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The Rated R CMStar

MVP started getting cheered around the time with his match with Kizarny. When that match happened, it was a double taping. On the first show he hosted the VIP Lounge with Mr. Kennnedy, and he got some cheers, then, after his match with Kizarny, he just started to grow with the fans


Pretty good Raw last night. For some reason, I wasn't fully into it, but I won't blame the show for that, because I watched it at midnight, and had just finished whatching hockey, so I was still excited about that. Some pretty good matches though. HHH and Orton was almost as good as Cena/Jericho... Both matches were pretty good, and we got some good storyline advancement on the show. Jericho vs Steamboat one on one is AWESOME!


Gotta love how they announce Steamboat vs Jericho just six days before the actual PPV.


In all fairness SP, it's not like they pulled it out of nowhere with no build up. It's not getting announced til now, but everyone knows the storyline between the two, and it's been built up for a while.
Surely you could find something else wrong with the show other than that, couldn't you? Lol. Like all the SD guys on Raw, or the completely random Chavvo guerrwero appearance, or Cena interupting Jericho's promo for no reason :laugh:.


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
Pretty decent Raw last night - best part of the night was when the crowd was booing the shit outta Cena and cheering jericho ( and then within 5 SECONDS EVERY SINGLE PERSON said the "YOU CAN'T SEE ME" bit with Cena.

not sure about everyone else but the HHH/Orton match had some techical probs (match was skipping through parts) - when Orton entered the ring it somehow skipped to him running around on the outside of the ring and when Orton was about to DDT HHH on the steps out the ring it skipped to HHH getting a chair. I was disappointed at that since it took my attention away from the match.


RAW last night was actually pretty good. I was just a bit frustrated that the draft still didn't take effect.

Steamboat/Jericho should be an great match at Backlash

Batista/Chavo already begins the burying of the lower card on RAW...fantastic.

Kane vs. Punk was a really awkward match, especially the shitty roll up finish.

Pretty funny segment with Santino/a....and of course Melina takes her title over to Smackdown with her.

Cena/Jericho was an absolutely fucking incredible match. I just can't stand how they do shit like this without having a finish. The fact of what Edge did after the match kinda makes me think we won't see him winning the title on Sunday and it will instead be going to Smackdown via CM Punk.

Big Show/Mysterio....the usual BiG sHoW angry squash match.

HHH/Orton was definately better than their match at Mania. But I must say I'm losing interest so fast in this one it's not even funny. Not even Orton's amazing heel work can pull this one out of the gutter now. Perhaps Punk should cash in his shot on HHH and shock this feud to a sudden fucking end.


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
Maybe Cena retains and Punk cashes in on Orton (since Orton cost him the title in the first place) A title still goes to SD and Cena gets a new fued with HHH, Batista and Orton all wanting the title???? I think with the possibility of Jeff Hardy leaving they need a major face on SD and the heel turn I wanted will not happen just yet.


I dunno but I'm just disgusted because I know this feud is simply going to morph into a triple threat over the next few months and it's really going to get even shittier. At this point it would honestly be best to get the title away from them to stop that feud from being the focus of RAW. Shift the focus over to Cena and have him start a fresh program with someone.


Perhaps Punk should cash in his shot on HHH and shock this feud to a sudden fucking end.

Bad business I guess, but hell, that would ROCK!

...Big (Kayfaybe) ask of Punk tho' - A discisive clean victory over a fresh 'Game' for the gold. The aforementioned Orton has been striving for that for years! LOL

I haven't seen Raw yet, but anyone else consider that it may be a case of Jericho coming out @ Backlash and screwing Cena in his match?

...Ege goes back to SD with the WHC and Cena & Jericho embark on a proper grudge fued (rather than all their other encounters being about the gold)... Could be sweet!


^Nah, because jericho is on SD, and apparently right after Backlash, the trades take effect.


My biggest question is if Cena does indeed lose his title at Backlash then what does that leave him to do on RAW with the title situation already completely stacked.

the dark knight

is it the 2nd time or i only starting noticing this cuz i kinda turned into an internet fan?

anyone else noticed they switch WM's main event with the rematch we get on uk's raw? like, we were supposed to have last night's main event as mania's event. same stipulation (maybe a bit longer), same finish and same results. aaaaaaand the same goes with hbk/cena 2 years ago :/

ps: cena vs jericho was awesome


^You mean that's how the finish of Mania should have been? If so then yeah...I said the same shit.


It makes sense that they'd put right some of the wrong's of the previous match.... Especially if it's being televised.