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THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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I have some what of a little story to tell here. Kind of sucks, but I want to know what you guys think of this.

So my friends, and I, basically the whole graduatting class from the last school year are at this party. We're all pretty cool, especially me, who tries to stay in touch with all the cliques. Rockers, Rappers, Preps, Refs, & even the scholar kids lol. Well the girl throwing the party, her brother, is this kid. He talks very odd to say the least, and you can barely understand him at all. Also, he's hearing impaired, he was supposed to be born death, mute, and blind, but some last minute doctor stuff saved part of his speech, vision, and hearing abilities. Anyways, this guys a roided up hearing impaired kid. He's just like one of the normal guys. He cracks perverted jokes on girls, and tries to hang with the guys usually. I try to be as nice as possible to him, and treat him like any of the other guys. He's even taught me some stuff in the gym tbh. Anyways, he was once hitting on my ex, at the time she was dating me, and of course he's no competition so i don't care its just that it bothered me. Especially when I am the jealous time.

So at the party were walking around the house, all a tad tipsy, no ones overly drunk or anything, but my good friend, also our comedian, Brandon finds one of Brian's(the hearing impaired kid) punching bags in the back. Were all chatting, and Brandon tells us to look at him. He says "Brian probably takes all of his aggression out on this bag." This initiated a series of jokes that will change my relationship with the girl throwing the party, Andrea, whom is Brians sister. Brandon mocks Brian by saying "he goes: I stay at the corner at parties because I like it there!". Which is so true. He's known to sit by the speakers, and stay camoflauged in the corners. He continues with "I hear all the jokes you people say", he punches the bag after each line. Then, "I'm death, not Blue, I understand when you people dont wanna invite me!"..."Why does god put everything on mute!!!", obviously referring to his hearing impaired~ness. "Why is it when I punch this bag, it makes no sound!"... So eventually, Luis, my best friend, and I tell Brandon to chill out because not only is Brians smaller sister near by, Brian himself is in the same fucking room as him. Ironically, Brian didn't hear a word being said as he's just bobbing his head next to the speakers.

So the next day, we're having a football game, all the guys, and I decide to quote Brandon. I send a picture message of Brian in the corner at a party, and I had every quote above, and sent it to my whole circle of guy friends. One of the guys snitched, and told Andrea, but in the message I said "the marvelous work of Brandon.". So Andrea believed he sent the message. Andrea caused a fuss blaming Brandon, and told her family, and by the time I found out, I NEEDED to come clean. I did, and now the whole family except Brian, who I guess hasn't HEARD the news(pun intended) hates my guts. Luckily, there mom had a crush on me, so I guess they'll expect me sooner or later. For now, I'm the bad guy to all of Andrea's female friends, and Brians roided up ass is coming for me. Lol, no Brian isn't coming for me, but still, I feel pretty bad, but cant help but laugh when thinking about the jokes. Am I really that bad? What would you guys do?

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Brandon made jokes about Brian at the party. He made deaf jokes. He was pretending to be him while punching the punching bag. This is what he said:

"I stay at the corner at parties because I like it there!"
Because Brians deafness we joke around saying he cant hear the music, and since no one really dances with him, he stays anti-social in the corners at parties.

"I hear all the jokes you people say"
Talking about his deafness, and all the jokes made on him.

"I'm death, not Blue, I understand when you people dont wanna invite me!"
Talking about how no one likes him.

"Why does god put everything on mute!!!"
Deaf joke.

"Why is it when I punch this bag, it makes no sound!"
Deaf joke.

I guess I told the story as if you knew who everyone was, and it was rushed but maybe I'm just lazy. So anyways, I took the jokes made by Brandon, the ones above, and I sent it to all the guys. I publicized the joke. Thats why I was, or am in trouble.


Don't fucking invite the deaf kid if you're just gonna bag him out.
Feb 8, 2007
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Australia... and no, I do not ride around on a Kan
Yea dude thats pretty damn pathetic, your friend is an absolute asshole for bagging him as if he can help being deaf in the first place, shows how intelligent he is. You are just as bad for sending it around to everyone... Seriously what is accomplished by bagging out the disabled? Does it make your friend feel all tough? Really it makes him look weak.

Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, I am partially deaf myself and I don't take too kindly to people making deaf jokes (unless they are a friend of mine and are just joking around)


I absolutely hate people who invite others and then bag them. What is the point? The kid just wants to enjoy himself. It's not his fault his was born with defects, maybe people should just give the poor kid a break.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I'm not sorry for sounding harsh. But when I went to high school the majority of my peers and I appreciated our disabled friends for giving their damndest to be as normal as possible. Of course we realized that we couldn't expect them to do all the things we did, but we certainly weren't spreading around text messages making fun of them. We weren't going to parties that we knew they'd be at just to make fun of them. That's just cruel. It's not even cool or funny in the slightest of ways. And if you really had any sense of shame you would be the one chomping at the bit and apologizing for your part in the whole thing. It sounds like his family are nice people. You owe them enough to swallow some humility and admit when you did wrong.
Apr 12, 2008
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The Altar of Sacrifice
You know, bagging a blueberry was funny in like, freshman year, for maybe 5 minutes, and then we got a heart and realized how terrible it was to make fun of someone who probably gets shit from everyone else anyways because there's always one asshole who goes and makes fun of people to make himself feel good. Im assuming in youre school that "asshole(s)" are you and your friends.

CT Styles

I wouldn't have posted this. You've just exposed you and your dickhead friend as fucking asswipes; him for saying it, and you for sending it around.
You said:
We're all pretty cool, especially me.
I'd hate to think what your definition of cool is. I bet you were high as a kite on your 'ganja' and suddenly put on a couple of pounds then took photos at the party.


You're a fucking asshole. Few things that came to mind when reading this.
-The jokes aren't even funny. Basically, it wasn't even worth my time, or the time of the guy telling them. Didn't laugh once
-You sound like a complete tool. Sound like such a fucking fag. "Oh, all the cliques are friends with me", "We're all cool, especially me", "His mom has a crush on me". GTFO
-I hope he beats your ass, just for the fuck of it.


Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
lmao, I love how you laughed at me when I said I had friends and shit and said it didnt matter on the forum, than you go even farther than I did and say how your especially cool and EVERYONE loves you. Fuck off hypocrite. In terms of the story, your a fucking pussy. You could have stopped it and you didnt.

Wrestling Station

Steve Wilkos will be more than happy to invite both of you to his show :shifty:

He will scream at you and you will just pray that you were deaf to not hear that!! lol.