LogicalWMD....I'm calling you out son.

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Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
he's Staggered

who's doing the cheap name calling now?

He called me out and promised to dice me. Let him fight his own battles. Those weren't cheapshots. They were conclusions derived from the evidence. I see more than your average person. This guy's sudden outburst of bravado corresponds with the type of behavior typical of crack users and manic-depressives I used to encounter in my practice and study in my program in neuroscience, and know from seeing friends bite the dust. This guy almost has too. Poor sot. This might serve as a wake up call. I've been studying psychology as a sideline since I was 13. I've been a delinquent at times but always valued learning and it allowed me to land on my feet.

After survival and sensual pleasure, life is for learning, and I've learned to think, and gotten exceedingly good at it.

Those were accurate observations which he hardly denied, not cheapshots. Read he sloppy prose after his absence and tell me he's not shaken.


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Poor kid

if u don't have any friends, just say so. And who gives a damn that you chair some fucking debate group

Who gives a damn about anything about you, if there is anything about you to give a damn or even pity about. Do you think you come across like a social butterfly that people want to flock to? Sorry boy, you're a lonely, disillusioned onlooker who's living through a guy who's living through cena. With my self-confidence, charm, communication skills, looks and wit, I can choose my friends from the cream of the crop. I already exchange PM's with 5 people in this forum who are smart and who rock.


Philosophy poseur? BA. Magna Cum Laude, LLB,

:clap: :clap:

Those are some impressive credentials. The one credential I don't see is a Phd in Thugonomics. Which happens to be the one credential that will save your ass on the streets.

You see, I am from the mean streets of New Hampshire. Not a day goes by that I don't see someone jay walking or driving without a seat belt.

While you were sitting in class listening to some professor tell you how to think, I was earning my Phd in Thugonomics winning rap battles in the parking lot of the local Dunkin Donuts.

Your Magna Cum Loud BS may save you during debate league matches against Yale, but it won't save you from the beating you will get from the Chain Gang.

The Chain Gang may not be the smartest Gang in the world, we may not own a Latin dictionary, we may not use the word "Ramshackle" on an everyday basis. But two things we know are how to never back down and never quit.

If you want to win this war, you're gonna have to bring it a lot harder than you have, son. Declaring victory every post isn't gonna cut. Creating multiple threads to bash me is a waste of your time.

Face it, I'm younger, I'm cooler, I smell better, and I'm much better with the ladies. I am the total package.

One-sided you say? The only side you will be seeing is the backside of my hand as I deliver another devestating 5 Knuckle Shuffle.

Word Life!


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
You know, at some point I'm going to have to step in and end this feudin and a fussin one way or another, so I'll give you people the option.

Woo me. Make me choose a side.

Then I will crush the otherside with monkeystyle guerilla net warfare.

Jesus h. Christ that sounded way too geeky.

None the less. Do it!


You know, at some point I'm going to have to step in and end this feudin and a fussin one way or another, so I'll give you people the option.

Woo me. Make me choose a side.

Then I will crush the otherside with monkeystyle guerilla net warfare.

Jesus h. Christ that sounded way too geeky.

None the less. Do it!

Here is my first, last and best offer. If you join my side you will get your choice of the following four items;

1. Replica WWE Spinner Belt

2. Hustle Loyalty Respect Spinner Pendent w/Gold crusted Lanyard

3. Chain Gang Assault Battalion T shirt (sizes Kids or XXXL)

4. A copy of "The Marine" signed by John Cena's neighbors friend

Take your pick and choose wisely.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
Here is my first, last and best offer. If you join my side you will get your choice of the following four items;

1. Replica WWE Spinner Belt

2. Hustle Loyalty Respect Spinner Pendent w/Gold crusted Lanyard

3. Chain Gang Assault Battalion T shirt (sizes Kids or XXXL)

4. A copy of "The Marine" signed by John Cena's neighbors friend

Take your pick and choose wisely.

Alright, you win.

LogicalWMD we comin for you smurf!

Wrestling Station

monkeystyle! bad you hehe! you know that im always on your side!! why you didnt ask me?! :(

Let me give you a hand with 8 fingers (monkeystyle) and make the show interesting ;)

CenaMark, im with you dude, i guess i need to stop uploading media for a second and pay some attention to this for a while! Damn it, poor you newbie.


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
What are you trying to win? A sympathy contest?

:clap: :clap:

Those are some impressive credentials. The one credential I don't see is a Phd in Thugonomics. Which happens to be the one credential that will save your ass on the streets.

You see, I am from the mean streets of New Hampshire. Not a day goes by that I don't see someone jay walking or driving without a seat belt.

While you were sitting in class listening to some professor tell you how to think, I was earning my Phd in Thugonomics winning rap battles in the parking lot of the local Dunkin Donuts.

Your Magna Cum Loud BS may save you during debate league matches against Yale, but it won't save you from the beating you will get from the Chain Gang.

The Chain Gang may not be the smartest Gang in the world, we may not own a Latin dictionary, we may not use the word "Ramshackle" on an everyday basis. But two things we know are how to never back down and never quit.

If you want to win this war, you're gonna have to bring it a lot harder than you have, son. Declaring victory every post isn't gonna cut. Creating multiple threads to bash me is a waste of your time.

Face it, I'm younger, I'm cooler, I smell better, and I'm much better with the ladies. I am the total package.

One-sided you say? The only side you will be seeing is the backside of my hand as I deliver another devestating 5 Knuckle Shuffle.

Word Life!

So you've devoted your life to mastering some broken thugiambic pentameter. It gets laughs AT you and your attempts to mock me are like your other attribute -- impotent. Why shouldn't I declare victory -- compare my crushing professional, original posts with your hesitant, choppy Cena mimicry The proof is blinding. You have no talent, just a tenuous grasp of the language of a wrestler properly characterized as a "recovering suck". And you're not even recovering. In the short course of this post you've gotten worse. That is, boy, bluntly, YOU SUCK!!

Once the drugs wore off and I burst the bubble of mania you've been bumbling and making errors and admissions and sounding like the children in whose name you called me out. You have friends, those who root for the underdog in this HIAT. They attack with me noodly one liners as your proxy to allow you recover and write serveral drafts of that drivel you finally embarrass yourself by posting. Can't you see by my broader scope, superior communication skills, greater experience, less formulaic and less straight-jacketed style, that I dominate you in the written word and I'm an irrestistible force. That comes from a life of success in a vast spectrum of experiences of which you can't even dream. I'm been there and done it while all you've done is watch Cena, jerk off and scream.

If I hadn't buried you before thist thread, maybe you can tell me why I need to post any further and hurt you more cruelly than heretofore. It's got to hurt bad enough that I revealed you for a drug addict and an emotional cripple. It sure must be a bitch. But a bitch is something you've been since being suckled at your father's breast.

OK. Here come your proxies to stroke your hurts and declare what a mean man I am. Go recite so more formulaic comedy and try to be "what's causin' all this." Why not just got back to my posts, "and whether you like them or you don't like them, sit back and read them, because they're the best thing going today! WOOOO!"


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Et tu Lethal?

He is taking sides against me which is ok because we are going to crush him, I'll take the spinner belt CenaMark. Monkey doesn't want it, me, me, me it's for me, lol.

WE'RE going to crush him [me]? What did I say about this weakling needing the help of most of the forum. That says it all about who, head up, is the better man. Him and his army are are outnumbered against one of me. I got owned by you? You're delusional too? Come over to the side that's winning. I'll drop old scores. Standing offer.