Finally saw this weeks show last night. Not gonna re-tread ground already covered, but a couple of things I noted:
*Loved the little backstage skit between HHH & Orton... It's great when you have the guys talking on that level, refering to old matches without getting all heated and "I'm gonna kill you".... I think there should be more stuff like this as it kinda of alludes (in kayfaybe) to the kinda conversations that may go on in the locker room.
*King: "Everyone who's won MITB has gone on to be a world champ"
I'd love to have seen exactly what colour, thru rage, Kennedy turned upon hearing this.
*Show/Floyd: Doesn't look to me like the angle is getting over as planned. The majority of the crowd were cheering for 'the not so big Show' and at times booing Floyd... Now having manhandled Rey (an ultra-face) in order to call Floyd out and get a little publicity for his return (as he explained it) you'd think WWE want him to be the heel in this scenario.
Said it elsewhere on IWF a day or two ago, but the reactions to the wrestlers have been a lot more mixed for the bulk of the year so far and I'm wondering, if it continues, whether this will eventually force Vince to reconsider how he selects people for a push and whether we will start to see a few more tweeners again like we did in the late 90s.