to ruin the fun.