Oh yeah pointy robot. Edge kicking it off? Ok. Crowds hot tonight at least for edge. Seriously the Dom storyline is opening up Raw I find this hilarious. Uncle Edge isn't angry he's just disappointed. This really does come off as an angry Uncle. Had to know Rey was going to come out to save Dom. I can't wait until Rey stops carrying Doms load, or Dom gets fired. Doms new daddy out for the save this time lol. Dom can't stand up for Dom got two others doing the job. Is he going to come out in a gimp outfit? LMAO who's your daddy chants. Also that dom outfit. I don't like Rheas rat tail. Oh Eddie's son chants now even better. So Judgement day to continue... yup there they are. The dom not looking or talking is a bit dumb like has he been supernaturally taken over. Speak dom it. So we're taking edge out of action again? Meh continuation.
Anyone else notice that Ciampa constantly refers to him as Mike? HHH obsessed with parking lots?
Fatal 4 way for tag titles, assume the raiders take out new day, suprised they aren't involved. MMM and Hit row take out Lotharios and Street Profits, Alpha Academy wins? Probably not but seems like they all have other feuds than AA. LMAO the new day with that move, great. Pretty sure thats not how a fatal 4 way works though. Seems like they're playing fast and loose with all the rules lately. Dawkins upping his game. That was a nice sequence with the knee block into the suplex. Well I don't see Nick in the crowd and Strowman isn't official. Gable standing up to him is kinda nice. Seems like an odd spot for him just sayin, guess they just want an OMG he killed everyone. The whole idea of WWE Security supposedly being able to remove a wrestler never made sense to me, like if they could do that wouldn't they themselves be a wrestler? Which wouldn't be a bad character idea. Leader of security going into business for himself to start wrestling. Meh. Well he's back, now what? RAW doing the pnp during commercial... hmmm.
So guess the rumors of WWE selling are gone since you know the budget cuts were supposedly to make them more lucrative for buyers?
Well womens tag team match out... Meh Seemed like nobody tried to grab that shirt. And it's over.
Has Rey's promo work always sucked? Is it just me?
Theory screwing up his line? They should have used Amber Heards makeup kit on him to give a bruise. Theory have a concussion this promo is bad. I can't tell if he's doing it on purpose or being really good at covering it up. Damn they're alive for KO. Pretty good KO promo. Damn impressive match.
Lumis is now on par with Voldermort?
Bayley just shooshed Bianca GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT. Pretty good promo from Bayley
Gargano reminds me of a motivational speaker.
Damien vs. Rey, ugh I just don't care. Hopefully Rey is taken out and we get them to go after someone else. Damn Edge is going to have to work his ass off to make Dom look like he has any skill.
O wow, Bobby didn't screw up a single line in that promo.
Riddles huffing thing makes me laugh.
US Title match. Lumis under the ring? Kidnaps Ciamap? Feel like it'd be week to be the camera man again. Just another random spotlight moment? I don't see Lashley losing and him constantly being in this angle too feels just odd. Maybe he's the real target? Though I'm probably overthinking it, I just can't get around why it started with Lumis and AJ and shifted. Does bobby always wear glitter? I'm starting to need more from this storyline.