Both members are equally as annoying.
Who are you referring to, exactly?
Why are we talking about Dylan?
I vote for a stay for KenFan and I want everyone to meet his demands.... IWF needs a humorous guy like KenFan!!!
oster_stupid:I was talking about KenFan and Santino. Someone mentioned them earlier, I just failed to quote.
Bad new KenFan. You like last month when it comes to IWF. Santino has moved in and filled your spot. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.
Santino is the man but KenFan is the best. Please meet his demands. KenFan can save Hell in a Thread!
Rell can't save HIAT, and neither can Kenfan... You can't save what is already dead.
And even if we were to meet Ken's demands....that username is way too long.
u r a loser
translation in ur idol's language
u r a loser...loser
I'm just pointing out what a stud you are. The chicks sure do dig you.yes keep linking to ur lame thread