deth said:I'll just leave this here.
R Albin said:I request this assuming you do these sort of things cause you enjoy them and not because you feel obliged to lol. Is there any chance of adding a pink and light blue theme at some point? Sorry, I really should have put this in my initial request
But anyway, much appreciated, L+R + sigged - thank you
pedobear93 said:: :woo1:
BaraaKhalaf92 said::yay::yay::yay:
Lady Deathbane said:It was kinda' 4AM when I was making that one and I got really tired so if it's lacking anything or something along the lines, please tell me! :smug:
BaraaKhalaf92 said:They are awesome :yay:
You are very talented LD, Thanks again... :sandow:
The Best Sign in the forums tunga:
Crayo said:Just realised Baraa has one :mog:
Lady Deathbane said::dawg:
But I don't think that one's my best work, it's lacking something and I don't know what :upset:
I'll have to ponder for a bit about it.
seabs said:It's lacking Jericho