Darksidetrin said:True talent shall overcome. It's up to the fans to keep him over. I think DBry is one of the best talents on the roster. Put him in a fued with Ziggler and no one will be dissapointed
This is what's legitimately pisses me off. You can discuss how much the fans like or dislike a guy, you can discuss logical booking or what you can possibly do with people, you can discuss mic skills and ring talent and everything... but there's only one thing that matters. Backstage politics. WWE will push who WWE wanna push, which means more Cena and Lameus even though the fans shit on them in every arena they walk out into. If you get over to a massive degree and they don't want to give you a spotlight, they'll make sure the fans don't want to see you in it.
Punk's title reign isn't beyond repair imo. It's just that you know they aren't going to try.
Leo C said:It's because of that hashtag that I'm not surprised. Their stupid booking knows no boundaries.
Awesome post.