The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.
Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.
Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off .
The crowd immediately breaks out into a booing frenzy as Matt Hardy Version 1 emerges from the back being escorted by his new MF'er Lita. The crowd looks on in shock and awe as the two embrace at the top of the ramp. They then start walking down the ramp. Lita runs ahead and slides into the ring. Matt stays behind and hams it up to the crowd. Today's Matt Fact flashes on the screen reading “Matt has seen every Friday the 13th filmâ€.
Matt then climbs into the ring and tosses up a V1 hand sign, much to the crowd's dismay.
Matt Hardy and Edge stare across at each other from opposite corners as the bell rings. They lock up but Matt instantly hits a knee to Edge's abdomen, perhaps a little below, but the referee couldn't tell. Matt starts landing repeated shots to Edge's face, some of them closed fists, backing him up into the corner as Hardy repeats it again and again until the referee counts to four, then pulls him away. Hardy and the official argue over it, before Matt changes his attentions, and runs at Edge going for a clothesline, but Edge moves out of the way and Matt crashes chest-first into the turnbuckle. Edge manouvers behind him, and nails him with the Edge-O-Matic! Edge hooks one leg with an innovative cover!
Matt Hardy kicks out.
Tazz: Kickout there by Matt Hardy, Edge almost caught him there.
Booker T: Matt's gotta stay on his toes dogg, when he's in there with the Rated-R Superstar. Yknow what I'm sayin'?
Hardy gets to his feet, as does Edge, and once they meet they begin trading right hands. They continue this for a while, and Matt finally backs up Edge into the ropes, and irish whips him off. Hardy goes for a clothesline off the rebound, but Edge comes back, but Hardy kicks him in the gut as he comes back again, and hooks his head for the Twist of Fate. Edge spins out as Hardy goes for it, and Edge now kicks him in the abdomen, and hooks his head, and nails him with the Edgecution DDT! Edge crawls over to the corner as Hardy starts to stir, leaning one arm over the ropes, his eyes wide, as he pulls his hair back, the infamous facial expression appearing.
Booker T: Awwww, man. This could be bad for Matt Hardy right here.
Tazz: Edge setting up for the Spear, it's taken down so many superstars.
Hardy gets to a knee, as Edge looks like he's just boiling up in anticipation. Hardy stumbles up, turned away from Edge, and raises one hand up, as though he were about to begin the Twist of Fate. He turns around as Edge hurtles at him like a missile, but Hardy, in an innovative counter, moves that raised arm down and up like a pendulm, and hooks Edge's head mid-run with it, and hits him with the Twist of Fate! Edge crumples to the side as Matt scrambles over!
Tazz: Was that...was that a one-handed Twist of Fate?!
Booker T: Man, dogg, Edge is OUT!
Booker T: You've got to be kiddin' me dawg!
Matt grabs Edge and tosses him over the ropes, Matt then slides out of the ring before grabbing Edge around the waist as Matt charges towards the steel post as Edge's back slams hard on the post. Matt then grabs Edge by the back of the head and goes to slam his head on the steel post but Edge reverses as the referee counts both men out. Edge then slams Matt's head on the steel post.
Edge then tosses Matt to the barricade as Edge then delivers multiple punches.
Edge goes to slide back in the ring but Lita cuts him off stopping him, Edge knows if he touches Lita he will be disqualified, this distractions good enough for Matt to attack from behind with a reverse DDT.
Matt goes to slide in the ring but Edge stops him.
The result of this match is a Double Count-out!
Booker T: Damn Lita I tell ya!
Edge and Matt continue brawling on the outside, Lita then slaps Edge across the face as Matt then goes for a Twist of Fate but Edge reverses it quickly with an Edgecution! Edge then grabs Lita and slides her into the ring, Lita looks to escape but Edge grabs her and connects with an Edgecution as the crowd erupts to cheers. Edge then positions himself by the corner turnbuckle looking for a spear but Matt slides back into the ring as Edge charges at Lita only for Matt to stop with a kick to the guts. Matt looks for a Twist of Fate once again but Edge throws him into Lita as Lita is then knocked over as she goes to the outside. Matt turns around as Edge spears him. Edge quickly slides out of the ring and leaves via the crowd as 'Mattitude' runs down the entrance ramp, we then go to commercial.
The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.

Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.

Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off .
The crowd immediately breaks out into a booing frenzy as Matt Hardy Version 1 emerges from the back being escorted by his new MF'er Lita. The crowd looks on in shock and awe as the two embrace at the top of the ramp. They then start walking down the ramp. Lita runs ahead and slides into the ring. Matt stays behind and hams it up to the crowd. Today's Matt Fact flashes on the screen reading “Matt has seen every Friday the 13th filmâ€.

Matt then climbs into the ring and tosses up a V1 hand sign, much to the crowd's dismay.
Matt Hardy and Edge stare across at each other from opposite corners as the bell rings. They lock up but Matt instantly hits a knee to Edge's abdomen, perhaps a little below, but the referee couldn't tell. Matt starts landing repeated shots to Edge's face, some of them closed fists, backing him up into the corner as Hardy repeats it again and again until the referee counts to four, then pulls him away. Hardy and the official argue over it, before Matt changes his attentions, and runs at Edge going for a clothesline, but Edge moves out of the way and Matt crashes chest-first into the turnbuckle. Edge manouvers behind him, and nails him with the Edge-O-Matic! Edge hooks one leg with an innovative cover!
Matt Hardy kicks out.
Tazz: Kickout there by Matt Hardy, Edge almost caught him there.
Booker T: Matt's gotta stay on his toes dogg, when he's in there with the Rated-R Superstar. Yknow what I'm sayin'?
Hardy gets to his feet, as does Edge, and once they meet they begin trading right hands. They continue this for a while, and Matt finally backs up Edge into the ropes, and irish whips him off. Hardy goes for a clothesline off the rebound, but Edge comes back, but Hardy kicks him in the gut as he comes back again, and hooks his head for the Twist of Fate. Edge spins out as Hardy goes for it, and Edge now kicks him in the abdomen, and hooks his head, and nails him with the Edgecution DDT! Edge crawls over to the corner as Hardy starts to stir, leaning one arm over the ropes, his eyes wide, as he pulls his hair back, the infamous facial expression appearing.
Booker T: Awwww, man. This could be bad for Matt Hardy right here.
Tazz: Edge setting up for the Spear, it's taken down so many superstars.
Hardy gets to a knee, as Edge looks like he's just boiling up in anticipation. Hardy stumbles up, turned away from Edge, and raises one hand up, as though he were about to begin the Twist of Fate. He turns around as Edge hurtles at him like a missile, but Hardy, in an innovative counter, moves that raised arm down and up like a pendulm, and hooks Edge's head mid-run with it, and hits him with the Twist of Fate! Edge crumples to the side as Matt scrambles over!
Tazz: Was that...was that a one-handed Twist of Fate?!
Booker T: Man, dogg, Edge is OUT!
Booker T: You've got to be kiddin' me dawg!
Matt grabs Edge and tosses him over the ropes, Matt then slides out of the ring before grabbing Edge around the waist as Matt charges towards the steel post as Edge's back slams hard on the post. Matt then grabs Edge by the back of the head and goes to slam his head on the steel post but Edge reverses as the referee counts both men out. Edge then slams Matt's head on the steel post.
Edge then tosses Matt to the barricade as Edge then delivers multiple punches.
Edge goes to slide back in the ring but Lita cuts him off stopping him, Edge knows if he touches Lita he will be disqualified, this distractions good enough for Matt to attack from behind with a reverse DDT.
Matt goes to slide in the ring but Edge stops him.
The result of this match is a Double Count-out!
Booker T: Damn Lita I tell ya!
Edge and Matt continue brawling on the outside, Lita then slaps Edge across the face as Matt then goes for a Twist of Fate but Edge reverses it quickly with an Edgecution! Edge then grabs Lita and slides her into the ring, Lita looks to escape but Edge grabs her and connects with an Edgecution as the crowd erupts to cheers. Edge then positions himself by the corner turnbuckle looking for a spear but Matt slides back into the ring as Edge charges at Lita only for Matt to stop with a kick to the guts. Matt looks for a Twist of Fate once again but Edge throws him into Lita as Lita is then knocked over as she goes to the outside. Matt turns around as Edge spears him. Edge quickly slides out of the ring and leaves via the crowd as 'Mattitude' runs down the entrance ramp, we then go to commercial.
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