Raw was actually pretty godo last night. Solid in both matches and promos...
The Orton/MVP match was great. For a weekly show, anyway. Very solid stuff, and although it ended in interference, the match had both guys looking good. The beatdown was well executed as well.
Show/Batista was nothign specia, but decent. It got some good air time, and they made the most of it. Decent enough for a Raw, and Cena coming out at the end was a good twist in that he didn't run down and beat the shit out of Show. He just walked out, and distracted him.
I was pleased that we saw Kingston/Kendrick and the Colons vs Noble and Chavo. Oh, we also got to see a Matt Hardy swauash match, which was nothing to write about, other than that it's cool they kept him on TV with the hand injury.
One of the better Raw's from a match standpoint...
We also got a fairly good Batista interview, and a surprisingly good Miz promo. Miz kinda impressed me. it was nice to see him use his character background, instead of just "I'm a dominant star!!!" or some generic shit. Not a bad promo...
But the best goes to the opening promo of the night. MVP was awesome. It almost made me forget we had a pretty good promo from Orton going before he came out. But when he came out, man, it was a good one. He nailed his lines perfectly, showed he can do his thing as a face, and WWE showed they're not just gonna cast him in the background.
Overall, an impressive Raw! It was nice to see them follow through on their word and not have any guys from the other brands on the show. It allowe us to see matches like Kingston vs Kendrick, and the tag match. Hopefully that keeps goin' for a while.
The Orton/MVP match was great. For a weekly show, anyway. Very solid stuff, and although it ended in interference, the match had both guys looking good. The beatdown was well executed as well.
Show/Batista was nothign specia, but decent. It got some good air time, and they made the most of it. Decent enough for a Raw, and Cena coming out at the end was a good twist in that he didn't run down and beat the shit out of Show. He just walked out, and distracted him.
I was pleased that we saw Kingston/Kendrick and the Colons vs Noble and Chavo. Oh, we also got to see a Matt Hardy swauash match, which was nothing to write about, other than that it's cool they kept him on TV with the hand injury.
One of the better Raw's from a match standpoint...
We also got a fairly good Batista interview, and a surprisingly good Miz promo. Miz kinda impressed me. it was nice to see him use his character background, instead of just "I'm a dominant star!!!" or some generic shit. Not a bad promo...
But the best goes to the opening promo of the night. MVP was awesome. It almost made me forget we had a pretty good promo from Orton going before he came out. But when he came out, man, it was a good one. He nailed his lines perfectly, showed he can do his thing as a face, and WWE showed they're not just gonna cast him in the background.
Overall, an impressive Raw! It was nice to see them follow through on their word and not have any guys from the other brands on the show. It allowe us to see matches like Kingston vs Kendrick, and the tag match. Hopefully that keeps goin' for a while.