THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Raw this week was pretty crap tbh. Don't give CAWdy the mic again. He only had 20 words and he still stuffed up 
Main Event was alright, but it leads to HHH vs John Cena, in a match I don't want to see, and therefore, I won't be getting the upcoming PPV (NoC).
Nothing else from Raw was great this week, or worth noting. Oh wait, DiBiase exerted nice confidence again. Now I'm done.

Main Event was alright, but it leads to HHH vs John Cena, in a match I don't want to see, and therefore, I won't be getting the upcoming PPV (NoC).
Nothing else from Raw was great this week, or worth noting. Oh wait, DiBiase exerted nice confidence again. Now I'm done.